2019-03-09: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Women Marchers Slam Bolsonaro, Pay Homage to Marielle Franco
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-09
Thousands of Brazilian women marched, throughout the main streets of the country, within the framework of the global demands of International Women's Day and to warn of the threatening setbacks of the right-wing government of Jair Bolsonaro. | RELATED: | Brazil: Bolsonaro Says Democracy, Liberty Depend on Military | In the global manifesto of the March 8 protests, agreed upon by activists from several countries, Bolsonaro was a recurring theme in the chants and mentioned as "starti…

Can We Divest from Weapons Dealers?
Kathy Kelly | zcomm.org | 2019-03-09
How different our world could be if efforts were instead directed toward education, health care, and community welfare…

Brazil Minister: Gender Equality Encourages Domestic Violence
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-09
In an International Women's Day address, Brazilian women's minister Damares Alves remarked that teaching boys and girls that they are equal, in every way, encourages domestic violence. | RELATED: | Feminism Is Anti-Capitalist: Ecuadorean Women Fight Back Against Machista Culture | "Boys need to understand that girls are equal in terms of rights and opportunities, but are different as they're women and they need to be loved and respected as women," Alves stated…

Participants of International Peoples' Assembly face repression, intimidation
Zoe PC | peoplesdispatch.org | 2019-03-09
Several participants of the Assembly faced acts of intimidation and repression by migratory officials during their trips to and from Venezuela. A journalist was deported on the way to country from Panama…

The ten-year stock market bull run
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-09
Over the past decade, as a result of policies carried out by the US government, financial authorities and the US Federal Reserve, trillions of dollars have been pumped into financial markets lifting the Dow and the S&P 500 by more than 300 percent.

Pentagon escalating buildup on Russia's borders
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-09
The top US commander in Europe told a Senate panel that the Pentagon needs more troops and more warships to counter alleged Russian "threats."

Trump signs executive order cementing secrecy over US airstrikes and shadow wars
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-09
Previous minimal reporting procedures introduced under the Obama administration are being scrapped as the US escalates strikes in Africa and Asia.

H.R. 1384 Medicare for All Needs 218 CoSponsors
Register Peace & Freedom or Green | indybay.org | 2019-03-09
The New Medicare for All bill, HR 1384, has 106 Co-Sponsors and needs 218 to pass. There are 236 Democrats out of 435 members in the House, yet only 106 Democrats support this litmus test bill. See www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1384/cosponsors?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22HR+1384%22%5D%7D&r=1&s=

Chinese premier warns of grave risks and challenges ahead
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-09
Addressing this week's National People's Congress, Li Keqiang referred to "public dissatisfaction in many areas," amid a slowing Chinese economy and rising geo-political tensions.

Australia: Chemist Warehouse workers vote to take industrial action
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-09
The union's concern is to maintain its position as a labour hire agency and an industrial police force.

Chelsea Manning jailed for refusal to testify against WikiLeaks
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-09
The courageous whistleblower has already been imprisoned for seven years and subjected to solitary confinement and torture for exposing US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Symbols of Resistance. Film Showing
Tierra .Amarrilla Support | indybay.org | 2019-03-09
San Jose Peace and Justice Center | 48 S. 7th Street #101 | San Jose, Calif. 95112…

Liberals Are Digging Their Own Grave With Russiagate
Robert Scheer | truthdig.com | 2019-03-08
"This new Cold War [is] more dangerous than the preceding Cold War," Professor Stephen Cohen tells Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer in the latest installment of "Scheer Intelligence." Cohen, a professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University, has a new book out that addresses the possibility of a U.S.-Russia armed conflict in the near future. Part of the current rejection of the Kremlin that has brought the two nations to this dangerous brink, according to Cohen, is rooted in the U.S. political elites' desire to maintain their ability to determine the world order. When V…

Attacks on Venezuela Lead to 'Law of the Jungle,' China Warns
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-08
At his annual news conference Friday, China's Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, stressed that his country favors the rules of international law, respect for the sovereignty of Venezuela and negotiations without foreign interference to peacefully resolve the situation of the South American country. | RELATED: | Venezuelan VP: Marco Rubio Behind Nation-Wide Blackout Sabotage…

A Peaceful, Democratic Solution to Venezuela's Crisis Requires Fact-based Analysis and Advocacy
Washington Office on Latin America | commondreams.org | 2019-03-08
With the backing of the Trump administration, opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself "interim president" earlier this year. (Photo: Edilzon Gamez/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/venezuela_1.jpg

Debate over Ilhan Omar Highlights New Willingness in U.S. to Question Power of Pro-Israeli Lobby
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-08
Following a week of debate surrounding Democratic Congressmember Ilhan Omar's comments about U.S. foreign policy in Israel, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution Thursday condemning anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim discrimination, white supremacy and other forms of hate. We host a discussion with Gideon Levy, Haaretz columnist and member of the newspaper's editorial board; Phyllis Bennis, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies who serves on the national board of Jewish Voice for Peace; and Remi Kanazi, a Palestinian-American poet, writer and organizer based in New York City.

