2024-07-11: News Headlines

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-11). Climate and environmental crisis: Sorcerer's apprentices at the World Bank and the IMF. cadtm.org

noemail (2024-07-11). Global Climate Contradictions: Analyzing Record Extremes in a Warming World. devdiscourse.com The burning of fossil fuels has pushed Earth's temperature 1.5 ∞C higher than averages seen before industrialization, a shift we've experienced for over a year. Intriguingly, despite this global trend, some areas report unexpected cold.

Guest Blogger (2024-07-11). NATO's Jejune Climate Risk Assessment Ignores the Real Threats to The West. wattsupwiththat.com it is not climate change that threatens the West's military capability: it is costly but useless climate-change mitigation policies, applied unilaterally by the West against itself and ignored in practice by just about all other nations, that are arguably the major cause of the continuing and now terminal decline in the military capability of NATO.

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