Daily Archives: March 31, 2019

2019-03-31: News Headlines

Sumaya AlEssmael (2019-03-31). Syria — The West Destroyed Our Homes but Not Our Dreams. globalresearch.ca Time before the war, Syria was a peaceful place where we used to live at peace. Peace meant to us life. But now we lost life since we lost peace. My daughter, that little girl at that time of peace …

STAFF (2019-03-31). Deep Faith in the Deep State Gives Dems a Set Back. therealnews.com Our weekly panel discusses the Mueller Report, as the Democrats and their media allies put their eggs in the Russia-Gate basket and handed Trump a PR victory — Jacqueline Luqman, Jeff Cohen and host Paul Jay…

Millennial Politics Team (2019-03-31). All About the Oil: Daniel Kovalik on U.S. Intervention in Venezuela. millennialpolitics.co With new domestic controversies breaking every day in the United States, it can be difficult to keep track of what's happening abroad, even when it comes to U.S. foreign policy. But it's essential for progressives to stand in solidarity with the Global South internationally to ensure that all people are guaranteed the right to self-determination in the face of imperialism and colonialism. Such a dynamic is present currently in Venezuela, where National Assembly President Juan Guaidó has been recognized by capitalist entities across the world, including the…

Liberation Staff (2019-03-31). Indianapolis rally to support Venezuela. liberationnews.org "No sanctions, no coup, Venezuela we stand with you!"

STAFF (2019-03-31). Afghan Veterans of Syrian War Struggle Back Home. truthdig.com Most soldiers see no future in Afghanistan, says a fighter who was recruited, paid and trained by Iran to fight for Bashar Assad.

Christopher Brauchli (2019-03-31). The Amateur Hour. commondreams.org Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, senior adviser Jared Kushner, and President Donald Trump at the White House. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/kushner_pompeo_trump.jpg

Michael Welch (2019-03-31). Venezuela Under Siege. globalresearch.ca "This opposition campaign has been one of what was called the other day in the media, circus. It's PR stunts. It's about media publicity. As ever, the opposition has not learned the fundamental key root to change that they want …

Peter Koenig (2019-03-31). China — and Macron's U-Turn. globalresearch.ca Less than a week ago, President Macron was lambasting Italy for signing agreements with China in the context of their New Silk Road, alias President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in the same breath he was criticizing …

Global Research News (2019-03-31). Selected Articles: NATO Expansion Could Trigger Nuclear War. globalresearch.ca Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

James ONeill (2019-03-31). Golan Heights, Kosovo and Crimea: A Case Study in Hypocrisy and Double Standards. globalresearch.ca The recent announcement by United States President Donald Trump that the US will recognise Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights draws attention yet again to the double standards applied by NATO and its satraps including Australia to the issues of …

Abayomi Azikiwe (2019-03-31). Cyclone Idai Causes Devastation Compounding Economic Challenges in the Southern Africa Region. globalresearch.ca Governments throughout the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are working feverishly to provide relief to millions of people affected by cyclone Idai, a category three-to-four storm which has severely impacted three states, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, with some damage extending …

Zero Hedge (2019-03-31). DoD Orders $250 Million of Gas Masks — What Do They Know? globalresearch.ca The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded Avon Protection Systems Inc., Cadillac, Michigan, a $245,961,250 firm-fixed-price contract for production of M53A1 Chemical Biological Protective Mask systems, according to the DoD contract website. | The Army estimates M53A1 gas masks …

STAFF (2019-03-31). Ukraine Presidential Vote Begins Under Bribe Claim Cloud. truthdig.com KIEV, Ukraine — Voters in Ukraine are casting ballots in a presidential election Sunday after a campaign that produced a comedian with no political experience as the front-runner and allegations of voter bribery. | Opinion polls have shown Volodymyr Zelenskiy who stars in a TV sitcom about a teacher who becomes president after a video of him denouncing corruption goes viral, leading a field of 39 candidates. The polls also had Zelenskiy outpacing incumbent President Petro Poroshenko and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, the other top candidates, by a broad margin. | "Zelenskiy has shown us on the scre…

