Daily Archives: March 11, 2019

2019-03-11: News Headlines

Norman Solomon (2019-03-11). Biden on the Relaunch Pad: He's Worse Than You Thought. counterpunch.org When the New York Times front-paged its latest anti-left polemic masquerading as a news article, the March 9 piece declared: "Should former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. enter the race, as his top advisers vow he soon will, he would have the best immediate shot at the moderate mantle." On the verge of relaunching, Joe Biden More

Consortiumnews (2019-03-11). Joe Biden on the Relaunch Pad. consortiumnews.com Whether Biden can win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination will largely depend on how little voters know about his actual record, writes Norman Solomon. Biden is No Friend of the Working Class; Solidly Backed Invasion of Iraq in 2003 By… Read more →

Chris Hedges (2019-03-11). Israel's Stranglehold on American Politics. commondreams.org "The massive interference in our internal affairs by Israel and the Israel lobby, far exceeding that of any other country, including Russia or China, is not an anti-Semitic trope," writes Hedges. "It is a fact." (Cartoon: Mr. Fish) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/foreign_aid.jpg

Chris Hedges (2019-03-11). Israel's Stranglehold on American Politics. truthdig.com The Israel lobby's buying off of nearly every senior politician in the United States, facilitated by our system of legalized bribery, is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact. The lobby's campaign of vicious character assassination, smearing and blacklisting against those who defend Palestinian rights—including the Jewish historian Norman Finkelstein and university students, many of them Jewish, in organizations such as…

Medea Benjamin (2019-03-11). How US Sanctions are Hurting Iran: A Firsthand Report. commondreams.org With the author kneeling in the lower right, an international peace delegation outside Iran's Tehran Peace Museum. (Photo: Courtesy of Medea Benjamin) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/peace_with_iran.jpg

unitedEditor (2019-03-11). Crisis in Venezuela, India-Pakistan war, Syria. uwidata.com Venezuela In the center of the capital of Venezuela, a march of supporters of President Nicolas Maduro took place alongside protests by supporters of self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido who crossed the border back into the country on Monday. The republic has been experiencing periodic blackouts due to the failure of the automatic control system at …

M. G. Piety (2019-03-11). On Biblical Inerrancy: Some Reflections for United Methodists and Other "Christians" counterpunch.org The United Methodist Church, one of the largest Protestant denominations in the United States , voted on voted on Tuesday, February 26th, to affirm its official stance that homosexuality is "incompatible with Christian teaching." Not all Methodists agree with this view, of course, as is detailed in an article on the vote in The New York Times. Many do, though, hence the outcome of the vote. And Methodists are not the only "Christians" who consider homosexuality incompatible with Christian teaching. People who hold this view usually justify it by pointing to specific passages in the New Testament that appear to su…

Democracy Now! (2019-03-11). Headlines for March 11, 2019. democracynow.org Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Crashes, Killing All 157 On Board, Judge Jails Chelsea Manning For Refusing to Testify About WikiLeaks, Trump to Request $8.6 Billion for Border Wall in 2020 Budget, 1000s More Could Join ACLU Lawsuit over Trump Family Separation Policy, House Passes Election Reform Act Despite GOP Resistance, NYT Report Contradicts U.S. Claim That Maduro Responsible for "Aid" Convoy Fire, Guaidó to Declare Emergency as NYT Reports U.S. Sanctions Exacerbate Blackout, Netanyahu: "Israel Is Not a State of All Its Citizens", Gaza: Israeli Forces Shoot Palestinian Protesters, Killing 1, Fox Host Under Fi…

Democracy Now! (2019-03-11). Journalists, Lawyers & Activists Targeted in Sweeping U.S. Intelligence Gathering Effort on Border. democracynow.org Newly revealed documents show the U.S. government created a secret database of activists and journalists who were documenting the Trump administration's efforts to thwart a caravan of migrants hoping to win asylum in the U.S. An investigation from San Diego's NBC 7 revealed the list was shared among Homeland Security Investigations, ICE, Customs and Border Protection and the FBI. It included the names of 10 journalists—seven of whom are U.S. citizens—along with nearly four dozen others listed as "organizers" or "instigators." House Democrats are now calling for the full disclosure of the government's…

Associated Press (2019-03-11). Valve-turners: Big oil says Indigenous and climate activists are "terrorists" peoplesworld.org BISMARCK, N.D. (AP)—As Enbridge prepared to move climate-damaging tar sands crude through a 40-year-old pipeline in eastern Canada in 2015, environmentalists and indigenous peoples including Vanessa Gray thought about what happened in Michigan just five years earlier: Another of the company's lines had burst, sending oil into a river in one of the largest spills …

