Daily Archives: March 25, 2019

2019-03-25: News Headlines

Max Blumenthal (2019-03-25). The Grayzone testifies at the UN: 'Humanitarian crisis in Venezuela: propaganda vs. reality'. mronline.org The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Anya Parampil spoke about Venezuela at a side event at a United Nations Human Rights Council session in Geneva on March 19. They joined former special rapporteur Alfred de Zayas on a panel titled "Humanitarian crisis in Venezuela: Propaganda vs. reality." | Source

Vanessa Mbonu@naacpnet (2019-03-25). TUNE IN: 50th NAACP Image Awards Airs Live this Saturday, March 30 on TV One. naacp.org On Saturday, March 30, 2019, the best and brightest in Black Hollywood will gather at the Dolby Theatre to celebrate the 50th NAACP Image Awards. Shaping up to be a night to remember, NAACP, the nation's foremost civil rights organization, will award activists and entertainers alike for their contributions to the culture over the past …

Special to PeoplesWorld (2019-03-25). Joyce Provost Wheeler, distinguished teacher and lifelong activist, dies at age 78. peoplesworld.org SEQUIM, Wash.—Joyce Provost Wheeler, a gifted school teacher who served as Treasurer of the Baltimore Teachers Union (AFT Local 340) and BTU "Building Rep" at the elementary school where she taught for thirty years, died peacefully at her home here March 21. She was 78. The cause of death was Alzheimer's disease, which she fought …

unitedEditor (2019-03-25). Discrediting the Yellow vests: why Macron will not resign so easily. uwidata.com In France, on Saturday, March 23, the Yellow Vests held another demonstration — Act XIX. According to the French Ministry of Internal Affairs, at least 40,500 people protested across France (5000 of them in Paris). Clashes with the police occurred in Nice, Lyon, Toulouse, Montpellier and Paris. 19th week of #GiletsJaunes protests across France 'Peaceful …

Tanya Golash-Boza — Michael Golash (2019-03-25). Epifanio Camacho: a Militant Farmworker Brushed Out of History. counterpunch.org Cesar Chavez is perhaps best known for his role in the 1965-1970 Delano grape strike and boycott and his nonviolent tactics in those protests. Although Chavez insisted on nonviolence, there was dissent within the National Farmworkers Association as some workers believed more militant tactics were necessary. One of these workers was Epifanio Camacho. With Cesar More

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-25). Russia Sends "Peacekeeping" Troops to Venezuela. Joint Military Exercises. globalresearch.ca According to Reuters on Sunday, Russia sent around 100 troops to Caracas, saying the following: | "A flight-tracking website showed that two planes left from a Russian military airport bound for Caracas on Friday, and another flight-tracking site showed that one …

Federico Pieraccini (2019-03-25). Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution — Or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Heel? globalresearch.ca Relations between Japan and Russia have long been the subject of discussion within international-relations circles. The meetings between Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have been going on for years, yet the situation regarding the peace treaty between the two …

Adam Garrie (2019-03-25). 20 Years Since He Destroyed Yugoslavia and 16 Years Since He Destroyed Iraq, Tony Blair Remains a Menace to Peace. globalresearch.ca When it comes to the art of deception, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a genius worthy of the worst nightmares of Eric Blair (known more commonly by his pen name George Orwell). But while Eric Blair once wrote …

John Catalinotto (2019-03-25). Veterans For Peace highlight U.S. war crime, the My Lai massacre. workers.org J.J. Johnson of the 'Fort Hood 3' speaks at the My Lai massacre commemoration, March 22, New York Veterans For Peace, New York Chapter, presented an art installation in Manhattan on March 22 that exposed the U.S. war crime known as the My Lai massacre. In the three-day exhibit at . . . | Continue reading Veterans For Peace highlight U.S. war crime, the My Lai massacre at Workers.org

Michael Lighty (2019-03-25). Medicare for America. commondreams.org Very quickly, peace of mind will overwhelm that forgotten desire to keep your private insurance.(Photo: Joe Newman via Public Citizen/flickr/cc) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/single_0.jpeg

Dave Lindorff (2019-03-25). The TSA's Role as Journalist Harasser and Media 'Watchdog'. counterpunch.org Sometimes you have to leave the United States to understand how far this country has evolved towards becoming a police state. I got a good example of this just last week on a trip with my harpsichordist wife Joyce to Vienna where she had been contracted to perform a concert of music by a leftist Jewish composer who fled Austria just ahead of the Nazi Anschluss that took over and incorporated that country into Germany, eventually settling in the US. More

Whitney Webb (2019-03-25). Trump Admin Proposes New $8 Billion Loan Fund to Subsidize Foreign Weapon Sales. mintpressnews.com The revival of the FMF grant program is part of a wider effort by the Trump administration to push US weapon sales and persuade foreign nations to "buy American."

