Daily Archives: March 13, 2019

2019-03-13: News Headlines

Consortiumnews (2019-03-13). US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as 'Watershed Event'. consortiumnews.com The group that trained Juan Guaidó and his allies laid out plans for galvanizing public unrest in a 2010 memo, Max Blumenthal reports for Grayzone. By Max Blumenthal Grayzone A September 2010 memo by a U.S.-funded soft power organization that helped train… Read more →

Vijay Prashad (2019-03-13). The Rightful Owners of a Key Island Military Base for the U.S. Would Like It Back, and the UN Agrees. commondreams.org A U.S. Air Force B-1B bomber takes off from the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia, on a strike mission over Afghanistan in 2001. (Photo: DoD photo via AFP) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/bomber.jpeg

Ben Norton (2019-03-13). Hollywood's 'Captain Marvel' Blockbuster Is Blatant US Military Propaganda. mintpressnews.com Grayzone's Ben Norton looks at the sizable role the Pentagon played in the production of the hit Hollywood film Captain Marvel, and how the blockbuster film is being used spread recruitment propaganda.

Fight for the Future (2019-03-13). Net Neutrality Activists Launch Updated Congressional Scoreboard and Set March 15th Deadline for Lawmakers to Cosponsor the Save the Internet Act. globalresearch.ca Groups behind BattleForTheNet.com pledge to call, text, and email constituents of lawmakers who fail to cosponsor net neutrality bill before leaving DC for recess. | Today, activists behind BattleForTheNet.com launched an updated Congressional " scoreboard" showing where every member of …

Joyce Nelson (2019-03-13). Canada's SNC-Lavalin Affair: The Site C Dam Project and Bulk Water Export. globalresearch.ca In all the press coverage of the "the SNC-Lavalin affair," not enough attention has been paid to the company's involvement in Site C — the contentious $11 billion dam being constructed in B.C.'s Peace River valley. | The Liberals say that …

Kevin Zeese, Margaret Flowers (2019-03-13). US Must Respect Iran. counterpunch.org One of the lessons from our recent visit to Iran as a Peace Delegation is that Iran is a mature country. It is 2,500 years old, ten times as old as the United States and one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations with settlements dating back to 7,000 BC. It was an empire that controlled almost More

Global Research News (2019-03-13). Selected Articles: War Spending Is Bankrupting America. globalresearch.ca A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer" | | | If, like us, this is a future …

Abayomi Azikiwe (2019-03-13). Distorting American History: Jefferson Exhibit Generates Racial Controversy in Detroit. globalresearch.ca An historical exhibit designed to examine various aspects of the life and people of the Monticello plantation in Virginia during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, which was owned by Thomas Jefferson, has prompted protests in …

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-13). Algerian President Drops Bid for Fifth Term, Suspends New Election. globalresearch.ca On February 16, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika since 1999 announced his candidacy for a fifth term — despite unable to perform the duties of his office since becoming ill in 2005, especially after a debilitating 2013 stroke. | Large-scale daily protests …

Eds. (2019-03-13). Venezuelan social movements appeal to the World to condemn U.S. crimes against humanity. mronline.org Social Movements Call for Denunciation of U.S. War Action Against Venezuela The Venezuelan people appeal for support from all the social organizations across the five continents, to denounce the U.S. government for launching cybernetic weapons and electromagnetic pulse weapons against our nation, causing a blackout throughout the country on March 7. This ruthless act of […] | Source

Pavan Kulkarni (2019-03-13). "The uprising in Sudan is building on decades of protests against the regime" peoplesdispatch.org As protests intensify in Sudan against president Omar al-Bashir, Peoples Dispatch talks to Dr. Fathi Elfad of the Sudanese Communist Party, who was recently released from prison, on the origins of the uprising and the repression unleashed by the state…

Ted Rall (2019-03-13). 8 Ways to Fix America's Messed-Up Presidential Elections. counterpunch.org In 2016 there were 17 major candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, so many they had to have two sets of debates—and the guy who won was the first of all. Seven pundit-viable candidates have declared for 2020 on the Democratic side, more probably on the way, yet many Democrats say they're not excited by More

Anya Parampil (2019-03-13). Ricardo Hausmann's "Morning After" for Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido's Economic Agenda. mintpressnews.com While online audiences know YouTube comedian Joanna Hausmann from her videos making the case for regime change, her economist father has flown below the radar. His record holds the key to understanding what the U.S. wants in Venezuela.

