Daily Archives: March 7, 2019

2019-03-07: News Headlines

Jack Rasmus (2019-03-07). Some Big Economic Questions of the Day—and My Replies. counterpunch.org Recently I have had several journalists, academics and progressive activists ask me my opinion on some of the key economic questions of the day. Here are some of my replies: on Trump tax cuts and US growth, current immigration debates, wages, expanding income inequality in the US, on what is the real rate of inflation More

Jesse Jackson (2019-03-07). Selma, the Birthplace of Modern Democracy in America. counterpunch.org This past weekend, political leaders from across the country gathered in Selma, Alabama, to commemorate "Bloody Sunday," the 1965 march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge where peaceful demonstrators, attempting to cross the bridge, were violently driven back by Alabama State Troopers, Dallas County Sheriff's deputies and a horse-mounted posse wielding billy clubs and water hoses More

Stephen Cooper (2019-03-07). Why Twitter Brings Out My Worst Self (and perhaps yours). counterpunch.org As a full-time freelance writer — having transitioned from law practice at midlife, accursed with all the selfish, self-doubting sensibilities that kind of crisis entails — Twitter brings out my absolute worst self. With my insuppressible, hereditary, Type-A personality, coupled with my raging but not formally diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder, when I click on that deceptively peaceful, More

Consortiumnews (2019-03-07). Russia-gate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange. consortiumnews.com Obsessed Russia-gaters just can't accept that the Assange indictment has nothing to do with the 2016 election, writes Caitlin Johnstone. By Caitlin Johnstone Caitlinjohnstone.com When it was first revealed in November that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is under secret charges by the Trump administration,… Read more →

unitedEditor (2019-03-07). Mohammed bin Salman's "Journey of Hope" uwidata.com Saudi Arabia is well known to be the United States' anchor in the Middle East. Why, then, did Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman engage in an official tour of Asia including Pakistan, India and China, without Washington's approval? Those familiar with the situation in the middle east already understand that there is no definite …

W. T. Whitney (2019-03-07). Setting the Stage for an Encounter at the Colombia-Venezuela Border. counterpunch.org On February 23, The U.S. and Colombian governments together tried to push humanitarian supplies from the Colombian border city Cúcuta into Venezuela. The humanitarian aid was a Trojan horse that, in theory, would confront Venezuelan security forces with a dilemma. These would supposedly step aside or desert. A take-down of Venezuela's socialist government would follow. More

Karl Grossman (2019-03-07). Flirting With Disaster: the Return of Offshore Drilling. counterpunch.org It's been decades since a fisherman out of Montauk on Long Island told me about seeing a ship in the Atlantic Ocean east of Long Island similar to those he had seen searching for oil in the Gulf of Mexico when he was a shrimper there. I telephoned oil company after company and each gave More

L. Michael Hager (2019-03-07). Stop Weaponizing "Anti-Semitism" and "Racism" counterpunch.org Drawing by Nathaniel St. Clair | What's in a word? Plenty, if those words are "racism" or "anti-Semitism." Just ask Virginia Governor Ralph Northam or freshman Congresswoman Ilham Omar. Last week both found themselves engulfed in political firestorms. All because of those two barbed words. | Governor Northam faced charges of racism when someone discovered a racist photo on his medical school yearbook page That an 80's yearbook photo could push a governor's political career to the brink raises questions about how the word "racism" is being defined and how it is being weaponized in political debates. | Northam's ad…

Chuck Churchill (2019-03-07). Big Capital, the Working Class, and US Imperialism: a Brief Look at Recent History. counterpunch.org Today, the two looming "existential threats" are the possibility of nuclear war, and unprecedented human-caused climate change, yet neither of these seems to unduly concern our plutocrats. Capitalism thrives on war, and we forget this historical fact at our peril. Nor do they seem worried about the drastic consequences of global warming, which has been More

Daniel Warner (2019-03-07). Trump: The Art of the No Deal. counterpunch.org Last week Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed Master of the Deal, walked away from his second summit with the North Korean leader empty handed. There was no agreement on denuclearization and ending sanctions. For all the pre-meeting hype, there was no deal. What's the big deal? Trump the Promoter has promoted business-speak and a business mentality More

Dean Baker (2019-03-07). Health Care Costs and the Budget. counterpunch.org Introduction Budget projections show the federal budget deficit growing substantially in the next decade and beyond. A major part of this story is high US health care costs. The United States pays roughly twice as much per person for its health care with little to show in the way of better outcomes. If US health More