Robert Fisk (2019-03-25). Don't Believe the Hype: Here's Why ISIS Hasn't Been Defeated. counterpunch.org After all the headlines about the supposed defeat of Isis, anyone who doesn't believe a word of it may seem a bit of a spoilsport. But whenever I read that victory has been declared — whether it be of the Bush "mission accomplished" variety or the "last Isis stronghold about to fall" fantasy — I draw in my More

Consortiumnews (2019-03-25). Consortium News' Record on Russia-gate—A Series of Articles on How CN Covered the 'Scandal': No. 1—'The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate'. consortiumnews.com From the "scandal's" outset, Consortium News adopted journalistic skepticism, led by founding editor, the late Robert Parry, with Ray McGovern, Daniel Lazare, Patrick Lawrence, Gareth Porter, Joe Lauria & VIPS debunking much of the mania that seized the land. In the wake… Read more →

Alison Weir (2019-03-25). America Gets yet Another Israel Lobby Group. mintpressnews.com While the Israel lobby, which consists of hundreds of organizations, is known for billionaire donors such as Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, Norman Braman, Paul Singer and others, Pro-Israel America (PIA) will be specifically targeting smaller donors.

Democracy Now! (2019-03-25). Mueller Finds No Trump-Russia Coordination, But "Does Not Exonerate" Trump of Obstruction of Justice. democracynow.org There was no collusion. That was the key finding of special counsel Robert Mueller's long-awaited report into whether President Trump and members of his campaign conspired with the Russian government to win the 2016 election. While the full report on Mueller's 22-month investigation has not yet been made public, Attorney General William Barr sent a four-page letter to congressional leaders on Sunday laying out his interpretation of Mueller's findings. Barr wrote that the report concluded Russia meddled in the 2016 election but that "the Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyon…

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2019-03-25). Barr issues Mueller report summary that pleases the president. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—After 22 months of investigation of the links between 2016 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign and secret manipulation of that election by Russian individuals and entities, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report is in. Attorney General William Barr released a summary letter yesterday that does much more to validate President Trump's claims about the probe …

Jonathan Cook (2019-03-25). Three Lessons for the Left from the Mueller Inquiry. counterpunch.org The left never had a dog in this race. This was always an in-house squabble between different wings of the establishment. Late-stage capitalism is in terminal crisis, and the biggest problem facing our corporate elites is how to emerge from this crisis with their power intact. One wing wants to make sure the pig's face remains painted, the other is happy simply getting its snout deeper into the trough while the food lasts. More

James Ridgeway (2019-03-25). Good Agent, Bad Agent: Robert Mueller and 9/11. counterpunch.org This profile of Robert Mueller originally ran in CounterPunch on June 21, 2017. Robert Mueller, the former FBI director named special counsel for the investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election, is depicted as an iconic G-man: serious, patrician, and totally incorruptible. But in reality, it's a little different. As with FBI Agent Dale More

Democracy Now! (2019-03-25). As Mueller Finds No Collusion, Did Press Overhype Russiagate? Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston. democracynow.org As congressional Democrats call on the Justice Department to release the full Mueller report, we speak to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists who have closely followed the probes into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election: Glenn Greenwald, a founding editor of The Intercept and a leading critic of the media coverage of alleged Russian collusion, and David Cay Johnston, formerly of The New York Times, now founder and editor of DCReport.org, who has written critically about Donald Trump for decades. His most recent book is "It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America."

Gloria La Riva (2019-03-25). Terrorist plot in Venezuela thwarted. liberationnews.org Venezuelan authorities arrest Roberto Marrero, "chief of staff" of U.S.-backed imposter Juan Guaidó.