ACLU (2019-03-31). Rights for All Will Put Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Front and Center in the 2020 Presidential Race. aclu.org The ACLU will press the candidates for president to adopt bold policies that advance civil liberties in the run-up to the 2020 election. | Jose Ivan Parga is a member of a multi-status, Mexican-immigrant family in Minnesota. Even though he is a citizen, every day he witnesses the fear and uncertainty that his extended family has because of their immigration status. For decades they have worked, worshiped, and raised families in the state. Yet at any moment, immigration agents could — and have — detained a member of his family without warning or cause, despite their deep roots in the community. With no…

Juan Cole (2019-03-31). Israeli Snipers Kill 4, wound 207 as 40,000 Palestinians March Peacefully. zcomm.org Despite occasional UN condemnation of the Israeli blockade on Palestinian civilians (which is illegal in international law, especially given that Israel is still the Occupying Power in Gaza), the world has turned a blind eye to this ongoing Israeli atrocity…

plenglish (2019-03-31). US Denies Entry to Canadian Journalist Arnold August. plenglish.com Havana, Mar 31 (Prensa Latina) His overt support for Venezuela appears to be the reason why Canadian journalist, author and social media activist Arnold August was denied entry to the United States on March 16, 2019.

Dan Bacher (2019-03-31). Trump administration sues State Water Board over 'failure' to comply with CEQA. indybay.org "The Trump administration is suing California for trying to restore water flows for salmon in the Bay Delta and San Joaquin under California's law," said Regina Chichizola of Save California's Salmon in a Facebook post. "This is a direct threat to state's rights and threatens similar processes in the Sacramento, Shasta, Eel and Russian Rivers."

Johnny Dwyer (2019-03-31). Did Felix Sater's 20 Years as an Informant Help Land Him at the Center of the Trump-Russia Story? theintercept.com "I wasn't running," Sater told The Intercept. "I don't need to worry about the morality of, 'should a candidate be involved in business?'"

RT (2019-03-31). Dashcams capture meteor blazing through Florida night sky (VIDEOS). rt.com A large green meteor was spotted blazing through the night sky in northern Florida Saturday night, and several dashboard cameras managed to capture the fireball in action.

Michael L Longenecker (2019-03-31). Concerning Humanity's Future: Interview with Nick Humphrey, Climatologist and Geoscientist. indybay.org I first discovered the writings of Meteorologist/geoscientist Nick Humphrey with his brutally honest essay The Conversation No One Knows How To Have and since then have followed his posts and comments. He has been featured or quoted in a number of publications such as Mother Jones, New York Times, Washington Post, and Science Alert. Few scientists will publicly tell you how dire things are, but Nick Humphrey is not one to shy away from the truth. What follows is a Q&A interview I held with him on a variety of questions concerning humanity's future.

plenglish (2019-03-31). Bolivia to Host 2019 World Travel Awards Regional Ceremony. plenglish.com La Paz, Mar 31 ( Prensa Latina ) La Paz, a wonder city of the world, will host Latin America"s 2019 World Travel Awards (WTA) ceremony on July 13.

plenglish (2019-03-31). Terrorist Acts against Venezuela Denounced at UN. plenglish.com United Nations, Mar 31 (Prensa Latina) The permanent representative of Venezuela to the UN, Samuel Moncada, denounced recent terrorist acts committed against his country to damage vital infrastructure such as the power grid.

RT (2019-03-31). CNN didn't get 'anything' wrong in Russiagate reporting, host claims. Did it? rt.com The host of CNN's 'State of the Union,' Jake Tapper, has tried to defend the network's coverage of 'Russgate', claiming it actually got nothing wrong. The bold claim, however, was challenged by other journalists.

