Daily Archives: March 30, 2019

2019-03-30: News Headlines

teleSUR (2019-03-30). Palestinians Mark 1st Anniversary of Great March of Return. telesurenglish.net One death has been reported so far as thousands of Palestinians rallied at the Gaza-Israel border Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of a surge of protests, facing off against Israeli forces massed across the frontier. | Israeli Troops fired tear gas across the border and the Israeli military said some of the estimated 20,000 demonstrators threw rocks, grenades and burning tires towards them. | Palestinian activists clad in bright orange vests tried to keep people back, though some made it to the fence. Gaza medics said one Palestinian man was killed by Israeli fire before dawn on Saturday near the border…

Canadian Peace Congress (2019-03-30). Why Canada Should Get Out of NATO. globalresearch.ca Concerns are growing across this country about the disturbing tilt in Canadian foreign policy toward increasing militarization and aggression — about our participation in foreign wars and US-led 'regime change' operations abroad, and about burgeoning defence budgets and rearmament programs, …

teleSUR (2019-03-30). Venezuelans Marches in Defense of Freedom and Peace. telesurenglish.net Venezuela was holding a large mobilization Saturday, called "The Popular Operation in Defense of Freedom" in rejection of the neoliberal attacks led by the United States against the country and its elected government which have deepened in recent weeks. | One of the meeting points of the march will be in the capital's San Bernardino sector, which also includes an act in solidarity with the workers of the National Electric Corporation (Corpoelec), the government body in charge of the restoration the electric service after repeated blackouts this month, which the government has said were sabotage acts by right-w…

Katie Halper (2019-03-30). Matt Taibbi and Aaron Maté on How Russiagate Helped Trump. commondreams.org MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow chases the "Russiagate" story in a Jan. 2019 broadcast.(Photo: YouTube) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/maddow_0.jpg

Whitney Webb (2019-03-30). Silencing the Whistle: The Intercept Shutters Snowden Archive, Citing Cost. mintpressnews.com The closing of The Intercept's Snowden archive will likely mean the end of any future publications, unless Glenn Greenwald's rather absurd promise of finding "the right partner … that has the funds to robustly publish" is fulfilled.

Francesco Maringià≤ (2019-03-30). China-Italy Cooperation and the "Devil's Alternative" globalresearch.ca The complex Sino-American trade negotiation is going through a period that is not turbulent but is nevertheless marked by objective difficulties: too much distance separates the American warnings from the concessions that China is willing to make without penalizing its …

Kurt Nimmo (2019-03-30). Neoliberals and Neocons Declare "All Options on the Table" in Venezuela. globalresearch.ca Even though we now know there is zero evidence Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, neocon talking heads are still babbling about the discredited conspiracy theory and working it into facile monologues. | For instance, Samatha Vinograd, a "national security" analyst …

Tony Cartalucci (2019-03-30). Syria: Is US Fighting ISIS or Liquidating Assets? globalresearch.ca That the "final stronghold" of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) resides in US occupied territory in Syria says it all. | From US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memos dating back to 2012 noting efforts to create a "Salafist" [Islamic] "principality" [State] …

Jordan Shilton (2019-03-30). US Threatens Turkey over Russian S-400 Air Defence Purchase. globalresearch.ca Turkish-US relations have deteriorated in recent weeks, with Washington threatening reprisals if Ankara goes ahead with the purchase of the Russian-made S-400 air defence system. | Relations between the two countries have been in a downward spiral for some time—especially since …

Eoin Higgins (2019-03-30). 'We Are Running Concentration Camps': Images from El Paso Stir Outrage over Migrant Treatment. globalresearch.ca Hundreds of migrants are being held by border agents in a fenced in encampment under a bridge in El Paso, leading to anger and accusations that the American government is holding people in "concentration camps." | Images posted online by reporters …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-03-30). Angles of Tolerance: Yusuf Islam in Christchurch. globalresearch.ca Let's not be too churlish about this; but then again, let us not be ignorant. The singer once known as Cat Stevens (in pre-conversion state), and known as Yusuf Islam to others, made a considerable impression on the stage in …

