Daily Archives: July 14, 2024

2024-07-14: News Headlines

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-14). Climate and environmental crisis: Sorcerer's apprentices at the World Bank and the IMF. cadtm.org

tvbrics (2024-07-14). Floral waste fuels the circular economy in India. tvbrics.com The country is moving towards a sustainable economy…

Guest Blogger (2024-07-14). Climate Skeptics and Fiction. wattsupwiththat.com There's a real market for dystopian literature. The Alarmists have had great success in this arena.

BIODB (2024-07-13). Celebrating Shark Awareness Day: Understanding and Protecting Our Ocean's Guardians. pressenza.com by: Assaf Levy, Every year on July 14th, we celebrate Shark Awareness Day. It is not just a tribute to one of nature's most misunderstood creatures; it is a call to action. Sharks have cruised the oceans for over 450 million years, playing a vital role in keeping marine ecosystems healthy. But today, these apex predators find themselves under increasing pressure, with many species teetering on the brink of extinction. | Sharks: More Than Just Jaws | Hollywood might portray sharks as mindless killing machines, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Sharks come in a st…

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