Daily Archives: March 26, 2019

2019-03-26: News Headlines

United Nations (2019-03-26). Brazilian officer a 'stellar example' of why more women are needed in UN peacekeeping. un.org Training gender advisors and focal points in the Central African Republic (CAR) has earned a Brazilian United Nations peacekeeper a special gender advocate award, it was announced on Tuesday.

United Nations (2019-03-26). 'Negative forces' at work in DR Congo threaten 'largely peaceful' relations across Great Lakes region, says outgoing UN envoy. un.org The UN's outgoing Special Envoy for Africa's Great Lakes region on Tuesday said countries there had made "important steps towards durable peace and stability" in the last 20 years, resulting in a region that is now "largely peaceful".

Fight Back (2019-03-26). Protest demands justice for the wrongfully convicted. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – A crowd of 20 rallied outside the office of 30th Ward Alderman Ariel Reboyras on March 20 to condemn his record of covering for police crimes and preventing justice for those victimized by police violence. | Protesters included residents of the 30th Ward, members of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Chicago Boricua Resistance (CBR), and Innocent Demand Justice. Addressing the crowd, Jazmine Salas, co-chair of the Chicago Alliance, said "Reboyras has done nothing for the survivors of Guevara's crimes and instead made sure to protect dirty cops. He has turned his back on Bl…

Steve Striffler (2019-03-26). Venezuela, US Solidarity, and the Future of Socialism. commondreams.org Protestors rally in support of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro outside the Venezuelan Consulate in Midtown Manhattan, January 24, 2019 in New York City. The Trump administration, along with several other governments in the region, had just recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as "Interim President" of the Latin American nation. (Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/venezuela_solidarity_socialism.jpg

teleSUR (2019-03-26). Brazilian Government Threatens to End Indigenous Health System. telesurenglish.net As a response to the Brazilian government's proposal to municipalize Indigenous health, hundreds of protestors took the streets Monday and Tuesday to defend the current Subsystem under the Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health (Sesai). | RELATED: | Brazil: President Bolsonaro Deepens Anti-Indigenous Policies | On Tuesday morning, Indigenous people occupied the building of the Ministry of Health in Curitiba, joining other protests in Bahia, Porto Velho, Brasilia, and all over…

STAFF (2019-03-26). Democrats' Russia Obsession Let Trump Abandon Nuclear Treaties—Wilkerson and Jay. therealnews.com While there's ample evidence to indict Trump for obstruction and Democrats naively trusted Mueller, more crucial issue is the missed opportunity to negotiate stronger nuclear weapons treaties—Larry Wilkerson joins Paul Jay…

STAFF (2019-03-26). Democrats' Russophobia Hid Trump's Real Crimes. therealnews.com Gerald Horne and Jeff Cohen join host Paul Jay to unpack the Democrat and corporate media obsession with Russiagate, the foreign policy implications, and how it let Trump off the hook on major policy issues…

STAFF (2019-03-26). Democrats' Russiagate Fixation Has Obscured Trump's True Crimes. truthdig.com What follows is a conversation between author Gerald Horne, Truthdig contributor Jeff Cohen and Paul Jay of the Real News Network. Read a transcript of their conversation below or watch the video at the bottom of…

Patrick Cockburn (2019-03-26). How ISIS's Brutal Project in the Middle East was Finally Overthrown. counterpunch.org Up to its dying days the self-declared Islamic State has retained the ability to top the news agenda, even as its fighters were losing their last battle for bomb-shattered villages in the deserts of eastern Syria. When their spokesman promised retaliation for the massacre of Muslims in the Christchurch mosques his threat was taken seriously. More

Robert Fisk (2019-03-26). Ardern's Response to Christchurch has Put Other Leaders to Shame, But Not for Its Compassion Alone. counterpunch.org Cometh the hour, cometh the woman. Jacinda Ardern won her spurs last week with her response to the Christchurch atrocity. But the world's praise for her eloquence and compassion missed the point. Ardern was different. She fought from the start like a real politician, scorning the killer, attacking racism and slapping back at Turkish president Erdogan's revolting election propaganda More

Jonathan Cook (2019-03-26). Lessons for the Progressive Left From the 'Failed' Mueller Inquiry. mintpressnews.com In the combined success-failure of the Mueller inquiry, the progressive left has an opportunity to understand in a much more sophisticated way how real power works and in whose favor it is exercised.

