2019-03-18: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Social Media Companies "Struggle" to Help Censors Keep us in the Dark
Thomas Knapp | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-18
According to CNN Business, "Facebook, YouTube and Twitter struggle to deal with New Zealand shooting video." "Deal with" is code for "censor on demand by governments and activist organizations who oppose public access to information that hasn't first been thoroughly vetted for conformity to their preferred narrative." Do you really need to see first-person video…

John McCain's Disastrous Militaristic Legacy
James Bovard | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
When Sen. John McCain passed away in August, he was lauded far and wide for his long career of public service. Rep. John Lewis, the famous civil-rights activist, hailed McCain as a "warrior for peace." In reality, McCain embodied …

Upping the Stakes in Yemen. Endless US-led War
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
US forever war in Yemen rages, the Saudis, UAE, NATO, and Israel part of its so-called coalition — against peace in the country and elsewhere. | Over 17 years of war began by the Bush/Cheney regime. There's virtually no prospect for …

Paying the Price for Peace: The Story of S. Brian Willson and Voices from the Peace Movement
S. Brian Willson | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
Vietnam veteran S. Brian Willson paid the price for peace as he was run over and nearly killed by a military train during a non-violent protest at The Concord Naval Weapons Station in California on September 1st, 1987. The train …

Venezuela: US Imperialism Is Based on Lies and Threats
Kevin Zeese | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
We are completing what became more than a week-long peace delegation to Venezuela organized by the US Peace Council and the Committee for International Solidarity in Venezuela (COSI). The trip was complicated by American Airlines cancelling all flights in and …

We Must Apply Our Universal Values to All Nations. Only Then Will We Achieve Peace
Ilhan Omar | commondreams.org | 2019-03-18
Palestinians carry a wounded protester east of Gaza City on 5 October 2018. (Photo: AFP) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/000_19t0ex_0.jpg

'Bolsonaro is a Murderer' Signs Greet Brazilian President in US
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-18
The Brazilian far-right President Jair Bolsonaro was greeted with protests against him in the United States Sunday. He is visiting the country to meet the U.S. President Donald Trump Tuesday. | RELATED: | Brazil: Bolsonaro Lawmaker Requests 'Deleftification Ministry' | For the protestors, the meeting between the two leaders "will mean only bad things to the oppressed people in their countries," as "the sexism, racism, and homophobia that come from Trump is the same thing that come…

The Reality Behind Trump's Venezuela Regime Change Coalition
Mark Weisbrot | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-18
In the early 1970s, a handful of Sandinistas were in the mountains of Nicaragua fighting to overthrow the 40-year U.S.-backed, brutal dictatorship of the Somoza family. When a powerful volcanic eruption struck Nicaragua in 1971, Sandinista Omar Cabezas later recounted, they told the peasants whom they encountered that God was punishing them for not getting rid…

Good Iraqi-Iranian Relations Are Not a Reason to Worry
Paul R. Pillar | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has been visiting Iraq this week–a friendly, extended visit that has yielded several bilateral agreements on trade and transportation. Such an event causes heartburn, of course, within the Trump administration and for others who believe that …

Kept Secret for 17 Years: Intel Memo Warned Bush's Iraq Invasion to Create "Perfect Storm"
Zero Hedge | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
A newly declassified US intelligence memo has been unearthed this week and featured in a bombshell Wall Street Journal report. It proves that the year prior to the Bush administration's 2003 invasion of Iraq the White House was expressly warned …

On the Ground in Venezuela vs. the Media Spectacle
Paul Cochrane | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-18
British photojournalist Alan Gignoux and Venezuelan journalist-filmmaker Carolina Graterol, both based in London, went to Venezuela for a month to shoot a documentary for a major global TV channel. They talked with journalist Paul Cochrane about the mainstream media's portrayal of Venezuela compared to their experiences on the ground.