Gustavo Villapol (2019-03-30). Juan Guaidó Confesses Being Behind the Sabotage of Venezuela's Electric System. globalresearch.ca "A confession from [America's] puppet pointing to evidence," said journalist Gustavo Villapol Wednesday, noting that the deputy of the National Assembly in contempt Juan Guaidó confessed to be behind the attacks perpetrated against …

Shane Quinn (2019-03-30). NATO's Unrelenting Expansion Could Trigger a Major Nuclear War. globalresearch.ca Less than two years ago Montenegro became the 29th state to join NATO, an American-led military alliance that has become a far-reaching intervention force since the USSR's demise. The accession of mighty Montenegro to NATO must have set hearts fluttering …

South Front (2019-03-30). Video: Houthis Kill or Injure 250 Saudi-backed Fighters, Capture 100 Positions in Large-scale Attack in Dhale. globalresearch.ca The Houthis captured 100 positions in the central Yemeni province of Dhale from the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies during a recent large-scale operation, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman of the pro-Houthis wing of the Yemeni Armed Forces, …

Prof. Patrick Bond (2019-03-30). The BRICS New Development Bank: Corruption-riddled Development Finance. globalresearch.ca The BRICS New Development Bank is having its Annual General Meeting on 1-2 April, here in South Africa. There's information about the meeting here, including public sessions. Critics meet to discuss the Bank on 31 March — 3 …

STAFF (2019-03-30). Matt Taibbi and Aaron Maté on How Russiagate Helped Trump. truthdig.com The claim that President Trump engaged in collusion with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election was so pervasive and unquestioned that only a handful of journalists demonstrated the healthy skepticism required by their profession. Last week, special counsel Robert Mueller delivered his report on the Trump-Russia investigation to the Justice Department, which then released a four-page summary written by Attorney General William Barr. While the full report is over 300 pages, and Mueller punted on the question of obstruction, he found no evidence of collusion. Despite this, the "Russiagate" truthers, if you wi…

STAFF (2019-03-30). Redacted Mueller Report Expected to Be Released by Mid-April. truthdig.com WASHINGTON — A redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation will be sent to Congress by mid-April and will not be shared with the White House beforehand, Attorney General William Barr said Friday. | Barr's timeline, included in a letter to the chairmen of the House and Senate judiciary committees, sets up a possible showdown with House Democrats, who are insisting they see the full report next week. | In his letter, Barr said he shares a desire for Congress and the public to be able to read Mueller's findings, which are included in the nearly 400-page report the sp…

John Nichols (2019-03-30). The Right to Vote Should be Guaranteed by the Constitution. thenation.com The Right to Vote Should be Guaranteed by the Constitution…

teleSUR (2019-03-30). Germany Extends Saudi Arms Export Ban, France And Britain Upset. telesurenglish.net The Germany government announced the extension of an existing ban on arms export to Saudi Arabia Thursday to further fuel recent tumultuous relations with fellow European countries. | RELATED: | UK Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia 'Unlawful': Parliamentary Report | "The order to halt authorized weapons exports to Saudi Arabia is extended by six months from Mar 31 to Sep 30, 2019," government spokesperson Steffen Seibert said, in a statement, regarding the additional six-month embargo pl…

teleSUR (2019-03-30). Brazil's Judge Bars Bolsonaro's Coup Celebration. telesurenglish.net A Brazilian judge barred President Jair Bolsonaro's government Friday from commemorating the 55th anniversary of the coup that established the military dictatorship March 31. | RELATED: | Brazil's Haddad, Military Denounce Bolsonaro Coup Celebrations | Judge Ivani Silva da Luz said the planned celebration of the country's 1964 coup Sunday was not "compatible w…

John McEvoy (2019-03-30). Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos'. thecanary.co The Canary is currently in Venezuela. This is the latest in our series of on-the-ground articles. Most journalists who come to Caracas stay in the affluent … | Read more Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos' | By John McEvoy

Adolph Reed Jr. (2019-03-30). Vietnam to Venezuela: US Interventionism and the Failure of the Left. commondreams.org A boy runs past anti-American graffiti reading 'Si' signifying support for a referendum on changes to the Constitution introduced by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on December 1, 2007 in Caracas, Venezuela. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/from_vietnam_to_venezuela.jpg

Miko Peled (2019-03-30). The Ongoing Battle for Palestinian Justice Spans the Globe and Plays Out on Many Fronts. mintpressnews.com AIPAC, despite continuing to spend lavishly, has lost much of its charm and, in an unprecedented move, none of the candidates running to become the Democratic Party nominee for president attended this year's AIPAC conference in Washington.