People's World Editorial Board (2019-03-26). Editorial: Stop waiting for Mueller's report to save us. peoplesworld.org Wait for the Mueller report, many said, it will reveal everything. The Republicans conspired with the Russians. The election was hacked. Trump will be toast. Well, we waited. And now the report is in…sort of. It's in the hands of Attorney General William Barr, who so far has not seen fit to share its contents …

Joshua Frank (2019-03-26). To Celebrate or to Not? The Mueller Question. counterpunch.org Finally, it's over. Well, sort of, anyway. Late Sunday afternoon, Attorney General Bill Barr released his much-anticipated summary of Bob Mueller's Russia investigation. The big news, of course, was that nobody in Trump's orbit "knowingly" coordinated with Russian efforts to disrupt the 2016 election. Trump won't be charged with obstruction of justice and not a single American was indicted for conspiracy. More

Deirdre Griswold (2019-03-26). Between the lines of the Mueller Report. workers.org The relationship between the law and politics is once again the subject of oceans of ink — and their electronic equivalents in this digital age — as the Mueller Report is being analyzed, down to the last comma, by people who have not read it and are not allowed to . . . | Continue reading Between the lines of the Mueller Report at Workers.org

Jenna Orkin (2019-03-26). Quentin Crisp's Posthumous Book, the Sequel. counterpunch.org Those of us lucky enough, by which I suppose I mean old enough, to have known Quentin Crisp's work while he was alive, are probably aware of the third volume of his autobiography, The Last Word, published posthumously in 2017, on the 18th anniversary of his death. That wonderful book, simpler and more direct than had been his custom, introduced More

William Camacaro (2019-03-26). Urgent call to celebrate May Day in solidarity with Venezuela. mronline.org Come see the real "threat" posed by Venezuela—as living proof that another world indeed is possible. | Source

William deBuys (2019-03-26). 12 Ways to Make Sense of the Border Mess. counterpunch.org Borders are cruel. I know this because I've been studying the U.S.-Mexico border for more than 40 years. It features prominently in two of my books, written in different decades. It keeps pulling me back. Every time I cross that border, I say to myself that this is no big deal — I'm used to it. And every More

Chelli Stanley (2019-03-26). Detectives on Smollett Case Have Troubling Backgrounds. counterpunch.org The Chicago Police department calls a survivor of violence a 'liar' and the world agrees? Nah. Whether we look at it logically, legally, or historically, there's much more to the story than that. I had never heard of Jussie Smollett before the attack and media coverage. I don't watch TV and had never watched Empire, but something seemed off More

George Ochenski (2019-03-26). The Fox in the Henhouse: Bernhardt at Interior. counterpunch.org Everyone has heard the old saying about "the fox guarding the hen house" — which generally means you wind up with a fat fox and dead chickens. That's something Montana's senators should keep in mind when the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee weighs Donald Trump's nomination of former oil, gas and mining lobbyist David Bernhardt to be the next Secretary of the Interior following the December resignation of ethics-plagued Ryan Zinke. And yes, that means Republican Sen. Steve Daines is going to have to decide if putting Trump's raper-scraper in charge of 245 million acres of America's public lands…

Teresa Gutierrez (2019-03-26). Never forget the 2018 Austin bombings. workers.org One year ago, from March 2 through 21, this city was gripped by acts of terror when Mark Anthony Conditt, who is white, left cardboard packages armed to explode in homes and yards. At the end of it all, two people were killed and five injured. Although corporate media and . . . | Continue reading Never forget the 2018 Austin bombings at Workers.org

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-26). War or Uneasy Truce in Gaza? Renewed Bombing ordered by Netanyahu. globalresearch.ca Aiming to show toughness against defenseless Gazans ahead of the April 9 elections, Netanyahu ordered the Strip terror-bombed on Monday — affirming his ruthlessness once again, after countless previous times. | For hours during day and nighttime hours on Monday, IDF …

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-26). Third Trump Regime Sabotage of Venezuela's Electrical Grid Foiled. globalresearch.ca Unbowed after over two months of failed efforts to topple Maduro, failure to win over its military or gain popular support, its paramilitary attack scheme and other tactics foiled so far — the Trump regime cyberattacked Venezuela's electrical power grid …

Israel Shahak (2019-03-26). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. globalresearch.ca When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2019-03-26). Historically Huge Anti-Saudi Rallies Across Yemen on War's Fourth Anniversary. mintpressnews.com Unprecedented numbers of Yemenis took part in the anti-Saudi demonstrations on the fourth anniversary of the war in Yemen this year, indicating a growing opposition to the Saudi-led presence in their country.