Philip Giraldi (2019-03-13). Buying Back the "Iron Dome" from Israel. globalresearch.ca Even if one spends years exploring the dark corners infested by Israel's agents and its diaspora proxies in their successful effort to control much of Capitol Hill and the White House, it is still possible to be shocked by the …

Philip Giraldi (2019-03-13). Voting at the US Congress: No, Dual Loyalty Isn't Okay. globalresearch.ca The Solons on Capitol Hill are terrified of the expression "dual loyalty." They are afraid because dual loyalty means that one is not completely a loyal citizen of the country where one was born, raised and, presumably, prospered. It also …

Paul Street (2019-03-13). "Please Step Away from the Socialism": The Red Scare Dems at MSNBC. counterpunch.org I find Donald Trump reprehensible as a human being, but a socialist candidate is more dangerous to this company, country, as far as the strength and well-being of the country, than Donald Trump. I would vote for Donald Trump, a despicable human being…I will be so distraught to the point that that could even come More

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-13). Trump Wants Half a Billion Dollars to Finance Regime Change in Venezuela. globalresearch.ca At his Monday press conference, Mike Pompeo said "we've asked (Congress to appropriate) up to $500 million…to restore the economy of the Venezuelan nation (sic) (and) help Juan Guaido." | He failed to explain the ongoing Trump regime coup plot, nor …

unitedEditor (2019-03-13). President Rouhani Visits Iraq in broad daylight. uwidata.com A couple of months ago, President Trump visited Iraq by the cover of darkness, and, as he claimed in one of his interviews, the Americans actually had to shut off all the lights so that no one could recognize him, fearing for his safety. Trump declared Iraq safe, landed unannounced in the middle of the …

Peoples Dispatch (2019-03-13). Middle East arms sales up by a massive 87%, mostly US-supplied. peoplesdispatch.org Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, both party to the international offensive in Yemen, together makes up around 28 percent of the US global arms sale.

Doug Johnson Hatlem (2019-03-13). On the 'Name Recognition' Shibboleth in the Democratic Primary Data Discussion. counterpunch.org Now that the 2016 Democratic Primary cycle is (mostly) over — will it ever be entirely? — it has become fashionable once again to forward name recognition as a reasonably large factor in what distinguishes one or more candidates from the others in early polling of the field at large and amongst specific demographic sub-groupings. More

Conn Hallinan (2019-03-13). Nuclear Powers Need to Disarm Before It's Too Late. counterpunch.org The recent military clash between India and Pakistan underscores the need for the major nuclear powers — the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, and France — finally to move toward fulfilling their obligations under the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Treaty's purpose was not simply to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, but to serve More

Thomas Hon Wing Polin (2019-03-13). Empire Unravelling: Will Huawei Become Washington's Suez? counterpunch.org America's full-spectrum campaign against Chinese tech leader Huawei is coming spectacularly undone. Curtains are imminent for Washington's tawdriest global offensive in recent memory — featuring open extortion, kidnapping, demonization and intimidation of both friends and foes. The signs were apparent as early as two months ago, when many governments worldwide lukewarmly greeted US calls for More

Michael Collins (2019-03-13). Blackface and the American Idea of Race. counterpunch.org The price of scandal Periodically the American punditocracy convenes on cable TV for a "conversation about race." But, whether sparked by a celebrity chef's use of a racial slur, or a Black president's comment about the shooting of a Black teen, or a white president's remarks about "fine people on both sides" of a racist More

Kenneth Surin (2019-03-13). Margaret Thatcher's Love of Quack Remedies. counterpunch.org As a leftie I'm biased of course, but I always thought the old witch Margaret Thatcher was more or less off her trolley (as we Brits say) — she had that mad glint in her eyes, and the recent release of a batch of Thatcher's private papers, made public after the 30-year embargo was lifted, More