Jenny Farrell (2019-03-25). 100 years of Bauhaus: Building for a society of equals. peoplesworld.org Inspired by Germany's November 1918 Revolution, which was ultimately crushed by the Social Democratic Party leadership and the military, artists and intellectuals, anti-militarists, and pacifists hoped for a new society for the common good. Many, however, had no clear political orientation or a full understanding of the causes of the world war that had just …

Eds. (2019-03-25). Traces of the CIA in Venezuela's nationwide power outage. mronline.org A CIA has had its eyes on the country's vulnerability for years, looking to use an electrical failure to promote destabilization and put an end to the Bolivarian Revolution. | Source

Dean Baker (2019-03-25). Trillion dollar Wall Street bailouts, Bernie Sanders, and the Washington Post. mronline.org The newspaper's fact-checker might need to work on his own understanding of the facts, because Sanders seems on pretty solid ground here | Source

STAFF (2019-03-25). Trump Is Destroying the Very Concept of U.S. Citizenship. truthdig.com It turns out that walls can't always be seen. Donald Trump may never build his " great, great wall," but that doesn't mean he isn't working to wall Americans in. It's a story that needs to be told. | This past month, for instance, claims of ISIS's near total defeat in Syria have continued to mount. As a result, numerous foreigners who had traveled there to fight for, or support, th…

Jack Rasmus (2019-03-25). The Capitulation of Jerome Powell and the Fed. counterpunch.org This past week, on March 20, 2019, Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell announced the US central bank would not raise interest rates in 2019. The Fed's benchmark rate, called the Fed Funds rate, is thus frozen at 2.375% for the foreseeable future, i.e. leaving the central bank virtually no room to lower rates in the event of the next recession, which is now just around the corner. More

Lawrence Davidson (2019-03-25). Israel's Moves to the Right. counterpunch.org An article published in the Israeli news blog +972 on 19 November 2018 posed the question: Why does the right keep winning elections in Israel? The answer offered was "because Israelis are right wing." Simple enough, and apparently, quite true. The article estimates that over half of Israeli Jews think of themselves as "right wing." Self-defined centrists are about More

Stephen Cooper (2019-03-25). "I'm a Nine-Star General Now": an Interview with Black Uhuru's Duckie Simpson. counterpunch.org After watching legendary reggae band Black Uhuru perform in September of 2016, I wrote: "Duckie Simpson is an ageless, still spry reggae icon; like fine wine, his artistic beauty and complete mastery of reggae music has only matured over the years, ripening and deepening in its richness and maturity." Over two years later and coming off More

Joe Emersberger, The Canary (2019-03-25). Trump's Sanctions Kill Venezuelan People. Why Can't UN Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet 'Fully Acknowledge' That? venezuelanalysis.com Joe Emersberger takes apart Bachelet's recent comments on Venezuela and US-led sanctions.

Alan Macleod (2019-03-25). There Will Be No Repercussions for the Media's RussiaGate Conspiracy Theorists. mintpressnews.com The Mueller report's conclusions are bound to fuel conservative critics of the media and make any exposures of actual wrongdoing less impactful, as the president will be able to brush it off as another example of fake news.

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2019-03-25). As Yemen War Turns Four, Houthi Forces Take the Battle To Saudi Arabia's Doorstep. mintpressnews.com Yemen forces loyal to the Houthis launched a series of weekend attacks against military targets in Saudi Arabia. The Houthis have vowed to take the war to the Saudi Coalition's own doorstep until they withdraw from Yemeni territory.

STAFF (2019-03-25). Bolsonaro's Brazen Meeting With the CIA. truthdig.com On March 18, Brazil's extreme-right President Jair Bolsonaro made history. Outside the official agenda of his first official trip to the United States he paid a visit to CIA Headquarters, becoming the first ever Brazilian President to do so. In contrast, Bolsonaro has never visited ABIN, Brazil's moribund equivalent of the CIA. | On the agenda, it is assumed, were the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela, in which the United States wants further Brazilian assistance, unrest in Nicaragua, Cuba, and Bolivia's co…

Juan Cole (2019-03-25). Robert Mueller Was Never Going to Save Us. truthdig.com This piece originally appeared on Informed Comment. | Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Mueller report, at least as Trump's AG describes it, was not able to prove that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign. It did not prove he did not. Mueller obviously did find evidence of Russia supporting Trump, but that is different. The attraction of the theory embraced by many pundits and politicians that Trump became president by colluding with Vladimir Putin is that it gets the American public off the hook. | But we don't des…

Aaron Maté (2019-03-25). VIDEO: Russiagate Implodes: Aaron Maté Buries the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory. thegrayzone.com Russiagate has imploded after Robert Mueller's investigation found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. The Grayzone's Aaron Maté explains why the…