Kei Pritsker (2019-03-26). Watch | US Foists "Humanitarian Aid" on Venezuela, Helps Create a Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. mintpressnews.com (Transcript) —This video was produced as part of a MintPress News and Grayzone collaboration — There's been nonstop talk about the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. | In case you haven't heard, U.S. politicians are really concerned for the Venezuelan people's well-being — screaming their all-too-familiar code words that justify U.S. intervention, like "a humanitarian crisis … socialist dictator starving his own people." | Fine. | But if the United States really wants to save people from a dire humanitarian crisis, why aren't we…

Massoud Nayeri (2019-03-26). Don't Trust a Hand that Feeds the "Fascist Beast". People Around the World Are Rising Up against Their Government. globalresearch.ca The "Mueller Report" is out and as it was expected, it was disastrous news to the Democrats and pushed the fascistic minded President a little closer to his dream of creating a police state in the U.S. In this regard, …

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II (2019-03-26). The Mueller Report Was Never Going to Save Us. We Must Fight Collusion Ourselves. commondreams.org Special counsel Robert Mueller (C) leaves after a closed meeting with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee June 21, 2017 at the Capitol in Washington, DC. The committee meets with Mueller to discuss the firing of former FBI Director James Comey. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/mueller_wont_save_us.jpg

STAFF (2019-03-26). Mueller Didn't Exonerate Trump of Obstruction of Justice. truthout.org The Mueller report is finally done. On March 23, Special Counsel Robert Mueller sent the confidential report of his 22-month investigation to Attorney General William Barr. Less than 48 hours later, Barr released a four-page letter outlining Mueller's conclusions and jumping to one as well. | In response to Barr's letter, Donald Trump claimed, "There was no obstruction, none whatsoever, and it was a complete and total exoneration." But Mueller did not exonerate Trump of obstruction…

Consortiumnews (2019-03-26). Three Lessons From 'Failed' Mueller Inquiry. consortiumnews.com Jonathan Cook analyzes what progressives can glean from a major squabble between different wings of the same neoliberal establishment. By JonathanCook Jonathan-Cook.net Here are three important lessons for the progressive left to consider now that it is clear the inquiry… Read more →

Global Research News (2019-03-26). Selected Articles: RussiaGate and the Mueller Report. globalresearch.ca Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed "volunteers" among our more than 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). | Do not send us money. Under Plan A

Ruth Conniff (2019-03-26). Mueller Report Does Not Disprove that Trump Is a Crook. progressive.org The truth is less dramatic, but more sordid.

John Nichols (2019-03-26). The President Has Not Been Exonerated. thenation.com The President Has Not Been Exonerated…

Jonathan Cook (2019-03-26). Three Lessons for the Progressive Left from the Mueller Inquiry. globalresearch.ca Here are three important lessons for the progressive left to consider now that it is clear the inquiry by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russiagate is never going to uncover collusion between Donald Trump's camp and the Kremlin in …

Robert Reich (2019-03-26). Robert Reich: The Real Trump Scandal Was Never Collusion. truthdig.com We may never know for sure whether Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to obtain Russia's help in the 2016 election, in return for, say, Trump's help in weakening NATO and not interfering against Russian aggression in Ukraine. | Trump and his propaganda machine at Fox News have repeatedly conjured up a "witch hunt" and maintained a drumbeat of "no collusion," which already has mired Robert Mueller's report in a fog of alt-interpretation and epistemological confusion. | What's "collusion?" What's illegal? Has Trump obstructed justice? Has he been vindicated? What did Mueller conclude, exactly? What did he me…

STAFF (2019-03-26). Don't Believe Trump or Barr. The Investigations Are Just Beginning. truthout.org Well, that didn't take long. | The ink wasn't dry on Attorney General William Barr's laughably porous "summary" of the Mueller report before Donald Trump and his allies declared war on all who have displeased them. This included a demand from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) that Bill Clinton be investigated for his 2016 airport tarmac meeting with then-Attorney General Lore…