Canadian Peace Congress (2019-03-30). Why Canada Should Get Out of NATO. globalresearch.ca Concerns are growing across this country about the disturbing tilt in Canadian foreign policy toward increasing militarization and aggression — about our participation in foreign wars and US-led 'regime change' operations abroad, and about burgeoning defence budgets and rearmament programs, …

STAFF (2019-03-30). Protesters say "No to NATO" in Washington. therealnews.com Peace activists converged in the nation's capital to oppose what they say is aggressive NATO expansion…

South Front (2019-03-30). Video: "Dumb Bombs", Indiscriminate Strikes and Civilian Casualties in Syrian War. globalresearch.ca A recent series of Russian strikes on positions of militant groups in the Syrian province of Idlib has once again caused a wave of mainstream media reports regarding civilian casualties caused by Russian bombings. According to "local activists" quoted by …

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-30). Trump Regime Approves Sale of Sensitive Nuclear Technology to Saudis. globalresearch.ca Saudi nuclear power ambitions are well known. For months, the Trump and Saudi regimes have been negotiating the sale of US nuclear technology to the kingdom. | Anti-nuclear expert Helen Caldicott explained that any country operating nuclear power plants "can theoretically …

Katie Halper (2019-03-30). Matt Taibbi and Aaron Maté on How Russiagate Helped Trump. commondreams.org MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow chases the "Russiagate" story in a Jan. 2019 broadcast.(Photo: YouTube) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/maddow_0.jpg

CP Editor (2019-03-30). Seattle is Dying. counterpunch.org

Whitney Webb (2019-03-30). Silencing the Whistle: The Intercept Shutters Snowden Archive, Citing Cost. mintpressnews.com The closing of The Intercept's Snowden archive will likely mean the end of any future publications, unless Glenn Greenwald's rather absurd promise of finding "the right partner … that has the funds to robustly publish" is fulfilled.

South Front (2019-03-30). Video: Houthis Kill or Injure 250 Saudi-backed Fighters, Capture 100 Positions in Large-scale Attack in Dhale. globalresearch.ca The Houthis captured 100 positions in the central Yemeni province of Dhale from the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies during a recent large-scale operation, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman of the pro-Houthis wing of the Yemeni Armed Forces, …

Gustavo Villapol (2019-03-30). Juan Guaidó Confesses Being Behind the Sabotage of Venezuela's Electric System. globalresearch.ca "A confession from [America's] puppet pointing to evidence," said journalist Gustavo Villapol Wednesday, noting that the deputy of the National Assembly in contempt Juan Guaidó confessed to be behind the attacks perpetrated against …

Kurt Nimmo (2019-03-30). Neoliberals and Neocons Declare "All Options on the Table" in Venezuela. globalresearch.ca Even though we now know there is zero evidence Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, neocon talking heads are still babbling about the discredited conspiracy theory and working it into facile monologues. | For instance, Samatha Vinograd, a "national security" analyst …

Jordan Shilton (2019-03-30). US Threatens Turkey over Russian S-400 Air Defence Purchase. globalresearch.ca Turkish-US relations have deteriorated in recent weeks, with Washington threatening reprisals if Ankara goes ahead with the purchase of the Russian-made S-400 air defence system. | Relations between the two countries have been in a downward spiral for some time—especially since …

Tony Cartalucci (2019-03-30). Syria: Is US Fighting ISIS or Liquidating Assets? globalresearch.ca That the "final stronghold" of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) resides in US occupied territory in Syria says it all. | From US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memos dating back to 2012 noting efforts to create a "Salafist" [Islamic] "principality" [State] …

Prof. Patrick Bond (2019-03-30). The BRICS New Development Bank: Corruption-riddled Development Finance. globalresearch.ca The BRICS New Development Bank is having its Annual General Meeting on 1-2 April, here in South Africa. There's information about the meeting here, including public sessions. Critics meet to discuss the Bank on 31 March — 3 …

