Daily Archives: March 2, 2019

2019-03-02: News Headlines

Vijay Prashad (2019-03-02). We are the invisible. We are the invincible. We will overcome. mronline.org The mood in Caracas (Venezuela) is sombre. It appears that the attempted coup against the government that began on 23 January is now substantially over (as the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza tells me). | Source

Vijay Prashad (2019-03-02). 'The coup is over'. zcomm.org Venezuelan leader Jorge Arreaza says that his government prefers negotiations and peace and wants the permanent coup efforts directed by the United States and its allies to end…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-03-02). The Pentagon's "Ides of March": Best Month to Go to War. globalresearch.ca An earlier version of this article was published on March 13, 2013. Updated March 2, 2019. | *** | There are ongoing military threats against Venezuela. Is a US sponsored war contemplated for March 2019? | Various scenarios are contemplated by Washington. Sofar …

Jimmysllama (2019-03-02). Whats Behind Australia's Decision to Suddenly Grant Julian Assange a Passport? mintpressnews.com The real question here is why the Australian government is playing nice by issuing Assange a passport since it has refused to acknowledge evidence of a sealed indictment or provide him with any sort of substantial assistance to get him home in the last eight-plus years.

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2019-03-02). Hodeida Residents Brace for the Worst as UN Truce Falters Amid Saudi Military Buildup. mintpressnews.com Local residents and analysts alike fear the Saudi-led Coalition is using the relative calm derived from the new agreement as cover to fulfill its military objectives and not as a stepping stone towards peace.

Nicola Morrow (2019-03-02). The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent. commondreams.org In a win for free speech, a federal court in North Dakota recently dismissed a baseless $900 million lawsuit brought by the Dakota Access Pipeline company against Greenpeace and a number of individual protesters. The company should have learned its lesson. Instead, it refiled the case in state court.

Yves Engler (2019-03-02). When Journalists Rely on Diplomats, Ottawa 'Spins' the News. globalresearch.ca Canadian diplomats abroad seek to shape coverage of their work. And the more nefarious their actions the harder they toil to "spin" what they're doing as something positive. | During a recent interview Real News Network founder Paul Jay described how …

Alfred de Zayas (2019-03-02). The Venezuela crisis and realpolitik. mronline.org As heads of government, democratically entrusted with safeguarding the welfare of all Venezuelans, Chavez and Maduro bear overall responsibility for the economic crisis, but they are not alone. | Source

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-02). Canada Extradition of Huawei CFO to US? Politicized Indictment, Economic Warfare against China? globalresearch.ca Washington's anti-China strategy includes targeting its dominant companies, ones able to match or outdo America's best for preeminence in key fields, notably high-tech ones. | It's why Sabrina Meng Wanzhou was targeted, chief financial officer of Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies, …

Ramzy Baroud (2019-03-02). War on in Al-Aqsa: What Price Netanyahu's Victory. zcomm.org While the blood of Palestinians is irrelevant in Netanyahu's quest for political dominance, the international community should take immediate measures to prevent what could become an Israeli-induced bloodbath…

Peter Jenkins (2019-03-02). The INF Affair and Nuclear Arms Control Prospects. globalresearch.ca My most natural starting point may be an account of what the secretary general of Pugwash, a German colleague, and I learned in Moscow on January 28 in meetings with Russia's foreign minister and the appropriate deputy minister. Discussion at …

Arundhati Roy (2019-03-02). Kashmir Is Potentially The Flashpoint For A Future Nuclear War. zcomm.org Narendra Modi has demonstrated to the world that Kashmir is potentially the most dangerous place on earth…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-03-02). Is Neoliberalism Killing Russia? globalresearch.ca Putin's approval rating is high, but it has declined over the past year. The decline is mainly related to domestic policy. Apparently, the public perceives recent Kremlin economic policy as a continuation of the disastrous policies that Washington imposed on …

teleSUR (2019-03-02). Islamic State group Faces Final Defeat by Kurdish-Led Force. telesurenglish.net Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have advanced into the Islamic State group's final stronghold in Baghouz, Syria, where fighting is ongoing — a monumental development after four years of international efforts to quell the group that once spanned a third of Iraq and Syria. | RELATED: | Bomb Blast in Western Syria Kills at Least 24 Civilians | The U.S.-backed SDF, which is made of factions and groups from different ethnic communities in Syria, began the assault Thursday to capture the en…

