2019-03-16: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Encountering Peace: A nation like all other nations?
Gershon Baskin | zcomm.org | 2019-03-16
I hope that after the elections, we will begin to count the Arab citizens of Israel as full citizens…

Tribunal Declares Trump and Duterte Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity
Marjorie Cohn | zcomm.org | 2019-03-16
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his government committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, aided and abetted by U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration, according to a recent ruling from the International Peoples' Tribunal on the Philippines. The tribunal, which was held in Brussels, Belgium, on September 18 and 19, 2018, rendered its 84-page Read…

Ricardo Hausmann's "morning after" for Venezuela: the neoliberal brain behind Juan Guaido's economic agenda
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-03-16
While online audiences know YouTube comedian Joanna Hausmann from her videos making the case for regime change, her economist father has flown below the radar. His record holds the key to understanding what the U.S. wants in Venezuela. | Source…

Venezuela under attack: 7 notes on electric shock (Special Edition)
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-03-16
A manoeuvre that lowers the curtains for Guaidó, who is trapped in an ill-conceived plan and dependent on the chain of command of the war cabinet against Venezuela in Washington, must be sacrificed in order to give way to war. | Source…

Preventing civil war and US intervention in Venezuela
Edgardo Lander | zcomm.org | 2019-03-16
Interview on the crisis in Venezuela and calls on the international left to recognize the complexity of the situation…

The New Zealand Mosque Attack: what we know so far
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-16
At least 49 people were killed and 48 injured on Friday at around 1: 30 pm (local time) in anti-Muslim terrorist attacks against two mosques in downtown Christchurch, New Zealand. Four suspects have been arrested. The main shooter filmed the attack with GoPro and broadcasted it live to social networks. The video was promptly removed by …

Imperialists in battle for Iranian oil: yesterday, today, tomorrow
unitedEditor | uwidata.com | 2019-03-16
Exactly 68 years ago on this day, March 15, 1951, the Iranians managed to wrest their main national treasure, oil, out of the imperialists' grab. By doing this, they kicked off struggle for independence and economic development of their land. Through the efforts of Mohammad Mossadegh, the leader of the National Front party during the …

Pompeo shames Senate by invoking Iranian bogeyman after Yemen war powers vote
RT | rt.com | 2019-03-16
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has condemned the Senate for passing a resolution to end US involvement in the war in Yemen, suggesting US military aid to the Saudis is the only thing standing in the way of a new Persian Empire. | …

Fascist terrorists murder 49 in Christchurch, New Zealand
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-16
The attack is the outcome of the rise of far-right, fascistic networks that have developed around the world, with the collusion of the state apparatus.

Fukushima, Nuclear Threats and The Growing Danger of War
No Nukes Action | indybay.org | 2019-03-16
Berkeley Main Library Community Room | 2090 Kittredge St, Berkeley, CA 94704…

Urban Shield SWAT Drill and Weapons Expo Suspended for 2019
Tracy Rosenberg | indybay.org | 2019-03-16
"Alameda County deserves the Bay Area's thanks for pushing the pause button on overly militarized police training. Urban Shield knotted together needed disaster preparedness with the worst excesses of warlike exercises, trigger-happy law enforcement and xenophobic distrust of people of color. It is time to do better and the Bay Area will do so."

Millions of students and youth march against climate change
WSWS | wsws.org | 2019-03-16
The internationally coordinated protests, the largest in sixteen years, were organized in response to the failure of world governments and the ruling class to do anything to halt global warming.

Syrian Human Rights Lawyers Use Precedent Set in Rohingya Case to Try to Bring Government Officials Before the International Criminal Court
Maryam Saleh | theintercept.com | 2019-03-16
"The fact that individuals who are once thought to never have been able to be held accountable are being held accountable or evidence is being collected, I think that is important in and of itself."