Eoin Higgins (2019-03-30). 'We Are Running Concentration Camps': Images from El Paso Stir Outrage over Migrant Treatment. globalresearch.ca Hundreds of migrants are being held by border agents in a fenced in encampment under a bridge in El Paso, leading to anger and accusations that the American government is holding people in "concentration camps." | Images posted online by reporters …

Liu Caiyu (2019-03-30). Xi's Visit Sets Tone for China-EU Relations. globalresearch.ca Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing on Wednesday after his visit to Europe, bringing a fruitful outcome and the visit assures the cooperative trend of China-EU relations, analysts noted. | The outcome of Xi's visit to Europe is "beyond …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-03-30). Angles of Tolerance: Yusuf Islam in Christchurch. globalresearch.ca Let's not be too churlish about this; but then again, let us not be ignorant. The singer once known as Cat Stevens (in pre-conversion state), and known as Yusuf Islam to others, made a considerable impression on the stage in …

(2019-03-30). Senator Calls for Investigation of Bernhardt's Role in Suppressing Science Showing Pesticide Harmed Nearly 1,400 Protected Species. globalresearch.ca U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) today called on the inspector general for the Department of the Interior to investigate Acting Secretary David Bernhardt's role in blocking a scientific assessment showing the pesticide chlorpyrifos threatens the existence of nearly 1,400 …

Prof. Sam Gindin (2019-03-30). Workers' Rights and Canada's Auto Industry: GM Oshawa: Lowered Expectations, Unexplored Opportunities. globalresearch.ca Following an aggressive public relations campaign in which union officials questioned GM's loyalty to 'Canadian taxpayers', General Motors has apparently agreed to keep its Oshawa facility partially open. No official announcement has yet been made, but there are rumours of …

Shane Quinn (2019-03-30). NATO's Unrelenting Expansion Could Trigger a Major Nuclear War. globalresearch.ca Less than two years ago Montenegro became the 29th state to join NATO, an American-led military alliance that has become a far-reaching intervention force since the USSR's demise. The accession of mighty Montenegro to NATO must have set hearts fluttering …

Francesco Maringià≤ (2019-03-30). China-Italy Cooperation and the "Devil's Alternative" globalresearch.ca The complex Sino-American trade negotiation is going through a period that is not turbulent but is nevertheless marked by objective difficulties: too much distance separates the American warnings from the concessions that China is willing to make without penalizing its …

John McEvoy (2019-03-30). Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos'. thecanary.co The Canary is currently in Venezuela. This is the latest in our series of on-the-ground articles. Most journalists who come to Caracas stay in the affluent … | Read more Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos' | By John McEvoy

Adolph Reed Jr. (2019-03-30). Vietnam to Venezuela: US Interventionism and the Failure of the Left. commondreams.org A boy runs past anti-American graffiti reading 'Si' signifying support for a referendum on changes to the Constitution introduced by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on December 1, 2007 in Caracas, Venezuela. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/from_vietnam_to_venezuela.jpg

Miko Peled (2019-03-30). The Ongoing Battle for Palestinian Justice Spans the Globe and Plays Out on Many Fronts. mintpressnews.com AIPAC, despite continuing to spend lavishly, has lost much of its charm and, in an unprecedented move, none of the candidates running to become the Democratic Party nominee for president attended this year's AIPAC conference in Washington.

United Nations (2019-03-30). UN chief hopeful for Libya, after Quartet meeting in Tunis. un.org Secretary-General António Guterres said he is hopeful for a solution to the eight-year long conflict in Libya, after a high-level meeting in Tunis, Tunisia, on Saturday with officials from the Arab League, the European Union and the African Union — the group known as the 'Libya Quartet.'..