Jeffrey C. Isaac (2019-03-25). Trump, The Mueller Report, and Democracy. commondreams.org Impeachment, then, is an unlikely outcome, unless there are revelations so explosive that they can generate some combination of widespread public outrage and substantial Senate Republican defection from Trump. (Photo: Brendan Hoffman/Getty) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/bob_mueller_2.png

Joshua Holland (2019-03-25). No, the Media Didn't Over-Hype 'Russiagate'. thenation.com No, the Media Didn't Over-Hype 'Russiagate'

STAFF (2019-03-25). Trump and Barr Could Stretch Executive Privilege and Grand Jury Secrecy Claims. truthout.org Attorney General William Barr's letter to Congress, delivered Sunday, purports to brief lawmakers about the Mueller report. | What it really does is set the stage for a battle royale with Trump and Barr doing everything in their power to keep secret the full report and, equally important, the materials underlying the report. They're likely to fight Democrats in Congress, i…

Andrew Korybko (2019-03-25). Everyone Will Remember that the Media Made a Mockery of Itself over Russiagate. globalresearch.ca It's self-explanatory why everyone will remember that the media made a mockery of itself over Russiagate, but the implications will be far-reaching and deserve to be elaborated upon. | It's official — Trump and his team didn't "collude" with Russia, and …

Mark Taliano (2019-03-25). "Big Lies" and "Humanitarian Warfare": On the Need for A "Legitimate", Rather Than An "Enabling" Opposition. globalresearch.ca A neutered, "controlled Left/Progressive" opposition is a necessary adjunct to the prevailing neocon ideology. If we are to be effective, rather than complicit opposition, the Canadian and U.S. governments need to be exposed as the international rogue states that they …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-03-25). Trump Is America's First Zionist President. globalresearch.ca It is impossible not to feel some sympathy for President Donald Trump. His agenda to restore normal relations with Russia and to end Washington's gratuitous wars has been frustrated by the "Russiagate hoax" that the military/security complex and corrupt …

The Palestinian Information Center (2019-03-25). Mahathir: Israel Is a State of Thieves. globalresearch.ca Dubbing Israel as "a state of thieves", Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamed on Friday said his country enjoys friendly relations with every country in the world except for Israel. | "We are not against Jews, but we cannot recognize Israel because of …

Scott Ritter (2019-03-25). US Invasion of Iraq (2003) and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Ari Fleischer Lied, and People Died. globalresearch.ca Ari Fleischer, the former White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush, ignited a firestorm of controversy Wednesday when, while commenting on the 16th anniversary of the U.S invasion of Iraq, he sought to defend the reputation of …

Elijah J. Magnier (2019-03-25). US Policy Failure Reopens Iraqi-Syrian Borders and the Iran-Beirut Road. globalresearch.ca "A dinosaur with a bird's brain". This is how the ex-President of Iran Hashemi Rafsanjani described the United States of America, evoking its great military strength but lack of strategic intelligence in foreign policy. Indeed, the very unusual meeting of …

Miri Wood (2019-03-25). Crimes against Humanity: America's Rubkan Concentration Camp in Southern Syria: 40,000 Held Hostage. globalresearch.ca US occupier forces again show their ugly political face in recreating the SS at al Rukban Camp in Syria, holding approximately 40,000 Internally Displaced Persons hostages, despite the opening of two humanitarian corridors for their safe passage. US temp …

All That's Interesting (2019-03-25). The President's "Nuclear Button" Isn't Actually a Button, but a Briefcase Called the Nuclear Football. globalresearch.ca When North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said in his annual address that "a nuclear button is always on my desk" and that the U.S. was within range, it was only a matter of time before President Trump responded to "Rocket …

Andrew Korybko (2019-03-25). The Consequences of Mozambique's Cyclone Tragedy Might Lead to Regime Change. globalresearch.ca There's a credible chance that the ruling FRELIMO party that's been in power since Mozambique's 1975 independence could lose this October's general elections as a result of a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal that might have inadvertently worsened the humanitarian consequences of …

Edward B. Winslow (2019-03-25). Operation Condor and the United States: Torture, Death Squads and Echoes in the New Millennium. globalresearch.ca On December 2, 1823 in the wake of rebellions in Latin America that had ended Spanish rule in the Western Hemisphere, US President James Monroe announced that European colonial powers that attempted to assert influence in the region would be …

Janus Putkonen (2019-03-25). "Ukraine Faces Fake Elections, Poroshenko Must Leave!" globalresearch.ca At the end of March, the first round of the presidential elections will take place in Ukraine, and not everyone is happy about it. The international petition called "Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!" was launched on 12.3 and over 5,500 …