WSWS (2019-03-30). Protests against Sudan's al-Bashir regime enter fourth month. wsws.org The protests take place amid the most sustained challenge to al-Bashir's rule since he seized power in a 1989 coup.

Dan Bacher (2019-03-30). Trump administration sues State Water Board over 'failure' to comply with CEQA. indybay.org "The Trump administration is suing California for trying to restore water flows for salmon in the Bay Delta and San Joaquin under California's law," said Regina Chichizola of Save California's Salmon in a Facebook post. "This is a direct threat to state's rights and threatens similar processes in the Sacramento, Shasta, Eel and Russian Rivers."

plenglish (2019-03-30). Caracas Mayoress Reiterates Call for Popular Demonstration. plenglish.com 30 de marzo de 2019, 12: 12Caracas, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) The mayoress of Caracas, Erika Farias, reiterated today her call for people to mobilize on Saturday against terrorism and the destabilizing actions of the Venezuelan opposition.

WSWS (2019-03-30). As Washington hails victory over ISIS, media ignores massive human toll. wsws.org The Pentagon's admission of 1,250 civilians killed in four years of bombardment of Iraq and Syria is a vast underestimate of the real death toll.

Santa Cruz News (2019-03-30). Downtown Church Blocks Front Door During Weekly Homeless Giving Event. indybay.org On Wednesday, the front door of the Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church of Santa Cruz was blocked off during their weekly coffee giveaway for the homeless, according to one churchgoer. The measure was taken after Rev. Fr. Milutin Janjic told parishioners that a man came to the church with a larger pet rat on his shoulder, and was kissing it. "I know father went through the Bosnian War. He isn't easily rattled," Prophet Elias parishioner Anne Solso said in a statement on Facebook. Despite the father's bravery during the war, the church's entrance was blocked.

RT (2019-03-30). Dem 2020 favorite Biden rebuffs 'awkward kiss' allegations. rt.com A favorite for the 2020 race among Democratic Party voters, former Vice President Joe Biden, shrugged off accusations of "inappropriate" behavior leveled at him by fellow Democrat Lucy Flores.

Unitarian Universalist Forum Committee (2019-03-30). Sunday Forum: Mueller, Trump and the struggle against a fascist regime. indybay.org Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary | San Francisco, Ca.

WSWS (2019-03-30). Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev resigns amid mounting political crisis. wsws.org The crisis in Kazakhstan is a result of the resurgence of working-class struggles and the escalating war drive by US imperialism against Russia and China.

WSWS (2019-03-30). "Andy Warhol—From A to B and Back Again": The artist who wasn't there. wsws.org A recent retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art provided an occasion to re-examine Warhol's work and evaluate what it means for American and global art.

WSWS (2019-03-30). Remembrance service held for New Zealand terror attack victims. wsws.org The event was used by the NZ and Australian governments to appeal for unity, demand censorship of social media and cover up their role in creating the conditions for the fascist attack.

plenglish (2019-03-30). Death Toll reaches 217 in Dam Tragedy in Brazil. plenglish.com 30 de marzo de 2019, 12: 15Brasilia, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) To 217 rose on Saturday the death toll from the collapse of a dam on January 25 in the Brazilian municipality of Brumadinho, state of Minas Gerais (northeast), according to a latest report by the Legal Medical Institute.

WSWS (2019-03-30). "No deal" Brexit threatened after May's EU withdrawal agreement rejected for third time. wsws.org Labour's nominally "left" leader Jeremy Corbyn is working to ensure that the gravest peacetime crisis in the history of British imperialism is resolved through the worm-eaten parliamentary system, with the working class left as spectators.