Democracy Now! (2019-03-26). Headlines for March 26, 2019. democracynow.org Israel Continues Airstrikes in Gaza Amid Fragile Truce, U.S. Officially Recognizes Golan Heights as Israeli Territory, Trump Suggests Probes into "Traitors" in Wake of Mueller Report, Pentagon Authorizes Diversion of $1 Billion to Build Border Wall, Father of 6-Year-Old Sandy Hook Victim Dies by Suicide, Parkland Survivors Urge Senators to Pass Background Check Act, DOJ Backs Full Repeal of Affordable Care Act, Mexico: Radio Reporter Killed Amid Spate of Journalist Murders, Venezuela: New Power Outage Hits Residents Amid Political Turmoil, Suspects in College Admissions Scam Plead Not Guilty, Green New Deal Goes…

Judicial Watch (2019-03-26). Judicial Watch Statement on Mueller Report. globalresearch.ca Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to the Mueller special counsel report summary made public by Attorney General Barr today: | The long, national nightmare is over and President Trump has been vindicated. The corruptly-created and …

teleSUR (2019-03-26). UNICEF: Yemen is Today's Worst Humanitarian Crisis in World. telesurenglish.net At the four year anniversary of the Saudi war on Yemen as many as 56,000 Yemeni, mainly civilians, have been killed in the conflict fueled by arms from the United Kingdom, United States and France. | RELATED: | US and UK Weapons Caused Nearly 1,000 Civilian Casualties in Yemen: Report | The United Nations has categorized the situation in Yemen as the world's current worst humanitarian crisis. | In what factions thought would be a six month conflict has instead dragg…

Fréa Lockley (2019-03-26). Four years on, UK arms sales are still propping up the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen. thecanary.co 26 March marks "four years since Saudi-led forces began bombing Yemen". Despite tens of thousands of deaths from bombs and thousands more from what … | Read more Four years on, UK arms sales are still propping up the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen | By Fréa Lockley

Consortiumnews (2019-03-26). Anti-Semitism and Double Standards. consortiumnews.com Criticizing Israel is considered bad form, writes Daniel Lazare, but keeping mum about Saudi crimes is fine as long as the donations continue to flow. By Daniel Lazare Special to Consortium News In a week when the GOP flaunted its… Read more →

STAFF (2019-03-26). John Bolton and Mike Pompeo Defy the International Criminal Court. truthout.org Events just fly by in the ever-accelerating rush of Trump Time, so it's easy enough to miss important ones in the chaos. Paul Manafort is sentenced twice and indicted a third time! Whoosh! Gone! The Senate agrees with the House that the United States should stop supporti…

Asharq Al-Awsat (2019-03-26). War Crimes: 10 Children Killed by US Airstrike in Afghanistan. UN. globalresearch.ca Ten children, part of the same extended family, were killed by a US airstrike in Afghanistan, along with three adult civilians, the United Nations said on Monday. | The airstrike early on Saturday was part of a battle between the Taliban …

Katrina vanden Heuvel (2019-03-26). It Is Long Past Time for a National Reckoning With the Catastrophic Costs of Endless War. thenation.com It Is Long Past Time for a National Reckoning With the Catastrophic Costs of Endless War…

Bill Van Auken (2019-03-26). Trump Recognizes Israeli Annexation of Golan Heights: Green Light for Global War. globalresearch.ca The hastily completed White House ceremony in which President Donald Trump signed a decree granting official US recognition to Israel's illegal annexation of Syria's Golan Heights is an act which, on its surface, appears to change few facts on the …

James C. Kennedy (2019-03-26). The Poisonous History of Neo-Classical Economics. counterpunch.org "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." — Edward Bernays The U.S. and other western nations are blindly marching themselves More

teleSUR (2019-03-26). #MeToo Movement Spreads to Mexico's Various Industries. telesurenglish.net In Mexico, in a wave of #metoo, women are coming forward with their experiences of sexual harassment while exposing the perpetrators in several industries across the country. | RELATED: | #MeToo Graffiti Spray-painted on Famous WWII 'Kiss' Statue | The movement started Thursday when a political commentator, Ana Ge tweeted, "a powerful man within the literature ci…

United Nations (2019-03-26). 'Revved up climate action' needed to counter 'prolonged' and deadly storms like Cyclone Idai: Guterres. un.org Cyclone Idai and the mounting death toll is "yet another alarm bell about the dangers of climate change" UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday, warning that vulnerable countries like Mozambique, would be hit the hardest unless urgent action is taken by nations across the world.