South Front (2019-03-02). Video: US Forces Steal Tons of Gold Captured by ISIS in Syria, Iraq. globalresearch.ca US forces are reportedly transferring tons of gold from ISIS-held areas in Syria to the US. | According to Kurdish Bas News Agency, the US transferred about 50 tons of gold from areas seized from ISIS in Deir Ezzor province. The …

Mark Weisbrot (2019-03-02). Sanctions Will Kill Venezuelans. zcomm.org The humanitarian crisis will get rapidly worse if the most recent sanctions continue…

teleSUR (2019-03-02). Venezuelan Politician Warns of New US way of War. telesurenglish.net The socialist leader and protector of the Venezuelan state of Táchira, Freddy Bernal, warned that the Agency of the United Nations for the Refugees (UNHCR) might be providing funds to "irregular groups" that intend to attack Venezuela. | In an exclusive interview for teleSUR, Bernal urged the U.N. agency to decide on whether to collaborate with armed groups that intend to take action against Venezuela. However, he said the government and Venezuelans in support of Maduro were grateful for the position of the United Nations as a whole in that the body made it clear it would not participate in the interventionist…

teleSUR (2019-03-02). Who Is US Intelligence Official Advising Guaido. telesurenglish.net Since leaving Venezuela on Feb. 22, despite a travel-ban in place against him, opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido has deployed an intense agenda of attacking democratically elected President Nicolas Maduro as he travels to Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, and other South American countries, whose right-wing leaders were quick to throw their support behind his self-proclamation as interim president. | Besides traveling with his wife Fabiana Rosales, who has accompanied him on each visit as if they were…

teleSUR (2019-03-02). Venezuela's Gov't to Bring 5 Proposals to Dialogue Table. telesurenglish.net Venezuela's Minister of Communication and Information Jorge Rodriguez said that his government will bring five concrete proposals to a possible dialogue table, which the "Contact Group on Venezuela", convened by the European Union and Uruguay, seeks to set up. | RELATED: | Venezuela Rejects New US Sanctions Against Military Officers | "We will propo…

Nina Cross (2019-03-02). British Aid to Venezuela: A Soft Power Tool Kit. globalresearch.ca With Jeremy Hunt and Alan Duncan keenly poised to overthrow the democratically elected leader of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, in order to install a compliant neoliberal one, now is a good time to look at the aid which the Foreign …

STAFF (2019-03-02). North Korea's Kim Leaves Vietnam After Summit Breakdown. truthdig.com Kim spends his last day in Hanoi laying wreaths at a war memorial and at the mausoleum of Vietnamese national hero Ho Chi Minh.

Prof. Pekka Korhonen (2019-03-02). North Korea as a Small Great Power. asia-pacificresearch.com

teleSUR (2019-03-02). US: 4 TPS Recipient Countries Assured Benefits By DHS. telesurenglish.net As President Donald Trump threatens protections for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has guaranteed these benefits for U.S. residents from Sudan, El Salvador, Haiti and Nicaragua. | RELATED: | 279K US Born Immigrants in Danger Due to Trump's Policies | TPS recipients from the four countries will maintain pr…

Julia Kassem (2019-03-02). Largest Palestinian Displacement Project Since 1967 Underway in West Bank, Galilee. globalresearch.ca New plans to ramp up the largest wave of forced displacement in Palestine since 1967 are currently underway. | In response to pressure from far-right Nahala groups, a number of Israeli senior lawmakers agreed to the terms of an early February …

Hideki Yoshikawa (2019-03-02). Abe's Military Base Plan for Okinawa Sinking in Mayonnaise: Implications for the U.S. Court and IUCN. globalresearch.ca Abe Government's Reluctant Admission | After a long silence, the Abe government has finally admitted that the construction of a U.S. military base at Henoko-Oura Bay in Okinawa requires significant changes to the original land reclamation plan (see Asahi Shimbun). …

Hans Stehling (2019-03-02). UK Government Collusion with Israel. globalresearch.ca According to a 2009 Channel 4 Dispatches documentary, 50% of the then Conservative shadow cabinet were members of the CFI Friends of Israel lobby — (but now, that figure has risen to an estimated 80%). The film also claimed that …