National March on Washington: Hands off Venezuela! No coup, no sanctions, no new U.S. war!
ANSWER | indybay.org | 2019-03-16
White House | 1600 Pennsylvania Ave | Washington DC 20500…

Newsom promotes voluntary agreements that imperil salmon, Delta
Dan Bacher | indybay.org | 2019-03-16
Governor Gavin Newson, who received $637,398 from agribusiness interests in his campaign for Governor, including $116,800 from the Wonderful Company owners Lynda and Stewart Resnick, praised the voluntary agreements that would yield less flows for San Joaquin River and Delta salmon, steelhead and other fish species.

Did Dallas Police and Local Media Collude to Cover Up Terrorist Threats against Journalist Barrett Brown?
Eric Draitser | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
Barrett Brown is an award-winning journalist and author who spent time in federal prison for work he did exposing various elements of the military-industrial complex, including publicizing the hacked emails of private intelligence company Stratfor. Since being released from prison, Brown has worked to establish the Pursuance Project, an initiative aimed at developing a new…

Solidarity Isn't a Slogan, It's a Process: A Conversation with Vijay Prashad
Cira Pascual Marquina — Venezuelanalysis | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-03-15
In this exclusive interview, a prominent Indian intellectual examines how imperialism operates in our time and proposes specific forms of solidarity with Venezuela.

Peace activists cheer anti-war win on Senate Yemen resolution
Mark Gruenberg | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-15
WASHINGTON–Peace activists nationwide, who strenuously lobbied lawmakers on the issue, cheered the U.S. Senate's 54-46 vote to end U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led Yemen War. Lawmakers invoked the War Powers Act in their blunt rebuke to President Donald Trump's pro-war actions. The Democratic-run House previously approved the anti-war move. But just to make sure Trump …

North America's Indigenous Peoples: "Ongoing Genocide…" and Its Shadow World
Robin Mathews | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
Electromagnetic Press has produced a new book by Bruce Clark, scholarly expert and 'hands-on' activist in the matter of North American indigenous peoples' history, philosophy, and — especially — the reality of their present legal being, their rights, and their …

Labor-backed candidate Tony Pecinovsky scores 48 percent in St. Louis race
Maicol David Lynch, Roberta Wood | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-15
ST. LOUIS–How can a local politician in a working-class ward stand against the interests of working-class people? This was the question before voters in this city's southside 14th ward during last week's municipal election when 41-year-old labor activist Tony Pecinovsky racked up 48 percent of the vote, nearly turning out longtime incumbent Carol Howard in …

Students Globally Protest Warming, Pleading for Their Future
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-15
WASHINGTON — Students across a warming globe pleaded for their lives, future and planet Friday, demanding tough action on climate change. | From the South Pacific to the edge of the Arctic Circle, angry students in more than 100 countries walked out of classes to protest what they see as the failures by their governments. | Well more than 150,000 students and adults who were mobilized by word of mouth and social media protested in Europe, according to police estimates. But the initial turnout in the United States did not look quite as high. | "Borders, languages and religions do not separate us," eight-year…

Democrats and Death Squads in Venezuela
Lucas Koerner, Venezuelanalysis | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-03-15
Top Democrats march lockstep behind Trump's coup in Venezuela, rehabilitating war criminal Elliott Abrams.

The Trump Phenomenon as Seen in Europe
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
President Donald Trump is frequently seen through the prism of an American media that despises him and wants to discredit him so that he can either be impeached soon or defeated in 2020. To a certain extent the foreign media …

Roaming Charges: Straighten Up and Fly Right
Jeffrey St. Clair | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
+ Few things have made me more despairing about the future of the country than the fact that Liz Cheney is now ascendent as a political powerbroker in DC. The one thing Trump could have done to assure himself some lasting historical merit was to eradicate the Cheneys from public life. Wimp. + How many…

US-Taliban Talks: Real or Illusory Progress? Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Mineral Wealth
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
US Afghan aggression and occupation of parts of the country remain largely unchanged after over 17 years. | Afghanistan reflects what CIA officials once called Vietnam — "the grand illusion of the American cause," a conflict impossible to win. Yet it …