International Women's Day—A Woman's Place Is Still in the Revolution
Madeleine Zúñiga, Ema Jackson | commondreams.org | 2019-03-08
Women remain at the forefront of the civil society movement, ensuring their rightful place in bringing about peace and building equality in communities at national and international levels. (Photo: John Flores/Flickr/cc) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/resist_1.jpeg

Refusing to "Snitch," Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Becomes Two-Time Political Prisoner
Alexander Rubinstein | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-08
"I will not participate in a secret process that I morally object to, particularly one that has been historically used to entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech." — Chelsea Manning…

ACT for America Tries To Distance Themselves From One of Their 'Most Influential Activists'
Hatewatch Staff | splcenter.org | 2019-03-08
An ACT for America chapter leader made national headlines last week for a display at the West Virginia Capitol that appeared to equate Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Michael Cohen Scooped by Julian Assange
Ann Garrison | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
Press and citizenry continue to discuss former Trump attorney and fixer Michael Cohen's testimony before Congress on February 27. | Russiagate skeptics and supporters of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange are taking particular note of what Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie said …

International Women's Day: Strikes, Protests and Holidays
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-08
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Marches and protests were held Friday across the globe to mark International Women's Day under the slogan #BalanceforBetter, with calls for a more gender-balanced world. | The day, sponsored by the United Nations since 1975, celebrates women's achievements and aims to further their rights. | U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a commemoration at U.N. headquarters in New York that "remarkable progress on women's rights and leadership" in recent decades has sparked a backlash from "an entrenched patriarchy." | And he warned that "nationalist, populist and austerity agendas a…

A Peek into the Horrific Findings of the UN Report on Israel's Massacre of Gaza Protesters
Robert Inlakesh | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-08
The commission found serious human rights violations that may constitute crimes against humanity and called on Israel to "Lift the blockade on Gaza with immediate effect.

Roaming Charges: Flag Humpers
Jeffrey St. Clair | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-08
+ It's now a thought-crime in DC for the powerless to speak about the power of an organization which exists to leverage its power in a town which only responds to power. + Palestinians are the one ethnic group that everyone has a license to hate. In fact, in the US congress, it's almost an…

Venezuela in the US Press – Interviews with Chesa Boudin, Dan Beeton, Laura Carlsen, Mark Weisbrot, Miguel Tinker Salas and Alfredo Lopez
CounterSpin | fair.org | 2019-03-08

As the World Burns: Hurtling Towards an Unlivable Planet
Paul Street | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-08
If the global warming cataclysm — already significantly underway in vast swaths of the planet — isn't averted and soon, then nothing else we care about is going to matter all that much. We'll just be arguing about how to fairly slice up a badly overheated pie — how to turn an overcooked world upside down (or right-side up) and how to properly manage a living Hell. You'd hardly know this from the reigning U.S. media and politics culture, where the climate crisis and other critical environmental issues are pushed to the margins of public discussion. It is chilling (no ironic pun intended) to behol…

Oxfam: Starving Yemeni Families Selling Daughters as Young as Three into Marriage
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-08
The fact that girls as young as three have been sold is shocking and a testament to the severity of the humanitarian crisis, particularly the country's burgeoning famine, that many Yemenis face.

US Taxpayers On the Hook for Nearly $1 Billion in Saudi Arabia's Recent Missile Defense Purchase
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-08
The U.S. government continues to scramble to keep its allies from buying its THAAD missile defense system's top competitor, the Russian S-400. Unfortunately for them, it's the U.S. taxpayers who are footing the bill.

Rubio Demands US Initiate "Widespread Unrest" in Venezuela
Zero Hedge | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
Predictably during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Thursday, Republican chairman Marco Rubio condemned Venezuela's Maduro as a "clear danger" and a "threat to the national security of the US." To be expected the hearing was filled with …

Cover-up in India's 1984 Golden Temple Massacre? British Involvement Revealed
Phil Miller | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
The identities of civil servants who investigated British involvement in India's Golden Temple massacre will remain secret, despite concerns that they could have potentially tampered with key evidence. | An anonymity order from the Information Commissioner means the government will not …

Reflections on Vladimir Putin as a Leader and on the World Situation in Which He Works
John Chuckman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
There is an immense amount of criticism of Putin, especially coming from America, most of it empty criticism which ignores realities and genuine analysis. For the more thoughtful, it represents only the stink and noise of propaganda, and not honest …

The Bloody Sunday Massacre (1972) in Northern Ireland: Comments by "Toxic Clown Boris" Johnson
Eamonn McCann | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
The toxic clown Boris Johnson has told the Daily Telegraph that "it feels sickening" that charges might be brought against some of the paratroopers who killed or wounded 28 unarmed people in Derry on Bloody Sunday in 1972. He's become …

Ten Points I Just Can't Believe About the Official Skripal Narrative
Craig Murray | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
I still do not know what happened in the Skripal saga, which perhaps might more respectfully be termed the Sturgess saga. I cannot believe the Russian account of Boshirov and Petrov, because if those were their real identities, those identities …

America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group
Garikai Chengu | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
Incisive article originally published by GR in September 2014. | Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran's growing influence in the …

