Daily Archives: October 5, 2019

2019-10-05: News Headlines

Center for Biological Diversity (2019-10-05). Trump Bucks Protests, Opens 725,500 Acres of California's Central Coast to Oil Drilling. indybay.org MARINA, Calif., October 4, 2019 — The Trump administration today dismissed protests and made a formal decision to open 725,500 acres of public lands and mineral estate across California's Central Coast and the Bay Area to new oil and gas drilling and fracking.

Extinction Rebellion South Bay (2019-10-05). If the earth dies, so do we – 5 pm Die-In. indybay.org San Jose City Hall Plaza…

Extinction Rebellion South Bay (2019-10-05). If the earth dies, so do we – Noon Die-In. indybay.org San Jose City Hall Plaza…

Dan Bacher (2019-10-05). USGS report reveals oil waste fluid contaminates CA groundwater. indybay.org "The Central Valley, particularly Kern County, ranks number one for numerous environmental injustices, including having the worst air quality in the nation. To add insult to injury, now we have confirmation of something we suspected all along: Wastewater from oil companies is contaminating our groundwater," said Gustavo Aguirre Jr., Kern County coordinator for the Central California Environmental Justice Network.

David Klein (2019-10-04). Think or Swim. thenation.com Climate change activists demand action from our leaders.

RT (2019-10-04). 'Save the planet, eat the babies': AOC trolled over climate change panic by pro-Trump prankster. rt.com Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a fan of radical climate change solutions, but one "modest proposal" caught her off guard. A woman she thought had a "mental condition" suggested eating babies for the good of the earth. | Speaking about her proposed 'Green New Deal' at a town hall event on Thursday, AOC was interrupted by an apparently distressed woman who felt the Green New Deal's zero-carbon goal just wouldn't cut it. Claiming that "we only have a few months left" to fight climate change, the woman went on to suggest that humanity begin eating its own children to save the world from ecological apoca…

Judy Greenspan (2019-10-04). Scapegoating the homeless for climate crisis. workers.org Two weeks ago, when President Donald Trump flew to California for two days to fundraise for his election campaign, his trip was shrouded in secret. No one knew until the last minute where he was going to be. Yet in that short amount of time, Trump was able to attack . . . | Continue reading Scapegoating the homeless for climate crisis at Workers.org

Robert Scheer (2019-10-04). The Refugee Crisis Unlike You've Ever Seen It Before. truthdig.com As conflicts spread and climate change worsens, the refugee crisis worldwide is breaking astounding records. There currently are 70.8 million forcibly displaced people around the globe, according to the United Nations refugee agency. Each of these individuals has a tale to tell about overcoming immense obstacles and dangers as he or she sought safety and stability away from homes they were forced to leave. One such story is told in the documentary " Midnight Traveler," filmed by Afghan director…

Staff (2019-10-04). US Supreme Court to Decide Fate Of Baltimore v. Big Oil Suit. therealnews.com The city sued 26 oil and gas companies over their role in the climate crisis, but the companies have appealed to the Supreme Court to stop the case from proceeding at the state level.

Minnie Bruce Pratt (2019-10-04). Workers march to end climate crisis. workers.org That climate crisis is a workers' issue was emphatically affirmed by the IndustriALL Global Union when it called on all affiliates to take part in the September worldwide Climate Strike actions. IndustriALL represents 50 million workers in 140 countries in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors, giving it the power . . . | Continue reading Workers march to end climate crisis at Workers.org

Rob Urie (2019-10-04). Impeachment, Brought to You by the CIA. counterpunch.org For the first time in half a century, the political left in the U.S. is ascendant. Bernie Sanders is holding his own in the primaries. A group of well-considered programs to save the environment and provide good jobs and health care for all is gaining political traction. And the need is dire. The climate is warming, the seas are polluted and fished out and industrial agriculture threatens to end life on the planet. So, it's time to change the subject? More