Black Lives on Trial
Ipek S. Burnett | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-18
March 18, 2018. Sacramento, California. Two police officers, Terrence Mercadal and Jared Robinet, respond to a 9-1-1 call about an individual breaking car windows. They track the suspect down. They see the suspect is holding a gun. Or a tool bar. They fire twenty rounds. | Seven bullets enter Stephon Clark's body from the back. One hits his chest. | Clark, a 22 year-old black man in his grandmother's backyard, falls to his death. | Turns out what he was holding was not a gun or a tool bar, but a cell phone. | Almost a year goes by. On March 2, 2019, Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert announce…

The Fed and the 3.8 Percent Unemployment Rate
Dean Baker | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-18
Last week's job report, in spite of the slow job growth for February, was actually pretty good news. As many of us pointed out, the most likely reason that the Labor Department reported only 20,000 new jobs in February, is that the economy reportedly added 311,000 jobs in January. There is always a substantial element…

Death in New Zealand: The Christchurch Shootings
Binoy Kampmark | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-18
Five weapons were said to have been used, all inscribed with symbols, numbers and insignia. The individual charged with the shootings at two Christchurch mosques that left 49 dead was an Australian with, it is alleged, a simple purpose: inflict death, and on specific communities in worship. Even as the carnage became clear, Christchurch was…

The World's Most Dangerous Divide
John Feffer | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-18
In the beautiful and terrifying novel The City of Devi, communal hatreds escalate in India and Pakistan until the two countries feel compelled to threaten each other with nuclear weapons. At least, it starts out as a threat. Pakistan vows to take out Mumbai, and India will level Karachi. But everyone involved knows that nuclear war doesn't really work that way.

Right Now, Trump Can Start a Nuclear War, "On a Whim"
Olivia Alperstein | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
Right now, Donald Trump could start a nuclear war on a whim, and no one could stop him. | Under any circumstances, the prospect of nuclear war is terrifying, the deadly consequences irreversible. Yet with a single order, the president — …

Canada's Next Target After Venezuela: Cuba?
Yves Engler | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
"First we take Caracas then we take Havana." | That's the thinking driving the Donald Trump administration's policy towards Venezuela, according to a Wall Street Journal story titled " U.S. Push to Oust Venezuela's Maduro Marks First Shot in Plan to …

Map (and Objectives) of the Irregular War on Energy in Venezuela
Misión Verdad | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
The latest evidence gathered by the Venezuelan government and presented on Monday, March 11, to the Venezuelan population about the attack on the national electricity system, allows us to reconstruct the multidimensional nature of the attack that was unleashed in …

Organizational and Staff Structure of US and Russian Armies: Military Comparison
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
Introduction | Armed forces organization depends on several factors, from current and future threats and challenges (the nature of the projected theater of operations, or TO), to the country's economic and technological capabilities. The doctrines of the two world superpowers of …

The USDA Admits to Killing Over a Million Wild Animals Per Year to Protect Livestock
Sara Burrows | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's own reports, it has killed over 34 million animals in the last decade alone. | Most of those animals were native, wild animals. The rest were accidental killings of domesticated animals. | In 2017 …

Saving the Planet One Child at a Time: Children, School Strikes and Global Climate Action
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
Children's crusades do not necessarily end well. During the years of armed missions to the Holy Land, when Jerusalem meant something to the sacredly inclined in Europe, children were encouraged to take to the rough and dangerous road as it …

The Advent of Extreme Weather Events and Climate Tipping Points
Dr. Andrew Glikson | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-18
According to Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, chief climate advisor to the European Union, "We're simply talking about the very life support system of this planet". As fascism and the horror of murderous hate crimes are on the rise, governments are …

Venezuela: The Next Syria?
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-18
Doomsday In Venezuela We're being led to believe it's all doom and gloom in Venezuela. The mainstream media is rapid-firing reports of a deepening humanitarian crisis. An evil dictator, Nicolas Maduro, is holding his country hostage from democracy, they say, while his people starve. Venezuelans are reportedly fleeing by the thousands while the government …