US Shifts Weapons from Iraq to Syria
Jack Detsch | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
The Pentagon rerouted millions of dollars' worth of weapons and vehicles from Iraq to Syria in the second half of 2018, Al-Monitor has learned, as US-backed forces cornered the last remnants of the Islamic State (IS). | In a series of …

Video: Syrian Army Delivers Massive Strike on Terrorist Infrastructure in Idlib Province
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
On March 6, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) delivered a massive rocket strike on positions of the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) in Jisr al-Shughur in the northwestern part of Idlib province. This was the first such strike in this area …

Women's Day 2019: From Afghanistan to Syria: Women's Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA
Julie Lévesque | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
Western heads of state, UN officials, military spokespersons will invariably praise the humanitarian dimension of the October 2001 US-NATO led invasion of Afghanistan, which allegedly was to fight religious fundamentalists, help little girls go to school, liberate women subjected to the yoke of the Taliban.

Idlib — Reportage from the Last Terrorist Stronghold in Syria
Andre Vltchek | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
For a while, all the guns have fallen silent. | I am near Idlib, the last stronghold of the terrorists in Syria. The area where the deadliest anti-government fighters, most of them injected into Syria from Turkey, with Saudi, Qatari and …

India's State of Sikkim Banishes All Pesticides and GMO, Watches Both Wildlife and Tourism Flourish
Nick Meyer | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
The organic movement has been seen as a fad and a trend by many, but others call it a necessity in a changing world where toxic chemicals are increasingly killing life from the bottom of the food chain up, including …

Women's Day 2019: Selected Articles
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08

Women's Day 2019: Women's Suffrage and African Emancipation During the 19th Century
Abayomi Azikiwe | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
Since the mid-19th century there has been a periodic interrelationship between the movements for African emancipation and women's liberation. | Of course these convergences have not been without serious contradictions particularly in light of the historic racial and class divisions …

Human Rights Abuses Can No Longer be Tolerated in Conserving the World's Forests
James Whitehead | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
Recent Buzzfeed reports about WWF hiring 'paramilitary forces' to fight poaching and the associated human rights abuses of local peoples show the urgent need for a shift in current conservation models. | Forest Peoples Programme Director, James Whitehead today said: | "To | …

Venezuelan Government Denounces New Attack on Electric System
Telesur | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
The Electric Energy Minister Dominguez denounced that this loss of power is due to sabotage in the area of electric generation and transmission in Guri, in the eastern Bolivar state. | *** | The Minister of Popular Power For Electric Energy, Luis | …

Trump Administration Announces Stripping Gray Wolf Protections Across Country

| globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced plans to strip gray wolves of Endangered Species Act protection across the lower 48 states. | If finalized the proposal will allow trophy hunting and trapping of wolves in the Great Lakes …

Is the Trump Administration "Owned by the State of Israel". Ted Cruz: Accessory to Israeli Grand Larceny
Kurt Nimmo | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
In the United States, as Rep Omar pointed out, politicians on both sides of the aisle in both Houses routinely fall over themselves to pledge fealty and taxpayer dollars to Israel. | The Trump administration is virtually owned by the state …

Women's Day 2019: Women's Rights in Afghanistan, "A Justification for War"
Felicity Arbuthnot | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
Remember the deluge of political concern over the subjugation of Afghan women at the time of the October 2001 invasion? The tsunami of documentaries, articles, books on their plight, contributing to the justification of another invasion…

The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World's Most Evil Corporation"
E Hanzai | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
First published by Waking Times, posted by Global Research in May 2014, this article provides a historical viewpoint. It is of particular relevance in relation to the Monsanto-Bayer merger. Monsanto-Bayer is relentlessly pushing the Worldwide adoption of glyphosate, which is …

The 2017 Grenfell Tower Conflagration in West London that killed 72 People: A Travesty of Justice as Grenfell Charges Unlikely for Yet Another Two Years!
Hans Stehling | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
In a devastating admission of system failure, the Metropolitan Police have said that criminal charges in the matter of the Grenfell Tower block conflagration in West London that killed 72 people on June 14th 2017, are now unlikely to brought …

India's Taking a Page from Its American Ally by Accusing Pakistan's PM Imran Khan of "Meddling"
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-08
A popular Indian online media outlet published a piece purporting that part of one of the Pakistani Prime Minister's latest speeches was intended to "exploit India's fault lines under Modi's rule", which implies that the self-professed "world's largest democracy" is …

The Conflict of Our Time: U.S. Imperialism vs the Rule of Law
Nicolas J S Davies | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-08
The world faces many overlapping crises: regional political crises from Kashmir to Venezuela; brutal wars that rage on in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia; and the existential dangers of nuclear weapons, climate change, and mass extinction. But beneath the surface of all these crises, human society faces an underlying, unresolved conflict about who or what…

Royal Wedding Got Triple the Media Coverage of Yemen in 2018
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-08
That ratio is symptomatic of negative trends at the major networks, writes Jim Lobe. By Jim Lobe Inter Press Service The ongoing war in Yemen, called the world's "worst humanitarian disaster" by the United Nations and independent aid agencies since early last… Read more ?…