Danny Postel (2019-03-30). Progressive Surge Propels Turning Point in US Policy on Yemen. zcomm.org The House resolution was the first time Congress flexed its War Powers muscle in the 45 years since that resolution's passage…

George Monbiot (2019-03-30). How the media let malicious idiots take over. zcomm.org Be it Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage, blusterers and braggarts are rewarded with platforms that distort our political debate…

Michael L Longenecker (2019-03-30). Concerning Humanity's Future: Interview with Nick Humphrey, Climatologist and Geoscientist. indybay.org I first discovered the writings of Meteorologist/geoscientist Nick Humphrey with his brutally honest essay The Conversation No One Knows How To Have and since then have followed his posts and comments. He has been featured or quoted in a number of publications such as Mother Jones, New York Times, Washington Post, and Science Alert. Few scientists will publicly tell you how dire things are, but Nick Humphrey is not one to shy away from the truth. What follows is a Q&A interview I held with him on a variety of questions concerning humanity's future.

RT (2019-03-30). Miami-Dade mayor gives Guaido's wife 'key to the county' as US fawns over rebel 'first lady'. rt.com Fabiana Rosales, the wife of Venezuela's US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido, was given the royal treatment by officials in Miami-Dade, who gave the self-proclaimed 'first lady' the key to the county. |

Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party (2019-03-30). The Green New Deal: A Step Towards Ecological Socialism? indybay.org Starry Plough Pub, 3101 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA…

RT (2019-03-30). Lost in translation: CIA ad seeking Russian speakers mocked for broken grammar. rt.com An apparent CIA poster appealing to Russian speakers to join US intelligence has been derided for failing to reconcile Russian and English grammar and mismatching fonts.

Federico Fuentes (2019-03-30). Venezuela: Why the US coup is failing. zcomm.org For many, it is impossible to understand how, despite presiding over the country's worst economic crisis and facing such intense international and domestic opposition, Maduro remains in the presidential palace. The answer lies in the enduring strength of Chavismo, a political movement of the working classes that, despite predating former president Hugo Chávez, continues to Read more…

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2019-03-29). War, Peace and Presidential Candidates. counterpunch.org Forty-five years after Congress passed the War Powers Act in the wake of the Vietnam War, it has finally used it for the first time, to try to end the U.S.-Saudi war on the people of Yemen and to recover its constitutional authority over questions of war and peace. This hasn't stopped the war yet, More

STAFF (2019-03-29). Russia Defies US Threats Over Venezuela. therealnews.com Trump insists Russia 'get out' of Venezuela; Vijay Prashad says Russia is protecting its own economic interests, billions in outstanding loans…

Norman Solomon (2019-03-29). Pelosi and McConnell: Cranking Up Bipartisan Madness for NATO. counterpunch.org When Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell teamed up to invite NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to address a joint session of Congress, they had every reason to expect the April 3 speech to be a big hit with U.S. media and political elites. The establishment is eager to affirm the sanctity of support for the More

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-29). Palestinians Commemorate Land Day 2019. Gazans Protest against Israeli Aggression and Suffocating Blockade. globalresearch.ca Since last weekend, Israeli warplanes preemptively terror-bombed Gaza and Aleppo's Sheikh Najar region overnight, causing material damage, according to Syria's Defense Ministry. | For Netanyahu, it's all about wanting his resume as a warrior burnished ahead of upcoming April 9 elections …

Canadian Boat to Gaza (2019-03-29). Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Great Return March. globalresearch.ca On the first anniversary of the beginning of the #GreatReturnMarch protests by Palestinians in Gaza to mark #LandDay on March 30, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition stands in solidarity with our Palestinian friends who are demanding full freedom of movement, including …

Nick Rehwaldt (2019-03-29). Redacted Tonight Highlights New Laws That Target Pipeline Protesters with $Millon Fines, 10 Years in Jail. mintpressnews.com Big Oil, working through ALEC in at least eight states, decided to up the ante in an attempt to ensure that no other massive petroleum or natural gas project ever gets canceled because of protesters risking life, limb, and lengthy prison time and fines.