Eds. (2019-03-07). 'Useful to keep them nervous': LISTEN as top Trump aide blabs U.S. Venezuela plans. mronline.org Vovan and Lexus, Russian telephone pranksters known for their trolling of politicians from around the world, have struck again, targeting U.S. special representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams to find out more about the U.S.-backed effort to unseat that country's legitimate government. Sputnik got ahold of the full audio from the talks. | Source

Cira Pascual Marquina (2019-03-07). The worldwide struggle against fascism: a conversation with Nestor Kohan (Part 2). mronline.org An important Latin American political theorist argues that right-wing "internationalism" requires a leftist response that also reaches beyond national boundaries. | Source

Tony Wood (2019-03-07). Toward a Global History of the Communist Party. thenation.com A. James McAdams's new history examines the tensions between the communist party as an institution and as an ideal.

Elliot Murphy (2019-03-07). (Un)Willingness to be Puzzled. counterpunch.org It has been established for some time that individuals with strong political beliefs tend to display greater confidence in them than individuals who have less strong beliefs. Despite both types of individuals holding specific, concretised views, there is a clear positive correlation between belief strength and belief confidence. Yet, until recently it was unclear whether More

Elliot Sperber (2019-03-07). End the Wars and Clean the Ground, Free Food and Housing All Around. counterpunch.org (or: A Great Grand Green New Deal) Unlike housing, food, or water, No one is entitled to a hamburger, or bacon. No one has the right to kill a cow, Or pig, or chicken. No one has the right to fly a plane, Or drive a car, or truck. And since this killing's killing us More

Jà∂rg Wiegratz (2019-03-07). The Morality Debate and the Spirit of Capitalism. counterpunch.org "It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." — Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causesof the Wealth of Nations There is a common position in public debates in many contemporary societies — be More

STAFF (2019-03-07). There's a Simple Way to Deter Nuclear War. truthdig.com The U.S. has a vested interest in avoiding a nuclear conflict. Yet unlike other countries, we currently have no policy against starting one.

Peoples Dispatch (2019-03-07). Transnational oil companies may be complicit in war crimes in South Sudan, UN warns. peoplesdispatch.org Chinese, Indian and Malaysian firms have been partnering with the militarized state-run oil company. Transnational oil companies have been assisting the government troops by allowing them to use the companies' air strips and other road infrastructures for their operations, according to the UN…

STAFF (2019-03-07). The Time for Medicare-for-All Has Finally Arrived. truthdig.com Last week, as the media focused on President Donald Trump's North Korea summit in Vietnam and the congressional testimony of his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, a largely overlooked news conference took place, announcing legislation that could save millions of lives. Seattle Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal introduced the Medicare For All Act of 2019, the latest attempt to pass single-payer health care. Jayapal's bill has 106 co-sponsors, close to half of the Democrats in the House. | Jayapal is the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest caucus in the House. Among the bill's c…

John Feffer (2019-03-07). Trump's Bromance with Kim Is Gross, But Let the Love Letters Continue. zcomm.org Despite the failed summit, relations between the U.S. and North Korea are much better than they were 18 months ago.

teleSUR (2019-03-07). UN Human Rights Commissioner Criticizes Duterte's War on Drugs. telesurenglish.net In an annual report before the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council in Geneva, Thursday, the agency's High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet delivered criticism of Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte's deadly war on drugs. | RELATED: | Journalist Critical of Philippines Duterte Faces Arrest Warrant | Bachelet urged the Philippines government to instead take a "public health approach" to minimize the death toll and comply with international human rights standar…

Jon Schwarz (2019-03-07). 'The Violence Elliott Abrams Supported Is Unspeakable'. zcomm.org Elliott Abrams supported Latin American democracy pretty much like Jeffrey Dahmer supported all the people that he brought to his apartment…

teleSUR-GB (2019-03-07). Colombia: Social, Human Rights Groups March Against State Crime. telesurenglish.net Wednesday marked the Day of Dignity for Victims of State Crime with over 100 social organizations and human rights groups marching in Colombia to pay homage for social leaders who have been murdered in the country. | RELATED: | Another Colombian Social Leader Dead, Trade Union Mourns | According to a spokesperson for the National Movement for Victims of State Crime (MOVICE), the event aims to bring awareness to the increase of politically-charged murders, after the signing of the 2016…