Julian Rose (2019-03-26). The World Crisis: Can Chickens Swim? globalresearch.ca Need I say it, extraordinary things are going on all over this World, and it turns out that having to resort to a survival formula in order to cope with them, is not necessarily the best way forward. In fact, …

Press TV (2019-03-26). UK's Secret War: British Elite Commandos Wounded in Yemen. globalresearch.ca A number of elite British commandos have sustained injuries in direct gunfights with Yemeni forces as part of what appears to be a secretive UK military campaign in Yemen, a new report says, adding a major twist to London's involvement …

Global Research (2019-03-26). Become a Member of Global Research — Receive Free Books! globalresearch.ca At Global Research, our mandate is to increase awareness on the broadest possible level while maintaining full independence in our reports and analyses. Our commitment is to make our articles and videos available to the broadest possible readership, on a …

2019-03-26: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Brazilian officer a 'stellar example' of why more women are needed in UN peacekeeping
United Nations | un.org | 2019-03-26
Training gender advisors and focal points in the Central African Republic (CAR) has earned a Brazilian United Nations peacekeeper a special gender advocate award, it was announced on Tuesday.

'Negative forces' at work in DR Congo threaten 'largely peaceful' relations across Great Lakes region, says outgoing UN envoy
United Nations | un.org | 2019-03-26
The UN's outgoing Special Envoy for Africa's Great Lakes region on Tuesday said countries there had made "important steps towards durable peace and stability" in the last 20 years, resulting in a region that is now "largely peaceful".

Protest demands justice for the wrongfully convicted
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2019-03-26
Chicago, IL – A crowd of 20 rallied outside the office of 30th Ward Alderman Ariel Reboyras on March 20 to condemn his record of covering for police crimes and preventing justice for those victimized by police violence. | Protesters included residents of the 30th Ward, members of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Chicago Boricua Resistance (CBR), and Innocent Demand Justice. Addressing the crowd, Jazmine Salas, co-chair of the Chicago Alliance, said "Reboyras has done nothing for the survivors of Guevara's crimes and instead made sure to protect dirty cops. He has turned his back on Bl…

Venezuela, US Solidarity, and the Future of Socialism
Steve Striffler | commondreams.org | 2019-03-26
Protestors rally in support of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro outside the Venezuelan Consulate in Midtown Manhattan, January 24, 2019 in New York City. The Trump administration, along with several other governments in the region, had just recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as "Interim President" of the Latin American nation. (Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/venezuela_solidarity_socialism.jpg

Brazilian Government Threatens to End Indigenous Health System
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-26
As a response to the Brazilian government's proposal to municipalize Indigenous health, hundreds of protestors took the streets Monday and Tuesday to defend the current Subsystem under the Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health (Sesai). | RELATED: | Brazil: President Bolsonaro Deepens Anti-Indigenous Policies | On Tuesday morning, Indigenous people occupied the building of the Ministry of Health in Curitiba, joining other protests in Bahia, Porto Velho, Brasilia, and all over…

Democrats' Russia Obsession Let Trump Abandon Nuclear Treaties–Wilkerson and Jay
STAFF | therealnews.com | 2019-03-26
While there's ample evidence to indict Trump for obstruction and Democrats naively trusted Mueller, more crucial issue is the missed opportunity to negotiate stronger nuclear weapons treaties–Larry Wilkerson joins Paul Jay…

Democrats' Russophobia Hid Trump's Real Crimes
STAFF | therealnews.com | 2019-03-26
Gerald Horne and Jeff Cohen join host Paul Jay to unpack the Democrat and corporate media obsession with Russiagate, the foreign policy implications, and how it let Trump off the hook on major policy issues…

Democrats' Russiagate Fixation Has Obscured Trump's True Crimes
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-26
What follows is a conversation between author Gerald Horne, Truthdig contributor Jeff Cohen and Paul Jay of the Real News Network. Read a transcript of their conversation below or watch the video at the bottom of…

How ISIS's Brutal Project in the Middle East was Finally Overthrown
Patrick Cockburn | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-26
Up to its dying days the self-declared Islamic State has retained the ability to top the news agenda, even as its fighters were losing their last battle for bomb-shattered villages in the deserts of eastern Syria. When their spokesman promised retaliation for the massacre of Muslims in the Christchurch mosques his threat was taken seriously.

