Daily Archives: July 10, 2024

2024-07-10: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2024-07-10). WADA considers legal action against defamatory favoritism allegations. ecns.cn The World Anti-Doping Agency is considering legal actions against defamatory allegations by some organizations after an independent report supported its integrity and legitimacy handling a contamination case involving Chinese athletes.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-07-10). In Westminster at Last: The Threat of Nigel Farage. counterpunch.org "This is the inflection point," warned Nigel Farage last month as he assumed the reins of power at the incarnated Reform UK party, standard bearer of the often inchoate group known as the hard right of British politics. "The only wasted vote is a Conservative one. We are the challengers to Labour. We are on our way." On July 4,

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-10). Climate and environmental crisis: Sorcerer's apprentices at the World Bank and the IMF. cadtm.org

R Umaima Ahmed (2024-07-10). Hundreds succumb to extreme temperatures as severe heatwave engulfs Pakistan. globalvoices.org The country grapples with challenges posed by climate changeGlobal VoicesGlaciers are melting in extreme heat in Pakistan. Photo by This May and June, Pakistan faced an

Systemic Disorder (2024-07-10). Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics. indybay.org That humanity can dominate nature "is an illusion." The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. "Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

WSWS (2024-07-10). Global warming and negligence fuel deadly impact of Hurricane Beryl, heat wave and California wildfires. wsws.org Multiple major weather events driven by global warming brought deadly impacts to millions across the country as the US government continues its negligent and underfunded emergency response.

Guest Blogger (2024-07-10). Press release: Labour's wind plans will be 'astonishingly wasteful'. wattsupwiththat.com The UK wholesale market is seeing a rapidly rising number of periods of overproduction, and this is thought to be the main reason that offshore windfarms demanded, and received, a 60% price increase in the renewables auctions.

Jake Bittle (2024-07-10). FEMA will now consider climate change when it rebuilds after floods. grist.org When the Federal Emergency Management Agency spends millions of dollars to help rebuild schools and hospitals after a hurricane, it tries to make the community more resilient than it was before the storm. If the agency pays to rebuild a school or a town hall, for example, it might elevate the building above the floodplain, lowering the odds that it will get submerged again. | That sounds simple enough, but the policy hinges on a deceptively simple question: How do you define "floodplain"? FEMA and the rest of the federal government long defined it as an area that has a 1 percent chance of flooding in any given…

Kimera Abdu (2024-07-10). Mbarara University Student Wins Climate Resilient Chicken Value Chain Competition. plusnews.ug In an effort to support climate-resilient agriculture and enhance the ability to thrive in changing climates, the National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO) Mukono chapter in collaboration with University of Burundi and Gudie Leisure Farm, organized a climate-resilient competition in the chicken value chain that attracted numerous applications from young innovators across the country. Dubbed "Greening …

Jake Bittle (2024-07-10). Climate change has forced America's oldest Black town to higher ground. grist.org

Charles Rotter (2024-07-10). The WHOI Lye Dumping Experiment: A Reckless Attempt at Climate Mitigation. wattsupwiththat.com Geoengineering should not be seen as a viable approach to environmental management. The presumed threats associated with climate change should not drive us to such extreme measures.

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