The Mind Unleashed (2019-03-07). Yellow Vests Hit French Police With "Poo Bombs" in Newest Wave of Protests. theantimedia.com (TMU) — According to French police, Yellow Vest protesters are now using an ancient form of biological warfare in the newest wave of protests. This weekend, authorities reported that Yellow Vest protesters hurled bags of fecal matter at the police. The rudimentary poop-filled mini bombs were made using thin bags and balloons with the intent that …

Jake Johnson, staff writer (2019-03-07). Progressive Jewish Groups Thank Diverse Coalition That Mobilized to Thwart Democrats' Misguided Rebuke of Omar. commondreams.org "We're witnessing a huge change in our society. Our political leaders are becoming less afraid to speak out against Israeli policy and it's because of our grassroots movements." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/ilhan.png

Creativity Explored (2019-03-07). Five and Two Others Curated by Mildred Howard. indybay.org Creativity Explored | 3245 Sixteenth Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

WSWS (2019-03-07). The betrayal of the Oakland teacher strike and the way forward for students. wsws.org The OEA has declared the strike over, but students, teachers and parents are determined to continue and expand the fight to defend public education.

Resource Center for Nonviolence (2019-03-07). Warrior Women Screening with Madonna Thunder Hawk. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060…

Register Peace & Freedom or Green (2019-03-07). H.R. 1384 Medicare for All Needs 218 CoSponsors. indybay.org The New Medicare for All bill, HR 1384, has 106 Co-Sponsors and needs 218 to pass. There are 236 Democrats out of 435 members in the House, yet only 106 Democrats support this litmus test bill. See www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1384/cosponsors?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22HR+1384%22%5D%7D&r=1&s=

WSWS (2019-03-07). Report reveals that armed troops were mobilized to force through US aid provocation on Venezuelan border. wsws.org The threats of armed provocations and direct US military intervention continue to mount as Trump renews an Obama-era "national emergency" decree targeting Venezuela.

Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski (2019-03-07). UN Commission Report Accuses Israel of War Crimes in Gaza. therealnews.com International law professor Kevin Jon Heller discusses the report of the UN Human Rights Council, which says Israel must be held accountable for war crimes committed against unarmed civilians and that Israeli courts do not hold them accountable…

Sam Biddle (2019-03-07). Should We Trust Artificial Intelligence Regulation by Congress If Facebook Supports It? theintercept.com Last week, several members of Congress began pushing the resolution with the aim of "supporting the development of guidelines for ethical development of artificial intelligence." It was introduced by Reps. Brenda Lawrence and Ro Khanna — the latter of whom, crucially, represents Silicon Valley, which is to the ethical development of software what West Virginia is to the rollout of clean energy. This has helped make Khanna a national figure, in part because, far from being a tech industry cheerleader, he's publicly supported cracking down on the data Wild West his home district helped create. For exa…

teleSUR (2019-03-06). Chile's Cities Are the Most Air-Polluted South American Cities. telesurenglish.net On Feb. 5 AirVisual and Greenpeace published the 2018 World Air Quality Report, research built with data from more than 3,000 cities, which points out that Chile has nine of the ten South American cities with the worst air quality. | RELATED: | Chilean's Biodegradable Plastic Bag Dissolves in Three Minutes | According to the global air quality ranking,…

Carla Ortiz (2019-03-06). "Syria is Truly a Country of Love and Peace". War Reporter Carla Ortiz: A Hero of Our Times. globalresearch.ca Forward by Richard Galustian | Carla Ortiz is one of the most unique people of our times, a real hero; a woman who is braver than the most seasoned war reporter. She has spent considerable time the Syrian war zones where …

Ashley Smith (2019-03-06). Why Has Haiti Risen up Once Again? counterpunch.org The Haitian masses have mobilized a new wave of protest against the corrupt government of President Jovenel MoàØse. It began with demonstrations last summer in July and August, re-emerged in November and December, and exploded again in the first two weeks of February when hundreds of thousands marched in all the major cities of the More

Sophie Yeo (2019-03-06). BP's Iraq Operations Praised by British Ambassador Prior to Fatal Basra Civil Unrest. globalresearch.ca Shortly before violent protests broke out in the oil-producing city of Basra in Iraq, British government representatives visited an oilfield partially operated by BP, and praised the company's "impressive" social and environmental performance. Campaigners have criticised the visits for …