Joseph Natoli (2019-10-04). The Battles Now. counterpunch.org "Now we are engaged…." — Lincoln, Gettysburg Address One real battle we are in now — human caused global warming — is a battle we realized very belatedly we are in. The other — the political one — is, in a President Trump retweet, heading toward "a Civil War like fracture in this nation" and More

Tracy Keeling (2019-10-04). Vladimir Putin even outdid Trump with this ludicrous comment on Greta Thunberg. thecanary.co Vladimir Putin just achieved the impossible: he outdid Donald Trump in sheer ludicrousness. The Russian president shared his thoughts on Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish climate activist who's inspired mass protests around the world. They're astounding in their hypocrisy and lack of awareness. | Adults have a duty: | Thunberg recently spoke at the UN. In her passionate speech, she said: Entire ecosyst…

Josue De Luna Navarro (2019-10-04). How Fossil Fuels Pollute STEM Education. counterpunch.org Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a message for policy makers: "Listen to the scientists." As an engineer, I was glad to hear that. But I also believe it's also vital for scientists to be vigilant about whom they listen to. For years, corporations funded junk science trying to undermine the climate consensus. Now, virtually More

commondreams (2019-10-04). Trump Denies Protection to Ancient Alaskan Cedar Trees Threatened by Climate Crisis, Logging. commondreams.org ______________________________…

United Nations (2019-10-04). UN commits to help Pacific island agriculture adapt and survive climate crisis. un.org The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) pledged on Friday to work hand in hand with the people of the Pacific to improve nutrition, and mitigate the worst effects of climate change, which pose an existential threat to many island nations across the region.

Joyce Nelson (2019-10-04). Privatizing Canada's Water Infrastructure Should be an Election Issue. globalresearch.ca With the Canadian federal election just days away, it's amazing that there's been no media focus on the Liberals' plan to privatize our municipal water and wastewater systems. As far as I can determine, only one alternative media site, Press …

Jessica Corbett, staff writer (2019-10-04). Report Shows 'Stunning and Dramatic' Scenes of Thawing Permafrost in Siberia That 'Leaves Millions on Unstable Ground'. commondreams.org The latest installment in a Washington Post series on "hot zones" around the world that are already enduring "extreme climate change" focuses on the federal Russian republic in eastern Siberia called Yakutia, part of which "has warmed by more than 3 degrees Celsius since preindustrial times—roughly triple the global average." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/permafrost_2.jpg

The Canary (2019-10-03). Climate protesters arrested for spraying fake blood at Treasury over UK funding for fossil-fuel schemes. thecanary.co Four people have been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage after climate crisis activists sprayed the Treasury in central London with fake blood.Extinction Rebellion demonstrators parked an old fire engine outside the building, and a pool of red liquid — said to be 396 gallons (1,800 litres) of water coloured with food dye — lay opposite the entrance.A police spokesman said: "Police were called at 10.17am to Horse Guards Road. People on a privately-owned fire engine had sprayed a liquid at the Treasury building. … Three men and one woman were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage."The campaigne…

Ryan Devereaux (2019-10-03). Climate Change, Migration, and Militarization in Arizona's Borderlands. theintercept.com Imagine a sensation akin to sticking your face in a furnace, except the furnace is everywhere and you are walking through it. The air is not just hot. It actually burns against your eyeballs. Every step you take is met with a hidden conspiracy of loose rocks, barbed plants, and poisonous animals. You can't touch anything. Your body's internal alarm system blinks red. If you stop moving for any significant amount of time, you die. Even if you keep moving, you might also die. In fact, the heat is already killing you. | This is not some future hellscape. It was the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, along the U.S.

