2019-03-28: News Headlines

Eric Draitser (2019-03-28). It's Opening Day: Here Are Three Political Storylines to Watch in Baseball This Year. counterpunch.org For many Americans, Opening Day of the Major League Baseball season elicits memories of childhood: playing with friends in the waning daylight hours, the crack of leather on leather as ball meets glove, and the feel of the sun on skin as it finally melts away the ossified remnants of the cold, dark winter. Baseball More

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-03-28). "The Russians are Still Coming" without RussiaGate. "Fake News" and US Foreign Policy under Trump. globalresearch.ca From one day to the next, following the release of the Mueller report, the shaky RussiaGate consensus created by the corporate media has collapsed. | What the Mueller investigation contends is that there is no proof that the Kremlin interfered …

Norman Solomon (2019-03-28). Pelosi and McConnell Are Inching Us Closer to Nuclear War. truthdig.com Bipartisan reverence for NATO is matched by how dangerous the organization has become as it increases the chances of a conflict with Russia.

STAFF (2019-03-28). Venezuela Is in Economic Crisis, Not Humanitarian Crisis. therealnews.com Max Blumenthal describes his experience on the ground in Venezuela to host Paul Jay, and talks about how the depiction of the country in broad humanitarian crisis is being used as a rationale for intervention in its domestic politics…

Medea Benjamin (2019-03-28). CODEPINK Ranks the 2020 Presidential Candidates on War, Peace and Military Spending. mintpressnews.com Medea Benjamin and Nicole Davies of CODEPINK look at a new crop of presidential candidates and examine their views — and, when possible, voting records — on issues of war and peace.

Middle East Eye (2019-03-28). Rights Groups Urge UN to Protect Palestinians on 'Great March' Protest Anniversary. globalresearch.ca Almost 20 Palestinian rights groups — both regional and international — urged the United Nations to protect Gazans who participate in the anniversary of the "Great March of Return" protests this coming Saturday. | In a letter sent to UN Secretary-General …

ACLU (2019-03-28). When Taking a Walk At Night Was an Act of Civil Disobedience. aclu.org Oregon remembers Minoru Yasui, a civil rights icon who broke the law to protest the curfews put on Japanese Americans at the start of World War II. | Seventy-six years ago, Minoru "Min" Yasui sat in a cell at the Multnomah County Jail in Oregon when he read a newspaper article detailing how Walter Pierce, the state's former governor and U.S. congressman, called for Japanese immigrants in the United States to be sent to Japan. Ever the racist and xenophobe, Pierce wasn't done. He even suggested revoking birthright citizens…

Special to PeoplesWorld (2019-03-28). San Francisco Art Institute hosts Hollywood Blacklist festival and panel. peoplesworld.org SAN FRANCISCO—As the FBI makes headline news again, a San Francisco filmfest and panel recalls when, starting in 1947, the FBI and U.S. government persecuted artists and activists, driving many into exile during the Hollywood Blacklist/McCarthyism Cold War era. Despotic Senator Joe McCarthy's right-hand man was Roy Cohn—the young Donald Trump's attorney and mentor—who helped …

Global Research News (2019-03-28). Selected Articles: NATO's Anti-Democratic Roots. globalresearch.ca A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer". | . | . | | | If, like us, this is …

Lucas Koerner (2019-03-28). After Debunking Lies About Humanitarian Aid" Trucks, NYT Inverts Reality on Venezuela's Cuban Doctors. mintpressnews.com After debunking Washington's lies about the burning of "humanitarian aid" trucks on the Venezuelan/Colombian border (more than two weeks after being scooped by independent journalists), the New York Times quickly reverted to form in an article by Nicholas Casey headlined "'It is Unspe…

Whitney Webb (2019-03-28). Syria's Rukban Now Little More Than a US-Controlled Concentration Camp — and the Pentagon Won't Let Refugees Leave. mintpressnews.com According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a concentration camp is defined as "a place where large numbers of people are kept as prisoners in extremely bad conditions, especially for political reasons." It is undeniable that the Rukban camp fits this definition to the letter.