Alexander Rubinstein (2019-03-06). Assange May Be Elephant in Room as Chelsea Manning a Fights Federal Grand Jury Subpoena. mintpressnews.com "If you end up going to trial rather than taking a plea, they actually use it against you in sentencing. They do something called 'sentencing enhancement' and they call it 'failure to take responsibility.'" — CIA-Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou…

Whitney Webb (2019-03-06). With Ecuador's Cooperation Bought by IMF Loans, Washington Waxes Optimistic on Assange Extradition. mintpressnews.com Moreno's willingness to quickly enact the various other requirements of the IMF loan begs the question of how quickly he will seek to enact the alleged U.S. government demands that have also been linked to the loan, namely Assange's asylum and Ecuadorian citizenship.

unitedEditor (2019-03-06). A Case Against Saudi Arabia: the War in Yemen, the Iranian Angle and the Israeli Perspective. uwidata.com In academia, we're in constant pursuit of indisputable facts which lead us to truth, the kind of self-evident truth that our founding fathers wrote so much about. And as the gospels teach us, truth shall set us free: Free from constant lies, exaggerations, distortions, distractions, deceptions, diversions and manipulations — basically all the specialties of …

Kenneth Surin (2019-03-06). The UK Labour Party's "Antisemitism Crisis" and the Likud Supporters in Its Leadership. counterpunch.org Labour's leadership has tried appeasing its critics, but this has not worked. Appeasement has only emboldened these critics. Jeremy Corbyn's detractors, both inside and outside the party, are adept at moving the goalposts, and will never be satisfied until he is gone as leader, and Labour once again becomes a "natural" home for opportunists like Tony Blair and his followers, and their friends in the Zionist lobby. More

CP Editor (2019-03-06). Kurt Vonnegut, Shape of Stories. counterpunch.org

Ramzy Baroud (2019-03-06). Why the Outrage? "Jewish Power" Party is the New Norm in Israeli Politics. counterpunch.org Immediately after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forged an alliance with the fringe political group, Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power), a widespread outrage ensued. The anger did not emanate only from the Center, Left and Arab parties, but from some in the Right as well. Even the pro-Israel lobby in the US, known for its hawkish More

Eva Bartlett (2019-03-06). Persecuted for Defending the Persecuted in Ukraine: Interview with Vyshinsky Defense Attorney Andriy Domansky. mintpressnews.com The Vyshinsky case is key in demonstrating the presence of political persecution of journalists in Ukraine. As a legal expert, I believe justice is still possible in Ukraine and I will do everything possible to prove Kirill Vyshinsky's innocence. — Vyshinsky defense attorney Andriy Domansky…

Carlos Aznárez (2019-03-06). Joao Pedro Stédile: "Venezuela is extremely important because it is the battle of this century" mronline.org It is a fundamental task for the class struggle that we succeed in liberating Lula so that he becomes the principal spokesman, he is the one who has the capacity to help mobilize the masses against the system and the project of the extreme right. | Source

Janine Jackson (2019-03-06). 'The Violence Elliott Abrams Supported Is Unspeakable' – CounterSpin interview with Jon Schwarz on Elliott Abrams. fair.org Janine Jackson interviewed Jonathan Schwarz about Elliott Abrams for the March 1, 2019, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. | Media…

Janine Jackson (2019-03-06). 'It's as if Korea as a Country Just Doesn't Exist to Them' – CounterSpin interview with Tim Shorrock on Korea Summit. fair.org Janine Jackson interviewed Tim Shorrock about the Korea Summit for the March 1, 2019, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. | Media…

Democracy Now! (2019-03-06). Rep. Jayapal: We Must Protect Rep. Ilhan Omar's Right to Critique U.S. Foreign Policy on Israel. democracynow.org House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats are expected to bring a resolution condemning anti-Semitism to a House vote this week in a direct rebuke of recent comments by Minnesota Congressmember Ilhan Omar questioning the U.S.'s relationship with Israel. After facing criticism, the Democratic leadership added language in the resolution condemning anti-Muslim bias, as well. We speak to Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who says, "I just want to make sure that we are protecting the right for the first Muslim woman to be in Congress and to question, legitimately, foreign policy toward Israel."