William Blum (2019-03-02). American Exceptionalism: The Naked Truth. globalresearch.ca Article by the late William Blum. His important legacy | We can all agree I think that US foreign policy must be changed and that to achieve that the mind — not to mention the heart and soul — of the …

Joà´l Léon (2019-03-02). Haiti, The Government-run Narco-state. Country at the Mercy of Drug-Dealers. globalresearch.ca First published by GR on March 13, 2018. February 28- March 1st marks the 15th anniversary of the illegal US-France-Canada coup d'Etat against the duly elected government of president Bertrand Aristide. | *** | The notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar, was …

STAFF (2019-03-02). Neo-Nazi Group's Leader Is Black Man Who Vows to Dissolve It. truthdig.com Court documents suggest James Hart Stern wants to use his new position to thwart the National Socialist Movement's defense against a lawsuit.

teleSUR (2019-03-02). Canada Moves Forward With Huawei Exec Extradition Case. telesurenglish.net Canada has decided to put forward the extradition of Huawei's Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou to the United States before the courts. Meng has been out on bail since December pending a decision. | RELATED: | US Accusations Against Huawei Are Groundless, CEO says | The move is expected to escalate rifts between Canada and China, and also contribute to fears that it will exacerbate th…

Shared by Anton Woronczuk (2019-03-02). The Big Wall Street Giveaway the 115th Congress Hopes the 116th Won't Notice. truthout.org Candidates in the Democratic presidential primary are tripping over each otherto declare themselves enemies of the billionaire class. Bank CEOs are fretting about both

WSWS (2019-03-02). US Senate hearings on drug prices provide "friendly warning" to pharmaceuticals. wsws.org While some of the members of the committee occasionally posed as industry critics, the Senate hearing made it clear that no serious action will be taken to rein in high drug prices.

RT (2019-03-02). Trump blames media for twisting his words on Warmbier, issues non-apology. rt.com President Donald Trump has scolded the media for "misrepresenting" his words on Otto Warmbier, a US student who died shortly after his release from a North Korean jail, saying that he still holds the reclusive nation responsible.

DLI (2019-03-02). USA empire refused de-nuclearization in Korea. indybay.org Contrary to US mainstream corporate-bin-Laden media accounts, it was Washington that refused to accept a reasonable, step-by-step reciprocal confidence-building process put forth by the DPRK(North Korea) that scuttled the much-awaited peace talk in Hanoi this past week. The overbearing US side refused to A)bring up a formal Peace Treaty to end the 1950s Korean War; B)looked upon de-nuclearization only as a one-sided surrender of all of Pyongyang's nuclear and missile arsenal, without a corresponding removal of U.S. nuclear arms in NE Asia; and C)arrogantly insists on maintaining the strangling but illegal economi…

RT (2019-03-02). SpaceX Crew Dragon takes off for ISS in test flight before finally carrying humans (VIDEO). rt.com The US may have moved one step closer to weaning itself off its reliance on Russia to get astronauts into space as SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule has embarked on its first test mission to the International Space Station.

Jason Ditz (2019-03-02). US Promises to Defend Philippines Against China in South China Sea. theantimedia.com (ANTIWAR.COM) — In comments on Friday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that the US still considers the 1951 Philippine-US Mutual Defense Treaty to be fully intact, and would adhere to it in the event Philippines forces come under fire in the South China Sea. US officials have repeatedly made clear that they intend to support the Philippines militarily …

Shared by Anton Woronczuk (2019-03-02). Insecticide Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk — 40 Years After Exposure. truthout.org Melinda Lewis remembers splashing in the irrigation canals that outlined her grandpa's walnut and almond groves in the late 1960s. | Two decades earlier, her mother had played in those same Escalon, California, farm fields as crop dusters flew overhead, releasing a new "miracle" chemical—a war-time innovation—the insecticide known as DDT. Since a bout with atypical hyperplasia, a pre-cancerous breast condition, in 1997 at age 36, Lewis often has wondered whether exposures to farm chemicals in childhood—her own and her mother's—may have heightened her health risks. | In recent decades, i…

David Dayen (2019-03-02). It Might Be Time for a "War Dogs" Sequel. theintercept.com A remarkable report from the Pentagon's inspector general released this week reveals that TransDigm Group, a parts supplier, "earned excess profit" on nearly every parts contract it made with the Defense Department. | Pentagon procurement officials responded to the report by vowing to seek $16.1 million in voluntary refunds from TransDigm, the approximate amount of excess profits on $26.3 million in contracts. TransDigm has yet to respond. | The report offers powerful evidence about TransDigm's much-maligned pricing practice…

Al-Thawra (2019-03-02). Yazidis freed from Islamic State captivity in Syria and returned to Iraq. indybay.org Over 3.000 Yazidi's remain missing, in an act declared as "Genocide" by the International Community.