Prof. Ravi Malhotra (2019-03-11). The New Politics of Disablement: The Contribution of Mike Oliver. globalresearch.ca Michael Oliver (3 February 1945 to 2 March 2019) was a British academic, author, and disability rights activist. He was Emeritus Professor of Disability Studies at the University of Greenwich. His research focused on the social model of disability, and …

Democracy Now! (2019-03-11). Glenn Greenwald: Chelsea Manning's Refusal to Testify Against WikiLeaks Will Help Save Press Freedom. democracynow.org Chelsea Manning has been sent back to jail after refusing to answer questions before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. Manning, a U.S. Army whistleblower, had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors in Virginia's Eastern District to appear for questioning about her 2010 leak to WikiLeaks of hundreds of thousands of State Department and Pentagon documents about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We speak with Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and one of the founding editors of The Intercept.

Democracy Now! (2019-03-11). "I Know No One More Patriotic": Daniel Ellsberg Praises Chelsea Manning After She Is Jailed Again. democracynow.org U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has been sent back to jail after refusing to answer questions before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. Manning had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors in Virginia's Eastern District to appear for questioning about her 2010 leak to WikiLeaks of hundreds of thousands of State Department and Pentagon documents about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Manning was imprisoned from 2010 to 2017 for the leak. President Obama commuted her sentence before he left office. We speak with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg about the s…

William Craddick (2019-03-11). Intelligence Contractors Make New Attempt to Provoke Tensions with North Korea. globalresearch.ca It's the second, but no less ludicrous, attempt in one week to sway the opinion of the public and President Donald Trump against the concept of denuclearization and peaceful dialogue with North Korea. | A March 8, 2019 report from National

The Global Research Team (2019-03-11). NATO "Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize" and "Wars Make Us Safer"? globalresearch.ca In a world built of spin, our goal has always been to present you with the facts. | If we were to take mainstream news headlines at face value, we would have to believe the following: | . | . | . | . | A …

Robin Philpot (2019-03-11). Rwanda: Truth, Freedom and Peace Will Prevail. globalresearch.ca Robin Philpot's acceptance speech of the Victoire Ungabire Umuhoza award in Brussels, translated from French | I would first like to thank the International Women's Network for Democracy and Peace honouring me with this Award that bears the name of …

Mark Taliano (2019-03-11). Lies and Crimes, Peace and Democracy. globalresearch.ca We can not have Peace and Democracy if we accept the Lies and Crimes which deny us Peace and Democracy. Some of the Lies are foundational to the "War on Terror", which itself is a lie. Al Qaeda, for example, is not responsible for the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings. To believe so would be to believe in miracles, fairy tales.

Paul Kawika Martin (2019-03-11). Trump Seeks Cuts to Human Needs to Fund Pentagon Hikes No One Needs. peaceaction.org Washington, D.C. — March 11, 2019 — In response to President Trump's budget request for FY 2020, Paul Kawika Martin, Senior Director for Policy and Political Affairs at Peace Action, released the following statement: "Fulfilling President Trump's request for $750 billion in Pentagon spending would be an obscene misallocation of resources that would fail to …

Adam Edelman (2019-03-11). The US Must Grow Up and Respect Iran's Independence. globalresearch.ca One of the lessons from our recent visit to Iran as a Peace Delegation is that Iran is a mature country. It is 2,500 years old, ten times as old as the United States and one of the world's oldest …

teleSUR (2019-03-11). Colombian President Seeks To Weaken Peace Accord Court. telesurenglish.net Colombian President Ivan Duque wants to reform a key statutory law that regulates the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), an integral part of country's 2016 Peace Accord to bring justice to the country's 50 year internal conflict. | RELATED: | Colombia: Social, Human Rights Groups March Against State Crime | On Sunday the president announced that he and his right-wing Democratic Center party want to amend six articles of the Statutory Law of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace…

teleSUR (2019-03-11). Landmine in Colombia Kills 5, Peace Talks Remain Elusive. telesurenglish.net Three members of the military and two civilians have died after a group stepped on a landmine Saturday morning in the town of Tibu in the north of the department of Santander Colombia. | RELATED | Colombian President Seeks To Weaken Peace Accord Court | Sources in the military say that the group belonging to the Corps of Engineers was doing initial assessments of the area in preparation for upcoming road work when they stepped on a landmine. | Initial reports indicated that two milit…