Ben Chacko (2019-03-06). Ukraine Communist leader warns: "The Nazis are coming" peoplesworld.org "The Nazis are coming," Ukraine's Communist Party (KPU) leader Petro Symonenko has warned after the demolition of the Soviet war memorial in Lviv and a petition for the destruction of its counterpart in Riga, the Latvian capital. Authorities in Ukraine's western city of Lviv claimed the monument needed to be demolished as it was in …

unitedEditor (2019-03-06). The beginning of a social "Stalingrad" in Europe: the Yellow Vests against the totalitarian Empire of Finance. uwidata.com Back to the Future! Elated, with the single-mindedness of the "We" of the many, suddenly aware of its power, the crowd pours out of the narrow street in which it was crammed, to the spacious Place de la Republiquewhile singing the Marseillaise. It is by far the most popular song among Yellow Vests. The second …

2019-03-07: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Some Big Economic Questions of the Day–and My Replies
Jack Rasmus | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
Recently I have had several journalists, academics and progressive activists ask me my opinion on some of the key economic questions of the day. Here are some of my replies: on Trump tax cuts and US growth, current immigration debates, wages, expanding income inequality in the US, on what is the real rate of inflation…

Why Twitter Brings Out My Worst Self (and perhaps yours)
Stephen Cooper | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
As a full-time freelance writer — having transitioned from law practice at midlife, accursed with all the selfish, self-doubting sensibilities that kind of crisis entails — Twitter brings out my absolute worst self. With my insuppressible, hereditary, Type-A personality, coupled with my raging but not formally diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder, when I click on that deceptively peaceful,…

Selma, the Birthplace of Modern Democracy in America
Jesse Jackson | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
This past weekend, political leaders from across the country gathered in Selma, Alabama, to commemorate "Bloody Sunday," the 1965 march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge where peaceful demonstrators, attempting to cross the bridge, were violently driven back by Alabama State Troopers, Dallas County Sheriff's deputies and a horse-mounted posse wielding billy clubs and water hoses…

Russia-gate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-07
Obsessed Russia-gaters just can't accept that the Assange indictment has nothing to do with the 2016 election, writes Caitlin Johnstone. By Caitlin Johnstone Caitlinjohnstone.com When it was first revealed in November that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is under secret charges by the Trump administration,… Read more ?…

Mohammed bin Salman's "Journey of Hope"
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-07
Saudi Arabia is well known to be the United States' anchor in the Middle East. Why, then, did Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman engage in an official tour of Asia including Pakistan, India and China, without Washington's approval? Those familiar with the situation in the middle east already understand that there is no definite …

(Un)Willingness to be Puzzled
Elliot Murphy | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
It has been established for some time that individuals with strong political beliefs tend to display greater confidence in them than individuals who have less strong beliefs. Despite both types of individuals holding specific, concretised views, there is a clear positive correlation between belief strength and belief confidence. Yet, until recently it was unclear whether…

The Morality Debate and the Spirit of Capitalism
Jà∂rg Wiegratz | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
"It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." — Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causesof the Wealth of Nations There is a common position in public debates in many contemporary societies — be…

Stop Weaponizing "Anti-Semitism" and "Racism"
L. Michael Hager | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
Drawing by Nathaniel St. Clair | What's in a word? Plenty, if those words are "racism" or "anti-Semitism." Just ask Virginia Governor Ralph Northam or freshman Congresswoman Ilham Omar. Last week both found themselves engulfed in political firestorms. All because of those two barbed words. | Governor Northam faced charges of racism when someone discovered a racist photo on his medical school yearbook page That an 80's yearbook photo could push a governor's political career to the brink raises questions about how the word "racism" is being defined and how it is being weaponized in political debates. | Northam's ad…

Flirting With Disaster: the Return of Offshore Drilling
Karl Grossman | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
It's been decades since a fisherman out of Montauk on Long Island told me about seeing a ship in the Atlantic Ocean east of Long Island similar to those he had seen searching for oil in the Gulf of Mexico when he was a shrimper there. I telephoned oil company after company and each gave…

Big Capital, the Working Class, and US Imperialism: a Brief Look at Recent History
Chuck Churchill | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
Today, the two looming "existential threats" are the possibility of nuclear war, and unprecedented human-caused climate change, yet neither of these seems to unduly concern our plutocrats. Capitalism thrives on war, and we forget this historical fact at our peril. Nor do they seem worried about the drastic consequences of global warming, which has been…