RT (2019-10-03). 'Keep up the great work': Trump jabs at Greta Thunberg in Twitter proxy battle. rt.com US President Donald Trump has taken another swipe at Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, retweeting a pro-MAGA account mocking the teenage eco-campaigner. | Thunberg's impassioned speech to world leaders at last week's UN Climate Action Summit established her as the world's leading spokesperson against climate change. But not everyone agrees with her apocalyptic message and lack of clear-cut suggestions for change. | Among the critics is Trump and some of his voters. On Thursday, the president held off directly attacking Thunberg but retweeted a post from one of his supporters calling the climate crusader…

United Nations (2019-10-03). UN's Guterres: Broad climate 'movement' has begun, but there's a long way to go. un.org When it comes to the climate emergency, "we have a long way to go. But the movement has begun," UN Secretary-General António Guterres declared in a widely-distributed opinion piece on Thursday, reaffirming his concern over the threats posed by a warming world, unless more urgent action is taken.

António Guterres (2019-10-03). An Unstoppable Movement Takes Hold. thenation.com An Unstoppable Movement Takes Hold…

Staff (2019-10-03). Headlines for October 3, 2019. democracynow.org House Democrats Prepare White House Subpoena in Impeachment Probe, Trump Rages Against Impeachment Probe with Profanity and Insults, Bernie Sanders Has Surgery to Clear Blocked Artery, Deaths and Injuries Mount as Iraqi Police and Soldiers Fire on Protesters, EU Officials Wary as British PM Boris Johnson Unveils Brexit Plan , Hong Kong Teen Shot During Protests Charged with Assaulting Officer, Record-Breaking Hurricane Lorenzo Lashes Azores, Heads for Ireland, London Climate Protesters Spray British Treasury with Fake Blood, Cameroonian Asylum Seeker Dies in For-Profit Immigration Jail, Plácido Domingo Quits L.A.

Staff (2019-10-03). Trump vs. California: In Blow to Climate, U.S. Revokes State's Stricter Auto Emissions Standards. democracynow.org California is in a legal battle with the Trump administration over tailpipe emissions, air quality and climate change. California recently joined nearly two dozen other states to file a lawsuit against the Trump administration after it revoked the state's air pollution standards for cars and light trucks, in its latest regulatory rollback of laws aimed at slowing the climate crisis. Auto emissions are California's single largest source of greenhouse gases. From Los Angeles, we're joined by Mary Nichols, the longtime chair of the California Air Resources Board. She has led the board in crafting California's intern…

Staff (2019-10-02). California's New Climate Change Plan Uses World's Forests as Collateral. therealnews.com California has endorsed the Tropical Forest Standard, a global plan linking forest preservation to carbon offset credits. It is opposed by environmental justice groups and Indigenous people.

United Nations (2019-10-02). WHO chief underscores need to address climate change following visit to Bahamas. un.org The top UN health official has called for the world to rally around The Bahamas as the country continues to emerge from the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian one month ago.

Eds. (2019-10-01). New research warns severe climate-related droughts could threaten 60% of Global wheat crop by 2100. mronline.org Even with ambitious global efforts to limit emissions, the study warns, "the increase in the frequency and extent of adverse weather extremes and related shocks on the production side would be unprecedented." | Source

Media Lens (2019-10-01). "How Dare You!" The Climate Crisis and the Public Demand for Real Action. dissidentvoice.org Reality clashed with the BBC version of false consensus in a remarkable edition of HardTalk last month. Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, was starkly honest about humanity's extreme predicament in the face of climate breakdown and refused to buckle under host Stephen Sackur's incredulous questioning. Sackur's inability to grasp that we are already in …

Staff (2019-10-01). Newark Water Crisis: Mayor Ras Baraka Responds to Critics & Promises City Is Working on Solution. democracynow.org Newark, New Jersey, city officials recently announced thousands of water filters handed out to residents have significantly reduced lead in drinking water to safe levels. Lead contamination has plagued the city for years, spiking even higher in 2019. Over the summer, the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit against Newark, accusing it of violating federal safe drinking water laws. The crisis came to a head last month following revelations that water filters distributed to residents may not have been effective. Meanwhile, New Jersey officials have signed off on a $120 million bond with Essex County to…

Russel Ruch (2019-09-30). Climate apartheid: Differential impacts in the age of imperialism. liberationnews.org Climate change is producing a type of climate apartheid between rich and poor nations, and between the rich and working-class majority within all capitalist societies.

