Daily Archives: October 12, 2020

2020-10-12: News Headlines

Wen Stephenson (2020-10-12). The Hardest Thing About the Green New Deal. thenation.com The Hardest Thing About the Green New Deal…

Robert Koehler (2020-10-12). What Comes Next is Up to Us. counterpunch.org What if we stopped separating the looming national chaos into separate categories —racism, climate change, war, vote suppression, election theft, pandemic, science denial, white supremacy, police brutality, etc. — and tried looking at it all at once? This may be the legacy of Donald Trump, our first corkscrew-in-chief: He has popped the cork on who

XR America (2020-10-12). Saturday 10/24: March Against Extinction. indybay.org Union Square, City of San Francisco…

pip.hinman (2020-10-12). 'Backwards' federal budget: government never fails to disappoint on climate action. greenleft.org.au colombiareports.com/feed/

RT (2020-10-11). Money laundering time? Covid-19 can survive on CASH for 28 days, study claims. rt.com Coronavirus can survive on certain surfaces, including banknotes and mobile phone screens, for nearly a month in cooler climates, new research by Australian scientists suggests. | Covid-19 is able to survive in the open for a significantly longer length of time than was previously thought, according to a study by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) "Establishing how long the virus really remains viable on surfaces en…

Peter Koenig (2020-10-11). Climate Change — A Scam of Global Dimensions? globalresearch.ca In the context of the global controversies about the Western narrative on the so-called "Climate Change" — and the ever more visible merging of this narrative with the World Economic Forum's (WEF) declared post-covid "Great Reset", NTV, Moscow, aske me …

Common Dreams staff (2020-10-10). Climate Emergency Activist Greta Thunberg Endorses Biden in Rare Political Tweet. commondreams.org www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/greta_thunberg_3_0.jpg

Steve Horn (2020-10-10). Trump getting COVID is his Hurricane Sandy October Surprise for science denial. nationofchange.org From COVID-19 to the hurricanes of the climate crisis, even "moderate" Republicans have continually displayed a willingness to ignore and malign science.

Daniel Brown (2020-10-10). While the Wild Rice Still Grows, a Native Culture Struggles to Survive. progressive.org As traditional crops decline due to climate change, Ojibwe fishermen in Wisconsin continue to be harassed—and even shot at—by local whites.

WSWS (2020-10-10). The California wildfires: A disaster of capitalism and climate change. wsws.org Even as record-breaking fires rage across the US West Coast, the ruling class has refused neither to address the climate crisis nor protect those in the path of destruction.

Ashley Curtin (2020-10-10). Horseshoe crab blood key to COVID-19 vaccine despite negative impact it could have on ecosystem. nationofchange.org "An estimated 50,000 of them die in the [vaccine] process and human interference also means that the species is now vulnerable to extinction."

Alan Macleod (2020-10-09). World Bank: Up to 150 Million More People Will Live in Extreme Poverty by 2021. mintpressnews.com The convergence of the coronavirus, combined with global conflict and climate change has put the goal of ending global poverty by 2030 virtually out of sight.

Andrea Germanos, staff writer (2020-10-09). 'Be Afraid—Be Very Afraid': Methane Ruling Seen as Ominous Sign With Barrett Poised to Join Supreme Court. commondreams.org The judge delivered a "puzzling and unsupported conclusion that the Bureau of Land Management can't limit methane waste because that would reduce greenhouse gas pollution." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/be-afraid-court-strike-down-methane-rule.jpg

Staff (2020-10-09). U.N. World Food Programme Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Tackling Hunger Amid War, Pandemic & Climate Crisis. democracynow.org As the World Food Programme wins the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger around the world, we speak with Vijay Prashad, director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, who says the United Nations body is doing vital work around the world. "I couldn't be happier that the World Food Programme won the Nobel Prize for peace, because this hunger pandemic is paralyzing perhaps 2.7 billion people," he says.

Jeffrey St. Clair (2020-10-09). Roaming Charges: A Fly in the Anointment. counterpunch.org A return to normalcy, you say? Normalcy brought us the Iraq War, torture, assassination by drone, 607 billionaires & 600k homeless, the gutting of welfare, warrantless wiretaps, militarized police, the war on drugs, globalized fracking, the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico & an atmospheric C02 level of 411.08 ppm and rising. Screw normalcy.