Andrew Korybko (2019-03-25). Boko Haram Attacks. Is Chad Losing Control of the Central African Pivot Space? globalresearch.ca The geostrategically pivotal Central African country of Chad is dangerously losing control of the region after recent developments despite having one of Africa's most powerful militaries, with Boko Haram's deadliest-ever attack against its forces last Friday proving why the government …

commondreams (2019-03-25). Investors Beware: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Faces Multiple Legal, Regulatory Threats. commondreams.org ______________________________…

2019-03-25: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

The Grayzone testifies at the UN: 'Humanitarian crisis in Venezuela: propaganda vs. reality'
Max Blumenthal | mronline.org | 2019-03-25
The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Anya Parampil spoke about Venezuela at a side event at a United Nations Human Rights Council session in Geneva on March 19. They joined former special rapporteur Alfred de Zayas on a panel titled "Humanitarian crisis in Venezuela: Propaganda vs. reality." | Source…

TUNE IN: 50th NAACP Image Awards Airs Live this Saturday, March 30 on TV One
Vanessa Mbonu@naacpnet | naacp.org | 2019-03-25
On Saturday, March 30, 2019, the best and brightest in Black Hollywood will gather at the Dolby Theatre to celebrate the 50th NAACP Image Awards. Shaping up to be a night to remember, NAACP, the nation's foremost civil rights organization, will award activists and entertainers alike for their contributions to the culture over the past …

Joyce Provost Wheeler, distinguished teacher and lifelong activist, dies at age 78
Special to PeoplesWorld | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-25
SEQUIM, Wash.–Joyce Provost Wheeler, a gifted school teacher who served as Treasurer of the Baltimore Teachers Union (AFT Local 340) and BTU "Building Rep" at the elementary school where she taught for thirty years, died peacefully at her home here March 21. She was 78. The cause of death was Alzheimer's disease, which she fought …

Discrediting the Yellow vests: why Macron will not resign so easily
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-25
In France, on Saturday, March 23, the Yellow Vests held another demonstration — Act XIX. According to the French Ministry of Internal Affairs, at least 40,500 people protested across France (5000 of them in Paris). Clashes with the police occurred in Nice, Lyon, Toulouse, Montpellier and Paris. 19th week of #GiletsJaunes protests across France 'Peaceful …

Epifanio Camacho: a Militant Farmworker Brushed Out of History
Tanya Golash-Boza — Michael Golash | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-25
Cesar Chavez is perhaps best known for his role in the 1965-1970 Delano grape strike and boycott and his nonviolent tactics in those protests. Although Chavez insisted on nonviolence, there was dissent within the National Farmworkers Association as some workers believed more militant tactics were necessary. One of these workers was Epifanio Camacho. With Cesar…

Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution — Or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Heel?
Federico Pieraccini | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
Relations between Japan and Russia have long been the subject of discussion within international-relations circles. The meetings between Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have been going on for years, yet the situation regarding the peace treaty between the two …

20 Years Since He Destroyed Yugoslavia and 16 Years Since He Destroyed Iraq, Tony Blair Remains a Menace to Peace
Adam Garrie | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
When it comes to the art of deception, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a genius worthy of the worst nightmares of Eric Blair (known more commonly by his pen name George Orwell). But while Eric Blair once wrote …

Russia Sends "Peacekeeping" Troops to Venezuela. Joint Military Exercises
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
According to Reuters on Sunday, Russia sent around 100 troops to Caracas, saying the following: | "A flight-tracking website showed that two planes left from a Russian military airport bound for Caracas on Friday, and another flight-tracking site showed that one | …

Veterans For Peace highlight U.S. war crime, the My Lai massacre
John Catalinotto | workers.org | 2019-03-25
J.J. Johnson of the 'Fort Hood 3' speaks at the My Lai massacre commemoration, March 22, New York Veterans For Peace, New York Chapter, presented an art installation in Manhattan on March 22 that exposed the U.S. war crime known as the My Lai massacre. In the three-day exhibit at . . . | Continue reading Veterans For Peace highlight U.S. war crime, the My Lai massacre at Workers.org

Medicare for America
Michael Lighty | commondreams.org | 2019-03-25
Very quickly, peace of mind will overwhelm that forgotten desire to keep your private insurance.(Photo: Joe Newman via Public Citizen/flickr/cc) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/single_0.jpeg

The TSA's Role as Journalist Harasser and Media 'Watchdog'
Dave Lindorff | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-25
Sometimes you have to leave the United States to understand how far this country has evolved towards becoming a police state. I got a good example of this just last week on a trip with my harpsichordist wife Joyce to Vienna where she had been contracted to perform a concert of music by a leftist Jewish composer who fled Austria just ahead of the Nazi Anschluss that took over and incorporated that country into Germany, eventually settling in the US.