Nafeez Ahmed (2019-03-13). Whistleblowers Say NSA Still Spies on American Phones in Hidden Program. mintpressnews.com INSURGE INTELLIGENCE — On Monday 4th, the New York Times reported that the National Security Agency has "quietly" shut down a controversial phone records surveillance program revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013. | The claim was made…

Ricardo Vaz (2019-03-13). Venezuela suffers major power outages after alleged cyber attack. mronline.org Venezuelan authorities denounced repeated attacks against the central control system of Venezuela's electricity grid. | Source

Democracy Now! (2019-03-13). As Joe Biden Hints at Presidential Run, Andrew Cockburn Looks at His "Disastrous Legislative Legacy" democracynow.org Speculation is mounting that former Vice President Joe Biden will soon enter the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. As a longtime senator from Delaware, Biden has previously run twice for the Democratic nomination. The last time was in 2008, when he ultimately became then-Senator Barack Obama's running mate. While a new campaign would seek to capitalize on Biden's two terms as vice president, it would also invite scrutiny of his Senate record in a Democratic political climate that is notably more progressive today than it was when Biden last sought the nomination. We speak with Andrew Cockburn, Wash…

STAFF (2019-03-13). The Link Between School Shootings and Drone Wars. truthdig.com While the Parkland teens talk about the killing of innocents in this country, their broader message could easily be applied to another type of violence.

Joà£o Pedro Stedile (2019-03-13). Latin America: Searching for New Forms of Struggle. Leader of Brazil's Landless Movement. globalresearch.ca From February 24 to 27th, the International People's Assembly (AIP) was held in Caracas, in solidarity with the people and government of Venezuela represented by Nicolás Maduro. Almost 500 delegates from 90 countries of the world attended the event, and …

Joao Pedro Stedile (2019-03-13). Venezuela is paramount because it is the battle of this century. zcomm.org Interview on the recently concluded International Peoples' Assembly, the assault on Venezuela, and the battles against imperialism and the right wing in Brazil and across the world…

STAFF (2019-03-13). 2 Ex-Cops Arrested in Killing of Brazilian Politician. truthdig.com

Resumen Latinamericano (2019-03-13). Venezuela is paramount because it is the battle of this century: Joà£o Pedro Stedile. peoplesdispatch.org Joà£o Pedro Stedile of the Landless Workers Movement (MST) talks about the recently concluded International Peoples' Assembly, the assault on Venezuela, and the battles against imperialism and the right wing in Brazil and across the world…

teleSUR (2019-03-13). Colombia Sign Contracts with Shell for Offshore Exploration. telesurenglish.net Colombia's government announced Monday that it has signed two exploration and production contracts with the energy and petrochemical company Shell. Contracts are aimed at enabling the group to explore offshore areas of the Caribbean Sea and will require the company to make initial investments of $100 million. | RELATED: | Widows Against Big Oil Impunity in Nigeria Take Shell to Court | The government of Colombia recently modified contractual terms for offshore exploration and…

David Schultz (2019-03-13). Trump v. Omar: The Psychology of Fear, Prejudice and Ignorance in American Politics. counterpunch.org The country I come from Is called the Midwest I was taught and brought up there The laws to abide And that land that I live in Has God on its side —Bob Dylan, "With God on Our Side" Fear, prejudice, and ignorance make people do stupid things. They are the trinity combustant for hate More

Nyla Ali Khan (2019-03-13). A New Regional Order: Producing Cross-Economic, Political, and Cultural Interests Among the People of Kashmir. counterpunch.org Indian nationalists are quick to claim their intractable hold on Kashmiris; Pakistani nationalists are just as quick to claim to speak for Kashmiris. Kashmir, despite having a real internal history and a place in the world, is suppressed by its positioning in the Indo-Pak conflict. Mainstream Kashmiri politicians culpably reiterate that "Kashmir is an integral More

Jonathan Cook (2019-03-13). The UN Refuses to Name and Shame Firms Aiding Israel's Illegal Settlements. counterpunch.org Nazareth. The United Nations postponed last week for the third time the publication of a blacklist of Israeli and international firms that profit directly from Israel's illegal settlements in the occupied territories. The international body had come under enormous pressure to keep the database under wraps after lobbying behind the scenes from Israel, the United More