Jonathan Cook (2019-03-11). The UN fails to name and shame firms aiding Israel's illegal settlements. zcomm.org The hypocrisy of these states — urging peace in the region while doing their best to subvert it — is clear. Now the danger is that UN leaders will join them…

Kathy Kelly (2019-03-11). Judging U.S. War Crimes. counterpunch.org Chelsea Manning, who bravely exposed atrocities committed by the U.S. military, is again imprisoned in a U.S. jail. On International Women's Day, March 8, 2019, she was incarcerated in the Alexandria, VA federal detention center for refusing to testify in front of a secretive Grand Jury. Her imprisonment can extend through the term of the Grand Jury, possibly 18 months, and the U.S. courts could allow formation of future Grand Juries, potentially jailing her again. More

Kathy Kelly (2019-03-11). Judging the U.S. for its War Crimes—Chelsea Manning's Bravery. progressive.org "I want people to see the truth, regardless of who they are. Because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public."

Whitney Webb (2019-03-11). NY Times Acknowledges Venezuela Opposition as Cause of Aid Fire, Echoing Initial Reports by Alternative Press. mintpressnews.com While independent outlets have made headway in challenging government narratives, such outlets are often maligned by influential mainstream outlets for reports that question the official story — at least until the MSM decides to get on board and question that story themselves.

Whitney Webb (2019-03-11). "Lights Out!" Did Trump and His Neocons Recycle Bush-Era Plan to Knock Out Venezuela's Power Grid? mintpressnews.com Even as the Venezuelan government blamed the recent power outage on U.S.-led "sabotage," the U.S. has long had a plan on the books for targeting the civilian power grid of adversarial nations.

Whitney Webb (2019-03-11). The Dark Secret Behind a British Billionaire's "Parallel State" In Argentina's Patagonia. mintpressnews.com A sinister plan involving the world's most notorious oligarchs, as well as the IMF and key elements of the global Zionist lobby, lurks beneath the de facto independent state created by one of England's richest men in the heart of Argentina's Patagonia.

Philip Giraldi (2019-03-11). Talking About Israel. The Relationship with Israel is Poison for the United States. globalresearch.ca A recent article by Andrew Sullivan in the New York magazine considers how one might discuss the issue of Israel and its powerful domestic lobby without being accused of anti-Semitism. Sullivan is a keen observer of the dynamics of American …

Ralph Nader (2019-03-11). Who will Displace the Omniciders? counterpunch.org Citizens challenging the towering threat of climate crisis should never underestimate the consequences of our dependence on fossil fuel corporations. Real engagement with the worsening climate disruption means spending more of our leisure hours on civic action. The fate of future generations and our planet depends on the intensity of these actions. This was my More

Democracy Now! (2019-03-11). Greenwald: White House Spread False Story About Venezuela Burning Aid Trucks to Win Support for War. democracynow.org An investigation by The New York Times has found that several trucks carrying so-called humanitarian aid that were set ablaze during a showdown at the Colombia-Venezuela border last month were not caused by President Nicolás Maduro's forces, as was widely reported at the time by the media and Trump administration officials. We speak with Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and one of the founding editors of The Intercept. His latest piece is "NYT's Exposé on the Lies About Burning Aid Trucks in Venezuela Shows How U.S. Government and Media Spread Pro-War Propaganda."

teleSUR Desk (2019-03-11). 'Stay true to Chavismo,' Maduro says as blackout continues. mronline.org "We have overcome so many challenges, we'll overcome this one," Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told the crowd Sunday. | Source

John Wojcik (2019-03-11). New York Times video shows U.S. peddles lies about Venezuela's Maduro. peoplesworld.org None other than the New York Times Sunday released a video disproving U.S. claims that Venezuelan President Maduro ordered the bombing of U.S Aid trucks attempting to cross into his country from Colombia. The Times, no supporter of that country's Bolivarian Revolution, nevertheless said its video totally contradicts U.S. claims about the recent incident. For …

Kathryn Shihadah (2019-03-11). Israel Bans Arab Parties and Liberal Candidate from Coming Elections. mintpressnews.com In Israel, two Palestinian political parties and one liberal Jewish party member have been banned from running in the April 9th election; meanwhile, a radical Jewish candidate stays in, even after Israel's Attorney General recommended he be banned.