State-Sponsored Islamophobia & Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Embolden Right-Wing Terrorists
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-18
Fifty people are dead, and millions around the globe are mourning, following the massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday. The terrorist attack unfolded during Friday prayer, when a lone gunman and avid white supremacist opened fire on worshipers while live-streaming the attack on Facebook. It was the deadliest shooting in the country's modern history. The youngest of the dead is 3-year-old Mucad Ibrahim. Police have arrested and charged a 28-year-old Australian white supremacist named Brenton Tarrant with the killings. Tarrant published a manifesto praising President Donald Trump as "a sym…

After Deadly 1996 Massacre, Australia Overhauled Its Gun Laws. New Zealand Now Plans to Do the Same
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-18
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has vowed to change the country's gun laws following the deadly Christchurch massacre Friday that left 50 people dead and millions around the globe mourning following the massacre. The terrorist attack unfolded at two mosques during Friday prayer, when a lone gunman and avid white supremacist opened fire on worshipers while live-streaming the attack on Facebook. It was the deadliest shooting in the country's modern history. The shooter reportedly used five guns to carry out the attack, including two semiautomatic assault weapons. We speak with Rebecca Peters, an internati…

3 People Killed In Netherlands Shooting, Suspect Identified
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-18
Several people were shot, and three killed Monday in a tram, as reported by the mayor of the central Dutch city of Utrecht, in an incident police said may have had a "terrorist motive." A suspect has been identified and images of him have been circulated to aid in his capture. | RELATED | NZ Mosque Shooter Mailed Manifesto to PM Minutes Before Attack | Police said the suspected gunman, a 37-year-old man named Gokman Tanis, whose nationality is unclear but who has been identifie…

UN Judgment for the Decolonisation of Mauritius
Vijay Prashad | zcomm.org | 2019-03-18
The UK now says that the US's military base 'helps to protect people here in Britain and around the world from terrorist threats, organised crime and piracy'…

Censorship at the Center of the Christchurch Terror Attack
Jason Ditz | theantimedia.com | 2019-03-18
(ANTIWAR.COM) — As the world struggles to come to terms with last week's terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, heavy-handed censorship has made it a struggle to figure out what happened, and why, above and beyond the official narrative. News that shooting was ongoing in two mosques in New Zealand was met with a flurry of …

Censorship at the Center of the Christchurch Terror Attack

Venezuelan Armed Force Starts Ana Karina Rote Military Drills
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Caracas, Mar 16 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) on Saturday began in a civic-military union the Ana Karina Rote drills to protect the energy system and water supplies in Venezuela.

This week in history: March 18-24
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-18
Daniel Yock, aboriginal, workers inquiry, Socialist Labor League, Anguilla, St. Kitts, Britain, Hungary, World War II, Budapest, Hitler, Horthy, USSR, Bela Kun, Austro-Hungarian empire, Hungarian Soviet Republic…

The New Zealand terrorist attack and the international danger of fascism
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-18
The gunman prepared and carried out the terrorist atrocity on behalf of an international network of fascists and white supremacists.

German government wants its own aircraft carrier
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-18
The current German grand coalition's military and rearmament plans leave no doubt that the ruling class is preparing once again for large-scale warfare.

Brazilians Court Authorizes Arrest of Third Involved in Massacre
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Brasilia, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) The Sao Paulo Court of Justice authorized Friday the arrest of an adolescent identified as the third implicated in the massacre perpetrated Wednesday in a school in the Sao Paulo municipality of Suzano.

Venezuela's President Calls for Overhauling the Gov't
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
18 de marzo de 2019, 00: 15Caracas, Mar 18 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela"s President Nicolas Maduro called on all Cabinet members to place their posts at the disposal of the Executive for a profound overhaul of methods and functioning of the government.