Caitlin Johnstone (2019-03-02). Shocker: "Humanitarian Aid" Stunt Used to Escalate US-Led Crusade Against Venezuela. theantimedia.com (CJ Opinion) — So, you might want to sit down for this, but believe it or not it appears that the US government is using the fallout from its "humanitarian aid" performance to justify further sanctions against the Venezuelan government. I know, I know. I'm just as shocked as you are. "This action, taken pursuant to Executive Order …

WSWS (2019-03-02). India and Pakistan tobogganing toward a catastrophic war. wsws.org India and Pakistan are teetering on the brink of what would be the first-ever war between nuclear-armed states.

Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski (2019-03-02). Canada's Hypocritical Double-Standard on Haiti and Venezuela. therealnews.com Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is supporting Haiti's President Jovenel Moise, who has lost all legitimacy, if he ever had any, and at the same time it is in the forefront in opposing Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro, who had a more legitimate election and has more supporters, says Yves Engler…

WSWS Repost (2019-03-02). Oakland teachers form rank-and-file strike committee. indybay.org To carry their struggle forward, Oakland teachers have announced the formation of a rank-and-file strike committee, independent of the pro-corporate unions and in opposition to all budget cuts, teacher layoffs, and school closures.

Seth Sandronsky (2019-03-01). Activists, Banks and For-Profit Immigrant Detention. counterpunch.org JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo lend to GEO Group and CoreCivic (formerly Corrections Corporation of America), for-profit operators of immigrant detention facilities under contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. A campaign to end these banks' financial role is underway. Autumn Gonzalez is with the Sacramento-based NorCal Resist, a migrant activist group advocating on More

Democracy Now! (2019-03-01). Headlines for March 1, 2019. democracynow.org U.N. Human Rights Panel: Israel May Have Committed War Crimes in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Be Indicted on Corruption Charges, NYT: Trump Intervened to Give Security Clearance to Jared Kushner, In Peace Talks with Taliban, U.S. Floats Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal, Somalia: At Least 15 Dead in Twin Suicide Bombings, North Korea Disputes Trump's Account of Why Kim-Trump Summit Failed, Immigrant Groups Cite "Alarming Increase" in Babies Jailed by ICE, House Approves Bill to Extend Gun Purchase Waiting Period, Lawmakers Seek Interview of Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, Virginia's First Lady A…

Nyla Ali Khan (2019-03-01). Rapprochement, Dialogue, and a Peaceful Resolution of Jammu and Kashmir. counterpunch.org During the last two decades, each military crisis between India and Pakistan has been followed by attempts at diplomatic rapprochement, which have turned out to be fiascos. The two countries go through sporadic peacemaking efforts, characterized by negotiations. For instance, in January 2004, the then Indian prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and the then Pakistani president, General More

Paul Street (2019-03-01). Cohen's Overlooked Warning — and Other Media Silences Worth Hearing. counterpunch.org Drawing by Nathaniel St. ClairI fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power. | — Michael Cohen, speaking to the U.S. Congress, February 27, 2019 | It's the silences — the things left out and sent down the "memory hole" — that strike me most in the United States' Orwellian capitalist and white-supremacist media. | Urban Racism as a Nonstory | Here in Chicago, the Jussie Smollett and R. Kelly cases were recently all the local media rage. By contrast, recent reports that 63 Black people have so far been exonerated after having bags of heroin and coc…

Andrew Korybko (2019-03-01). Russia Officially Returns to South Asia by Offering to Host Indo-Pak Peace Talks. globalresearch.ca Russia's 21st-century grand strategy of becoming the supreme "balancing" force in Afro-Eurasia is one major step closer to fruition after Foreign Minister Lavrov offered to host peace talks between India and Pakistan, proving that Russia's refusal to take …

Jim Naureckas (2019-03-01). Facebook Wants You to Know if You're Getting Your News From the Wrong Government. fair.org If you're thinking that Facebook–90 percent of whose customers are not in the United States–should treat Russian-backed outlets differently than US-backed outlets because the US supports peace and democracy, or doesn't use social media to try to manipulate other nations…. Well, this is why it's important to get your information from a variety of sources.