Susie Day (2019-03-29). Gaza, Stonewall: Izzy Mustafa on Why People Rise Up. counterpunch.org Every Friday since March 30, 2018, in what's known as the Great March of Return, Palestinians in Gaza come to the Israeli border fence to protest nearly twelve years of a blockade that has made Gaza into what's often called the world's largest open-air prison. They also come to invoke UN Resolution 194, their right More

Democracy Now! (2019-03-29). Headlines for March 29, 2019. democracynow.org NY Sues Sackler Family, Purdue & Other Drug Cos. for Profiting from Opioid Crisis, Dems Press AG William Barr on 300+-Page Mueller Report, HUD Sues Facebook over Discriminatory Housing Ads, Puerto Rico Gov. Rosselló to Trump: "I'll Punch the Bully in the Mouth", Philippines: Rappler Founder Maria Ressa Arrested for 2nd Time, Venezuela: Gov't Bans Opposition Head Guaidó from Running for Office, Saudi Authorities Temporarily Release 3 Women Activists, Somalia: At Least 15 People Killed in al-Shabab Attack, Egyptian Activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah Freed After 5 Years in Prison, U.K.: Lawmakers to Vote on Key Text Two We…

2019-03-30: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Palestinians Mark 1st Anniversary of Great March of Return
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-30
One death has been reported so far as thousands of Palestinians rallied at the Gaza-Israel border Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of a surge of protests, facing off against Israeli forces massed across the frontier. | Israeli Troops fired tear gas across the border and the Israeli military said some of the estimated 20,000 demonstrators threw rocks, grenades and burning tires towards them. | Palestinian activists clad in bright orange vests tried to keep people back, though some made it to the fence. Gaza medics said one Palestinian man was killed by Israeli fire before dawn on Saturday near the border…

Why Canada Should Get Out of NATO
Canadian Peace Congress | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Concerns are growing across this country about the disturbing tilt in Canadian foreign policy toward increasing militarization and aggression — about our participation in foreign wars and US-led 'regime change' operations abroad, and about burgeoning defence budgets and rearmament programs, …

Venezuelans Marches in Defense of Freedom and Peace
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-30
Venezuela was holding a large mobilization Saturday, called "The Popular Operation in Defense of Freedom" in rejection of the neoliberal attacks led by the United States against the country and its elected government which have deepened in recent weeks. | One of the meeting points of the march will be in the capital's San Bernardino sector, which also includes an act in solidarity with the workers of the National Electric Corporation (Corpoelec), the government body in charge of the restoration the electric service after repeated blackouts this month, which the government has said were sabotage acts by right-w…

Matt Taibbi and Aaron Maté on How Russiagate Helped Trump
Katie Halper | commondreams.org | 2019-03-30
MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow chases the "Russiagate" story in a Jan. 2019 broadcast.(Photo: YouTube) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/maddow_0.jpg

Silencing the Whistle: The Intercept Shutters Snowden Archive, Citing Cost
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-30
The closing of The Intercept's Snowden archive will likely mean the end of any future publications, unless Glenn Greenwald's rather absurd promise of finding "the right partner … that has the funds to robustly publish" is fulfilled.

Juan Guaidó Confesses Being Behind the Sabotage of Venezuela's Electric System
Gustavo Villapol | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
"A confession from [America's] puppet pointing to evidence," said journalist Gustavo Villapol Wednesday, noting that the deputy of the National Assembly in contempt Juan Guaidó confessed to be behind the attacks perpetrated against …

NATO's Unrelenting Expansion Could Trigger a Major Nuclear War
Shane Quinn | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Less than two years ago Montenegro became the 29th state to join NATO, an American-led military alliance that has become a far-reaching intervention force since the USSR's demise. The accession of mighty Montenegro to NATO must have set hearts fluttering …

Video: Houthis Kill or Injure 250 Saudi-backed Fighters, Capture 100 Positions in Large-scale Attack in Dhale
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
The Houthis captured 100 positions in the central Yemeni province of Dhale from the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies during a recent large-scale operation, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman of the pro-Houthis wing of the Yemeni Armed Forces, …

Neoliberals and Neocons Declare "All Options on the Table" in Venezuela
Kurt Nimmo | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Even though we now know there is zero evidence Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, neocon talking heads are still babbling about the discredited conspiracy theory and working it into facile monologues. | For instance, Samatha Vinograd, a "national security" analyst …

Syria: Is US Fighting ISIS or Liquidating Assets?
Tony Cartalucci | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
That the "final stronghold" of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) resides in US occupied territory in Syria says it all. | From US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memos dating back to 2012 noting efforts to create a "Salafist" [Islamic] "principality" [State] …

