2021-06-20: News Headlines

Editorial Team (2021-06-20). Science Museum puts profits before nature. challenge-magazine.org After orchestrating an occupation of the Science Museum in London, a band of activists were threatened with arrest last night (Saturday 19 June 2021), but have affirmed that they'll continue their action today. Due to the museum's decision to receive sponsorship from fossil fuel giant Shell, the London branch of the UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN) coordinated the protest.

_____ (2021-06-20). Report Details Fossil Fuel Industry's Deceptive 'Net Zero' Strategy. popularresistance.org A new report published Wednesday by a trio of progressive advocacy groups lifts the veil on so-called "net zero" climate pledges, which are often touted by corporations and governments as solutions to the climate emergency, but which the paper's authors argue are merely a dangerous form of greenwashing that should be eschewed in favor of Real Zero policies based on meaningful, near-term commitments to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

Ashley Curtin (2021-06-19). Minnesota Court of Appeals upholds Line 3 permit allowing construction to continue. nationofchange.org "Construction on Line 3 is underway—all eyes now turn to the Biden administration to live up to their commitments to climate action and Indigenous rights by stopping Line 3."

_____ (2021-06-19). 'Surreal' and 'Distressing': Climate Experts' Predictions Come True With US Heatwave. popularresistance.org As what the National Weather Service described as "dangerous and record-breaking heat" affects 50 million people across the Western United States even before the first day of summer, climate experts and activists are using the hot conditions to reiterate warnings and calls for policy change as scientists are seeing their dire predictions come true.

_____ (2021-06-19). Climate Experts' Predictions Come True With US Heatwave. popularresistance.org As what the National Weather Service described as "dangerous and record-breaking heat" affects 50 million people across the Western United States even before the first day of summer, climate experts and activists are using the hot conditions to reiterate warnings and calls for policy change as scientists are seeing their dire predictions come true. | "The current heatwave and drought leave no doubt, we are living the dangerous effects of the climate crisis," activist and former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer tweeted Friday. "Action is urgently needed." | Steyer shared a Thursday New York Times repor…

Andrew Moss (2021-06-19). The Urgent Need to Educate America about Climate-Related Migration. zcomm.org As long as the Biden administration cedes center stage on a critical issue like climate migration, other voices will dominate the stage and define the narrative…

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