ACLU (2019-03-01). The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent. aclu.org A federal court threw out a baseless lawsuit against Greenpeace and other pipeline opponents and the company promptly refiled the case in state court. | In a win for free speech, a federal court in North Dakota recently dismissed a baseless $900 million lawsuit brought by the Dakota Access Pipeline company against Greenpeace and a number of individual protesters. The company should have learned its lesson. Instead, it refiled the case in state court. | These meritless cases…

2019-03-02: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

'The coup is over'
Vijay Prashad | zcomm.org | 2019-03-02
Venezuelan leader Jorge Arreaza says that his government prefers negotiations and peace and wants the permanent coup efforts directed by the United States and its allies to end…

We are the invisible. We are the invincible. We will overcome
Vijay Prashad | mronline.org | 2019-03-02
The mood in Caracas (Venezuela) is sombre. It appears that the attempted coup against the government that began on 23 January is now substantially over (as the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza tells me). | Source…

The Pentagon's "Ides of March": Best Month to Go to War
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
An earlier version of this article was published on March 13, 2013. Updated March 2, 2019. | *** | There are ongoing military threats against Venezuela. Is a US sponsored war contemplated for March 2019? | Various scenarios are contemplated by Washington. Sofar …

Whats Behind Australia's Decision to Suddenly Grant Julian Assange a Passport?
Jimmysllama | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-02
The real question here is why the Australian government is playing nice by issuing Assange a passport since it has refused to acknowledge evidence of a sealed indictment or provide him with any sort of substantial assistance to get him home in the last eight-plus years.

Hodeida Residents Brace for the Worst as UN Truce Falters Amid Saudi Military Buildup
Ahmed Abdulkareem | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-02
Local residents and analysts alike fear the Saudi-led Coalition is using the relative calm derived from the new agreement as cover to fulfill its military objectives and not as a stepping stone towards peace.

The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent
Nicola Morrow | commondreams.org | 2019-03-02
In a win for free speech, a federal court in North Dakota recently dismissed a baseless $900 million lawsuit brought by the Dakota Access Pipeline company against Greenpeace and a number of individual protesters. The company should have learned its lesson. Instead, it refiled the case in state court.

When Journalists Rely on Diplomats, Ottawa 'Spins' the News
Yves Engler | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
Canadian diplomats abroad seek to shape coverage of their work. And the more nefarious their actions the harder they toil to "spin" what they're doing as something positive. | During a recent interview Real News Network founder Paul Jay described how …

Canada Extradition of Huawei CFO to US? Politicized Indictment, Economic Warfare against China?
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
Washington's anti-China strategy includes targeting its dominant companies, ones able to match or outdo America's best for preeminence in key fields, notably high-tech ones. | It's why Sabrina Meng Wanzhou was targeted, chief financial officer of Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies, …

War on in Al-Aqsa: What Price Netanyahu's Victory
Ramzy Baroud | zcomm.org | 2019-03-02
While the blood of Palestinians is irrelevant in Netanyahu's quest for political dominance, the international community should take immediate measures to prevent what could become an Israeli-induced bloodbath…

The INF Affair and Nuclear Arms Control Prospects
Peter Jenkins | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
My most natural starting point may be an account of what the secretary general of Pugwash, a German colleague, and I learned in Moscow on January 28 in meetings with Russia's foreign minister and the appropriate deputy minister. Discussion at …

Kashmir Is Potentially The Flashpoint For A Future Nuclear War
Arundhati Roy | zcomm.org | 2019-03-02
Narendra Modi has demonstrated to the world that Kashmir is potentially the most dangerous place on earth…

Is Neoliberalism Killing Russia?
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
Putin's approval rating is high, but it has declined over the past year. The decline is mainly related to domestic policy. Apparently, the public perceives recent Kremlin economic policy as a continuation of the disastrous policies that Washington imposed on …

Video: US Forces Steal Tons of Gold Captured by ISIS in Syria, Iraq
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
US forces are reportedly transferring tons of gold from ISIS-held areas in Syria to the US. | According to Kurdish Bas News Agency, the US transferred about 50 tons of gold from areas seized from ISIS in Deir Ezzor province. The …

