Monthly Archives: June 2024

2024-06-29: News Headlines (2024-06-29). More contaminated water released from Fukushima. Japan began its latest discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on Friday, despite opposition from home and abroad.

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-29). Climate and environmental crisis: Sorcerer's apprentices at the World Bank and the IMF.

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-06-29). Protest Against Legalized Insurance Blackmail. How insurance companies profit by worsening the climate crisis.

Tina Landis (2024-06-29). California's community solar program undermined by for-profit interests of utility companies. Under capitalism, community-solar microgrids are a threat to private utilities' profits. In the end, ensuring continued profits for the ruling elite outweighs implementing real climate solutions in any meaningful way.

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-06-29). Groups Champion Children's Environmental Rights amid the Triple Planetary Crisis. 28 June 2024, Quezon City, Philippines. As the effects of the triple planetary crisis of climate emergency, collapse of biodiversity and pervasive pollution are brought to light, civil society groups called on duty-bearers, governments and industries in particular, to take decisive measures that will protect and advance children's environmental rights with the meaningful participation of children and their supporters. | At a webinar held on June 27, 2024, child and adult leaders of child rights-focused and environmental rights-focused non-government organizations spoke as one in pushing for the human right of al…

Robert Hunziker (2024-06-29). Antarctic Ice Melt — New Sobering Studies. It was only two years ago that studies of the infamous Thwaites Glacier, aka: the Doomsday Glacier located in West Antarctica, found rapid melting. At the time, scientists said it was "hanging on by its fingernails." (Source: 'Doomsday Glacier' Which Could Raise Sea Level by Several Feet, is 'Hanging by its Fingernails,' Scientists Say, CNN, September 6, 2022) | Since that warning was issued, the planet has vastly exceeded global warming expectations. A new study raises the bet on sea level rise, maybe by a lot. The study warns that the Antarctic ice sheet is melting in a "new, worrying way" that scientific model…

tvbrics (2024-06-29). Tunisia prepares its first biennial transparency report by the end of 2024. The country is adapting to the impacts of climate change…

Tamara Lucas (2024-06-29). Perspectives] Nicole Redvers: Indigenous health scholar. Nicole Redvers, Director of Indigenous Planetary Health and Western Research Chair at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University, London, ON, Canada, brings important Indigenous perspectives to research on planetary health and climate change. "When I was a clinician back in my home region, one of the reasons I got into this work was because I'm from the sub-Arctic, and we're experiencing three to four times the global temperature rise rate compared to the rest of the planet…And the effects are unprecedented, amplified within the last 4 or 5 years, but we've seen the changes for over 20 ye…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-29). Can music help someone with Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to waste away and die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which is a term used to describe a group of symptoms that affect memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily function. As many as 5.8 million people in the U.S. were living with Alzheimer's disease in 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And this number is…

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2024-06-25: News Headlines

Eve Andrews, Ambrook. (2024-06-25). Around The Mountain Valley Pipeline, Farmers Losing Access To Clean Water. There are some who say the water of Monroe County, West Virginia, is the purest and best-tasting in the world — or at least it was in the 1990s. The springs on Peters Mountain, which straddles the border with Virginia, won first prize at the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting four times in that decade, beating out — as farmer Maury Johnson will tell you — the renowned municipal water of New York City. | Johnson's family has owned over 200 acres of farmland in Monroe County for 130 years, in the verdant Hans Creek Valley. Coming around the bend of a two-lane road into the valley, you be…

Dan Lieberman (2024-06-25). Preventing the Genocide. Part 1 of a two-parter: Israelis Live Wasted and Desperate Lives and Should Leave The fuss that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken manufactured over their Israel inspired ceasefire plan is pathetic. Claiming Hamas is "proposing changes that are not workable." without specifying the proposed changes (are there changes?), is not informing …

Editor (2024-06-25). How America's "Most Powerful Lobby" Is Stifling Efforts to Reform Oil Well Cleanup in State After State. By Mark Olalde / Last year, representatives of New Mexico's oil industry met behind closed doors…

Ruth Milka (2024-06-25). Exxon and Suncor lose bid to escape Boulder's climate change lawsuit.

Germán Gorraiz López (2024-06-25). Is a socio-economic paradigm shift inevitable on planet Earth? Western society is characterised by the reign of hedonism and nihilism, as opposed to the critical spirit and culture of effort of the 20th century, because it is made up of individuals who are dependent on material goods and who form a homogeneous, uncritical mass that is easy to manipulate by the ruling classes. | To produce these consumer goods, the world's leaders have opted for the uncontrolled consumption of raw materials and fossil fuels to feed the production machinery, ignoring deforestation, uncontrolled pollution and the waste generated, which would already plunge us into a dangerous vortex of CO2 incr…

Holly Chik (2024-06-25). Chinese firms in US see more negative business climate amid 'significant' downturn: survey. Trade tensions and 'hostile public sentiment' fuel findings, with dips in performance resembling 2020 when coronavirus pandemic hit globally.

Mong Palatino (2024-06-25). Decolonization, the climate crisis, and improving media education in the Pacific.

Charles Rotter (2024-06-25). A Day in the LIFE of a Climate Journalist. Josh nails it For context: We previously covered the pathetic green colonialist's hit piece here:…

| Peter Boyle | (2024-06-25). Why ecosocialism is not just a good idea but a necessity. As the climate emergency and extinction crises deepen, there is no choice but to struggle to democratise the economy so that it can be made to serve social needs and ecological sustainability. Peter Boyle reports.

newarab (2024-06-25). Mountains of waste 'ticking timebomb' as disease spreads in Gaza. Israel's eight-month This situation has seen a proliferation of

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