Ardern's Response to Christchurch has Put Other Leaders to Shame, But Not for Its Compassion Alone
Robert Fisk | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-26
Cometh the hour, cometh the woman. Jacinda Ardern won her spurs last week with her response to the Christchurch atrocity. But the world's praise for her eloquence and compassion missed the point. Ardern was different. She fought from the start like a real politician, scorning the killer, attacking racism and slapping back at Turkish president Erdogan's revolting election propaganda…

War or Uneasy Truce in Gaza? Renewed Bombing ordered by Netanyahu
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
Aiming to show toughness against defenseless Gazans ahead of the April 9 elections, Netanyahu ordered the Strip terror-bombed on Monday — affirming his ruthlessness once again, after countless previous times. | For hours during day and nighttime hours on Monday, IDF …

Third Trump Regime Sabotage of Venezuela's Electrical Grid Foiled
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
Unbowed after over two months of failed efforts to topple Maduro, failure to win over its military or gain popular support, its paramilitary attack scheme and other tactics foiled so far — the Trump regime cyberattacked Venezuela's electrical power grid …

"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Israel Shahak | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

Historically Huge Anti-Saudi Rallies Across Yemen on War's Fourth Anniversary
Ahmed Abdulkareem | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-26
Unprecedented numbers of Yemenis took part in the anti-Saudi demonstrations on the fourth anniversary of the war in Yemen this year, indicating a growing opposition to the Saudi-led presence in their country.

Watch | US Foists "Humanitarian Aid" on Venezuela, Helps Create a Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen
Kei Pritsker | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-26
(Transcript) –This video was produced as part of a MintPress News and Grayzone collaboration — There's been nonstop talk about the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. | In case you haven't heard, U.S. politicians are really concerned for the Venezuelan people's well-being — screaming their all-too-familiar code words that justify U.S. intervention, like "a humanitarian crisis … socialist dictator starving his own people." | Fine. | But if the United States really wants to save people from a dire humanitarian crisis, why aren't we…

Lessons for the Progressive Left From the 'Failed' Mueller Inquiry
Jonathan Cook | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-26
In the combined success-failure of the Mueller inquiry, the progressive left has an opportunity to understand in a much more sophisticated way how real power works and in whose favor it is exercised.

The Mueller Report Was Never Going to Save Us. We Must Fight Collusion Ourselves
Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II | commondreams.org | 2019-03-26
Special counsel Robert Mueller (C) leaves after a closed meeting with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee June 21, 2017 at the Capitol in Washington, DC. The committee meets with Mueller to discuss the firing of former FBI Director James Comey. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/mueller_wont_save_us.jpg

Don't Trust a Hand that Feeds the "Fascist Beast". People Around the World Are Rising Up against Their Government
Massoud Nayeri | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
The "Mueller Report" is out and as it was expected, it was disastrous news to the Democrats and pushed the fascistic minded President a little closer to his dream of creating a police state in the U.S. In this regard, …

Between the lines of the Mueller Report
Deirdre Griswold | workers.org | 2019-03-26
The relationship between the law and politics is once again the subject of oceans of ink — and their electronic equivalents in this digital age — as the Mueller Report is being analyzed, down to the last comma, by people who have not read it and are not allowed to . . . | Continue reading Between the lines of the Mueller Report at Workers.org

Editorial: Stop waiting for Mueller's report to save us
People's World Editorial Board | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-26
Wait for the Mueller report, many said, it will reveal everything. The Republicans conspired with the Russians. The election was hacked. Trump will be toast. Well, we waited. And now the report is in…sort of. It's in the hands of Attorney General William Barr, who so far has not seen fit to share its contents …

Mueller Report Does Not Disprove that Trump Is a Crook
Ruth Conniff | progressive.org | 2019-03-26
The truth is less dramatic, but more sordid.

Robert Reich: The Real Trump Scandal Was Never Collusion
Robert Reich | truthdig.com | 2019-03-26
We may never know for sure whether Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to obtain Russia's help in the 2016 election, in return for, say, Trump's help in weakening NATO and not interfering against Russian aggression in Ukraine. | Trump and his propaganda machine at Fox News have repeatedly conjured up a "witch hunt" and maintained a drumbeat of "no collusion," which already has mired Robert Mueller's report in a fog of alt-interpretation and epistemological confusion. | What's "collusion?" What's illegal? Has Trump obstructed justice? Has he been vindicated? What did Mueller conclude, exactly? What did he me…

Mueller Didn't Exonerate Trump of Obstruction of Justice
STAFF | truthout.org | 2019-03-26
The Mueller report is finally done. On March 23, Special Counsel Robert Mueller sent the confidential report of his 22-month investigation to Attorney General William Barr. Less than 48 hours later, Barr released a four-page letter outlining Mueller's conclusions and jumping to one as well. | In response to Barr's letter, Donald Trump claimed, "There was no obstruction, none whatsoever, and it was a complete and total exoneration." But Mueller did not exonerate Trump of obstruction…

