2019-03-05: News Headlines

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2019-03-05). North Korea: Achievements in Health and Education. globalresearch.ca North Korea's "health system is the envy of the developing world" according to the World Health Organization: WHO director-general Margaret Chan said the country had "no lack of doctors and nurses"

Eds. (2019-03-05). Roger Waters, socialists say no to Bernie and AOC's positions on Venezuela. mronline.org As socialists rally in the United States over their country's backing of a right wing coup in Venezuela, the supposedly socialist members of Congress—Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)—are hitting talking points that worry critics like Roger Waters and activists in the streets alike. | Source

Consortiumnews (2019-03-05). PATRICK LAWRENCE: It Was Kim That Walked Away. consortiumnews.com There are two sides to the story about why the second North Korea peace summit fell apart last week, writes Patrick Lawrence. By Patrick Lawrence Special to Consortium News The abrupt and unexpected failure of the second Trump—Kim summit last… Read more →

Newsclick (2019-03-05). Hanoi Summit: So close, yet so far from peace. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode of International Round-up, NewsClick editor, Prabir Purkayastha, talks about the reasons behind the failure of the Hanoi Summit, where the US and North Korea could not arrive at a lasting agreement. He also discusses the changing dynamics and the possibilities that the inter-Korean peace process has augured.

CFJPIME (2019-03-05). Human Rights Orgs: End Canadian Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia. globalresearch.ca Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) joined eleven other human rights organizations to send a letter calling the Canadian government to immediately suspend arms sales to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The letter pointed out that …

Mike Whitney (2019-03-05). The Trump-Kim Summit: What Really Happened in Hanoi? globalresearch.ca While the western media has written off last weekend's summit in Hanoi as a failure, the talks did help to burnish Kim Jong-un's reputation as a sincere statesman committed to peacefully resolving the nuclear issue. This is a significant …

teleSUR (2019-03-05). Hugo Chavez's Memory Lives on in the Hearts of Latin Americans. telesurenglish.net Six years since his passing and the memory of Hugo Chavez still remains not only in the hearts of Venezuelans but of Latin Americans around the globe. | RELATED: | John Pilger: The War on Venezuela Is Built on Lies | His leadership and legacy revolutionized the state of Venezuela, like no other administration in the nation's history, cutting the chord from imperialist countries in the north, taking the reins and changing South America's future. | After centuries of passivity, under Cha…

Jack Rasmus (2019-03-05). Financial Imperialism: the Case of Venezuela. counterpunch.org Invasion of Venezuela by US and its proxies is just around the corner! This past week vice-president Pence flew to Colombia once again—for the fifth time in recent weeks—to provide final instructions to US local forces and proxy allies there for the next step in the US regime change plan. Evidence that the 'green light' More

Eds. (2019-03-05). Russia on Venezuela: U.S. mercenaries and direct military intervention. mronline.org We are certainly worried about the U.S. plans to arm militants in order to destabilise the situation in Venezuela and, frankly speaking, invade this sovereign country. | Source

unitedEditor (2019-03-05). Conflict in Kashmir: U.S. Imperialism's Playground. uwidata.com Last week saw a geopolitical explosion; something that seemed to many a sudden and terrifying threat of nuclear war on the Indian Subcontinent. For the first time since 1971, Pakistan and India engaged in active combat in the contested muslim-majority territory of Kashmir. The confrontation began with India's aerial bombing of an alleged terrorist camp …

Robert Fisk (2019-03-05). Israel is Playing a Big Role in India's Escalating Conflict with Pakistan. counterpunch.org When I heard the first news report, I assumed it was an Israeli air raid on Gaza. Or Syria. Airstrikes on a "terrorist camp" were the first words. A "command and control centre" destroyed, many "terrorists" killed. The military was retaliating for a "terrorist attack" on its troops, we were told. An Islamist "jihadi" base had been More

Thomas Knapp (2019-03-05). Why Wait for 2021? End the Federal War on Marijuana Now! counterpunch.org The Boston Globe's Naomi Martin and James Pindell report that all of 2020's formally declared "major party" presidential candidates say they support legalizing marijuana at the federal level. Yes, that includes President Trump. Great idea! But why should the nearly 2/3 of Americans who want marijuana legalized spend the next 20 months listening to these More