John Nichols (2019-03-30). The Right to Vote Should Be Guaranteed by the Constitution. thenation.com The Right to Vote Should Be Guaranteed by the Constitution…

WSWS (2019-03-30). As Washington hails victory over ISIS, media ignores massive human toll. wsws.org The Pentagon's admission of 1,250 civilians killed in four years of bombardment of Iraq and Syria is a vast underestimate of the real death toll.

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-30). UK MPs Reject May's No-Brexit/Brexit Deal for the Third Time. globalresearch.ca Theresa May's no-deal/deal went down by a 344 — 286 margin. Did her latest defeat signal three strikes and she's out — her coup de grace of no return? | Britain has until April 12 to crash out of the EU …

2019-03-31: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Syria — The West Destroyed Our Homes but Not Our Dreams
Sumaya AlEssmael | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-31
Time before the war, Syria was a peaceful place where we used to live at peace. Peace meant to us life. But now we lost life since we lost peace. My daughter, that little girl at that time of peace …

Deep Faith in the Deep State Gives Dems a Set Back
STAFF | therealnews.com | 2019-03-31
Our weekly panel discusses the Mueller Report, as the Democrats and their media allies put their eggs in the Russia-Gate basket and handed Trump a PR victory — Jacqueline Luqman, Jeff Cohen and host Paul Jay…

All About the Oil: Daniel Kovalik on U.S. Intervention in Venezuela
Millennial Politics Team | millennialpolitics.co | 2019-03-31
With new domestic controversies breaking every day in the United States, it can be difficult to keep track of what's happening abroad, even when it comes to U.S. foreign policy. But it's essential for progressives to stand in solidarity with the Global South internationally to ensure that all people are guaranteed the right to self-determination in the face of imperialism and colonialism. Such a dynamic is present currently in Venezuela, where National Assembly President Juan Guaidó has been recognized by capitalist entities across the world, including the…

Afghan Veterans of Syrian War Struggle Back Home
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-31
Most soldiers see no future in Afghanistan, says a fighter who was recruited, paid and trained by Iran to fight for Bashar Assad.

Indianapolis rally to support Venezuela
Liberation Staff | liberationnews.org | 2019-03-31
"No sanctions, no coup, Venezuela we stand with you!"

The Amateur Hour
Christopher Brauchli | commondreams.org | 2019-03-31
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, senior adviser Jared Kushner, and President Donald Trump at the White House. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/kushner_pompeo_trump.jpg

Golan Heights, Kosovo and Crimea: A Case Study in Hypocrisy and Double Standards
James ONeill | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-31
The recent announcement by United States President Donald Trump that the US will recognise Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights draws attention yet again to the double standards applied by NATO and its satraps including Australia to the issues of …

China — and Macron's U-Turn
Peter Koenig | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-31
Less than a week ago, President Macron was lambasting Italy for signing agreements with China in the context of their New Silk Road, alias President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in the same breath he was criticizing …

Cyclone Idai Causes Devastation Compounding Economic Challenges in the Southern Africa Region
Abayomi Azikiwe | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-31
Governments throughout the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are working feverishly to provide relief to millions of people affected by cyclone Idai, a category three-to-four storm which has severely impacted three states, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, with some damage extending …

Venezuela Under Siege
Michael Welch | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-31
"This opposition campaign has been one of what was called the other day in the media, circus. It's PR stunts. It's about media publicity. As ever, the opposition has not learned the fundamental key root to change that they want …

DoD Orders $250 Million of Gas Masks — What Do They Know?
Zero Hedge | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-31
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded Avon Protection Systems Inc., Cadillac, Michigan, a $245,961,250 firm-fixed-price contract for production of M53A1 Chemical Biological Protective Mask systems, according to the DoD contract website. | The Army estimates M53A1 gas masks …

Selected Articles: NATO Expansion Could Trigger Nuclear War
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-31
Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