Binoy Kampmark (2019-03-13). Jailing Chelsea Manning. counterpunch.org "I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury." So explained Chelsea Manning in justifying her refusal to answer questions and comply with a grand jury subpoena compelling her to testify on her knowledge of WikiLeaks. "Imprisoning me for my refusal to answer questions only subjects me to additional punishment for my repeatedly More

Manuel García, Jr. (2019-03-13). Hail Ilhan Omar, Avatar of Truth! counterpunch.org "Ilhan Omar: Obama's Policies as Bad as Trump's, Just More Polished." (Telesurenglish.net): She's spot on. It's humorous to read the comments of so many people invested in the status quo capitalist ripoff system, and being frightened about the possibility of AOC's and Ilhan's completely accurate criticisms of that system being implemented. I'd love it. Capitalism More

Arshad Khan (2019-03-13). I Love the Green New Deal But … counterpunch.org Ever since our first ancestor lit a fire, humans have been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. Add to that the first herder because ruminants are another large emitter of greenhouse gas (GHG). Some people want to declare a national emergency and ban fossil fuels within ten years. How? I am for it and all ready More

Mumia Abu-Jamal (2019-03-13). Cops and Fascists: KKKolleagues? counterpunch.org Cops survey a scene of conflict in California's capital, a struggle between fascists and antifascists. Blood is on the ground, and webcam recordings show images of members of the Ku Klux Klan and related groups, not only armed with knives but actually showing some men stabbing downward at writhing bodies beneath. One side has knives. More

Nabel Alabdalla (2019-03-13). The Forgotten Syrian Christian Towns Under Attack on Border with Idleb and Northern Hama. globalresearch.ca Two days ago I was in the Syrian Christian town of Al Skeilbiyyeh that has endured sustained attacks from the various terrorist groups backed by the U.S Coalition. These groups are embedded in the countryside bordering Al Skeilbiyyeh. In the …

Gregory Shupak (2019-03-13). US Media Erase Years of Chavismo's Social Gains. Poverty Was Curtailed. globalresearch.ca Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution, which took off with the election of President Hugo Chávez in December 1998, frequently and even quite recently received praise for its social gains from the United Nations, international humanitarian organizations and economists. This aspect of the …

Brett Redmayne-Titley (2019-03-13). The Day American Activism Died, or… the First Rule of Democracy! globalresearch.ca "Democracy Has Just Been A Word…Never Been An Act!" -Wall Graffiti / 2016 Thailand Military Coup. | 5: 05 AM. February 4, 2012. It's almost pitch dark. No one has slept this night. The only morning illumination comes from scores of dimly …

James J. Zogby (2019-03-13). Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: The Shameful Attack that Backfired. globalresearch.ca What happened to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was troubling. On the one hand, because she dared to challenge the way supporters of Israel have worked to silence debate on US policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she became a victim of incitement, …

Yves Engler (2019-03-13). SNC Lavalin the Corporate Face of "Ugly Canadian" globalresearch.ca While the Justin Trudeau government's interference in the prosecution of SNC Lavalin highlights corporate influence over politics, it is also a story about a firm at the centre of Canadian foreign policy. | In a recent story titled " Canada's Corrupt

John W. Whitehead (2019-03-13). Pity the Nation: War Spending Is Bankrupting America. globalresearch.ca "Pity the nation whose people are sheep | And whose shepherds mislead them | Pity the nation whose leaders are liars | Whose sages are silenced | And whose bigots haunt the airwaves | Pity the nation that raises not its voice | Except to praise …

Telesur (2019-03-13). US Congressmen Introduce Bill to Prohibit US Courts from Recognizing Cuban Trademarks. globalresearch.ca Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) presented a bill on Tuesday before the US Congress in which they seek to prohibit the official recognition and rights of Cuban trademarks in the United States. | The bipartisan and bicameral legislation, …

Allegra Harpootlian (2019-03-13). School Shooters and Drones: Linking Gun Violence at Home to America's Wars Abroad. globalresearch.ca In the wake of the February 14, 2018, mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 students and staff members, a teacher said the school looked "like a war zone." And to many young …