China-Italy Cooperation and the "Devil's Alternative"
Francesco Maringià≤ | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
The complex Sino-American trade negotiation is going through a period that is not turbulent but is nevertheless marked by objective difficulties: too much distance separates the American warnings from the concessions that China is willing to make without penalizing its …

'We Are Running Concentration Camps': Images from El Paso Stir Outrage over Migrant Treatment
Eoin Higgins | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Hundreds of migrants are being held by border agents in a fenced in encampment under a bridge in El Paso, leading to anger and accusations that the American government is holding people in "concentration camps." | Images posted online by reporters …

The BRICS New Development Bank: Corruption-riddled Development Finance
Prof. Patrick Bond | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
The BRICS New Development Bank is having its Annual General Meeting on 1-2 April, here in South Africa. There's information about the meeting here, including public sessions. Critics meet to discuss the Bank on 31 March — 3 …

US Threatens Turkey over Russian S-400 Air Defence Purchase
Jordan Shilton | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Turkish-US relations have deteriorated in recent weeks, with Washington threatening reprisals if Ankara goes ahead with the purchase of the Russian-made S-400 air defence system. | Relations between the two countries have been in a downward spiral for some time–especially since …

Angles of Tolerance: Yusuf Islam in Christchurch
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-30
Let's not be too churlish about this; but then again, let us not be ignorant. The singer once known as Cat Stevens (in pre-conversion state), and known as Yusuf Islam to others, made a considerable impression on the stage in …

Redacted Mueller Report Expected to Be Released by Mid-April
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-30
WASHINGTON — A redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on the Russia investigation will be sent to Congress by mid-April and will not be shared with the White House beforehand, Attorney General William Barr said Friday. | Barr's timeline, included in a letter to the chairmen of the House and Senate judiciary committees, sets up a possible showdown with House Democrats, who are insisting they see the full report next week. | In his letter, Barr said he shares a desire for Congress and the public to be able to read Mueller's findings, which are included in the nearly 400-page report the sp…

Matt Taibbi and Aaron Maté on How Russiagate Helped Trump
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-30
The claim that President Trump engaged in collusion with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election was so pervasive and unquestioned that only a handful of journalists demonstrated the healthy skepticism required by their profession. Last week, special counsel Robert Mueller delivered his report on the Trump-Russia investigation to the Justice Department, which then released a four-page summary written by Attorney General William Barr. While the full report is over 300 pages, and Mueller punted on the question of obstruction, he found no evidence of collusion. Despite this, the "Russiagate" truthers, if you wi…

The Right to Vote Should be Guaranteed by the Constitution
John Nichols | thenation.com | 2019-03-30
The Right to Vote Should be Guaranteed by the Constitution…

Germany Extends Saudi Arms Export Ban, France And Britain Upset
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-30
The Germany government announced the extension of an existing ban on arms export to Saudi Arabia Thursday to further fuel recent tumultuous relations with fellow European countries. | RELATED: | UK Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia 'Unlawful': Parliamentary Report | "The order to halt authorized weapons exports to Saudi Arabia is extended by six months from Mar 31 to Sep 30, 2019," government spokesperson Steffen Seibert said, in a statement, regarding the additional six-month embargo pl…

Brazil's Judge Bars Bolsonaro's Coup Celebration
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-30
A Brazilian judge barred President Jair Bolsonaro's government Friday from commemorating the 55th anniversary of the coup that established the military dictatorship March 31. | RELATED: | Brazil's Haddad, Military Denounce Bolsonaro Coup Celebrations | Judge Ivani Silva da Luz said the planned celebration of the country's 1964 coup Sunday was not "compatible w…

Vietnam to Venezuela: US Interventionism and the Failure of the Left
Adolph Reed Jr. | commondreams.org | 2019-03-30
A boy runs past anti-American graffiti reading 'Si' signifying support for a referendum on changes to the Constitution introduced by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on December 1, 2007 in Caracas, Venezuela. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/from_vietnam_to_venezuela.jpg

Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos'
John McEvoy | thecanary.co | 2019-03-30
The Canary is currently in Venezuela. This is the latest in our series of on-the-ground articles. Most journalists who come to Caracas stay in the affluent … | Read more Two weeks inside one of Venezuela's notorious 'colectivos' | By John McEvoy…

The Ongoing Battle for Palestinian Justice Spans the Globe and Plays Out on Many Fronts
Miko Peled | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-30
AIPAC, despite continuing to spend lavishly, has lost much of its charm and, in an unprecedented move, none of the candidates running to become the Democratic Party nominee for president attended this year's AIPAC conference in Washington.

Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev resigns amid mounting political crisis
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-30
The crisis in Kazakhstan is a result of the resurgence of working-class struggles and the escalating war drive by US imperialism against Russia and China.

Concerning Humanity's Future: Interview with Nick Humphrey, Climatologist and Geoscientist
Michael L Longenecker | indybay.org | 2019-03-30
I first discovered the writings of Meteorologist/geoscientist Nick Humphrey with his brutally honest essay The Conversation No One Knows How To Have and since then have followed his posts and comments. He has been featured or quoted in a number of publications such as Mother Jones, New York Times, Washington Post, and Science Alert. Few scientists will publicly tell you how dire things are, but Nick Humphrey is not one to shy away from the truth. What follows is a Q&A interview I held with him on a variety of questions concerning humanity's future.

Trump administration sues State Water Board over 'failure' to comply with CEQA
Dan Bacher | indybay.org | 2019-03-30
"The Trump administration is suing California for trying to restore water flows for salmon in the Bay Delta and San Joaquin under California's law," said Regina Chichizola of Save California's Salmon in a Facebook post. "This is a direct threat to state's rights and threatens similar processes in the Sacramento, Shasta, Eel and Russian Rivers."

The Green New Deal: A Step Towards Ecological Socialism?
Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party | indybay.org | 2019-03-30
Starry Plough Pub, 3101 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA…

Downtown Church Blocks Front Door During Weekly Homeless Giving Event
Santa Cruz News | indybay.org | 2019-03-30
On Wednesday, the front door of the Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church of Santa Cruz was blocked off during their weekly coffee giveaway for the homeless, according to one churchgoer. The measure was taken after Rev. Fr. Milutin Janjic told parishioners that a man came to the church with a larger pet rat on his shoulder, and was kissing it. "I know father went through the Bosnian War. He isn't easily rattled," Prophet Elias parishioner Anne Solso said in a statement on Facebook. Despite the father's bravery during the war, the church's entrance was blocked.

"Andy Warhol–From A to B and Back Again": The artist who wasn't there
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-30
A recent retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art provided an occasion to re-examine Warhol's work and evaluate what it means for American and global art.

Progressive Surge Propels Turning Point in US Policy on Yemen
Danny Postel | zcomm.org | 2019-03-30
The House resolution was the first time Congress flexed its War Powers muscle in the 45 years since that resolution's passage…

As Washington hails victory over ISIS, media ignores massive human toll
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-30
The Pentagon's admission of 1,250 civilians killed in four years of bombardment of Iraq and Syria is a vast underestimate of the real death toll.

"No deal" Brexit threatened after May's EU withdrawal agreement rejected for third time
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-30
Labour's nominally "left" leader Jeremy Corbyn is working to ensure that the gravest peacetime crisis in the history of British imperialism is resolved through the worm-eaten parliamentary system, with the working class left as spectators.

Remembrance service held for New Zealand terror attack victims
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-30
The event was used by the NZ and Australian governments to appeal for unity, demand censorship of social media and cover up their role in creating the conditions for the fascist attack.

Sunday Forum: Mueller, Trump and the struggle against a fascist regime
Unitarian Universalist Forum Committee | indybay.org | 2019-03-30
Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary | San Francisco, Ca.

Miami-Dade mayor gives Guaido's wife 'key to the county' as US fawns over rebel 'first lady'
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-30
Fabiana Rosales, the wife of Venezuela's US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido, was given the royal treatment by officials in Miami-Dade, who gave the self-proclaimed 'first lady' the key to the county. | …

Caracas Mayoress Reiterates Call for Popular Demonstration
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-30
30 de marzo de 2019, 12: 12Caracas, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) The mayoress of Caracas, Erika Farias, reiterated today her call for people to mobilize on Saturday against terrorism and the destabilizing actions of the Venezuelan opposition.