Ukraine Presidential Vote Begins Under Bribe Claim Cloud
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-31
KIEV, Ukraine — Voters in Ukraine are casting ballots in a presidential election Sunday after a campaign that produced a comedian with no political experience as the front-runner and allegations of voter bribery. | Opinion polls have shown Volodymyr Zelenskiy who stars in a TV sitcom about a teacher who becomes president after a video of him denouncing corruption goes viral, leading a field of 39 candidates. The polls also had Zelenskiy outpacing incumbent President Petro Poroshenko and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, the other top candidates, by a broad margin. | "Zelenskiy has shown us on the scre…

Rights for All Will Put Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Front and Center in the 2020 Presidential Race
ACLU | aclu.org | 2019-03-31
The ACLU will press the candidates for president to adopt bold policies that advance civil liberties in the run-up to the 2020 election. | Jose Ivan Parga is a member of a multi-status, Mexican-immigrant family in Minnesota. Even though he is a citizen, every day he witnesses the fear and uncertainty that his extended family has because of their immigration status. For decades they have worked, worshiped, and raised families in the state. Yet at any moment, immigration agents could — and have — detained a member of his family without warning or cause, despite their deep roots in the community. With no…

Dashcams capture meteor blazing through Florida night sky (VIDEOS)
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-31
A large green meteor was spotted blazing through the night sky in northern Florida Saturday night, and several dashboard cameras managed to capture the fireball in action. | …

Concerning Humanity's Future: Interview with Nick Humphrey, Climatologist and Geoscientist
Michael L Longenecker | indybay.org | 2019-03-31
I first discovered the writings of Meteorologist/geoscientist Nick Humphrey with his brutally honest essay The Conversation No One Knows How To Have and since then have followed his posts and comments. He has been featured or quoted in a number of publications such as Mother Jones, New York Times, Washington Post, and Science Alert. Few scientists will publicly tell you how dire things are, but Nick Humphrey is not one to shy away from the truth. What follows is a Q&A interview I held with him on a variety of questions concerning humanity's future.

Israeli Snipers Kill 4, wound 207 as 40,000 Palestinians March Peacefully
Juan Cole | zcomm.org | 2019-03-31
Despite occasional UN condemnation of the Israeli blockade on Palestinian civilians (which is illegal in international law, especially given that Israel is still the Occupying Power in Gaza), the world has turned a blind eye to this ongoing Israeli atrocity…

Terrorist Acts against Venezuela Denounced at UN
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-31
United Nations, Mar 31 (Prensa Latina) The permanent representative of Venezuela to the UN, Samuel Moncada, denounced recent terrorist acts committed against his country to damage vital infrastructure such as the power grid.

Trump administration sues State Water Board over 'failure' to comply with CEQA
Dan Bacher | indybay.org | 2019-03-31
"The Trump administration is suing California for trying to restore water flows for salmon in the Bay Delta and San Joaquin under California's law," said Regina Chichizola of Save California's Salmon in a Facebook post. "This is a direct threat to state's rights and threatens similar processes in the Sacramento, Shasta, Eel and Russian Rivers."

Did Felix Sater's 20 Years as an Informant Help Land Him at the Center of the Trump-Russia Story?
Johnny Dwyer | theintercept.com | 2019-03-31
"I wasn't running," Sater told The Intercept. "I don't need to worry about the morality of, 'should a candidate be involved in business?'"

US Denies Entry to Canadian Journalist Arnold August
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-31
Havana, Mar 31 (Prensa Latina) His overt support for Venezuela appears to be the reason why Canadian journalist, author and social media activist Arnold August was denied entry to the United States on March 16, 2019.

Bolivia to Host 2019 World Travel Awards Regional Ceremony
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-31
La Paz, Mar 31 ( Prensa Latina ) La Paz, a wonder city of the world, will host Latin America"s 2019 World Travel Awards (WTA) ceremony on July 13.