Trump Admin Proposes New $8 Billion Loan Fund to Subsidize Foreign Weapon Sales
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-25
The revival of the FMF grant program is part of a wider effort by the Trump administration to push US weapon sales and persuade foreign nations to "buy American."

Don't Believe the Hype: Here's Why ISIS Hasn't Been Defeated
Robert Fisk | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-25
After all the headlines about the supposed defeat of Isis, anyone who doesn't believe a word of it may seem a bit of a spoilsport. But whenever I read that victory has been declared — whether it be of the Bush "mission accomplished" variety or the "last Isis stronghold about to fall" fantasy — I draw in my…

Consortium News' Record on Russia-gate–A Series of Articles on How CN Covered the 'Scandal': No. 1–'The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate'
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-25
From the "scandal's" outset, Consortium News adopted journalistic skepticism, led by founding editor, the late Robert Parry, with Ray McGovern, Daniel Lazare, Patrick Lawrence, Gareth Porter, Joe Lauria & VIPS debunking much of the mania that seized the land. In the wake… Read more ?…

Trump's Sanctions Kill Venezuelan People. Why Can't UN Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet 'Fully Acknowledge' That?
Joe Emersberger, The Canary | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-03-25
Joe Emersberger takes apart Bachelet's recent comments on Venezuela and US-led sanctions.

America Gets yet Another Israel Lobby Group
Alison Weir | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-25
While the Israel lobby, which consists of hundreds of organizations, is known for billionaire donors such as Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, Norman Braman, Paul Singer and others, Pro-Israel America (PIA) will be specifically targeting smaller donors.

As Yemen War Turns Four, Houthi Forces Take the Battle To Saudi Arabia's Doorstep
Ahmed Abdulkareem | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-25
Yemen forces loyal to the Houthis launched a series of weekend attacks against military targets in Saudi Arabia. The Houthis have vowed to take the war to the Saudi Coalition's own doorstep until they withdraw from Yemeni territory.

There Will Be No Repercussions for the Media's RussiaGate Conspiracy Theorists
Alan Macleod | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-25
The Mueller report's conclusions are bound to fuel conservative critics of the media and make any exposures of actual wrongdoing less impactful, as the president will be able to brush it off as another example of fake news.

Bolsonaro's Brazen Meeting With the CIA
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-25
On March 18, Brazil's extreme-right President Jair Bolsonaro made history. Outside the official agenda of his first official trip to the United States he paid a visit to CIA Headquarters, becoming the first ever Brazilian President to do so. In contrast, Bolsonaro has never visited ABIN, Brazil's moribund equivalent of the CIA. | On the agenda, it is assumed, were the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela, in which the United States wants further Brazilian assistance, unrest in Nicaragua, Cuba, and Bolivia's co…

Mueller Finds No Trump-Russia Coordination, But "Does Not Exonerate" Trump of Obstruction of Justice
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-25
There was no collusion. That was the key finding of special counsel Robert Mueller's long-awaited report into whether President Trump and members of his campaign conspired with the Russian government to win the 2016 election. While the full report on Mueller's 22-month investigation has not yet been made public, Attorney General William Barr sent a four-page letter to congressional leaders on Sunday laying out his interpretation of Mueller's findings. Barr wrote that the report concluded Russia meddled in the 2016 election but that "the Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyon…

Three Lessons for the Left from the Mueller Inquiry
Jonathan Cook | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-25
The left never had a dog in this race. This was always an in-house squabble between different wings of the establishment. Late-stage capitalism is in terminal crisis, and the biggest problem facing our corporate elites is how to emerge from this crisis with their power intact. One wing wants to make sure the pig's face remains painted, the other is happy simply getting its snout deeper into the trough while the food lasts.