Eve Ottenberg (2020-10-09). Fascism's Twisted Take on Climate Change. counterpunch.org The climate catastrophe has caught fascism's evil eye. First it spawned eco-fascism, a creed founded on lies about immigrants and population control. More people migrating to first world countries, eco-fascists say, means more people with outsized carbon footprints. Better for those immigrants to stay home, having less climate impact, than coming here to indulge in

_____ (2020-10-09). For An Egalitarian, Cooperative Road To An Ecosocialist Future. popularresistance.org We are in the midst of a climate emergency and there is no way out without radically changing the way society is organized. If humanity does not free itself from the capitalist drive for ever greater profits and ever-expanding economic growth, rising global temperatures alone will make the planet uninhabitable for humans and millions of other living species. | We urgently need to find a collective road to a new way of living that is based on human solidarity and ecological sustainability.

Danna Smith (2020-10-09). Europe Drives Destruction of US Forests in the Name of Fighting Climate Change. zcomm.org The Southern U.S. is now the world's largest producer and exporter of wood pellets. Under the guise of "renewable energy," the voracious European demand for wood pellets has put forests and communities in this region at increased risk.

Dan Bacher (2020-10-09). As oil drilling expands, Newsom pledges to 'conserve' 30% of land and coastal waters by 2030. indybay.org Food & Water Action California State Director Alexandra Nagy criticized Newsom for failing to deliver on climate change while his administration has issued over 2,600 oil and gas drilling permits this year so far. | "Governor Newsom needs to go back to the drawing board and tackle the state's biggest polluters head-on," said Nagy. "We're losing patience with his lack of meaningful action."

Andrea Germanos, staff writer (2020-10-08). Trump's USDA Sued Over Program Allowing 'Horrific' Mass Slaughter of Native Wildlife. commondreams.org "To carry out such a horrific onslaught on native wildlife in the midst of a mass extinction event and a climate crisis, without any real knowledge of the impact, is utterly outrageous." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/usda-wildlife-services-sued-annual-killing.jpg

Staff (2020-10-08). Science denial runs deep in the GOP. therealnews.com Back in 2012, climate science denial created an A month before Hurricane Sandy reached landfall first in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and then New York City, killing 37…

Manuel García, Jr. (2020-10-08). Another Model of Atmospheric CO2 Accumulation. counterpunch.org I continue to model the accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, because the topic fascinates me. This time, I constructed a global warming scenario driven by a pulse of anthropogenic CO2 emissions (mathematically, a slightly skewed Gaussian function), which launches in the year 1900, peaks in the year 2028, and disappears by year

Augustine Zenakos (2020-10-08). Golden Dawn is defeated: the damage to democracy is harder to repair. zcomm.org In an historic verdict, an Athens Court convicted Golden Dawn leaders of running a criminal organisation, bringing its campaign of racist murders to an end. But the political climate that legitimised this is ever present.

_____ (2020-10-08). Fishermen Oppose 'Catastrophic' Release Of Fukushima Water To Ocean. popularresistance.org Tokyo – Japanese fish industry representatives on Thursday urged the government not to allow the release at sea of tonnes of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant, saying it would undo years of work to restore their reputation. | Tokyo Electric has collected more than a million tonnes of contaminated water since the plant was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011. | The water is stored in huge tanks that crowd the site and it says it will run out of storage room by 2022.

sputniknews (2020-10-08). Apparently There Was a Vice Presidential Debate? sputniknews.com On today's episode host Lee Stranahan covers; The Vice Presidential debate, the Presidential debate is now scheduled to be virtual, 7 militiamen plotted to kidnap Michigan Governor, Democrats have rejected the airline bailout bill, Harris explained she and Biden are going to continue fracking, and Steve Mnuchin announced more Iran sanctions.

Brett Wilkins, staff writer (2020-10-08). Facebook Profited From Climate Misinformation Even After Vowing to Fight It, Report Shows. commondreams.org Inaccurate and misleading ads—which were bought by right-wing lobby and nonprofit groups—were viewed by eight million U.S. users during the first half of 2020. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/denial.jpg

pip.hinman (2020-10-08). Dead seas or pledge to transition? Extinction Rebellion takes action. greenleft.org.au

Mark Hertsgaard (2020-10-07). 60 Minutes, The Guardian, and Game-changing New Science. commondreams.org A second presidential term for Trump would be "game over" for the climate. That's not Mann's partisan judgement, he insisted. It's straightforward math. (Photo: michael_swan/Flickr/cc) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/climateaction_1.jpg