Venezuela: Why the US coup is failing
Federico Fuentes | zcomm.org | 2019-03-30
For many, it is impossible to understand how, despite presiding over the country's worst economic crisis and facing such intense international and domestic opposition, Maduro remains in the presidential palace. The answer lies in the enduring strength of Chavismo, a political movement of the working classes that, despite predating former president Hugo Chávez, continues to Read…

Protests against Sudan's al-Bashir regime enter fourth month
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-30
The protests take place amid the most sustained challenge to al-Bashir's rule since he seized power in a 1989 coup.

Dem 2020 favorite Biden rebuffs 'awkward kiss' allegations
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-30
A favorite for the 2020 race among Democratic Party voters, former Vice President Joe Biden, shrugged off accusations of "inappropriate" behavior leveled at him by fellow Democrat Lucy Flores. | …

Lost in translation: CIA ad seeking Russian speakers mocked for broken grammar
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-30
An apparent CIA poster appealing to Russian speakers to join US intelligence has been derided for failing to reconcile Russian and English grammar and mismatching fonts.

How the media let malicious idiots take over
George Monbiot | zcomm.org | 2019-03-30
Be it Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage, blusterers and braggarts are rewarded with platforms that distort our political debate…

Death Toll reaches 217 in Dam Tragedy in Brazil
plenglish | plenglish.com | 2019-03-30
30 de marzo de 2019, 12: 15Brasilia, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) To 217 rose on Saturday the death toll from the collapse of a dam on January 25 in the Brazilian municipality of Brumadinho, state of Minas Gerais (northeast), according to a latest report by the Legal Medical Institute.

War, Peace and Presidential Candidates
Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-29
Forty-five years after Congress passed the War Powers Act in the wake of the Vietnam War, it has finally used it for the first time, to try to end the U.S.-Saudi war on the people of Yemen and to recover its constitutional authority over questions of war and peace. This hasn't stopped the war yet,…

Russia Defies US Threats Over Venezuela
STAFF | therealnews.com | 2019-03-29
Trump insists Russia 'get out' of Venezuela; Vijay Prashad says Russia is protecting its own economic interests, billions in outstanding loans…

Pelosi and McConnell: Cranking Up Bipartisan Madness for NATO
Norman Solomon | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-29
When Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell teamed up to invite NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to address a joint session of Congress, they had every reason to expect the April 3 speech to be a big hit with U.S. media and political elites. The establishment is eager to affirm the sanctity of support for the…

Palestinians Commemorate Land Day 2019. Gazans Protest against Israeli Aggression and Suffocating Blockade
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-29
Since last weekend, Israeli warplanes preemptively terror-bombed Gaza and Aleppo's Sheikh Najar region overnight, causing material damage, according to Syria's Defense Ministry. | For Netanyahu, it's all about wanting his resume as a warrior burnished ahead of upcoming April 9 elections …

Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Great Return March
Canadian Boat to Gaza | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-29
On the first anniversary of the beginning of the #GreatReturnMarch protests by Palestinians in Gaza to mark #LandDay on March 30, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition stands in solidarity with our Palestinian friends who are demanding full freedom of movement, including …

Redacted Tonight Highlights New Laws That Target Pipeline Protesters with $Millon Fines, 10 Years in Jail
Nick Rehwaldt | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-29
Big Oil, working through ALEC in at least eight states, decided to up the ante in an attempt to ensure that no other massive petroleum or natural gas project ever gets canceled because of protesters risking life, limb, and lengthy prison time and fines.

Gaza, Stonewall: Izzy Mustafa on Why People Rise Up
Susie Day | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-29
Every Friday since March 30, 2018, in what's known as the Great March of Return, Palestinians in Gaza come to the Israeli border fence to protest nearly twelve years of a blockade that has made Gaza into what's often called the world's largest open-air prison. They also come to invoke UN Resolution 194, their right…

Kamala Harris Calls for Teacher Raises–An Anomaly in Presidential Politics
STAFF | therealnews.com | 2019-03-29
Democratic frontrunner calls for $315 billion investment–education activists, such as Lois Weiner, say it's still not enough…