Health Care Costs and the Budget
Dean Baker | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
Introduction Budget projections show the federal budget deficit growing substantially in the next decade and beyond. A major part of this story is high US health care costs. The United States pays roughly twice as much per person for its health care with little to show in the way of better outcomes. If US health…

Trump: The Art of the No Deal
Daniel Warner | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
Last week Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed Master of the Deal, walked away from his second summit with the North Korean leader empty handed. There was no agreement on denuclearization and ending sanctions. For all the pre-meeting hype, there was no deal. What's the big deal? Trump the Promoter has promoted business-speak and a business mentality…

End the Wars and Clean the Ground, Free Food and Housing All Around
Elliot Sperber | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
(or: A Great Grand Green New Deal) Unlike housing, food, or water, No one is entitled to a hamburger, or bacon. No one has the right to kill a cow, Or pig, or chicken. No one has the right to fly a plane, Or drive a car, or truck. And since this killing's killing us…

Setting the Stage for an Encounter at the Colombia-Venezuela Border
W. T. Whitney | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-07
On February 23, The U.S. and Colombian governments together tried to push humanitarian supplies from the Colombian border city Cúcuta into Venezuela. The humanitarian aid was a Trojan horse that, in theory, would confront Venezuelan security forces with a dilemma. These would supposedly step aside or desert. A take-down of Venezuela's socialist government would follow.

'Useful to keep them nervous': LISTEN as top Trump aide blabs U.S. Venezuela plans
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-03-07
Vovan and Lexus, Russian telephone pranksters known for their trolling of politicians from around the world, have struck again, targeting U.S. special representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams to find out more about the U.S.-backed effort to unseat that country's legitimate government. Sputnik got ahold of the full audio from the talks. | Source…

There's a Simple Way to Deter Nuclear War
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-07
The U.S. has a vested interest in avoiding a nuclear conflict. Yet unlike other countries, we currently have no policy against starting one.

Transnational oil companies may be complicit in war crimes in South Sudan, UN warns
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2019-03-07
Chinese, Indian and Malaysian firms have been partnering with the militarized state-run oil company. Transnational oil companies have been assisting the government troops by allowing them to use the companies' air strips and other road infrastructures for their operations, according to the UN…

The Time for Medicare-for-All Has Finally Arrived
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-07
Last week, as the media focused on President Donald Trump's North Korea summit in Vietnam and the congressional testimony of his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, a largely overlooked news conference took place, announcing legislation that could save millions of lives. Seattle Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal introduced the Medicare For All Act of 2019, the latest attempt to pass single-payer health care. Jayapal's bill has 106 co-sponsors, close to half of the Democrats in the House. | Jayapal is the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest caucus in the House. Among the bill's c…

Trump's Bromance with Kim Is Gross, But Let the Love Letters Continue
John Feffer | zcomm.org | 2019-03-07
Despite the failed summit, relations between the U.S. and North Korea are much better than they were 18 months ago.

Toward a Global History of the Communist Party
Tony Wood | thenation.com | 2019-03-07
A. James McAdams's new history examines the tensions between the communist party as an institution and as an ideal.

'The Violence Elliott Abrams Supported Is Unspeakable'
Jon Schwarz | zcomm.org | 2019-03-07
Elliott Abrams supported Latin American democracy pretty much like Jeffrey Dahmer supported all the people that he brought to his apartment…

UN Human Rights Commissioner Criticizes Duterte's War on Drugs
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-07
In an annual report before the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council in Geneva, Thursday, the agency's High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet delivered criticism of Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte's deadly war on drugs. | RELATED: | Journalist Critical of Philippines Duterte Faces Arrest Warrant | Bachelet urged the Philippines government to instead take a "public health approach" to minimize the death toll and comply with international human rights standar…

Colombia: Social, Human Rights Groups March Against State Crime
teleSUR-GB | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-07
Wednesday marked the Day of Dignity for Victims of State Crime with over 100 social organizations and human rights groups marching in Colombia to pay homage for social leaders who have been murdered in the country. | RELATED: | Another Colombian Social Leader Dead, Trade Union Mourns | According to a spokesperson for the National Movement for Victims of State Crime (MOVICE), the event aims to bring awareness to the increase of politically-charged murders, after the signing of the 2016…