Eric Toussaint (2019-03-13). Venezuela: Suspend Debt Repayments and Create an Emergency Humanitarian Fund. globalresearch.ca There is no doubt that Donald Trump's policies, those of the Lima group [1] and the European powers who seek to impose the usurper Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela and do not hesitate to interfere in order to …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2019-03-13). Lies in the Branding: Justin Trudeau's Implosion. globalresearch.ca "Trudeau came out and asked for strong women, and he got them." — Michelle Rempel, Conservative Party MP, The Atlantic, Mar 12, 2019 | The gods have various roles, and most of them are intrusively irritating. They select humans, and drive …

2019-03-13: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as 'Watershed Event'
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-13
The group that trained Juan Guaidó and his allies laid out plans for galvanizing public unrest in a 2010 memo, Max Blumenthal reports for Grayzone. By Max Blumenthal Grayzone A September 2010 memo by a U.S.-funded soft power organization that helped train… Read more ?…

The Rightful Owners of a Key Island Military Base for the U.S. Would Like It Back, and the UN Agrees
Vijay Prashad | commondreams.org | 2019-03-13
A U.S. Air Force B-1B bomber takes off from the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia, on a strike mission over Afghanistan in 2001. (Photo: DoD photo via AFP) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/bomber.jpeg

Hollywood's 'Captain Marvel' Blockbuster Is Blatant US Military Propaganda
Ben Norton | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-13
Grayzone's Ben Norton looks at the sizable role the Pentagon played in the production of the hit Hollywood film Captain Marvel, and how the blockbuster film is being used spread recruitment propaganda.

2 Ex-Cops Arrested in Killing of Brazilian Politician
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-13

RIO DE JANEIRO — Authorities arrested two former police officers Tuesday in the killing of Rio de Janeiro councilwoman Marielle Franco and her driver, a brazen assassination that shocked Brazilians and sparked protests in several countries. | The arrests in Rio came two days before the anniversary of the 2018 killings. While police had questioned many people, before Tuesday nobody had been arrested or charged in the shooting of Franco, a prominent activist for Afro-Brazilian and LGBT rights. | "It was a crime against a lawmaker, a woman, exercising her democratic function who had her life taken awa…

Net Neutrality Activists Launch Updated Congressional Scoreboard and Set March 15th Deadline for Lawmakers to Cosponsor the Save the Internet Act
Fight for the Future | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
Groups behind BattleForTheNet.com pledge to call, text, and email constituents of lawmakers who fail to cosponsor net neutrality bill before leaving DC for recess. | Today, activists behind BattleForTheNet.com launched an updated Congressional " scoreboard" showing where every member of …

Canada's SNC-Lavalin Affair: The Site C Dam Project and Bulk Water Export
Joyce Nelson | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
In all the press coverage of the "the SNC-Lavalin affair," not enough attention has been paid to the company's involvement in Site C — the contentious $11 billion dam being constructed in B.C.'s Peace River valley. | The Liberals say that …

US Must Respect Iran
Kevin Zeese, Margaret Flowers | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
One of the lessons from our recent visit to Iran as a Peace Delegation is that Iran is a mature country. It is 2,500 years old, ten times as old as the United States and one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations with settlements dating back to 7,000 BC. It was an empire that controlled almost…

Selected Articles: War Spending Is Bankrupting America
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer" | | | If, like us, this is a future …

Distorting American History: Jefferson Exhibit Generates Racial Controversy in Detroit
Abayomi Azikiwe | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
An historical exhibit designed to examine various aspects of the life and people of the Monticello plantation in Virginia during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, which was owned by Thomas Jefferson, has prompted protests in …

Algerian President Drops Bid for Fifth Term, Suspends New Election
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
On February 16, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika since 1999 announced his candidacy for a fifth term — despite unable to perform the duties of his office since becoming ill in 2005, especially after a debilitating 2013 stroke. | Large-scale daily protests …

"The uprising in Sudan is building on decades of protests against the regime"
Pavan Kulkarni | peoplesdispatch.org | 2019-03-13
As protests intensify in Sudan against president Omar al-Bashir, Peoples Dispatch talks to Dr. Fathi Elfad of the Sudanese Communist Party, who was recently released from prison, on the origins of the uprising and the repression unleashed by the state…