Staff (2019-09-30). Headlines for September 30, 2019. democracynow.org Facing Threats from Trump, Anonymous Whistleblower to Testify on Capitol Hill, Trump Warns Impeachment Could Lead to Civil War, Calls Critics "Savages", Pompeo Subpoenaed over Ukraine; Trump Envoy for Ukraine Resigns, More Than 2 Million Take Part in Global Climate Strike, Nearly 70 Arrested at New Hampshire Coal Plant Protest, Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Effort to Indefinitely Detain Migrant Children, Low Turnout Reported on Election Day in Afghanistan, Egyptian Dissident Alaa Abd El-Fattah Arrested Amid Growing Crackdown, Houthis Claim to Have Killed 500 Saudi Soldiers in August Attack, El País: S…

Juliana Musheyev (2019-09-30). Vista high school students demand climate action. liberationnews.org Students from Rancho Buena Vista High School organized a sit-in at Vista City Hall Sept. 27 to demand a stronger climate action plan.

barry_h (2019-09-29). Perth artist paints Earth's grief. greenleft.org.au art Climate change Lynn TinleyIssue 1240 AustraliaSeptember 29, 2019Below are the opening remarks by long-established West Australian artist, Lynne Tinley at the opening night of Earth Grief, a retrospective exhibition of her art. The exhibition was displayed at the Sustainabl…

Fred_F (2019-09-28). Liberals squirm as South Australia's parliament declares climate emergency. greenleft.org.au climate action Renfrey ClarkeIssue 1239 Australia South Australia AdelaideSeptember 28, 2019For the first time in Australia, a house of state parliament has voted to declare a climate emergency.

pip.hinman (2019-09-27). Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree visits drought stricken Murray Darling communities. greenleft.org.au climate emergency Rachel EvansIssue 1239 Australia Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree Festival Bus Tour water theftSeptember 27, 2019More than 200 people are set to tour…

susan_p (2019-09-27). Capitalism and climate change. greenleft.org.au climate action Ammar Ali JanIssue 1239 Pakistan SS4C Global Climate StrikeSeptember 27, 2019The Global Climate Strike was an unprecedented event in its ambition to disrupt business as usual. | More th…

Staff (2019-09-27). Headlines for September 27, 2019. democracynow.org Whistleblower Warned White House Tried to "Lock Down" Ukraine Call Details, Acting DNI Maguire Says Whistleblower "Acted in Good Faith", Trump Suggests Whistleblower Should Get Death Sentence for Treason, Global Youth-Led Strikes Demand Action on Climate Crisis, Study Finds Climate Crisis May Threaten 60% of World's Wheat Crop by 2100, States Challenge Trump's Rollback of Endangered Species Act, Senate Advances Confirmation of Ex-Monsanto Executive to Lead Wildlife Agency, EPA Chief Blames California's Homeless Population for Poor Water Quality, Protesters Defy Security Crackdown in Egypt, Demanding Ouster of Pre…

Fred_F (2019-09-26). School strikers take aim at Morrison, vow to continue. greenleft.org.au Climate Strike climate action Pip HinmanIssue 1239 AustraliaSeptember 26, 2019″The student strikes have been phenomenal — surreal at times," Sydney high school student Chloe Russell-Alexander told Green Left Weekly reflecting on the huge Climate Strike that saw…

susan_p (2019-09-26). 'We are a wave of change,' say New York climate strikers. greenleft.org.au climate action Barry SheppardIssue 1239 United States student strike for climate SS4CSeptember 26, 2019I had no idea that September 20 would be so huge. Greta Thunberg said to a reporter as she…

