2024-10-15: News Headlines

Guest Blogger (2024-10-15). Thanks, CBS News, For Presenting the Truth About When the Deadliest Hurricanes in U.S. History Occurred. wattsupwiththat.com Every deadly storm is a tragedy, and it is just as much of a mistake to downplay the danger and damage from tropical cyclones as it is to hype them up and try to connect them to climate change. In this instance, CBS gave a simple, factual account detailing the somber history of severe hurricane landfalls in the United States and its territories. Bravo, CBS. See if you can follow this up by sticking the facts about severe weather in the future.

Frida Garza (2024-10-15). More schools than ever are serving vegan meals in California. Here's how they did it. grist.org Three years ago, Erin Primer had an idea for a new summer program for her school district: She wanted students to learn about where their food comes from. Primer, who has worked in student nutrition within California's public school system for 10 years, applied for grant funding from the state to kick off the curriculum, and got it. Students planted cilantro in a garden tower, met a local organic farmer who grows red lentils, and learned about corn. "Many kids didn't know that corn grew in a really tall plant," said Primer. "They didn't know that it had a husk." | The curriculum, focused on bringing the farm i…

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2024-10-14: News Headlines

Nnimmo Bassey (2024-10-14). The 'Blue Economy' Myth: We Have to Stop Thinking the Ocean Can Be Run Like a Business. counterpunch.org Many maritime crimes negatively impact oceanic health, such as illegal fishing or harvesting, ocean dumping, and polluting. In addition to overfishing, where necessary species are removed from the food chain, and accelerating biodiversity loss, unsustainable industrial development along coastlines has also contributed to ocean pollution. "All of these threats erode the capacity of the ocean to provide nutritious food, jobs, medicines, and pharmaceuticals as well as regulate the climate," stated a 2020 article in the journal Nature. "Women, poor people, Indigenous communities, and young people are most affected."

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