Democracy Now! (2019-03-28). Headlines for March 28, 2019. democracynow.org Boeing to Update Software Implicated in Crashes of 737 MAX Jets, Federal Judge Strikes Down Medicaid Work Requirements, Migrant Asylum Seekers in El Paso Detained in Open-Air Parking Lot, Trump Says Puerto Rico Received Too Much Aid After Hurricane Maria, Florida Police Identify Second Parkland Survivor Who Died by Suicide, Rep. Ilhan Omar Challenges Trump Admin Rule Easing Overseas Gun Sales, NRA Advised Far-Right Australian Party on Overturning Gun Controls, NRA Official Reached Out to Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorist, Charlottesville Murderer James Alex Fields Pleads Guilty to Hate Crimes, Facebook to Ban White…

Stephen Lendman (2019-03-28). Russia Rejects Trump Regime Demand to Leave Venezuela. globalresearch.ca On Wednesday, Trump demanded around 100 Russian military forces leave the Bolivarian Republic, repeating his warning about "all options…open." | Moscow is undeterred by his threat, acting in support of Venezuela and President Maduro. | John Bolton repeated Trump's warning, saying "(a)s …

Philip Giraldi (2019-03-28). Now It's Official: God, Not the Russians, Elected Trump. globalresearch.ca Governments that pride themselves on being either democratic or republican in nature claim that they are empowered by the will of the people, but the sad reality is that most regimes come to power based on promises that they have …

Bruce Neuburger (2019-03-28). Braceros Then and Now: Brutality and Pathological Dishonesty Greet Immigrants in the Age of Trump. counterpunch.org Do a Google search of braceros and you'll find a picture of a line of shirtless young men being sprayed with DDT as they pass through a gate of a farm labor intake center. In another photo, naked men are lined up in a large room being inspected by men in white coats. The photos tell a story the name bracero (from the word brazos, or arms) itself implies. More

Stuart A. Newman (2019-03-28). Why the Mueller Investigation was Good for the Country. counterpunch.org The Mueller investigation was fully worth it, despite its conclusions. In early 2017, with a clearly corrupt president in place, but both houses of Congress dominated by the Republicans, there would have been no way to launch a legislative-branch inquiry into his misdeeds. The Special Prosecutor's probe served as a fortuitous substitute. Even though it More

George Wuerthner (2019-03-28). Bleeding Trees for Forest Health? counterpunch.org The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation is arguing that we need more logging/thinning as a panacea for wildfire and forest health. It reminds me of the same approach that Medieval doctors took to illness. If a patient was sick, the solution was to "bleed" the "bad" blood from the individual. If the patient More

Conn Hallinan (2019-03-28). Europe Confronts a Cliff. counterpunch.org As the campaigns for the European Parliament get underway, some of the traditional lines that formerly divided left, right, and center are shifting, making it harder to easily categorize political parties. In Italy, a right-wing coalition calls for a guaranteed income, larger pensions, and resistance to the heavy-handed austerity programs enforced by the European Union More

Rebecca Gordon (2019-03-28). How to Make Yourself an Exception to the Rule of Law. counterpunch.org John Bolton and Mike Pompeo Defy the International Criminal Court Events just fly by in the ever-accelerating rush of Trump Time, so it's easy enough to miss important ones in the chaos. Paul Manafort is sentenced twice and indicted a third time! Whoosh! Gone! The Senate agrees with the House that the United States should More

STAFF (2019-03-28). America's Menacing Defiance of International Justice. truthdig.com Events just fly by in the ever-accelerating rush of Trump Time, so it's easy enough to miss important ones in the chaos. Paul Manafort is sentenced twice and indicted a third time! Whoosh! Gone! The Senate agrees with the House that the United States should stop supporting S…

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2019-03-28). Documents Reveal Saudi-Backed Gov't in Yemen Granted Citizenship to Charlie Hebdo Attacker Peter Cherif. mintpressnews.com Cherif is just one of the dozens of foreigners — mostly former al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters — who have been granted Yemeni citizenship by the Coalition-allied Yemeni Passport Authority, under pressure from high-ranking leaders in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Party for Socialism and Liberation (2019-03-28). A socialist orientation: The collapse of the Trump-Russia hoax and the need for an independent movement. liberationnews.org The Trump-Russia conspiracy hoax promoted by the "liberal" wing of the capitalist establishment has collapsed with the core conclusion of the Mueller investigation that no such conspiracy existed.

Michelle Zacarias (2019-03-28). Pentagon will hand over $1 billion for 57 miles of Trump's border wall. peoplesworld.org

Ted Rall (2019-03-28). The Actual Collusion. counterpunch.org In 2002 and 2003 corporate media idiots speculated that secular socialist Saddam Hussein might give nukes that he didn't and couldn't have to radical Islamists who wanted to kill him. That story wasn't true. Worse than that, it couldn't have been true. I said it over and over and over. So did others. But we More

True Publica (2019-03-28). Gaddafi Spy Chief — Libya Gave Ex-French President Sarkozy $8million Bribe. globalresearch.ca The Independent's multi-award-winning Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk, reports that the execution order for Gadaffi's spymaster was simply a perversion of justice that suited the Western security services just fine. | "Shutting them up. That's what it's about. The hangman's drop, …