Staff (2019-09-26). Headlines for September 26, 2019. democracynow.org Transcript Shows Trump Pressured Ukrainian Leader to Probe Joe Biden and Son, President Trump on Ukraine Phone Call: "Impeachment for That?", Majority of House Lawmakers Back Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump, Iranian President Rules Out Talks with U.S. While Sanctions Remain, Saudi-Led Coalition Airstrikes Kill 16 Civilians in Yemen, Israel's President Asks Benjamin Netanyahu to Form New Government, 2 Million Wild Animals Perish as Fires Rage in Bolivia, Climate Crisis Drives Mont Blanc Glacier Toward Collapse, 7 Arrested as San Francisco Climate Protesters Block Wells Fargo Entrance, Doctors Glue Themselves to…

patrick (2019-09-24). StrikeDC — Friday, September 27. strikedc.org On Monday, 2,000 of us took to the streets of Washington, DC shutting down key intersections and disrupting business as usual to demand an immediate end to the age of fossil fuels, and a swift and just transition to renewable energy. A broad coalition of climate and social justice groups fanned out across downtown D.C. … | Continue reading "StrikeDC — Friday, September 27"

Liberation staff (2019-09-23). Indigenous people lead march of 250,000 in NYC climate strike. liberationnews.org "If we don't rise, the sea levels will!"

Andy Freeman (2019-09-23). Voices from the Seattle Global Climate Strike. liberationnews.org "We must work together to create systemic change…"

patrick (2019-09-18). Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid. bdsmovement.net Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid.: Action AlertTell multinational corporations to stop investing in fossil fuels and in Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people. | Economic BoycottSeptember 19, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

patrick (2019-09-12). We've got a Plan to #ShutDownDC For Climate Justice. strikedc.org "This is definitely a next-level direct action. The urgency of climate change warrants such an attempt to disrupt business as usual… to make it impossible for people with decision making-power to go about their daily lives as if we are not in a climate emergency." That's what the New York Times printed about our plans to #ShutDownDC … | Continue reading "We've got a Plan to #ShutDownDC For Climate Justice"

patrick (2019-08-29). Report Back from #ShutDownDC Kickoff Meeting. strikedc.org Wow! That was an incredible meeting last night. 125 people in the room and 11 solid affinity groups at the #ShutDownDC kick off meeting! We're so inspired to see so many amazing people stepping up to the challenge. The Climate Strike week of action is less than a month away and we have a long … | Continue reading "Report Back from #ShutDownDC Kickoff Meeting"

patrick (2019-08-25). Climate Strike Support Ideas for Labor Unions and Union Members. strikedc.org The vast majority of union contracts include "no strike" clauses where unions promise not to strike until their contract expires (usually 2-4 year terms). Almost all union workers risk getting fired for striking for climate and almost all unions risk legal repercussions if they try to organize such a strike. But there are many ways … | Continue reading "Climate Strike Support Ideas for Labor Unions and Union Members"

patrick (2019-08-20). #ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice. strikedc.org Throughout the 2018—2019 school year, young people around organized massive school climate strikes to demand that the world's leaders take immediate action to address climate change. The strikes started first in Sweden, then spread throughout the European Union and around the world. By March, 15 tens of thousands of students in more than 100 countries … | Continue reading "#ShutItDown: Organizing to Strike for Climate Justice"

CounterSpin (2019-08-16). Ernest Coverson on Guns & Human Rights, Carey Gillam Under Attack From Monsanto. fair.org Media…

2019-10-05: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Trump Bucks Protests, Opens 725,500 Acres of California's Central Coast to Oil Drilling
Center for Biological Diversity | indybay.org | 2019-10-05
MARINA, Calif., October 4, 2019 — The Trump administration today dismissed protests and made a formal decision to open 725,500 acres of public lands and mineral estate across California's Central Coast and the Bay Area to new oil and gas drilling and fracking.