8 Ways to Fix America's Messed-Up Presidential Elections
Ted Rall | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
In 2016 there were 17 major candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, so many they had to have two sets of debates–and the guy who won was the first of all. Seven pundit-viable candidates have declared for 2020 on the Democratic side, more probably on the way, yet many Democrats say they're not excited by…

Ricardo Hausmann's "Morning After" for Venezuela: The Neoliberal Brain Behind Juan Guaido's Economic Agenda
Anya Parampil | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-13
While online audiences know YouTube comedian Joanna Hausmann from her videos making the case for regime change, her economist father has flown below the radar. His record holds the key to understanding what the U.S. wants in Venezuela.

Buying Back the "Iron Dome" from Israel
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
Even if one spends years exploring the dark corners infested by Israel's agents and its diaspora proxies in their successful effort to control much of Capitol Hill and the White House, it is still possible to be shocked by the …

Voting at the US Congress: No, Dual Loyalty Isn't Okay
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
The Solons on Capitol Hill are terrified of the expression "dual loyalty." They are afraid because dual loyalty means that one is not completely a loyal citizen of the country where one was born, raised and, presumably, prospered. It also …

"Please Step Away from the Socialism": The Red Scare Dems at MSNBC
Paul Street | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
I find Donald Trump reprehensible as a human being, but a socialist candidate is more dangerous to this company, country, as far as the strength and well-being of the country, than Donald Trump. I would vote for Donald Trump, a despicable human being…I will be so distraught to the point that that could even come…

Trump Wants Half a Billion Dollars to Finance Regime Change in Venezuela
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
At his Monday press conference, Mike Pompeo said "we've asked (Congress to appropriate) up to $500 million…to restore the economy of the Venezuelan nation (sic) (and) help Juan Guaido." | He failed to explain the ongoing Trump regime coup plot, nor …

President Rouhani Visits Iraq in broad daylight
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-13
A couple of months ago, President Trump visited Iraq by the cover of darkness, and, as he claimed in one of his interviews, the Americans actually had to shut off all the lights so that no one could recognize him, fearing for his safety. Trump declared Iraq safe, landed unannounced in the middle of the …

Middle East arms sales up by a massive 87%, mostly US-supplied
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2019-03-13
Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, both party to the international offensive in Yemen, together makes up around 28 percent of the US global arms sale.

Latin America: Searching for New Forms of Struggle. Leader of Brazil's Landless Movement
Joà£o Pedro Stedile | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
From February 24 to 27th, the International People's Assembly (AIP) was held in Caracas, in solidarity with the people and government of Venezuela represented by Nicolás Maduro. Almost 500 delegates from 90 countries of the world attended the event, and …

Venezuela is paramount because it is the battle of this century: Joà£o Pedro Stedile
Resumen Latinamericano | peoplesdispatch.org | 2019-03-13
Joà£o Pedro Stedile of the Landless Workers Movement (MST) talks about the recently concluded International Peoples' Assembly, the assault on Venezuela, and the battles against imperialism and the right wing in Brazil and across the world…

Venezuela is paramount because it is the battle of this century
Joao Pedro Stedile | zcomm.org | 2019-03-13
Interview on the recently concluded International Peoples' Assembly, the assault on Venezuela, and the battles against imperialism and the right wing in Brazil and across the world…

Colombia Sign Contracts with Shell for Offshore Exploration
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-13
Colombia's government announced Monday that it has signed two exploration and production contracts with the energy and petrochemical company Shell. Contracts are aimed at enabling the group to explore offshore areas of the Caribbean Sea and will require the company to make initial investments of $100 million. | RELATED: | Widows Against Big Oil Impunity in Nigeria Take Shell to Court | The government of Colombia recently modified contractual terms for offshore exploration and…

Nuclear Powers Need to Disarm Before It's Too Late
Conn Hallinan | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
The recent military clash between India and Pakistan underscores the need for the major nuclear powers — the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, and France — finally to move toward fulfilling their obligations under the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Treaty's purpose was not simply to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, but to serve…