George Ochenski (2019-03-11). Dying to Make a Living: the Shame of Industrial Mortality. counterpunch.org Kudos to Montana's Democratic Senator Jon Tester who introduced a new bill to ban the use of asbestos in the United States last week. Tester joins eight other senators on the measure, which was simultaneously introduced in the House and co-sponsored by 21 representatives. Montana's tragic history with asbestos-caused death and injury in the Libby More | In a new Grizzly Times podcast, Bob Jackson shares stories of his fascinating 30-year career as a backcountry ranger in Yellowstone Park. He was dubbed "A…

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2019-03-11). Robots in the Vast Memory Palace of Myth. counterpunch.org Greek myths are not fiction. They are extremely ancient stories that preserve memories and history. Ancient Greeks thought of myths and history as complementary narratives speaking to them about their gods, heroes, traditions and civilization. In fact, the Greeks understood mythology as early history. This early history (myths) explained their origins and the origins of More

Nick Pemberton (2019-03-11). Killing a Mockingbird. counterpunch.org Harper Lee's book To Kill A Mockingbird continues to get reproduced. It is read across the country in school. Now the book is going to Broadway. We should all breathe a sigh of relief that Hamilton no longer center stage. What was with that play anyways? Could anyone figure that out? Wasn't American history class nauseating and unbelievable for more people? If there was a national poll on Hamilton one would guess it would do no better than the 1% who actually saw it. More

CP Editor (2019-03-11). Ilhan Omar in Her Own Words: I Know What Hate Feels Like. counterpunch.org

Dean Baker (2019-03-11). What's Behind the Weak February Jobs Report. counterpunch.org The index of aggregate hours fell 0.3 percent in February and is below the December level. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported the economy added just 20,000 jobs in February. While this is a very weak number, it most likely is a bounce back from the extraordinarily rapid growth reported in January, which was More

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-11). Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious than First Believed. globalresearch.ca On Thursday, Venezuela's Guri dam hydroelectric power plant was cyberattacked at 5: 00 PM during the late afternoon rush hour to cause maximum disruption. | Up to 80% of the country was affected, damage done more severe than initially thought. Weeks or …

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-11). Ilhan Omar: Challenging Establishment Politics in Washington. globalresearch.ca Though way too early to judge her after barely over two months in Congress, her forthright outspokenness is encouraging. She supported what demanded rejection — HR 676, the NATO Support Act, banning use of federal funds for withdrawal, requiring …

teleSUR (2019-03-11). Iran's President Rohani Visits Baghdad Against US Pressure. telesurenglish.net Iranian President Hassan Rohani has arrived in Baghdad for his first official visit to Iraq, state television reported, defying pressure from U.S. officials to limit ties with its neighbor. | RELATED: | UN Agency Says Iran Is Compliant With Nuclear Deal Terms | Rohani celebrated the "special" relations between Iran and Iraq while speaking at Tehran's Mehrabad airport on March 11 before departing for his three-day visit. | "We are very much interested to expand our ties with Iraq, par…

commondreams (2019-03-11). Experts Warn Against Trump's 11.8% Spending Increase For Nuclear Warfighting. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Newsclick (2019-03-11). "The US is at war with itself over North Korea" peoplesdispatch.org Newsclick Editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha talks about the developments in the aftermath of the Hanoi Summit — between US's Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong-un…

Consortiumnews (2019-03-11). Is War With Iran on the Horizon? consortiumnews.com Despite growing Trump administration tensions with Venezuela and even with North Korea, Iran is the likeliest spot for Washington's next shooting war, says Bob Dreyfuss for TomDispatch. The Trump Administration is Reckless Enough to Turn the Cold War With Iran… Read more →

Bob Dreyfuss (2019-03-11). Is the Trump Administration Reckless Enough to Turn the Cold War With Iran Into a Hot One? mintpressnews.com TomDispatch's Bob Dreyfuss asks: could military actions designed to be limited — say, a heightening of the Israeli bombing of Iranian forces inside Syria, or possible U.S. cross-border attacks from Iraq, or a clash between American and Iranian naval ships in the Persian Gulf — trigger a wider war?