If the earth dies, so do we – 5 pm Die-In
Extinction Rebellion South Bay | indybay.org | 2019-10-05
San Jose City Hall Plaza…

If the earth dies, so do we – Noon Die-In
Extinction Rebellion South Bay | indybay.org | 2019-10-05
San Jose City Hall Plaza…

USGS report reveals oil waste fluid contaminates CA groundwater
Dan Bacher | indybay.org | 2019-10-05
"The Central Valley, particularly Kern County, ranks number one for numerous environmental injustices, including having the worst air quality in the nation. To add insult to injury, now we have confirmation of something we suspected all along: Wastewater from oil companies is contaminating our groundwater," said Gustavo Aguirre Jr., Kern County coordinator for the Central California Environmental Justice Network.

The Refugee Crisis Unlike You've Ever Seen It Before
Robert Scheer | truthdig.com | 2019-10-04
As conflicts spread and climate change worsens, the refugee crisis worldwide is breaking astounding records. There currently are 70.8 million forcibly displaced people around the globe, according to the United Nations refugee agency. Each of these individuals has a tale to tell about overcoming immense obstacles and dangers as he or she sought safety and stability away from homes they were forced to leave. One such story is told in the documentary " Midnight Traveler," filmed by Afghan director…

'Save the planet, eat the babies': AOC trolled over climate change panic by pro-Trump prankster
rt.com | 2019-10-04
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a fan of radical climate change solutions, but one "modest proposal" caught her off guard. A woman she thought had a "mental condition" suggested eating babies for the good of the earth. | Speaking about her proposed 'Green New Deal' at a town hall event on Thursday, AOC was interrupted by an apparently distressed woman who felt the Green New Deal's zero-carbon goal just wouldn't cut it. Claiming that "we only have a few months left" to fight climate change, the woman went on to suggest that humanity begin eating its own children to save the world from ecological apoca…

How Fossil Fuels Pollute STEM Education
Josue De Luna Navarro | counterpunch.org | 2019-10-04
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a message for policy makers: "Listen to the scientists." As an engineer, I was glad to hear that. But I also believe it's also vital for scientists to be vigilant about whom they listen to. For years, corporations funded junk science trying to undermine the climate consensus. Now, virtually…

Vladimir Putin even outdid Trump with this ludicrous comment on Greta Thunberg
Tracy Keeling | thecanary.co | 2019-10-04
Vladimir Putin just achieved the impossible: he outdid Donald Trump in sheer ludicrousness. The Russian president shared his thoughts on Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish climate activist who's inspired mass protests around the world. They're astounding in their hypocrisy and lack of awareness. | Adults have a duty: | Thunberg recently spoke at the UN. In her passionate speech, she said: Entire ecosyst…

Think or Swim
David Klein | thenation.com | 2019-10-04
Climate change activists demand action from our leaders.

US Supreme Court to Decide Fate Of Baltimore v. Big Oil Suit
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-10-04
The city sued 26 oil and gas companies over their role in the climate crisis, but the companies have appealed to the Supreme Court to stop the case from proceeding at the state level.

Scapegoating the homeless for climate crisis
Judy Greenspan | workers.org | 2019-10-04
Two weeks ago, when President Donald Trump flew to California for two days to fundraise for his election campaign, his trip was shrouded in secret. No one knew until the last minute where he was going to be. Yet in that short amount of time, Trump was able to attack . . . | Continue reading Scapegoating the homeless for climate crisis at Workers.org

Workers march to end climate crisis
Minnie Bruce Pratt | workers.org | 2019-10-04
That climate crisis is a workers' issue was emphatically affirmed by the IndustriALL Global Union when it called on all affiliates to take part in the September worldwide Climate Strike actions. IndustriALL represents 50 million workers in 140 countries in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors, giving it the power . . . | Continue reading Workers march to end climate crisis at Workers.org