Empire Unravelling: Will Huawei Become Washington's Suez?
Thomas Hon Wing Polin | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
America's full-spectrum campaign against Chinese tech leader Huawei is coming spectacularly undone. Curtains are imminent for Washington's tawdriest global offensive in recent memory — featuring open extortion, kidnapping, demonization and intimidation of both friends and foes. The signs were apparent as early as two months ago, when many governments worldwide lukewarmly greeted US calls for…

A New Regional Order: Producing Cross-Economic, Political, and Cultural Interests Among the People of Kashmir
Nyla Ali Khan | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
Indian nationalists are quick to claim their intractable hold on Kashmiris; Pakistani nationalists are just as quick to claim to speak for Kashmiris. Kashmir, despite having a real internal history and a place in the world, is suppressed by its positioning in the Indo-Pak conflict. Mainstream Kashmiri politicians culpably reiterate that…

On the 'Name Recognition' Shibboleth in the Democratic Primary Data Discussion
Doug Johnson Hatlem | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
Now that the 2016 Democratic Primary cycle is (mostly) over — will it ever be entirely? — it has become fashionable once again to forward name recognition as a reasonably large factor in what distinguishes one or more candidates from the others in early polling of the field at large and amongst specific demographic sub-groupings.

Cops and Fascists: KKKolleagues?
Mumia Abu-Jamal | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
Cops survey a scene of conflict in California's capital, a struggle between fascists and antifascists. Blood is on the ground, and webcam recordings show images of members of the Ku Klux Klan and related groups, not only armed with knives but actually showing some men stabbing downward at writhing bodies beneath. One side has knives.

Hail Ilhan Omar, Avatar of Truth!
Manuel García, Jr. | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
"Ilhan Omar: Obama's Policies as Bad as Trump's, Just More Polished." (Telesurenglish.net): She's spot on. It's humorous to read the comments of so many people invested in the status quo capitalist ripoff system, and being frightened about the possibility of AOC's and Ilhan's completely accurate criticisms of that system being implemented. I'd love it. Capitalism…

I Love the Green New Deal But
Arshad Khan | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
Ever since our first ancestor lit a fire, humans have been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. Add to that the first herder because ruminants are another large emitter of greenhouse gas (GHG). Some people want to declare a national emergency and ban fossil fuels within ten years. How? I am for it and all ready…

Margaret Thatcher's Love of Quack Remedies
Kenneth Surin | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
As a leftie I'm biased of course, but I always thought the old witch Margaret Thatcher was more or less off her trolley (as we Brits say) — she had that mad glint in her eyes, and the recent release of a batch of Thatcher's private papers, made public after the 30-year embargo was lifted,…

The UN Refuses to Name and Shame Firms Aiding Israel's Illegal Settlements
Jonathan Cook | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
Nazareth. The United Nations postponed last week for the third time the publication of a blacklist of Israeli and international firms that profit directly from Israel's illegal settlements in the occupied territories. The international body had come under enormous pressure to keep the database under wraps after lobbying behind the scenes from Israel, the United…

Jailing Chelsea Manning
Binoy Kampmark | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
"I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury." So explained Chelsea Manning in justifying her refusal to answer questions and comply with a grand jury subpoena compelling her to testify on her knowledge of WikiLeaks.

Trump v. Omar: The Psychology of Fear, Prejudice and Ignorance in American Politics
David Schultz | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
The country I come from Is called the Midwest I was taught and brought up there The laws to abide And that land that I live in Has God on its side –Bob Dylan, "With God on Our Side" Fear, prejudice, and ignorance make people do stupid things. They are the trinity combustant for hate…

Blackface and the American Idea of Race
Michael Collins | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-13
The price of scandal Periodically the American punditocracy convenes on cable TV for a "conversation about race." But, whether sparked by a celebrity chef's use of a racial slur, or a Black president's comment about the shooting of a Black teen, or a white president's remarks about "fine people on both sides" of a racist…

Lies in the Branding: Justin Trudeau's Implosion
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
"Trudeau came out and asked for strong women, and he got them." — Michelle Rempel, Conservative Party MP, The Atlantic, Mar 12, 2019 | The gods have various roles, and most of them are intrusively irritating. They select humans, and drive …