Jesse Jackson (2019-03-28). Florida's Poll Tax is a New Low. counterpunch.org Until 2018, Florida — the state vital to the presidential victories of George Bush and Donald Trump — deprived one in 10 voters, and two in 10 African Americans, of the right to vote with a constitutional provision banning felons from voting, even after they had fulfilled their sentences. Many with nonviolent drug felonies, enforced by a More

Elliot Sperber (2019-03-28). My Favorite Conspiracy Theory. counterpunch.org My favorite conspiracy theory — Which was Blaise Pascal's as well — is that The planet's not round And the planet's not flat The planet's not even a planet Goddamnit. What just may be the way things are's That you and I and everyone — Connie and Maury, and Robert Horry — We are all More

Jeff Hauser (2019-03-28). Mueller's End Increases Pressure on Rep. Richard Neal to Request Trump's Taxes. counterpunch.org In the coming days, advocates and lawmakers will fight to ensure that the findings of Mueller's team are made public so that the American people may assess for themselves the results of the Special Counsel's two-year investigation. Even as this important work unfolds, however, we must also acknowledge the limitations of the Special Counsel's investigation. More

John McEvoy (2019-03-28). Living through blackouts: Venezuelan government accuses opposition of 'sabotage'. thecanary.co The Canary is currently in Venezuela. This is the latest in our series of on-the-ground articles. According to authorities, Venezuela suffered a "double attack" at … | Read more Living through blackouts: Venezuelan government accuses opposition of 'sabotage' | By John McEvoy

teleSUR (2019-03-28). Venezuelan Gov't Reveals Evidence Related to Electric Sabotage. telesurenglish.net Minister of Communication and Tourism Jorge Rodríguez gave a press conference Wednesday showing evidence related to the recent attacks on the national electricity system (SEN) which he said were intended to cause chaos by leaving the Venezuelan people without electricity for weeks. | "In the last two years, the Venezuelan fascist opposition has perpetrated more than 250 attacks on the National Electric System," said Rodríguez adding that such attacks have been foiled by the Venezuelan government on different occasions. | While the attack intended to leave the country with no electricity for weeks, the ministe…

Paul Dobson (2019-03-28). Venezuela: Guaido Barred from Public Office as Maduro Announces Temporary Electricity Rationing. venezuelanalysis.com Workers from other industries have flocked to the Guri Dam to help repair the fire damage.

Fight Back (2019-03-28). FRSO mobilizes against U.S. wars and racism. fightbacknews.org Washington D.C. – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is building for a rally and march against U.S. wars and racism in Washington D.C. this Saturday, March 30. | "Oppose NATO, War, and Racism! Oppose U.S. intervention in Venezuela!" is the theme for a rally starting at 1 p.m. across from the White House in LaFayette Park. | The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is set to 'celebrate' 70 years on April 4. April 4 is also the anniversary of the day Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. So, a large coalition of anti-war, international solidarity, and anti-racist organizations are gathering to…

teleSUR (2019-03-28). Biggest Migrant Caravan Forming Amidst Broken US Border Patrol. telesurenglish.net A "mother of all caravans" is building up in Honduras, the federal interior secretary said Wednesday while the United States Office of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said the immigration system at the U.S. southern border has reached a breaking point. | RELATED: | Negligence Leaves ICE Detention Facilities Overrun With Mumps | "We are aware that a new caravan is forming in Honduras that they're calling the mother of all caravans . . . and which could be [made up of] more th…

teleSUR (2019-03-28). Brazil's Vale Activates Alarm Near Dams in Risk of Rupture. telesurenglish.net Brazilian mining company Vale SA activated alarms in areas below three tailings dams Wednesday night due to an elevated risk of rupture, amid a tense atmosphere in Minas Gerais state where a dam burst in January killed about 300 people. | RELATED: | Brazil: Another Vale Group Dam at 'Highest Threat' of Collapse | The company activated alarms in areas downstream of the B3/B4 dam and the Forquilha I and Forquilha III dams as a "preventative measure," after the structures failed to r…

Bill Wirtz (2019-03-28). France Activates 7,000 Troops to Quell Yellow Vest "Terrorists" globalresearch.ca Last week, France's Yellow Vest movement entered its 23rd week. While the movement's ranks have thinned, the government's reaction to hasten its demise have been Orwellian. On Saturday, things got worse. | Macron's Pain | The Yellow Vest (in French: "gilets jaunes") …

(2019-03-28). Conflict of Interest, Corporations and the Environment: More than 160 Groups Urge Senate to Reject David Bernhardt for Top Interior Post. globalresearch.ca More than 160 conservation groups sent a letter to U.S. senators today urging them to oppose the nomination of fossil fuel lobbyist David Bernhardt as Interior secretary, citing his efforts to enrich corporations at the expense of the environment. | Bernhardt's …

John W. Whitehead (2019-03-28). The Making of a Monster: We're All Lab Rats in the Government's Secret Experiments. globalresearch.ca "But these weren't the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around—they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don't …