Tom Engelhardt (2019-03-05). A Swiftian Modest Proposal for the President. counterpunch.org Call me crazy, if you want, but I think I see how to do it! We have two intractable issues, one intractable president, and an intractable world, but what if it weren't so? What if those two intractable problems could be swept off the table by a single gesture from that same intractable man? As More

Jonah Raskin (2019-03-05). Three Days in LA: Tales of a Reluctant Tourist. counterpunch.org "Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real, when in fact all of Los Angeles and the America surrounding it are no longer real, but of the order of the hyper-real and of simulation. It's no longer a question of a false representation of reality (ideology), but More

John G. Russell (2019-03-05). Make America Normal Again? counterpunch.org Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. —Walt Whitman "We're better than this," Congressman Elijah Cummings sternly told his colleagues at the conclusion of Michael Cohen's public congressional hearing, exhorting them and all Americans "to get back to normal," to, as it were, Make America Normal More

Alexander Rubinstein (2019-03-05). An Unholy Alliance: Did the US-Backed UAE Fly ISIS Leaders into Yemen's Killing Fields? mintpressnews.com The de facto alliance between the U.S. with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, AQAP, and now allegedly ISIS in Yemen has led to one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history,…

Robert Fisk (2019-03-05). Israel is Playing a Big Role in India's Escalating Conflict with Pakistan. zcomm.org When I heard the first news report, I assumed it was an Israeli air raid on Gaza. Or Syria. Airstrikes on a "terrorist camp" were the first words. A "command and control centre" destroyed, many "terrorists" killed. The military was retaliating for a "terrorist attack" on its troops, we were told. An Islamist "jihadi" base had been Read more…

Kei Pritsker (2019-03-05). Watch: The US Humanitarian Aid Ploy to Venezuela Explained. grayzoneproject.com Washington's claim that Venezuela's government has refused humanitarian aid is a gigantic lie. Kei Pritsker explains how the US deployed…

Peoples Dispatch (2019-03-05). "Political racism is why West has not given a chance to Venezuelan process" peoplesdispatch.org Venezuelan ambassador to Ecuador, Carol Delgado Arria, talked to Peoples Dispatch about how political racism has affected the treatment of Venezuela and Bolivarian leaders such as Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro.

unitedEditor (2019-03-05). Revolution in Venezuela: what is really happening? uwidata.com On February 23, Venezuela broke diplomatic and political relations with Colombia. In addition, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gave the staff of the Colombian Embassy in Caracas 24 hours to leave Venezuela. At the same time, Venezuela temporarily closed three bridges on the border with Colombia. The decision was taken after it came to light that …

teleSUR (2019-03-05). Uruguayan Football Club Launches Bid to Fight Gender Violence. telesurenglish.net "The numbers to which we turn our backs" is the name of the campaign Danubio F.C. have chosen as the Uruguayan football club aim to contribute toward the fight against gender violence. | RELATED: | Study Reports 536 Women Assaulted Every Hour in Brazil | Danubio F.C. will wear jersey's that will contain different slogans on their jersey's in support to end gender violence. For example, above and below the number on the back will be a message specifically relating to the mistreatment of…

Dean Baker (2019-03-05). A Collectible Corporate Income Tax. counterpunch.org Bill Niskanen was the rarest of all creatures, an honest libertarian. He actually believed in libertarian ideas, rather than just using them as an excuse for policies to redistribute income upward. He headed the Cato Institute for more than two decades, from 1985 until 2008. While CATO generally took conservative views, it also followed Niskanen's More

Howard Lisnoff (2019-03-05). Trump's Plot Against America: It Can Happen Here. counterpunch.org When Philip Roth wrote The Plot Against America (2004), I instinctively recoiled at Roth's fictional account of a neo-Nazi political party coming to power in the U.S. with figures such as Charles Lindbergh at its helm. When a Nazi document surfaced just recently ("Nazi blueprint for North American Holocaust acquired by Canada archive," Guardian, January 25, 2019), that outlined More

Nick Cunningham (2019-03-05). Will Trump Take Action Against OPEC? globalresearch.ca Brent is creeping back up towards the high-$60s per barrel, prompting a scolding of OPEC by President Trump via tweet earlier this week. | Trump's irritability with high oil prices is well-known, but the tweet suggests that he sees oil prices …