Jay Janson (2019-03-11). How to Enjoy Dinner Knowing Fellow Americans Have Caused 85,000 Yemeni Kids to Starve to Death? globalresearch.ca I looked down at the food on my plate, and wished I hadn't just heard PBS's News anchor Judy Woodruff report that the war in Yemen had already caused 85,000 children to starve to death. She read the one liner …

Bob Dreyfuss (2019-03-11). Is a War With Iran on the Horizon? commondreams.org White House National Security Advisor John Bolton, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence talk before the start of a joint news conference with President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the Rose Garden at the White House June 7, 2018 in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/gettyimages-9692172601_0.jpg

Bob Dreyfuss (2019-03-11). Is a War With Iran on the Horizon? zcomm.org The Trump Administration Is Reckless Enough to Turn the Cold War With Iran Into a Hot One…

Global Research News (2019-03-11). Selected Articles: Venezuela. Hands Off! globalresearch.ca Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

Haim Schwarczenberg (2019-03-11). Faces of Gazan Children Killed by Israeli Soldiers Appear in Tel Aviv. globalresearch.ca Thursday March 7th 2018 Tel Aviv- Jews for Return, hung pictures of six of the children who were shot dead by Israeli soldiers while participating in the return demonstrations that began on the 30th of March 2018 on the streets …

2019-03-11: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Joe Biden on the Relaunch Pad
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-11
Whether Biden can win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination will largely depend on how little voters know about his actual record, writes Norman Solomon. Biden is No Friend of the Working Class; Solidly Backed Invasion of Iraq in 2003 By… Read more ?…

Biden on the Relaunch Pad: He's Worse Than You Thought
Norman Solomon | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-11
When the New York Times front-paged its latest anti-left polemic masquerading as a news article, the March 9 piece declared: "Should former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. enter the race, as his top advisers vow he soon will, he would have the best immediate shot at the moderate mantle." On the verge of relaunching, Joe Biden…

Israel's Stranglehold on American Politics
Chris Hedges | commondreams.org | 2019-03-11
"The massive interference in our internal affairs by Israel and the Israel lobby, far exceeding that of any other country, including Russia or China, is not an anti-Semitic trope," writes Hedges. "It is a fact." (Cartoon: Mr. Fish) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/foreign_aid.jpg

How US Sanctions are Hurting Iran: A Firsthand Report
Medea Benjamin | commondreams.org | 2019-03-11
With the author kneeling in the lower right, an international peace delegation outside Iran's Tehran Peace Museum. (Photo: Courtesy of Medea Benjamin) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/peace_with_iran.jpg

Crisis in Venezuela, India-Pakistan war, Syria
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-11
Venezuela In the center of the capital of Venezuela, a march of supporters of President Nicolas Maduro took place alongside protests by supporters of self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido who crossed the border back into the country on Monday. The republic has been experiencing periodic blackouts due to the failure of the automatic control system at …

On Biblical Inerrancy: Some Reflections for United Methodists and Other "Christians"
M. G. Piety | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-11
The United Methodist Church, one of the largest Protestant denominations in the United States , voted on voted on Tuesday, February 26th, to affirm its official stance that homosexuality is "incompatible with Christian teaching." Not all Methodists agree with this view, of course, as is detailed in an article on the vote in The New York Times. Many do, though, hence the outcome of the vote. And Methodists are not the only "Christians" who consider homosexuality incompatible with Christian teaching. People who hold this view usually justify it by pointing to specific passages in the New Testament that appear to su…

Journalists, Lawyers & Activists Targeted in Sweeping U.S. Intelligence Gathering Effort on Border
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-11
Newly revealed documents show the U.S. government created a secret database of activists and journalists who were documenting the Trump administration's efforts to thwart a caravan of migrants hoping to win asylum in the U.S. An investigation from San Diego's NBC 7 revealed the list was shared among Homeland Security Investigations, ICE, Customs and Border Protection and the FBI. It included the names of 10 journalists–seven of whom are U.S. citizens–along with nearly four dozen others listed as "organizers" or "instigators." House Democrats are now calling for the full disclosure of the government's…

Valve-turners: Big oil says Indigenous and climate activists are "terrorists"
Associated Press | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-11
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP)–As Enbridge prepared to move climate-damaging tar sands crude through a 40-year-old pipeline in eastern Canada in 2015, environmentalists and indigenous peoples including Vanessa Gray thought about what happened in Michigan just five years earlier: Another of the company's lines had burst, sending oil into a river in one of the largest spills …

The New Politics of Disablement: The Contribution of Mike Oliver
Prof. Ravi Malhotra | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
Michael Oliver (3 February 1945 to 2 March 2019) was a British academic, author, and disability rights activist. He was Emeritus Professor of Disability Studies at the University of Greenwich. His research focused on the social model of disability, and …