Islamic State group Faces Final Defeat by Kurdish-Led Force
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-02
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have advanced into the Islamic State group's final stronghold in Baghouz, Syria, where fighting is ongoing — a monumental development after four years of international efforts to quell the group that once spanned a third of Iraq and Syria. | RELATED: | Bomb Blast in Western Syria Kills at Least 24 Civilians | The U.S.-backed SDF, which is made of factions and groups from different ethnic communities in Syria, began the assault Thursday to capture the en…

Who Is US Intelligence Official Advising Guaido
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-02
Since leaving Venezuela on Feb. 22, despite a travel-ban in place against him, opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido has deployed an intense agenda of attacking democratically elected President Nicolas Maduro as he travels to Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, and other South American countries, whose right-wing leaders were quick to throw their support behind his self-proclamation as interim president. | Besides traveling with his wife Fabiana Rosales, who has accompanied him on each visit as if they were…

Sanctions Will Kill Venezuelans
Mark Weisbrot | zcomm.org | 2019-03-02
The humanitarian crisis will get rapidly worse if the most recent sanctions continue…

Venezuela's Gov't to Bring 5 Proposals to Dialogue Table
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-02
Venezuela's Minister of Communication and Information Jorge Rodriguez said that his government will bring five concrete proposals to a possible dialogue table, which the "Contact Group on Venezuela", convened by the European Union and Uruguay, seeks to set up. | RELATED: | Venezuela Rejects New US Sanctions Against Military Officers | "We will propo…

British Aid to Venezuela: A Soft Power Tool Kit
Nina Cross | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
With Jeremy Hunt and Alan Duncan keenly poised to overthrow the democratically elected leader of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, in order to install a compliant neoliberal one, now is a good time to look at the aid which the Foreign …

The Venezuela crisis and realpolitik
Alfred de Zayas | mronline.org | 2019-03-02
As heads of government, democratically entrusted with safeguarding the welfare of all Venezuelans, Chavez and Maduro bear overall responsibility for the economic crisis, but they are not alone. | Source…

Venezuelan Politician Warns of New US way of War
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-02
The socialist leader and protector of the Venezuelan state of Táchira, Freddy Bernal, warned that the Agency of the United Nations for the Refugees (UNHCR) might be providing funds to "irregular groups" that intend to attack Venezuela. | In an exclusive interview for teleSUR, Bernal urged the U.N. agency to decide on whether to collaborate with armed groups that intend to take action against Venezuela. However, he said the government and Venezuelans in support of Maduro were grateful for the position of the United Nations as a whole in that the body made it clear it would not participate in the interventionist…

North Korea as a Small Great Power
Prof. Pekka Korhonen | asia-pacificresearch.com | 2019-03-02

North Korea's Kim Leaves Vietnam After Summit Breakdown
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-02
Kim spends his last day in Hanoi laying wreaths at a war memorial and at the mausoleum of Vietnamese national hero Ho Chi Minh.

US: 4 TPS Recipient Countries Assured Benefits By DHS
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-02
As President Donald Trump threatens protections for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has guaranteed these benefits for U.S. residents from Sudan, El Salvador, Haiti and Nicaragua. | RELATED: | 279K US Born Immigrants in Danger Due to Trump's Policies | TPS recipients from the four countries will maintain pr…

Abe's Military Base Plan for Okinawa Sinking in Mayonnaise: Implications for the U.S. Court and IUCN
Hideki Yoshikawa | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
Abe Government's Reluctant Admission | After a long silence, the Abe government has finally admitted that the construction of a U.S. military base at Henoko-Oura Bay in Okinawa requires significant changes to the original land reclamation plan (see Asahi Shimbun). …

Largest Palestinian Displacement Project Since 1967 Underway in West Bank, Galilee
Julia Kassem | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
New plans to ramp up the largest wave of forced displacement in Palestine since 1967 are currently underway. | In response to pressure from far-right Nahala groups, a number of Israeli senior lawmakers agreed to the terms of an early February …

Haiti, The Government-run Narco-state. Country at the Mercy of Drug-Dealers
Joà´l Léon | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
First published by GR on March 13, 2018. February 28- March 1st marks the 15th anniversary of the illegal US-France-Canada coup d'Etat against the duly elected government of president Bertrand Aristide. | *** | The notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar, was | …

American Exceptionalism: The Naked Truth
William Blum | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
Article by the late William Blum. His important legacy | We can all agree I think that US foreign policy must be changed and that to achieve that the mind — not to mention the heart and soul — of the …

UK Government Collusion with Israel
Hans Stehling | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-02
According to a 2009 Channel 4 Dispatches documentary, 50% of the then Conservative shadow cabinet were members of the CFI Friends of Israel lobby — (but now, that figure has risen to an estimated 80%). The film also claimed that …

Neo-Nazi Group's Leader Is Black Man Who Vows to Dissolve It
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-02
Court documents suggest James Hart Stern wants to use his new position to thwart the National Socialist Movement's defense against a lawsuit.