Yellow Vests Hit French Police With "Poo Bombs" in Newest Wave of Protests
The Mind Unleashed | theantimedia.com | 2019-03-07
(TMU) — According to French police, Yellow Vest protesters are now using an ancient form of biological warfare in the newest wave of protests. This weekend, authorities reported that Yellow Vest protesters hurled bags of fecal matter at the police. The rudimentary poop-filled mini bombs were made using thin bags and balloons with the intent that …

Yellow Vests Hit French Police With “Poo Bombs” in Newest Wave of Protests

UN Commission Report Accuses Israel of War Crimes in Gaza
Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski | therealnews.com | 2019-03-07
International law professor Kevin Jon Heller discusses the report of the UN Human Rights Council, which says Israel must be held accountable for war crimes committed against unarmed civilians and that Israeli courts do not hold them accountable…

Progressive Jewish Groups Thank Diverse Coalition That Mobilized to Thwart Democrats' Misguided Rebuke of Omar
Jake Johnson, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-03-07
"We're witnessing a huge change in our society. Our political leaders are becoming less afraid to speak out against Israeli policy and it's because of our grassroots movements." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/ilhan.png

Five and Two Others Curated by Mildred Howard
Creativity Explored | indybay.org | 2019-03-07
Creativity Explored | 3245 Sixteenth Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

H.R. 1384 Medicare for All Needs 218 CoSponsors
Register Peace & Freedom or Green | indybay.org | 2019-03-07
The New Medicare for All bill, HR 1384, has 106 Co-Sponsors and needs 218 to pass. There are 236 Democrats out of 435 members in the House, yet only 106 Democrats support this litmus test bill. See www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1384/cosponsors?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22HR+1384%22%5D%7D&r=1&s=

Warrior Women Screening with Madonna Thunder Hawk
Resource Center for Nonviolence | indybay.org | 2019-03-07
Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060…

Should We Trust Artificial Intelligence Regulation by Congress If Facebook Supports It?
Sam Biddle | theintercept.com | 2019-03-07
Last week, several members of Congress began pushing the resolution with the aim of "supporting the development of guidelines for ethical development of artificial intelligence." It was introduced by Reps. Brenda Lawrence and Ro Khanna — the latter of whom, crucially, represents Silicon Valley, which is to the ethical development of software what West Virginia is to the rollout of clean energy. This has helped make Khanna a national figure, in part because, far from being a tech industry cheerleader, he's publicly supported cracking down on the data Wild West his home district helped create. For exa…

The betrayal of the Oakland teacher strike and the way forward for students
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-07
The OEA has declared the strike over, but students, teachers and parents are determined to continue and expand the fight to defend public education.

Report reveals that armed troops were mobilized to force through US aid provocation on Venezuelan border
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-07
The threats of armed provocations and direct US military intervention continue to mount as Trump renews an Obama-era "national emergency" decree targeting Venezuela.

Chile's Cities Are the Most Air-Polluted South American Cities
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-06
On Feb. 5 AirVisual and Greenpeace published the 2018 World Air Quality Report, research built with data from more than 3,000 cities, which points out that Chile has nine of the ten South American cities with the worst air quality. | RELATED: | Chilean's Biodegradable Plastic Bag Dissolves in Three Minutes | According to the global air quality ranking,…

"Syria is Truly a Country of Love and Peace". War Reporter Carla Ortiz: A Hero of Our Times
Carla Ortiz | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-06
Forward by Richard Galustian | Carla Ortiz is one of the most unique people of our times, a real hero; a woman who is braver than the most seasoned war reporter. She has spent considerable time the Syrian war zones where …

Why Has Haiti Risen up Once Again?
Ashley Smith | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
The Haitian masses have mobilized a new wave of protest against the corrupt government of President Jovenel MoàØse. It began with demonstrations last summer in July and August, re-emerged in November and December, and exploded again in the first two weeks of February when hundreds of thousands marched in all the major cities of the…

BP's Iraq Operations Praised by British Ambassador Prior to Fatal Basra Civil Unrest
Sophie Yeo | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-06
Shortly before violent protests broke out in the oil-producing city of Basra in Iraq, British government representatives visited an oilfield partially operated by BP, and praised the company's "impressive" social and environmental performance. Campaigners have criticised the visits for …

With Ecuador's Cooperation Bought by IMF Loans, Washington Waxes Optimistic on Assange Extradition
Whitney Webb | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-06
Moreno's willingness to quickly enact the various other requirements of the IMF loan begs the question of how quickly he will seek to enact the alleged U.S. government demands that have also been linked to the loan, namely Assange's asylum and Ecuadorian citizenship.