"I Know No One More Patriotic": Daniel Ellsberg Praises Chelsea Manning After She Is Jailed Again
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-11
U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has been sent back to jail after refusing to answer questions before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. Manning had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors in Virginia's Eastern District to appear for questioning about her 2010 leak to WikiLeaks of hundreds of thousands of State Department and Pentagon documents about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Manning was imprisoned from 2010 to 2017 for the leak. President Obama commuted her sentence before he left office. We speak with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg about the s…

Glenn Greenwald: Chelsea Manning's Refusal to Testify Against WikiLeaks Will Help Save Press Freedom
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-11
Chelsea Manning has been sent back to jail after refusing to answer questions before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. Manning, a U.S. Army whistleblower, had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors in Virginia's Eastern District to appear for questioning about her 2010 leak to WikiLeaks of hundreds of thousands of State Department and Pentagon documents about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We speak with Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and one of the founding editors of The Intercept.

Intelligence Contractors Make New Attempt to Provoke Tensions with North Korea
William Craddick | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
It's the second, but no less ludicrous, attempt in one week to sway the opinion of the public and President Donald Trump against the concept of denuclearization and peaceful dialogue with North Korea. | A March 8, 2019 report from National …

NATO "Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize" and "Wars Make Us Safer"?
The Global Research Team | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
In a world built of spin, our goal has always been to present you with the facts. | If we were to take mainstream news headlines at face value, we would have to believe the following: | . | . | . | . | A …

Lies and Crimes, Peace and Democracy
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
We can not have Peace and Democracy if we accept the Lies and Crimes which deny us Peace and Democracy. Some of the Lies are foundational to the "War on Terror", which itself is a lie. Al Qaeda, for example, is not responsible for the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings. To believe so would be to believe in miracles, fairy tales.

Rwanda: Truth, Freedom and Peace Will Prevail
Robin Philpot | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
Robin Philpot's acceptance speech of the Victoire Ungabire Umuhoza award in Brussels, translated from French | I would first like to thank the International Women's Network for Democracy and Peace honouring me with this Award that bears the name of …

Trump Seeks Cuts to Human Needs to Fund Pentagon Hikes No One Needs
Paul Kawika Martin | peaceaction.org | 2019-03-11
Washington, D.C. — March 11, 2019 — In response to President Trump's budget request for FY 2020, Paul Kawika Martin, Senior Director for Policy and Political Affairs at Peace Action, released the following statement: "Fulfilling President Trump's request for $750 billion in Pentagon spending would be an obscene misallocation of resources that would fail to …

The US Must Grow Up and Respect Iran's Independence
Adam Edelman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
One of the lessons from our recent visit to Iran as a Peace Delegation is that Iran is a mature country. It is 2,500 years old, ten times as old as the United States and one of the world's oldest …

Landmine in Colombia Kills 5, Peace Talks Remain Elusive
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-11
Three members of the military and two civilians have died after a group stepped on a landmine Saturday morning in the town of Tibu in the north of the department of Santander Colombia. | RELATED | Colombian President Seeks To Weaken Peace Accord Court | Sources in the military say that the group belonging to the Corps of Engineers was doing initial assessments of the area in preparation for upcoming road work when they stepped on a landmine. | Initial reports indicated that two milit…

Colombian President Seeks To Weaken Peace Accord Court
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-11
Colombian President Ivan Duque wants to reform a key statutory law that regulates the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), an integral part of country's 2016 Peace Accord to bring justice to the country's 50 year internal conflict. | RELATED: | Colombia: Social, Human Rights Groups March Against State Crime | On Sunday the president announced that he and his right-wing Democratic Center party want to amend six articles of the Statutory Law of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace…

The UN fails to name and shame firms aiding Israel's illegal settlements
Jonathan Cook | zcomm.org | 2019-03-11
The hypocrisy of these states — urging peace in the region while doing their best to subvert it — is clear. Now the danger is that UN leaders will join them…

Judging U.S. War Crimes
Kathy Kelly | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-11
Chelsea Manning, who bravely exposed atrocities committed by the U.S. military, is again imprisoned in a U.S. jail. On International Women's Day, March 8, 2019, she was incarcerated in the Alexandria, VA federal detention center for refusing to testify in front of a secretive Grand Jury. Her imprisonment can extend through the term of the Grand Jury, possibly 18 months, and the U.S. courts could allow formation of future Grand Juries, potentially jailing her again.