Canada Moves Forward With Huawei Exec Extradition Case
teleSUR | telesurenglish.net | 2019-03-02
Canada has decided to put forward the extradition of Huawei's Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou to the United States before the courts. Meng has been out on bail since December pending a decision. | RELATED: | US Accusations Against Huawei Are Groundless, CEO says | The move is expected to escalate rifts between Canada and China, and also contribute to fears that it will exacerbate th…

Shocker: "Humanitarian Aid" Stunt Used to Escalate US-Led Crusade Against Venezuela
Caitlin Johnstone | theantimedia.com | 2019-03-02
(CJ Opinion) — So, you might want to sit down for this, but believe it or not it appears that the US government is using the fallout from its "humanitarian aid" performance to justify further sanctions against the Venezuelan government. I know, I know. I'm just as shocked as you are. "This action, taken pursuant to Executive Order …

Shocker: “Humanitarian Aid” Stunt Used to Escalate US-Led Crusade Against Venezuela

Yazidis freed from Islamic State captivity in Syria and returned to Iraq
Al-Thawra | indybay.org | 2019-03-02
Over 3.000 Yazidi's remain missing, in an act declared as "Genocide" by the International Community.

SpaceX Crew Dragon takes off for ISS in test flight before finally carrying humans (VIDEO)
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-02
The US may have moved one step closer to weaning itself off its reliance on Russia to get astronauts into space as SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule has embarked on its first test mission to the International Space Station. | …

Oakland teachers form rank-and-file strike committee
WSWS Repost | indybay.org | 2019-03-02
To carry their struggle forward, Oakland teachers have announced the formation of a rank-and-file strike committee, independent of the pro-corporate unions and in opposition to all budget cuts, teacher layoffs, and school closures.

USA empire refused de-nuclearization in Korea
DLI | indybay.org | 2019-03-02
Contrary to US mainstream corporate-bin-Laden media accounts, it was Washington that refused to accept a reasonable, step-by-step reciprocal confidence-building process put forth by the DPRK(North Korea) that scuttled the much-awaited peace talk in Hanoi this past week. The overbearing US side refused to A)bring up a formal Peace Treaty to end the 1950s Korean War; B)looked upon de-nuclearization only as a one-sided surrender of all of Pyongyang's nuclear and missile arsenal, without a corresponding removal of U.S. nuclear arms in NE Asia; and C)arrogantly insists on maintaining the strangling but illegal economi…

Canada's Hypocritical Double-Standard on Haiti and Venezuela
Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski | therealnews.com | 2019-03-02
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is supporting Haiti's President Jovenel Moise, who has lost all legitimacy, if he ever had any, and at the same time it is in the forefront in opposing Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro, who had a more legitimate election and has more supporters, says Yves Engler…

Trump blames media for twisting his words on Warmbier, issues non-apology
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-02
President Donald Trump has scolded the media for "misrepresenting" his words on Otto Warmbier, a US student who died shortly after his release from a North Korean jail, saying that he still holds the reclusive nation responsible. | …

India and Pakistan tobogganing toward a catastrophic war
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-02
India and Pakistan are teetering on the brink of what would be the first-ever war between nuclear-armed states.