VIDEO: Russiagate Implodes: Aaron Maté Buries the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory
Aaron Maté | thegrayzone.com | 2019-03-25
Russiagate has imploded after Robert Mueller's investigation found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. The Grayzone's Aaron Maté explains why the…

Good Agent, Bad Agent: Robert Mueller and 9/11
James Ridgeway | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-25
This profile of Robert Mueller originally ran in CounterPunch on June 21, 2017. Robert Mueller, the former FBI director named special counsel for the investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election, is depicted as an iconic G-man: serious, patrician, and totally incorruptible. But in reality, it's a little different. As with FBI Agent Dale…

Trump, The Mueller Report, and Democracy
Jeffrey C. Isaac | commondreams.org | 2019-03-25
Impeachment, then, is an unlikely outcome, unless there are revelations so explosive that they can generate some combination of widespread public outrage and substantial Senate Republican defection from Trump. (Photo: Brendan Hoffman/Getty) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/bob_mueller_2.png

Barr issues Mueller report summary that pleases the president
Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-25
WASHINGTON–After 22 months of investigation of the links between 2016 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign and secret manipulation of that election by Russian individuals and entities, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report is in. Attorney General William Barr released a summary letter yesterday that does much more to validate President Trump's claims about the probe …

No, the Media Didn't Over-Hype 'Russiagate'
Joshua Holland | thenation.com | 2019-03-25
No, the Media Didn't Over-Hype 'Russiagate'…

Trump and Barr Could Stretch Executive Privilege and Grand Jury Secrecy Claims
STAFF | truthout.org | 2019-03-25
Attorney General William Barr's letter to Congress, delivered Sunday, purports to brief lawmakers about the Mueller report. | What it really does is set the stage for a battle royale with Trump and Barr doing everything in their power to keep secret the full report and, equally important, the materials underlying the report. They're likely to fight Democrats in Congress, i…

Robert Mueller Was Never Going to Save Us
Juan Cole | truthdig.com | 2019-03-25
This piece originally appeared on Informed Comment. | Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Mueller report, at least as Trump's AG describes it, was not able to prove that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign. It did not prove he did not. Mueller obviously did find evidence of Russia supporting Trump, but that is different. The attraction of the theory embraced by many pundits and politicians that Trump became president by colluding with Vladimir Putin is that it gets the American public off the hook. | But we don't des…

As Mueller Finds No Collusion, Did Press Overhype Russiagate? Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-25
As congressional Democrats call on the Justice Department to release the full Mueller report, we speak to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists who have closely followed the probes into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election: Glenn Greenwald, a founding editor of The Intercept and a leading critic of the media coverage of alleged Russian collusion, and David Cay Johnston, formerly of The New York Times, now founder and editor of DCReport.org, who has written critically about Donald Trump for decades. His most recent book is "It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America."

Boko Haram Attacks. Is Chad Losing Control of the Central African Pivot Space?
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
The geostrategically pivotal Central African country of Chad is dangerously losing control of the region after recent developments despite having one of Africa's most powerful militaries, with Boko Haram's deadliest-ever attack against its forces last Friday proving why the government …

Mahathir: Israel Is a State of Thieves
The Palestinian Information Center | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
Dubbing Israel as "a state of thieves", Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamed on Friday said his country enjoys friendly relations with every country in the world except for Israel. | "We are not against Jews, but we cannot recognize Israel because of | …

Crimes against Humanity: America's Rubkan Concentration Camp in Southern Syria: 40,000 Held Hostage
Miri Wood | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
US occupier forces again show their ugly political face in recreating the SS at al Rukban Camp in Syria, holding approximately 40,000 Internally Displaced Persons hostages, despite the opening of two humanitarian corridors for their safe passage. US temp …

US Policy Failure Reopens Iraqi-Syrian Borders and the Iran-Beirut Road
Elijah J. Magnier | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
"A dinosaur with a bird's brain". This is how the ex-President of Iran Hashemi Rafsanjani described the United States of America, evoking its great military strength but lack of strategic intelligence in foreign policy. Indeed, the very unusual meeting of …

The Consequences of Mozambique's Cyclone Tragedy Might Lead to Regime Change
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
There's a credible chance that the ruling FRELIMO party that's been in power since Mozambique's 1975 independence could lose this October's general elections as a result of a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal that might have inadvertently worsened the humanitarian consequences of …

Trump Is America's First Zionist President
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
It is impossible not to feel some sympathy for President Donald Trump. His agenda to restore normal relations with Russia and to end Washington's gratuitous wars has been frustrated by the "Russiagate hoax" that the military/security complex and corrupt …

Operation Condor and the United States: Torture, Death Squads and Echoes in the New Millennium
Edward B. Winslow | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
On December 2, 1823 in the wake of rebellions in Latin America that had ended Spanish rule in the Western Hemisphere, US President James Monroe announced that European colonial powers that attempted to assert influence in the region would be …