Jeff Cohen (2019-03-05). WaPo Warns Dems Progressive Policies Could Bring Many Victories. zcomm.org Centrist bias sometimes takes the form of inaccurate critiques of broadly popular progressive policies that are quite defensible—such as Medicare for All or raising the minimum wage…

Norman Finkelstein (2019-03-05). It Is Time to Indict Israel. zcomm.org Interview on the growing push for ICC to file War Crimes charges…

Jeff Cohen (2019-03-05). WaPo Warns Dems That Progressive Policies Could Bring Them Many Victories. commondreams.org www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/screen_shot_2019-03-05_at_9.56.40_am.png

David D'Amato (2019-03-05). Abolish the Prison System. counterpunch.org America is the authoritarian carceral state par excellence, ignominious the world over for the zeal with which she imprisons her citizens, for the absurdity of her criminal charges and sentences, for the stark racial disparities that characterize her cynical applications of "justice." It is ironic that the United States should bear the honorific title "land of the free" More

Peoples Dispatch (2019-03-05). Nigeria: More than 50 reported missing after the oil pipeline explosion in Niger Delta. peoplesdispatch.org Hundreds of Nigerians in the Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa on the Niger Delta were forced to flee their villages after one of the numerous oil pipelines in the region exploded around 4 am on Friday morning. | According to a local chief, a " huge inferno" rose along the course of this pipeline which runs across six local communities in the region. According to reports, at least 50 people have gone missing in the stampede that ensued as people scrambled to run away from the blaze. | The pipeline is currently owned by t…

Andrew Korybko (2019-03-05). The US Wants to Sanction Away Russia's "Great Society" globalresearch.ca Latest round of proposed US sanctions is intended to offset Putin's legacy-defining socio-economic development program known as the "Great Society" | *** | Congress is deliberating whether to promulgate the so-called " Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act of 2019" …

Yves Engler (2019-03-05). SNC Lavalin Scandal Blowback from Corrupt Canadian Foreign Policy. globalresearch.ca Canada's corrupt foreign policy practices have come home to roost on Parliament Hill. | Justin Trudeau's government is engulfed in a major political scandal that lays bare corporate power in Ottawa. But, SNC Lavalin's important role in Canadian foreign policy …

True Publica (2019-03-05). Tommy Robinson and the Ultra Right-wing Jihadists of America. globalresearch.ca

South Front (2019-03-05). Video: Al Qaeda Strikes Back. Major Escalation in Syria's Northern Hama. globalresearch.ca In the morning of March 3, fighters of the al-Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Tawhid carried out a major attack on several positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) near the town of Masasneh in northern Hama. A military source told SouthFront …

teleSUR (2019-03-05). Islamic State Group Begin to Surrender Last Territory in Syria. telesurenglish.net In a report from Al Jazeera, thousands of people, including armed fighters, have left the last area held by ISIL in Syria, a spokesperson for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said. | RELATED: | Islamic State Group Faces Final Defeat by Kurdish-Led Force | Mostafa Bali of the SDF tweeted that about 3,000 people had come out of the village of Baghouz in eastern Syria on Monday through a humanitarian corridor established by the Kurdish-led group for those who choose to le…

WSWS (2019-03-05). Guaidó returns to Venezuela for next stage of US regime-change operation. wsws.org The US-backed "interim president" staged a five-nation tour of Latin America, shepherded by the CIA, to drum up support for the coup in Venezuela.

WSWS (2019-03-05). The political lessons of the March 3 Free Assange rally. wsws.org The demonstration in Sydney won broad support on the basis of mobilising the working class to defend democratic rights and class war prisoners such as Julian Assange.

WSWS (2019-03-05). German Left Party congress backs imperialist campaign against Venezuela. wsws.org The Left Party's European election congress last month sent a clear message: the bourgeoisie can rely on the Left Party's support for war and attacks on the working class.