Three Lessons From 'Failed' Mueller Inquiry
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-26
Jonathan Cook analyzes what progressives can glean from a major squabble between different wings of the same neoliberal establishment. By JonathanCook Jonathan-Cook.net Here are three important lessons for the progressive left to consider now that it is clear the inquiry… Read more ?…

Judicial Watch Statement on Mueller Report
Judicial Watch | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to the Mueller special counsel report summary made public by Attorney General Barr today: | The long, national nightmare is over and President Trump has been vindicated. The corruptly-created and …

Selected Articles: RussiaGate and the Mueller Report
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
Our objective at Global Research is to recruit one thousand committed "volunteers" among our more than 50,000 Newsletter subscribers to support the distribution of Global Research articles (email lists, social media, crossposts). | Do not send us money. Under Plan A…

Don't Believe Trump or Barr. The Investigations Are Just Beginning
STAFF | truthout.org | 2019-03-26
Well, that didn't take long. | The ink wasn't dry on Attorney General William Barr's laughably porous "summary" of the Mueller report before Donald Trump and his allies declared war on all who have displeased them. This included a demand from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) that Bill Clinton be investigated for his 2016 airport tarmac meeting with then-Attorney General Lore…

The President Has Not Been Exonerated
John Nichols | thenation.com | 2019-03-26
The President Has Not Been Exonerated…

Three Lessons for the Progressive Left from the Mueller Inquiry
Jonathan Cook | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
Here are three important lessons for the progressive left to consider now that it is clear the inquiry by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russiagate is never going to uncover collusion between Donald Trump's camp and the Kremlin in | …

To Celebrate or to Not? The Mueller Question
Joshua Frank | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-26
Finally, it's over. Well, sort of, anyway. Late Sunday afternoon, Attorney General Bill Barr released his much-anticipated summary of Bob Mueller's Russia investigation. The big news, of course, was that nobody in Trump's orbit "knowingly" coordinated with Russian efforts to disrupt the 2016 election. Trump won't be charged with obstruction of justice and not a single American was indicted for conspiracy.

UNICEF: Yemen is Today's Worst Humanitarian Crisis in World
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-26
At the four year anniversary of the Saudi war on Yemen as many as 56,000 Yemeni, mainly civilians, have been killed in the conflict fueled by arms from the United Kingdom, United States and France. | RELATED: | US and UK Weapons Caused Nearly 1,000 Civilian Casualties in Yemen: Report | The United Nations has categorized the situation in Yemen as the world's current worst humanitarian crisis. | In what factions thought would be a six month conflict has instead dragg…

Four years on, UK arms sales are still propping up the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen
Fréa Lockley | thecanary.co | 2019-03-26
26 March marks "four years since Saudi-led forces began bombing Yemen". Despite tens of thousands of deaths from bombs and thousands more from what … | Read more Four years on, UK arms sales are still propping up the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen | By Fréa Lockley…

Anti-Semitism and Double Standards
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-26
Criticizing Israel is considered bad form, writes Daniel Lazare, but keeping mum about Saudi crimes is fine as long as the donations continue to flow. By Daniel Lazare Special to Consortium News In a week when the GOP flaunted its… Read more ?…

War Crimes: 10 Children Killed by US Airstrike in Afghanistan. UN
Asharq Al-Awsat | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
Ten children, part of the same extended family, were killed by a US airstrike in Afghanistan, along with three adult civilians, the United Nations said on Monday. | The airstrike early on Saturday was part of a battle between the Taliban | …

The World Crisis: Can Chickens Swim?
Julian Rose | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
Need I say it, extraordinary things are going on all over this World, and it turns out that having to resort to a survival formula in order to cope with them, is not necessarily the best way forward. In fact, …

Eight Years Ago, March 2011. The Day before Daraa: How the War Broke Out in Syria
Steven Sahiounie | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
This article was originally published on August 2016. | The day before September 11, 2001 was like any normal day in New York City. September 10, 2001 was unaware of the earthshaking events which would happen the next day. | Similarly, one …

Quentin Crisp's Posthumous Book, the Sequel
Jenna Orkin | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-26
Those of us lucky enough, by which I suppose I mean old enough, to have known Quentin Crisp's work while he was alive, are probably aware of the third volume of his autobiography, The Last Word, published posthumously in 2017, on the 18th anniversary of his death. That wonderful book, simpler and more direct than had been his custom, introduced…

