Monthly Archives: January 2024

2024-01-08: News Headlines

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-08). Youth Climate Case Against US Government Should Go To Trial.

Olivia Rosane (2024-01-08). COP29 Host Azerbaijan Plans to Raise Gas Production by a Third Over Next Decade. Azerbaijan, the country slated to host the next United Nations Climate Change Conference, has plans to increase its gas production by a third during the next 10 years. The findings, released by Global Witness Monday, build on concerns about how effectively an Azerbaijan-hosted COP29 will tackle the climate crisis, given the country's reliance on fossil fuels and its decision to appoint a former… |

Editor (2024-01-08). Judge denies U.S. Department of Justice's motions to dismiss and for early appeal in children's constitutional climate lawsuit Juliana v. Unites States. On Friday, December 29, 2023, U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken issued an order and opinion denying the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) motions to dismiss the second amended complaint in the children's constitutional climate lawsuit Juliana v. United States.

JP Sottile (2024-01-08). Right-Wing Christians Are Making Climate Apocalypse a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. On November 17, 2023, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) rejected science textbooks and teaching materials from eight educational publishers. Their objections were based in large part on references to "manmade" climate change, on "negative portrayals of fossil fuels," and, amazingly enough, on evolution. In a nod to the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925, the "Judeo-Christian" culture warriors at… |

_____ (2024-01-08). A Compelling Theory to Explain a Key Trait of Modern Humans. 4 Jan 2024 – Behavioral and cultural traits define human evolution; brain size, climate, and new technologies cannot explain the overall process. Hyperprosociality provides a comprehensive explanation. H. sapiens is the only species that has high levels of cooperation with those who are not related.

truthdig (2024-01-08). The Two-Degree Future Is Now. In 2023, a number of climate records fell across a planet careening toward social and ecological chaos.

ATTAC (2024-01-08). 28th session of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 28) No to green colonialism, no to the false solutions of green capitalism, no to green normalization, Yes to the sovereignty of peoples over their territories.

Guest Blogger (2024-01-07). Climate Change Weekly #492: Climate Goals Undermining Global Poverty Reduction. Efforts to rapidly restrict the use of fossil fuels is hampering the #1 goal of poverty reduction in Africa and is restricting Africa's efforts to develop and utilize its own oil and gas resources (goal #7), as funds previously used for development are being redirected to CO2 mitigation (goal #13).

Florence CGTN (2024-01-07). Dengue cases surge in Caribbean nations. Caribbean nations are being hit hard by an upsurge in cases of dengue. Environmental experts and health professionals point to climate change as being in large part to blame.

ATTAC (2024-01-07). 28th session of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 28) No to green colonialism, no to the false solutions of green capitalism, no to green normalization, Yes to the sovereignty of peoples over their territories.

2024-01-08 17:56:38 | 17:56 EST | tr | 12 | 0 | 3 | 7 | 0 

2024-01-07: News Headlines

Guest Blogger (2024-01-07). Climate Change Weekly #492: Climate Goals Undermining Global Poverty Reduction. Efforts to rapidly restrict the use of fossil fuels is hampering the #1 goal of poverty reduction in Africa and is restricting Africa's efforts to develop and utilize its own oil and gas resources (goal #7), as funds previously used for development are being redirected to CO2 mitigation (goal #13).

ATTAC (2024-01-07). 28th session of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 28) No to green colonialism, no to the false solutions of green capitalism, no to green normalization, Yes to the sovereignty of peoples over their territories.

2024-01-07 23:07:24 | 23:07 EST | tr | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0