US College Admissions Scandal. "Affirmative Action for the Rich"
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
In the 1961 Hollywood film Splendor in the Grass, the protagonist's oil-wealthy father got his academically unqualified son admitted to Yale. | Though unexplained in the film, he likely bought his admission, his influence not enough to prevent his son's expulsion …

Trump's $34 Trillion Deficit and Debt Bomb
Jack Rasmus | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
This week Trump released his latest budget for 2019-20 fiscal year. It calls for $2.7 trillion in various social spending cuts over the decade, including $872 billion in reductions in Medicare, Social Security, Disability spending; another $327 billion in food stamps, housing support, and Medicaid; a further $200 billion in student loan cuts; and hundreds…

Cancellation Chaos: $600 Billion in Boeing 737 Max Orders at Risk
Zero Hedge | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
New evidence shows that the Boeing Co. 737 MAX which crashed in Ethiopia on Sunday may have experienced similar technical difficulties as the 737 MAX that crashed off Indonesia last year. The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) cited similarities with in-flight …

Clashes Erupt in Eastern Yemen as Local Tribes Block Saudi Influx of Military Equipment
Ahmed Abdulkareem | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-15
The latest incident came amidst a precipitous rise in tensions in eastern Yemen, where local residents have been grappling with an increasingly brazen military buildup by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Lee Camp Hits Hard on MSNBC's Rick Tyler's Cheap Shots at Sanders and Socialism
Nick Rehwaldt | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-15
If you want to be anything other than a center-right news station that happens to tell marginally more facts than your coked-out alternative, then don't have Rick Tyler, the person tasked with making Ted Cruz appear human, tell us why Bernie Sanders isn't a tenable solution.

The State Dept Allegedly Tried to Coax An Iranian Expat into Sabotaging Iran's Power Grid
Sharmine Narwani | mintpressnews.com | 2019-03-15
An Iranian-American engineer was allegedly was approached by the State Department with an offer of cash for sabotage of Iran's power grid.

Video: Israeli Defense Firm Released Video Showing An "Animated Destruction" of Russia's S-400 6L6 Surveillance Radar
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
The Syrian conflict influences not only the balance of power in the Middle East, but also strategies and military programs of the powers involved. | There is no secret that over the past years the Russian Armed Forces have used Syria …

Annexing the Stars: Walcott, Rhodes, and Venezuela
Jason Hirthler | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
Poet Derek Walcott's "A Far Cry from Africa" provides a stirring glimpse into the perspectives and policies of British colonialists in the 20th century. Of course, the perspectives it reveals are temporally confined to British colonialism in Walcott's poem: he was a native of Saint Lucia, a British colony or "possession" in the Caribbean; and…

Fox News Doubles Down on the Big Lie and Venezuela
Kurt Nimmo | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
It doesn't matter what corporate alphabet propaganda network you watch, you're going to get the same line on Venezuela. | Here we have Trish Regan, a fixture at Fox News, telling numerous lies about Venezuela, lies put out by neocons …

Venezuela — More Might Makes Right
Barry Kissin | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
How much more brazen could it be — our attempted coup in Venezuela? Are our leaders expecting that mainstream media will succeed once again in selling us the maniacal march of the American Empire? | But we have been through enough, | …

Venezuela: US Threatens New Sanctions as Hyperinflation Slows Down
Ricardo Vaz | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-03-15
The US government has increased pressure against Caracas mainly by targeting the oil industry.

America's Puppet: Meet Juan Guaidó
David Rosen | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
Juan Guaidó is a useful pawn for U.S. interests in Venezuela, but is he expendable? On January 15th, the White House reported that VP Mike Pence spoke by phone "today" with Guaidó, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly. It claimed the call was made…

Juan Guaidó's Policy Proposals: 'The Venezuela to Come' or the Venezuela That Has Already Been?
Barry Cannon, NACLA | venezuelanalysis.com | 2019-03-15
Juan Guaidó has a plan to end the emergency in Venezuela–but his vision looks a lot like the elite-led, violently unequal Venezuela of the 1990's.