Democrats Ignore a Progressive Foreign Policy at Their Peril
Maj. Danny Sjursen | truthdig.com | 2019-03-26
This piece originally appeared on anti-war.com. | The 2020 election will not turn on global issues — and more's the pity. After all, thanks to decades upon decades of accumulating executive power in an increasingly imperial presidency, it is in foreign affairs that the commander-in-chief possesses near dictatorial power. Conversely, in domestic policy, a hostile Congress can…

#MeToo Movement Spreads to Mexico's Various Industries
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-26
In Mexico, in a wave of #metoo, women are coming forward with their experiences of sexual harassment while exposing the perpetrators in several industries across the country. | RELATED: | #MeToo Graffiti Spray-painted on Famous WWII 'Kiss' Statue | The movement started Thursday when a political commentator, Ana Ge tweeted, "a powerful man within the literature ci…

'Revved up climate action' needed to counter 'prolonged' and deadly storms like Cyclone Idai: Guterres
United Nations | un.org | 2019-03-26
Cyclone Idai and the mounting death toll is "yet another alarm bell about the dangers of climate change" UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday, warning that vulnerable countries like Mozambique, would be hit the hardest unless urgent action is taken by nations across the world.

'Provocative actions and inflammatory rhetoric' destabilizing Middle East, warns top UN official
United Nations | un.org | 2019-03-26
Against a backdrop of rising tensions in Israel and Palestine, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East, painted a bleak picture once again in the Security Council on Tuesday, cataloguing further terrorist acts, attacks against civilians, reprisals against demonstrators, unlawful demolitions and settlement expansions, and a funding crisis which could have dramatic consequences for the stability of an already volatile region.

Flooding Kills at Least 19, Injures over 100 Across Iran
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-26
The Ministry of Interior advised Iranians Monday evening to cancel any trips and take the warnings seriously with the Disaster Management Organisation sending nationwide text messages to warn people about taking routes that are prone to flooding, including those in mountains and river banks. | RELATED: | Indonesia Flash Flood Death Toll Rises to 89, 74 Still Missing | The disaster comes during Iranian New Year, Nowruz, holidays when many Iranians travel within the country. | "T…

Eric Holder and Arnold Schwarzenegger Sign the End Gerrymandering Pledge
commondreams | commondreams.org | 2019-03-26

My Russia Hot-Air Balloon
Elizabeth Keyes | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-26
Wouldn't you like to ride in my Russia hot-air balloon? Wouldn't you like to malign in my Russia hot-air balloon? We'll rig the vote with media folk together, you and I, For we can LIE!!! Up, up and unaware in my propaganda tool, my Russia hot-air balloon! The world's a surreal place in my propaganda…

Become a Member of Global Research — Receive Free Books!
Global Research | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
At Global Research, our mandate is to increase awareness on the broadest possible level while maintaining full independence in our reports and analyses. Our commitment is to make our articles and videos available to the broadest possible readership, on a …

UK's Secret War: British Elite Commandos Wounded in Yemen
Press TV | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
A number of elite British commandos have sustained injuries in direct gunfights with Yemeni forces as part of what appears to be a secretive UK military campaign in Yemen, a new report says, adding a major twist to London's involvement …

Honduran Journalist Barricades in Radio Station to Avoid Arrest
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-26
The director of Radio Globo, David Romero Ellner, stayed overnight at the station in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Monday to avoid arrest from police waiting outside with an arrest warrant on counts of defamation, libel, and slander over a corruption scandal he exposed. | RELATED: | Honduran Journalist Gunned Down Outside Home | The National Commissioner for Human Rights in…

It Is Long Past Time for a National Reckoning With the Catastrophic Costs of Endless War
Katrina vanden Heuvel | thenation.com | 2019-03-26
It Is Long Past Time for a National Reckoning With the Catastrophic Costs of Endless War…

Trump Recognizes Israeli Annexation of Golan Heights: Green Light for Global War
Bill Van Auken | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-26
The hastily completed White House ceremony in which President Donald Trump signed a decree granting official US recognition to Israel's illegal annexation of Syria's Golan Heights is an act which, on its surface, appears to change few facts on the …

The Poisonous History of Neo-Classical Economics
James C. Kennedy | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-26
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." — Edward Bernays The U.S. and other western nations are blindly marching themselves…