British Intelligence Masterminded the Miami Showband Massacre in Northern Ireland? Survivor Claims in New Documentary
Steve Sweeney | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
Musician Stephen Travers hopes a new documentary on a notorious massacre in the north of Ireland during the Troubles will lead to justice almost 50 years later. | In a new Netflix documentary released later this month he says that the …

SNC Lavalin the Corporate Face of "Ugly Canadian"
Yves Engler | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
While the Justin Trudeau government's interference in the prosecution of SNC Lavalin highlights corporate influence over politics, it is also a story about a firm at the centre of Canadian foreign policy. | In a recent story titled " Canada's Corrupt …

The Day American Activism Died, or… the First Rule of Democracy!
Brett Redmayne-Titley | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
"Democracy Has Just Been A Word…Never Been An Act!" -Wall Graffiti / 2016 Thailand Military Coup. | 5: 05 AM. February 4, 2012. It's almost pitch dark. No one has slept this night. The only morning illumination comes from scores of dimly …

US Congressmen Introduce Bill to Prohibit US Courts from Recognizing Cuban Trademarks
Telesur | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) presented a bill on Tuesday before the US Congress in which they seek to prohibit the official recognition and rights of Cuban trademarks in the United States. | The bipartisan and bicameral legislation, …

Uncle Sam Loves You, so Buy American, or Else
Helen Buyniski | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
The US is so enamored of its role as sole world superpower that it thinks nothing of mistreating allies, never believing they might tire of the abuse and run away — into the arms of China, or — perish the …

Venezuela: Suspend Debt Repayments and Create an Emergency Humanitarian Fund
Eric Toussaint | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
There is no doubt that Donald Trump's policies, those of the Lima group [1] and the European powers who seek to impose the usurper Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela and do not hesitate to interfere in order to …

School Shooters and Drones: Linking Gun Violence at Home to America's Wars Abroad
Allegra Harpootlian | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
In the wake of the February 14, 2018, mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 students and staff members, a teacher said the school looked "like a war zone." And to many young …

Pity the Nation: War Spending Is Bankrupting America
John W. Whitehead | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
"Pity the nation whose people are sheep | And whose shepherds mislead them | Pity the nation whose leaders are liars | Whose sages are silenced | And whose bigots haunt the airwaves | Pity the nation that raises not its voice | Except to praise | …

The Forgotten Syrian Christian Towns Under Attack on Border with Idleb and Northern Hama
Nabel Alabdalla | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
Two days ago I was in the Syrian Christian town of Al Skeilbiyyeh that has endured sustained attacks from the various terrorist groups backed by the U.S Coalition. These groups are embedded in the countryside bordering Al Skeilbiyyeh. In the …

US Media Erase Years of Chavismo's Social Gains. Poverty Was Curtailed
Gregory Shupak | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution, which took off with the election of President Hugo Chávez in December 1998, frequently and even quite recently received praise for its social gains from the United Nations, international humanitarian organizations and economists. This aspect of the …

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: The Shameful Attack that Backfired
James J. Zogby | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-13
What happened to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was troubling. On the one hand, because she dared to challenge the way supporters of Israel have worked to silence debate on US policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she became a victim of incitement, …

Whistleblowers Say NSA Still Spies on American Phones in Hidden Program
Nafeez Ahmed | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-13
INSURGE INTELLIGENCE — On Monday 4th, the New York Times reported that the National Security Agency has "quietly" shut down a controversial phone records surveillance program revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013. | The claim was made…

Venezuela's Deadly Blackout Highlights the Need for a Negotiated Resolution of the Crisis
Gabriel Hetland | thenation.com | 2019-03-13
Venezuela's Deadly Blackout Highlights the Need for a Negotiated Resolution of the Crisis…

Venezuelan social movements appeal to the World to condemn U.S. crimes against humanity
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-03-13
Social Movements Call for Denunciation of U.S. War Action Against Venezuela The Venezuelan people appeal for support from all the social organizations across the five continents, to denounce the U.S. government for launching cybernetic weapons and electromagnetic pulse weapons against our nation, causing a blackout throughout the country on March 7. This ruthless act of […] | Source…