Trudeau's Position on Honduras Reveals Hypocrisy About Venezuela
Yves Engler | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
The hypocrisy is head spinning. As Justin Trudeau lectures audiences on the need to uphold Venezuela's constitution the Liberals have recognized a completely illegitimate president in Honduras. What's more, they've formally allied with that government in demanding Venezuela's president follow …

North Korea Warns That Bolton and Pompeo Are Derailing Nuclear Talks
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-15
At least one DPRK official has blamed the failed negotiations in Hanoi on the "gangster-like" behavior of Donald Trump's cabinet members.

Riding the Wild Bull of Nuclear Power
Evaggelos Vallianatos | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
From atomic theory to nukes I am proud the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus invented the Atomic Theory, which says that everything in the cosmos is atoms and void. But who could have foreseen that, 2,500 years later, American "physicists" would turn such a glorious insight on the structure of matter into apocalyptic weapons? The…

Trump's Backward Move on Drone Civilian Casualties
Consortiumnews | consortiumnews.com | 2019-03-15
This executive order disregards some valuable historical lessons, writes Daniel R. Brunstetter. An unmanned U.S. Predator drone flies over southern Afghanistan. (AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth) By Daniel R. Brunstetter, University of California, Irvine The Conversation When it comes to drones and warfare, the… Read more ?…

The Indivisible Project's Statement on the Terrorist Attack in New Zealand
commondreams | commondreams.org | 2019-03-15

New Zealand attack shows white supremacy is global terrorist movement
splcenter | splcenter.org | 2019-03-15
The atrocity in New Zealand shows us, once again, that we're dealing with an international terrorist movement linked by a dangerous white supremacist ideology that's metastasizing in the echo chambers of internet chat rooms and on social media networks.

New Zealand Terrorist Manifesto Influenced by Far-Right Online Ecosystem, Hatewatch Finds
Michael Edison Hayden | splcenter.org | 2019-03-15
Brenton Tarrant, the man accused of murdering 49 worshippers and injuring dozens of others in two New Zealand mosques Friday, posted a manifesto steeped in white supremacist propaganda and references to "white genocide," a belief that white people are being systematically replaced across the world by non-whites.

Self-declared fascist carries out racist terror attack in NZ mosques
Kristen Gelineau | peoplesworld.org | 2019-03-15
SYDNEY (AP)–The gunman behind at least one of the mosque shootings in New Zealand that left 49 people dead on Friday tried to make a few things clear in the manifesto he left behind: He is a 28-year-old Australian white nationalist who hates immigrants. Though he claimed not to covet fame, the gunman–whose name was …

At Least 49 Dead in Terror Attack on New Zealand Mosques
STAFF | truthdig.com | 2019-03-15
Updated: | Officials in New Zealand have put the number of confirmed victims in Friday's terrorist attack on a pair of mosques at 49 people dead with 48 wounded, many seriously. Police have detained multiple people as part of the investigation into the attack, but so far have charged just one man–described as "an extremist, right-wing, violent terrorist"–with multiple counts of murder. | According to the New Zealand Herald: Australian police have identified the shooter as Brenton Tarrant — a white, 28-year-old Australian-born man. Twit…

Video: Russian Warplanes "Rain Hell" on Terrorist Strongholds in Idlib
South Front | globalresearch.ca | 2019-03-15
On March 13, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces delivered a series of airstrikes on infrastructure of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the city of Idlib and in its southeastern countryisde. According to reports, at least 16 strikes hit weapon depots, …

The Media-Created Front Runners
Robert Fantina | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
This writer makes it a habit to review CNN daily. Not because he expects responsible news reporting there, but because that particular outlet seems to provide a good overview of what the corporate-owned, government-supporting media wants the general public to know and care about. This past week, he saw the news that former Vice President…

Our Green New Deal
Samantha M., Angelica Perkins | counterpunch.org | 2019-03-15
On Friday, February 22, 2019, Sunrise Bay Area, Youth Vs. Apocalypse and Earth Guardians Bay Area Crew gathered together for a rally held outside of Senator Feinstein's office in San Francisco in an attempt to persuade her to vote yes on the Green New Deal. We attended the rally at Feinstein's to show support and…