Judging the U.S. for its War Crimes–Chelsea Manning's Bravery
Kathy Kelly | progressive.org | 2019-03-11
"I want people to see the truth, regardless of who they are. Because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public."

"Lights Out!" Did Trump and His Neocons Recycle Bush-Era Plan to Knock Out Venezuela's Power Grid?
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-11
Even as the Venezuelan government blamed the recent power outage on U.S.-led "sabotage," the U.S. has long had a plan on the books for targeting the civilian power grid of adversarial nations.

NY Times Acknowledges Venezuela Opposition as Cause of Aid Fire, Echoing Initial Reports by Alternative Press
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-11
While independent outlets have made headway in challenging government narratives, such outlets are often maligned by influential mainstream outlets for reports that question the official story — at least until the MSM decides to get on board and question that story themselves.

The Dark Secret Behind a British Billionaire's "Parallel State" In Argentina's Patagonia
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-11
A sinister plan involving the world's most notorious oligarchs, as well as the IMF and key elements of the global Zionist lobby, lurks beneath the de facto independent state created by one of England's richest men in the heart of Argentina's Patagonia.

Talking About Israel. The Relationship with Israel is Poison for the United States
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
A recent article by Andrew Sullivan in the New York magazine considers how one might discuss the issue of Israel and its powerful domestic lobby without being accused of anti-Semitism. Sullivan is a keen observer of the dynamics of American …

Who will Displace the Omniciders?
Ralph Nader | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-11
Citizens challenging the towering threat of climate crisis should never underestimate the consequences of our dependence on fossil fuel corporations. Real engagement with the worsening climate disruption means spending more of our leisure hours on civic action. The fate of future generations and our planet depends on the intensity of these actions. This was my…

Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious than First Believed
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
On Thursday, Venezuela's Guri dam hydroelectric power plant was cyberattacked at 5: 00 PM during the late afternoon rush hour to cause maximum disruption. | Up to 80% of the country was affected, damage done more severe than initially thought. Weeks or …

Ilhan Omar: Challenging Establishment Politics in Washington
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
Though way too early to judge her after barely over two months in Congress, her forthright outspokenness is encouraging. She supported what demanded rejection — HR 676, the NATO Support Act, banning use of federal funds for withdrawal, requiring …

Iran's President Rohani Visits Baghdad Against US Pressure
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-11
Iranian President Hassan Rohani has arrived in Baghdad for his first official visit to Iraq, state television reported, defying pressure from U.S. officials to limit ties with its neighbor. | RELATED: | UN Agency Says Iran Is Compliant With Nuclear Deal Terms | Rohani celebrated the "special" relations between Iran and Iraq while speaking at Tehran's Mehrabad airport on March 11 before departing for his three-day visit. | "We are very much interested to expand our ties with Iraq, par…

Experts Warn Against Trump's 11.8% Spending Increase For Nuclear Warfighting
commondreams | commondreams.org | 2019-03-11

"The US is at war with itself over North Korea"
Newsclick | peoplesdispatch.org | 2019-03-11
Newsclick Editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha talks about the developments in the aftermath of the Hanoi Summit — between US's Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong-un…

Is War With Iran on the Horizon?
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-11
Despite growing Trump administration tensions with Venezuela and even with North Korea, Iran is the likeliest spot for Washington's next shooting war, says Bob Dreyfuss for TomDispatch. The Trump Administration is Reckless Enough to Turn the Cold War With Iran… Read more ?…

Is the Trump Administration Reckless Enough to Turn the Cold War With Iran Into a Hot One?
Bob Dreyfuss | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-11
TomDispatch's Bob Dreyfuss asks: could military actions designed to be limited — say, a heightening of the Israeli bombing of Iranian forces inside Syria, or possible U.S. cross-border attacks from Iraq, or a clash between American and Iranian naval ships in the Persian Gulf — trigger a wider war?