US Promises to Defend Philippines Against China in South China Sea
Jason Ditz | theantimedia.com | 2019-03-02
(ANTIWAR.COM) — In comments on Friday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that the US still considers the 1951 Philippine-US Mutual Defense Treaty to be fully intact, and would adhere to it in the event Philippines forces come under fire in the South China Sea. US officials have repeatedly made clear that they intend to support the Philippines militarily …

US Promises to Defend Philippines Against China in South China Sea

It Might Be Time for a "War Dogs" Sequel
David Dayen | theintercept.com | 2019-03-02
A remarkable report from the Pentagon's inspector general released this week reveals that TransDigm Group, a parts supplier, "earned excess profit" on nearly every parts contract it made with the Defense Department. | Pentagon procurement officials responded to the report by vowing to seek $16.1 million in voluntary refunds from TransDigm, the approximate amount of excess profits on $26.3 million in contracts. TransDigm has yet to respond. | The report offers powerful evidence about TransDigm's much-maligned pricing practice…

Insecticide Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk — 40 Years After Exposure
Shared by Anton Woronczuk | truthout.org | 2019-03-02
Melinda Lewis remembers splashing in the irrigation canals that outlined her grandpa's walnut and almond groves in the late 1960s. | Two decades earlier, her mother had played in those same Escalon, California, farm fields as crop dusters flew overhead, releasing a new "miracle" chemical–a war-time innovation–the insecticide known as DDT. Since a bout with atypical hyperplasia, a pre-cancerous breast condition, in 1997 at age 36, Lewis often has wondered whether exposures to farm chemicals in childhood–her own and her mother's–may have heightened her health risks. | In recent decades, i…

The Big Wall Street Giveaway the 115th Congress Hopes the 116th Won't Notice
Shared by Anton Woronczuk | truthout.org | 2019-03-02
Candidates in the Democratic presidential primary are tripping over each otherto declare themselves enemies of the billionaire class. Bank CEOs are fretting about both

US Senate hearings on drug prices provide "friendly warning" to pharmaceuticals
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-02
While some of the members of the committee occasionally posed as industry critics, the Senate hearing made it clear that no serious action will be taken to rein in high drug prices.

Activists, Banks and For-Profit Immigrant Detention
Seth Sandronsky | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-01
JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo lend to GEO Group and CoreCivic (formerly Corrections Corporation of America), for-profit operators of immigrant detention facilities under contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. A campaign to end these banks' financial role is underway. Autumn Gonzalez is with the Sacramento-based NorCal Resist, a migrant activist group advocating on…

Cohen's Overlooked Warning — and Other Media Silences Worth Hearing
Paul Street | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-01
Drawing by Nathaniel St. ClairI fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power. | — Michael Cohen, speaking to the U.S. Congress, February 27, 2019 | It's the silences — the things left out and sent down the "memory hole" — that strike me most in the United States' Orwellian capitalist and white-supremacist media. | Urban Racism as a Nonstory | Here in Chicago, the Jussie Smollett and R. Kelly cases were recently all the local media rage. By contrast, recent reports that 63 Black people have so far been exonerated after having bags of heroin and coc…

Rapprochement, Dialogue, and a Peaceful Resolution of Jammu and Kashmir
Nyla Ali Khan | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-01
During the last two decades, each military crisis between India and Pakistan has been followed by attempts at diplomatic rapprochement, which have turned out to be fiascos. The two countries go through sporadic peacemaking efforts, characterized by negotiations. For instance, in January 2004, the then Indian prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and the then Pakistani president, General…

Russia Officially Returns to South Asia by Offering to Host Indo-Pak Peace Talks
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-01
Russia's 21st-century grand strategy of becoming the supreme "balancing" force in Afro-Eurasia is one major step closer to fruition after Foreign Minister Lavrov offered to host peace talks between India and Pakistan, proving that Russia's refusal to take …

Facebook Wants You to Know if You're Getting Your News From the Wrong Government
Jim Naureckas | fair.org | 2019-03-01
If you're thinking that Facebook–90 percent of whose customers are not in the United States–should treat Russian-backed outlets differently than US-backed outlets because the US supports peace and democracy, or doesn't use social media to try to manipulate other nations…. Well, this is why it's important to get your information from a variety of sources.

The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent
ACLU | aclu.org | 2019-03-01
A federal court threw out a baseless lawsuit against Greenpeace and other pipeline opponents and the company promptly refiled the case in state court. | In a win for free speech, a federal court in North Dakota recently dismissed a baseless $900 million lawsuit brought by the Dakota Access Pipeline company against Greenpeace and a number of individual protesters. The company should have learned its lesson. Instead, it refiled the case in state court. | These meritless cases…

War-Weary Pakistan Is Ready for Peace
Rafia Zakaria | thenation.com | 2019-03-01
War-Weary Pakistan Is Ready for Peace…