US Invasion of Iraq (2003) and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Ari Fleischer Lied, and People Died
Scott Ritter | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
Ari Fleischer, the former White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush, ignited a firestorm of controversy Wednesday when, while commenting on the 16th anniversary of the U.S invasion of Iraq, he sought to defend the reputation of …

"Ukraine Faces Fake Elections, Poroshenko Must Leave!"
Janus Putkonen | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
At the end of March, the first round of the presidential elections will take place in Ukraine, and not everyone is happy about it. The international petition called "Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!" was launched on 12.3 and over 5,500 …

Everyone Will Remember that the Media Made a Mockery of Itself over Russiagate
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
It's self-explanatory why everyone will remember that the media made a mockery of itself over Russiagate, but the implications will be far-reaching and deserve to be elaborated upon. | It's official — Trump and his team didn't "collude" with Russia, and …

"Big Lies" and "Humanitarian Warfare": On the Need for A "Legitimate", Rather Than An "Enabling" Opposition
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
A neutered, "controlled Left/Progressive" opposition is a necessary adjunct to the prevailing neocon ideology. If we are to be effective, rather than complicit opposition, the Canadian and U.S. governments need to be exposed as the international rogue states that they …

The President's "Nuclear Button" Isn't Actually a Button, but a Briefcase Called the Nuclear Football
All That's Interesting | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-25
When North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said in his annual address that "a nuclear button is always on my desk" and that the U.S. was within range, it was only a matter of time before President Trump responded to "Rocket …

'Loyal Slave' Monuments Tell a Racist Lie About American History
Kali Holloway | thenation.com | 2019-03-25
'Loyal Slave' Monuments Tell a Racist Lie About American History…

Beware the Mainstream Media's 'Moderates' and 'Centrists'
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-25
The Trump administration seems to have found their man in National Assembly leader and self-appointed president of Venezuela Juan Guaidó. Guaidó has been extremely attentive to US interests, promising to allow US oil companies to increase their activity in Venezuela. He has also pledged mass privatizations and harsh rounds of austerity, as FAIR contr…

'Ticking bomb' health warning over deteriorating conditions facing Cyclone Idai victims
United Nations | un.org | 2019-03-25
Efforts are continuing to reach all victims of Cyclone Idai in southern Africa where a senior relief chief has warned of a "water, sanitation and hygiene ticking bomb", as the scale of the emergency continues to unfold, and the official death toll rises.

100 years of Bauhaus: Building for a society of equals
Jenny Farrell | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-25
Inspired by Germany's November 1918 Revolution, which was ultimately crushed by the Social Democratic Party leadership and the military, artists and intellectuals, anti-militarists, and pacifists hoped for a new society for the common good. Many, however, had no clear political orientation or a full understanding of the causes of the world war that had just …

Terrorist plot in Venezuela thwarted
Gloria La Riva | liberationnews.org | 2019-03-25
Venezuelan authorities arrest Roberto Marrero, "chief of staff" of U.S.-backed imposter Juan Guaidó.

'Uphold human dignity', dismantle 'specious notion of racial superiority' urges UN chief
United Nations | un.org | 2019-03-25
Raise awareness of the dangers of racism and "stand up against old and new forms of slavery" was the resounding message of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday during a special event marking the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

Suppressing Discussion Doesn't Solve the Problem. It is the Problem
Thomas Knapp | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-25
Everywhere one looks these days, the world seems to be moving away from debate on contentious subjects and toward demands that those who have unpopular opinions — or even just ask impertinent questions — be forcibly silenced. "You will never hear me mention his name," prime minister Jacinda Ardern said of Brenton Tarrant, the sole…

Investors Beware: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Faces Multiple Legal, Regulatory Threats
commondreams | commondreams.org | 2019-03-25

Thank You Gavin Newsom, From a Death Row Inmate
Kevin Cooper | truthdig.com | 2019-03-25
Many people believe that taking a human life is a primal exercise of real power, whether on a massive scale through war or the murder of one person by another in a single act of violence. Then there is a system of death that flows in this country's bloodstream, from the cop who murders an unarmed innocent person to the prison executioner who murders a fellow citizen when his or her time is up. | But real power is not in taking a life, as many people mistakenly think; it is in saving a life. Anyone can take a life, the ease of doing so proved every day by the number of homicides that take place. But saving or spar…