Assange May Be Elephant in Room as Chelsea Manning a Fights Federal Grand Jury Subpoena
Alexander Rubinstein | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-06
"If you end up going to trial rather than taking a plea, they actually use it against you in sentencing. They do something called 'sentencing enhancement' and they call it 'failure to take responsibility.'" — CIA-Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou…

Rebranding Made in China 2025? Ongoing US-China Trade War
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-06
The Trump regime and Beijing seem headed toward striking some form of accommodation on major economic, financial, and trade differences — at best a short-term fix. | Structural issues are at the heart of them, not the large trade imbalance between …

An Open Letter to the Washington Office on Latin America About Its Stance on US Effort to Overthrow Venezuelan Government
Collective | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-03-06
Noam Chomsky, Greg Grandin, Sujatha Fernandes and others express "serious concerns" over WOLA's stance regarding the ongoing US-led regime-change efforts in Venezuela.

Why the Outrage? "Jewish Power" Party is the New Norm in Israeli Politics
Ramzy Baroud | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
Immediately after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forged an alliance with the fringe political group, Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power), a widespread outrage ensued. The anger did not emanate only from the Center, Left and Arab parties, but from some in the Right as well. Even the pro-Israel lobby in the US, known for its hawkish…

A Case Against Saudi Arabia: the War in Yemen, the Iranian Angle and the Israeli Perspective
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-06
In academia, we're in constant pursuit of indisputable facts which lead us to truth, the kind of self-evident truth that our founding fathers wrote so much about. And as the gospels teach us, truth shall set us free: Free from constant lies, exaggerations, distortions, distractions, deceptions, diversions and manipulations — basically all the specialties of …

Kurt Vonnegut, Shape of Stories
CP Editor | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06

The UK Labour Party's "Antisemitism Crisis" and the Likud Supporters in Its Leadership
Kenneth Surin | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
Labour's leadership has tried appeasing its critics, but this has not worked. Appeasement has only emboldened these critics. Jeremy Corbyn's detractors, both inside and outside the party, are adept at moving the goalposts, and will never be satisfied until he is gone as leader, and Labour once again becomes a "natural" home for opportunists like Tony Blair and his followers, and their friends in the Zionist lobby.

Another War for Oil on the Agenda? Thank Ted Cruz
Joyce Nelson | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
Very important identical bills were introduced in the U.S. Senate and House in late February, but you've likely not heard of them — even though they could literally blow up the Middle East and take the world much closer to World War III. On February 26, Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Tom Cotton (R-AK) introduced…

Anti-Semitism Versus Anti-Zionism in Today's France
Lawrence Davidson | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
We are at a new stage of the fight to realize Palestinian rights and free both Palestinians and Jews from the consequences of Zionist racism. There was a time when very few in the West understood the racist nature of the Israeli state. For a long time the Zionists controlled the public relations message and…

Dereliction of Congressional Duty
George Ochenski | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
Last week's congressional testimony by Michael Cohen riveted the nation as President Trump's long-time lawyer, fixer and co-conspirator spilled the beans on his former boss. But Montana's Republican congressional members, Sen. Steve Daines and Rep. Greg Gianforte, told reporters they were too busy "meeting with Montanans all day" to watch or listen to the hearings.

Let's Change Europe From the Ground Up
Yanis Varoufakis | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
The 2008 global financial crisis — the modern 1929 crash — set off a vicious chain reaction across Europe. By 2010 it had irreparably damaged the foundations of the eurozone, causing the establishment to bend its own rules and commit crimes against logic in order to bail out its banker friends. By 2013 the neoliberal ideology…

The Sacredness of Donald Trump
Dan Corjescu | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-06
Emile Durkheim in his The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, revealed the profound insight that society under the guise of religion worships itself. Thus, Egyptian pyramids, Greek temples, Roman basilicas, Medieval cathedrals, Renaissance churches, and many other religious artifacts of all times and places are testaments to humanity's thinly veiled delusions of self-love. But what of…

The Long History of US-Russian 'Meddling'
Stephen F. Cohen | thenation.com | 2019-03-06
The Long History of US-Russian 'Meddling'…