Patrick Cockburn (2019-03-05). Stupid, Stupid, Stupid English. counterpunch.org I was sitting in a cafe on the Falls Road in heavily nationalist West Belfast when a local radio reporter came in looking for residents to interview about the effect of Brexit on Northern Ireland. She said that the impact was already massive, adding: "Stupid, stupid English for getting us into this pickle. We were doing nicely and then they surpassed themselves [in stupidity]." More

Shared by Merula Furtado (2019-03-05). Enjoy Your High, But Not at the Expense of Palestinian Human Rights. truthout.org Medical cannabis is considered the next up-and-coming miracle drug, with very few side effects. But with Israeli companies bursting onto the international market, medical cannabis exported from Israel may soon have to come with a new warning. Beware: purchase of this product may contribute to violations of Palestinian human rights. | The Israeli medical cannabis industry, as it is currently set up, whitewashes Israeli war crimes, provides legitimacy and profits for people responsible for past massacres in Gaza, and supports Israel's illegal settlement, a direct cause of Palestinian suffering. | On December 28,…

Manlio Dinucci (2019-03-05). Em Camp Darby, as Foràßas Especiais Italianas. globalresearch.ca A notícia nà£o é oficial, mas já é badalada: a partir de Outubro, em Camp Darby irá ondular a bandeira italiana. Será que os Estados Unidos està£o para fechar o seu maior arsenal no mundo, fora da mà£e Pátria, restituindo …

WSWS (2019-03-05). Algerian protests continue after Bouteflika launches presidential bid. wsws.org Speaking for the former colonial power, Le Monde published an editorial demanding that Bouteflika step down and warning that the situation risks spinning out of control.

Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski (2019-03-05). Protests Hit Brazil During Carnival. therealnews.com It is generally assumed that Carnival in Brazil is mostly just a big party. However, as Mike Fox reports from Brazil, it actually has its origins in politically motivated concerns and this is true now more than ever…

Shared by Anton Woronczuk (2019-03-05). Big Brother Steps Closer as Parents Shackle Teens to Ankle Monitors. truthout.org A perfect example of George Orwell's terrifying view of a society under government surveillance has arrived in the form of ankle monitors for your teens. | For parents who "need to keep track of [their] teenager at all times," Tampa Bay Monitoring in Clearwater, Florida, is selling GPS tracking¾similar to the shackles used to track those on parole¾billed as a way for parents to have "peace of mind" and for so-called troubled teens to have "protection." Never mind that these monitors function as a form of private s…

Shared by Jocelyn Dombroski (2019-03-05). France's Macron Moves to Equate Anti-Semitism with Anti-Zionism. therealnews.com Sonia Fayman of the Union of French Jews for Peace discusses President Macron's efforts to blur the difference between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism…

Shared by Samantha Borek (2019-03-05). Universities on the Foreign Payroll. truthout.org After the Central Intelligence Agency found that the crown prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia likely ordered the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced it would be reviewing its "Institute-level engagements" with the Kingdom. The fallout from the murder of Khashoggi has put a spotlight on Saudi Arabia's extensive financial connections to universities acro…

STAFF (2019-03-05). Key Progressives Demand End to America's Forever Wars. truthdig.com Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) were among the first members of Congress to sign a new pledge vowing to end America's " forever wars." | "The United States has been in a state of continuous, global, open-ended military conflict since 2001," reads the pledge, which the veterans group Common Defense launched on Monday. "Over 2.5 million troops have fought in this 'Forever War' in over a dozen co…

Michael Winship (2019-03-05). Michael Cohen and the Devil in the Details. counterpunch.org My writer friend Gail, who lives in London but is fluent in all things American, has been closely following our daily travails. We're in touch often, sharing our mutual, grim, and often bleakly funny stories about Trump here and Brexit there. Wednesday, just before Michael Cohen began his testimony before the House Committee on Oversight More

stuart_m (2019-03-05). How award-winning Palestinian poet found her 'magic pen' in an Israeli jail. greenleft.org.au Four months after her release from an Israeli prison, Palestinian poet and photographer Dareen Tatour received the Oxfam Novib PEN Award for Freedom of Expression in The Hague in January. Oxfam Novib, the Dutch affiliate of the international charity Oxfam, said it awarded Tatour the prize to highlight "the growing repr…

Manlio Dinucci (2019-03-05). A Camp Darby le forze speciali italiane. globalresearch.ca La notizia non è ufficiale ma già se ne parla: da ottobre su Camp Darby sventolerà il tricolore. Gli Stati uniti stanno per chiudere il loro più grande arsenale nel mondo fuori dalla madrepatria, restituendo all'Italia i circa 1000 ettari …

Amah Mutsun Land Trust (2019-03-05). Volunteer Day with the AMLT Native Stewardship Corps. indybay.org Año Nuevo State Park, Whitehouse Canyon Road and Cabrillo Highway, Davenport, CA, 94060…