CNN didn't get 'anything' wrong in Russiagate reporting, host claims. Did it?
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-31
The host of CNN's 'State of the Union,' Jake Tapper, has tried to defend the network's coverage of 'Russgate', claiming it actually got nothing wrong. The bold claim, however, was challenged by other journalists. | …

Why Canada Should Get Out of NATO
Canadian Peace Congress | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Concerns are growing across this country about the disturbing tilt in Canadian foreign policy toward increasing militarization and aggression — about our participation in foreign wars and US-led 'regime change' operations abroad, and about burgeoning defence budgets and rearmament programs, …

Protesters say "No to NATO" in Washington
STAFF | therealnews.com | 2019-03-30
Peace activists converged in the nation's capital to oppose what they say is aggressive NATO expansion…

Video: "Dumb Bombs", Indiscriminate Strikes and Civilian Casualties in Syrian War
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
A recent series of Russian strikes on positions of militant groups in the Syrian province of Idlib has once again caused a wave of mainstream media reports regarding civilian casualties caused by Russian bombings. According to "local activists" quoted by …

Trump Regime Approves Sale of Sensitive Nuclear Technology to Saudis
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Saudi nuclear power ambitions are well known. For months, the Trump and Saudi regimes have been negotiating the sale of US nuclear technology to the kingdom. | Anti-nuclear expert Helen Caldicott explained that any country operating nuclear power plants "can theoretically …

Matt Taibbi and Aaron Maté on How Russiagate Helped Trump
Katie Halper | commondreams.org | 2019-03-30
MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow chases the "Russiagate" story in a Jan. 2019 broadcast.(Photo: YouTube) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/maddow_0.jpg

Silencing the Whistle: The Intercept Shutters Snowden Archive, Citing Cost
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-30
The closing of The Intercept's Snowden archive will likely mean the end of any future publications, unless Glenn Greenwald's rather absurd promise of finding "the right partner … that has the funds to robustly publish" is fulfilled.

Video: Houthis Kill or Injure 250 Saudi-backed Fighters, Capture 100 Positions in Large-scale Attack in Dhale
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
The Houthis captured 100 positions in the central Yemeni province of Dhale from the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies during a recent large-scale operation, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman of the pro-Houthis wing of the Yemeni Armed Forces, …

Juan Guaidó Confesses Being Behind the Sabotage of Venezuela's Electric System
Gustavo Villapol | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
"A confession from [America's] puppet pointing to evidence," said journalist Gustavo Villapol Wednesday, noting that the deputy of the National Assembly in contempt Juan Guaidó confessed to be behind the attacks perpetrated against …

Neoliberals and Neocons Declare "All Options on the Table" in Venezuela
Kurt Nimmo | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Even though we now know there is zero evidence Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, neocon talking heads are still babbling about the discredited conspiracy theory and working it into facile monologues. | For instance, Samatha Vinograd, a "national security" analyst …

US Threatens Turkey over Russian S-400 Air Defence Purchase
Jordan Shilton | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Turkish-US relations have deteriorated in recent weeks, with Washington threatening reprisals if Ankara goes ahead with the purchase of the Russian-made S-400 air defence system. | Relations between the two countries have been in a downward spiral for some time–especially since …

Workers' Rights and Canada's Auto Industry: GM Oshawa: Lowered Expectations, Unexplored Opportunities
Prof. Sam Gindin | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Following an aggressive public relations campaign in which union officials questioned GM's loyalty to 'Canadian taxpayers', General Motors has apparently agreed to keep its Oshawa facility partially open. No official announcement has yet been made, but there are rumours of …

The BRICS New Development Bank: Corruption-riddled Development Finance
Prof. Patrick Bond | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
The BRICS New Development Bank is having its Annual General Meeting on 1-2 April, here in South Africa. There's information about the meeting here, including public sessions. Critics meet to discuss the Bank on 31 March — 3 …

China-Italy Cooperation and the "Devil's Alternative"
Francesco Maringià≤ | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
The complex Sino-American trade negotiation is going through a period that is not turbulent but is nevertheless marked by objective difficulties: too much distance separates the American warnings from the concessions that China is willing to make without penalizing its …