Kit Klarenberg (2019-03-28). Kosovo War at 20: How Britain and America Backed Jihadists Throughout Conflict. globalresearch.ca On 24 March 1999, NATO launched a 78-day-long bombing campaign against the then-Republic of Yugoslavia. Still hailed by the Western mainstream as a successful 'humanitarian intervention', the true story of the conflict's roots and legacy is far darker, and points …

Yves Engler (2019-03-28). On NATO's 70th Anniversary Important to Remember Its Anti-democratic Roots. globalresearch.ca " The power of the communists, wherever that power flourishes, depends upon their ability to suppress and destroy the free institutions that stand against them. They pi…

Prof Susan Babbitt (2019-03-28). Cuba: The Revolution "Must be Fun" globalresearch.ca Tony Perrottet's Cuba Libre! Che, Fidel and the improbable revolution that changed the world is a "colourful page turner".[i] Perrottet wanted a book that is "entertaining and readable, unsaturated by ideology". He succeeds in the first, not the second. | It…

Andrew Korybko (2019-03-28). Russia Should Take the US' "European Energy Security Act" More Seriously. globalresearch.ca Underestimating the potential of one's adversaries and expressing excessive self-confidence in one's own abilities oftentimes leads to the said party being unpleasantly surprised if events don't go exactly according to how they expect them to. | Russia would well to reconsider …

South Front (2019-03-28). Video: Special Forces Hunt Down ISIS Terrorists that Killed 3 Russians. globalresearch.ca 3 Russian service members were killed in a terrorist attack in Syria in late February, the Russian Defense Ministry said on March 25. The defense ministry added that following the attack the Russian Aerospace Forces and Special Operations Forces tracked …

Belgrade Forum (2019-03-28). Never to Forget: 1999 — NATO's War on Yugoslavia. The 2019 Belgrade Declaration. globalresearch.ca On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the aggression of NATO Alliance against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the FRY), on 22nd and 23rd March 2019 Belgrade was the venue of the International Conference under slogan …

Richard Gale (2019-03-28). America's "Medical Deep State". The Role of the CDC. globalresearch.ca For over two decades, American families have faced an unscrupulous foe that threatens the public health and welfare. It is a rogue, unmanageable institution within our federal government, now seemingly beholden solely to private interests. Citizens have been horribly mistaken …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-03-28). Believing the RussiaGate Conspiracy Tale: Are The Democrats Self-Destructing? globalresearch.ca The Democrats cannot stop making fools of themselves. Thom Hartmann is an example. He writes for Common Dreams and has a progressive talk radio program. During the George W. Bush regime I was a frequent guest on his program. It …

teleSUR (2019-03-28). UN Security Council Isolates US Over Golan Decision. telesurenglish.net The United States was isolated at the United Nations Security Council Wednesday over President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights as the other countries on the council opposed the move which they decried as a violation of the international resolution. | RELATED: | US Claims Golan as Israeli while Boosting Military Presence | In a letter requesting Wednesday's meeting, Syria described the U.S. decision as a "flagrant violation" of coun…

Salomeh Keyhani (2019-03-28). It's the For-Profit Health Care Industry Telling Us We Can't Afford Medicare for All. commondreams.org Medicare for All would mean that the proverbial "pigs at the trough" of the $3.5 trillion health care system each have something (in the form of stock prices and paychecks) to lose. (Photo: National Nurses United/Flickr/cc) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/loveit.jpeg

teleSUR (2019-03-28). 750 Military Killed in Mexico Since 'War on Drugs' Began. telesurenglish.net Nearly 750 members of the Mexican military have reportedly died in service since Mexico's 'War on Drugs' began in 2006. | RELATED: | Central Americans, US Agree to Conduct Joint Police Operations | Last month Mexico's National Defense Secretariat (Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional — SEDENA) published a list of 543 names of army and air force personnel killed on duty since 2006, when then-president Felipe Calderon launched the 'War on Drugs' in Mexico. | Another 54 cases o…

John Ranson (2019-03-28). Book industry 'drawing up plans' to pulp May's memoirs. thecanary.co The end of a prime minister's reign is always an exciting time in the world of publishing. There's a bidding war to secure the … | Read more Book industry 'drawing up plans' to pulp May's memoirs | By John Ranson

splcenter (2019-03-28). SPLC: Conversion therapy provider continues to secretly operate nearly four years after jury finds practices unconscionable. splcenter.org The SPLC this week filed a motion asking a judge to institute contempt proceedings against JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing), now known as JIFGA (Jewish Institute for Global Awareness), for violating an injunction entered over three years ago requiring that it permanently cease all operations and completely halt all elements of its fraudulent gay-to-straight "conversion therapy" program.