Chavez Remains Inspiration for Revolutionaries, Maduro Says
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Caracas, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro recalled the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, as a latent inspiration for all revolutionaries.

US Military Now Planning to Keep 1,000 Troops on the Ground in Syria
Middle East Eye | theantimedia.com | 2019-03-18
(MEE) — The US military is now making plans to keep almost 1,000 troops in Syria, officials said, a shift that comes three months after President Donald Trump ordered a complete withdrawal, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, citing unidentified US officials. Talks with Turkey, European allies and US-backed Kurdish fighters have so far failed to …

US Military Now Planning to Keep 1,000 Troops on the Ground in Syria

Venezuela Attends OPEC Ministerial Monitoring Committee
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Caracas, Mar 17 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela is participating today in the 27th meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Joint Monitoring and Voluntary Adjustment of Crude Oil Production of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), with headquarters in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan.

Russia for Trial on Foreign Perpetrators of Venezuela's Sabotage
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Moscow, Mar 14 (Prensa Latina) Russia on Friday demanded to try those responsible for the sabotage against Venezuela"s electric power system, offered cooperation to investigate these events and described the methods used against the South American country as savage.

Protesters speak out at UN Anti-Racist Day rally in London
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-18
The United Nations Anti-Racism Day march was held just hours after fascist terrorists murdered 50 people at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch.

Cuban FM Stresses Importance of Ties with Latin America
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Havana, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez highlighted the importance for Havana of its relations with Latin American and Caribbean nations, with which it shares the common goal of defending peace and geographical coexistence.

Venezuelan Justice Opens New Investigation Against Guaido
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Caracas, Mar 12 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan Public Prosecutor's Office opened Tuesday an investigation against the opposition MP Juan Guaido for his alleged complicity and participation in the continued sabotage of the national electricity system, reported Attorney General Tarek William Saab.

Bolivia's Governing Party Pushes Electoral Campaign Ahead
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
La Paz, Mar 17 (Prensa Latinao) Bolivia"s governing party, Movement toward Socialism, MAS in Spanish, is pushing a strong election campaign on the basis of attained social and economic achievements during the administration of President Evo Morales.

Brazilian Judge Releases Executives Involved in Mining Tragedy
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Brasilia, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) A Brazilian judge revoked a court ruling and released 11 executives from the company Vale and two employees from the German firm Tàºv Sàºd, who are under investigation due to the tragedy in a mine, where 203 people were killed and 105 are missing.

Bay Nature Local Hero Awards Gala
Bay Nature | indybay.org | 2019-03-18
Berkeley City Club | 2315 Durant Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94704…

Venezuela's Recovery of Electrical Grid Advances after Sabotage
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Caracas, Mar 11 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's recovery of electrical grid gradually advances Monday with redoubled efforts to prioritize services such as medical care and water distribution in vulnerable areas.

Venezuela to Work for Technological Autonomy, Constituent Says
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
18 de marzo de 2019, 09: 10By Odette Diaz Fumero…

Two years since Indian court condemned autoworkers to life-in-prison in monstrous frame-up
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-18
The Maruti Suzuki 13 are class war prisoners, who have already had to endure six and a half years in the nightmare that is India's penal system.

UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees Undergoes Budget Crisis
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Amman, Mar 17 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Middle East (Urnwa) continues undergoing serious budget crisis, at times when it needs $1.2 billion for the current year.

Ideological Attacks on Chinese-Salvadorian Relations Are Criticized
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
San Salvador, March 16 (Prensa Latina) El Salvador Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Proesa) warned this Friday about the consequences of ideological attacks on relations with China.

Russia Decries US Obstacles to Humanitarian Aid in Syria
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-18
Moscow, Mar 17 ( Prensa Latina ) Russia has condemned on Sunday obstacles imposed by the United States to bring humanitarian aid to nearly 40,000 people in the refugee camp of El Rukban, in southeastern Syria, in an illegally occupied area.