'We Are Running Concentration Camps': Images from El Paso Stir Outrage over Migrant Treatment
Eoin Higgins | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Hundreds of migrants are being held by border agents in a fenced in encampment under a bridge in El Paso, leading to anger and accusations that the American government is holding people in "concentration camps." | Images posted online by reporters …

Senator Calls for Investigation of Bernhardt's Role in Suppressing Science Showing Pesticide Harmed Nearly 1,400 Protected Species

| globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) today called on the inspector general for the Department of the Interior to investigate Acting Secretary David Bernhardt's role in blocking a scientific assessment showing the pesticide chlorpyrifos threatens the existence of nearly 1,400 …

NATO's Unrelenting Expansion Could Trigger a Major Nuclear War
Shane Quinn | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Less than two years ago Montenegro became the 29th state to join NATO, an American-led military alliance that has become a far-reaching intervention force since the USSR's demise. The accession of mighty Montenegro to NATO must have set hearts fluttering …

Angles of Tolerance: Yusuf Islam in Christchurch
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Let's not be too churlish about this; but then again, let us not be ignorant. The singer once known as Cat Stevens (in pre-conversion state), and known as Yusuf Islam to others, made a considerable impression on the stage in …

Xi's Visit Sets Tone for China-EU Relations
Liu Caiyu | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing on Wednesday after his visit to Europe, bringing a fruitful outcome and the visit assures the cooperative trend of China-EU relations, analysts noted. | The outcome of Xi's visit to Europe is "beyond …

Syria: Is US Fighting ISIS or Liquidating Assets?
Tony Cartalucci | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
That the "final stronghold" of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) resides in US occupied territory in Syria says it all. | From US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memos dating back to 2012 noting efforts to create a "Salafist" [Islamic] "principality" [State] …

Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos'
John McEvoy | thecanary.co | 2019-03-30
The Canary is currently in Venezuela. This is the latest in our series of on-the-ground articles. Most journalists who come to Caracas stay in the affluent … | Read more Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos' | By John McEvoy…

Vietnam to Venezuela: US Interventionism and the Failure of the Left
Adolph Reed Jr. | commondreams.org | 2019-03-30
A boy runs past anti-American graffiti reading 'Si' signifying support for a referendum on changes to the Constitution introduced by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on December 1, 2007 in Caracas, Venezuela. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/from_vietnam_to_venezuela.jpg

The Ongoing Battle for Palestinian Justice Spans the Globe and Plays Out on Many Fronts
Miko Peled | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-30
AIPAC, despite continuing to spend lavishly, has lost much of its charm and, in an unprecedented move, none of the candidates running to become the Democratic Party nominee for president attended this year's AIPAC conference in Washington.

UN chief hopeful for Libya, after Quartet meeting in Tunis
United Nations | un.org | 2019-03-30
Secretary-General António Guterres said he is hopeful for a solution to the eight-year long conflict in Libya, after a high-level meeting in Tunis, Tunisia, on Saturday with officials from the Arab League, the European Union and the African Union — the group known as the 'Libya Quartet.'..

The Right to Vote Should Be Guaranteed by the Constitution
John Nichols | thenation.com | 2019-03-30
The Right to Vote Should Be Guaranteed by the Constitution…

Seattle is Dying
CP Editor | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-30

"No deal" Brexit threatened after May's EU withdrawal agreement rejected for third time
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-30
Labour's nominally "left" leader Jeremy Corbyn is working to ensure that the gravest peacetime crisis in the history of British imperialism is resolved through the worm-eaten parliamentary system, with the working class left as spectators.

UK MPs Reject May's No-Brexit/Brexit Deal for the Third Time
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Theresa May's no-deal/deal went down by a 344 — 286 margin. Did her latest defeat signal three strikes and she's out — her coup de grace of no return? | Britain has until April 12 to crash out of the EU …