Selected Articles: Venezuela. Hands Off!
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
Online independent analysis of US-led wars, rampant corruption, corporate greed, civil rights and fraudulent monetary transactions is invariably relegated to the bottom rung of search engine results. | As a result we presently do not cover our monthly running costs which …

Is a War With Iran on the Horizon?
Bob Dreyfuss | zcomm.org | 2019-03-11
The Trump Administration Is Reckless Enough to Turn the Cold War With Iran Into a Hot One…

The Path to Climate Justice Passes Through Caracas
David Schwartzman — Quincy Saul | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-11
It is critical to understand how blocking the regime change agenda with respect to Venezuela is integrally connected to confronting the challenge of climate change. Fighting the Media War Today we are all witness to the subversion and slander of one of our best hopes. Venezuelans call it "the media war." Karl Marx called it…

How U.S. Government and Media Spread Pro-War Propaganda
Glenn Greenwald | zcomm.org | 2019-03-11
Every major U.S. war of the last several decades has begun the same way: the U.S. Government fabricates an inflammatory, emotionally provocative lie which large U.S. media outlets uncritically treat as truth…

Snap-Shots along the Road of Life
Edward Curtin | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
"You road I travel and look around! I believe you are not all that is here! I believe that something unseen is also here."– Walt Whitman, Poem of the Road | Jimmy C., age 9, died on the evening of Dec …

We Are Being Lied into War Again
Lee Camp | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
This is not the first time our government and our media have conspired to drag the American people into war with another country–or helped create a coup that will inevitably have disastrous results | *** | I was 23 when we invaded …

US Is Pushing Venezuela to the Brink by Attacking Its Power Grid
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
The Hybrid War on Venezuela just took a dark turn — literally — after the US used cyber weapons and insider sabotage to attack the country's power grid last week, cutting off most of its electricity and creating a chain …

The Trump Administration Wants a War with Iran
Bob Dreyfuss | thenation.com | 2019-03-11
The Trump Administration Wants a War with Iran…

How to Enjoy Dinner Knowing Fellow Americans Have Caused 85,000 Yemeni Kids to Starve to Death?
Jay Janson | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
I looked down at the food on my plate, and wished I hadn't just heard PBS's News anchor Judy Woodruff report that the war in Yemen had already caused 85,000 children to starve to death. She read the one liner …

Greenwald: White House Spread False Story About Venezuela Burning Aid Trucks to Win Support for War
Democracy Now! | democracynow.org | 2019-03-11
An investigation by The New York Times has found that several trucks carrying so-called humanitarian aid that were set ablaze during a showdown at the Colombia-Venezuela border last month were not caused by President Nicolás Maduro's forces, as was widely reported at the time by the media and Trump administration officials. We speak with Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and one of the founding editors of The Intercept. His latest piece is "NYT's Exposé on the Lies About Burning Aid Trucks in Venezuela Shows How U.S. Government and Media Spread Pro-War Propaganda."

Faces of Gazan Children Killed by Israeli Soldiers Appear in Tel Aviv
Haim Schwarczenberg | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-11
Thursday March 7th 2018 Tel Aviv- Jews for Return, hung pictures of six of the children who were shot dead by Israeli soldiers while participating in the return demonstrations that began on the 30th of March 2018 on the streets …

Islamic State Last days in Eastern Syria
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-11
The Syrian Democratic Forces (FDS) launched an attack on the last enclave of the Islamic State in Eastern Syria, with the help of the coalition forces. | On Sunday, regular bombardment from coalition warplanes targeted the enclave at Baghouz in Deir Ez Zor province, a Reuters journalist in Baghouz said. SDF and coalition planes were involved in the assault, and the militant camp is now on fire. | RELATED: | US-led Coalition Bomb Kills 50 Syrian Women, Children | The SDF announced earlier…

Is a War With Iran on the Horizon?
Bob Dreyfuss | commondreams.org | 2019-03-11
White House National Security Advisor John Bolton, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence talk before the start of a joint news conference with President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the Rose Garden at the White House June 7, 2018 in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/gettyimages-9692172601_0.jpg

In Bid to Control Yemen Border Towns, Saudi Arabia Employs Deadly Airstrikes and Jihadi Militias
Ahmed Abdulkareem | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-11
Saudi Arabia has taken to the pulpit in local mosques, airwaves, Facebook and Twitter, and local media to inflame sectarian tensions that previously did not exist in Yemen's border region.

'Stay true to Chavismo,' Maduro says as blackout continues
teleSUR Desk | mronline.org | 2019-03-11
"We have overcome so many challenges, we'll overcome this one," Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told the crowd Sunday. | Source…

Venezuela Opens Border Crossing with Colombia
teleSUR, trp-ML | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-11
The Venezuelan government announced the opening of a humanitarian corridor on its border with Colombia to allow passage for students who live one side but go to school in the other one, and for citizens that need medical attention. Beyond this, the rest of the border remains closed. | RELATED | Venezuela Denounces 2nd False Flag Operation at Colombia Border | The instruction to open the corridor was given by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and came into effect Monday at 5:…