Trump Denies Protection to Ancient Alaskan Cedar Trees Threatened by Climate Crisis, Logging
commondreams.org | 2019-10-04

Impeachment, Brought to You by the CIA
Rob Urie | counterpunch.org | 2019-10-04
For the first time in half a century, the political left in the U.S. is ascendant. Bernie Sanders is holding his own in the primaries. A group of well-considered programs to save the environment and provide good jobs and health care for all is gaining political traction. And the need is dire. The climate is warming, the seas are polluted and fished out and industrial agriculture threatens to end life on the planet. So, it's time to change the subject?

UN commits to help Pacific island agriculture adapt and survive climate crisis
United Nations | un.org | 2019-10-04
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) pledged on Friday to work hand in hand with the people of the Pacific to improve nutrition, and mitigate the worst effects of climate change, which pose an existential threat to many island nations across the region.

The Battles Now
Joseph Natoli | counterpunch.org | 2019-10-04
"Now we are engaged…." — Lincoln, Gettysburg Address One real battle we are in now — human caused global warming — is a battle we realized very belatedly we are in. The other — the political one — is, in a President Trump retweet, heading toward "a Civil War like fracture in this nation" and…

Privatizing Canada's Water Infrastructure Should be an Election Issue
Joyce Nelson | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-04
With the Canadian federal election just days away, it's amazing that there's been no media focus on the Liberals' plan to privatize our municipal water and wastewater systems. As far as I can determine, only one alternative media site, Press …

Report Shows 'Stunning and Dramatic' Scenes of Thawing Permafrost in Siberia That 'Leaves Millions on Unstable Ground'
Jessica Corbett, staff writer | commondreams.org | 2019-10-04
The latest installment in a Washington Post series on "hot zones" around the world that are already enduring "extreme climate change" focuses on the federal Russian republic in eastern Siberia called Yakutia, part of which "has warmed by more than 3 degrees Celsius since preindustrial times—roughly triple the global average." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/permafrost_2.jpg

'Keep up the great work': Trump jabs at Greta Thunberg in Twitter proxy battle
rt.com | 2019-10-03
US President Donald Trump has taken another swipe at Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, retweeting a pro-MAGA account mocking the teenage eco-campaigner. | Thunberg's impassioned speech to world leaders at last week's UN Climate Action Summit established her as the world's leading spokesperson against climate change. But not everyone agrees with her apocalyptic message and lack of clear-cut suggestions for change. | Among the critics is Trump and some of his voters. On Thursday, the president held off directly attacking Thunberg but retweeted a post from one of his supporters calling the climate crusader…

Climate protesters arrested for spraying fake blood at Treasury over UK funding for fossil-fuel schemes
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-10-03
Four people have been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage after climate crisis activists sprayed the Treasury in central London with fake blood.Extinction Rebellion demonstrators parked an old fire engine outside the building, and a pool of red liquid — said to be 396 gallons (1,800 litres) of water coloured with food dye — lay opposite the entrance.A police spokesman said: "Police were called at 10.17am to Horse Guards Road. People on a privately-owned fire engine had sprayed a liquid at the Treasury building. … Three men and one woman were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage."The campaigne…

Global climate strikes–Earth crisis arouses millions
Minnie Bruce Pratt | workers.org | 2019-10-03
In Montreal, Quebec province, Canada, more than 500,000 people marched on Sept. 27 in an effort to halt the climate crisis, in the largest strike in the city's history, according to organizers. Indigenous youth headed massive Montreal Climate Strike, Sept. 27. This and other Global Climate Strike events ended a . . . | Continue reading Global climate strikes–Earth crisis arouses millions at Workers.org

UN's Guterres: Broad climate 'movement' has begun, but there's a long way to go
United Nations | un.org | 2019-10-03
When it comes to the climate emergency, "we have a long way to go. But the movement has begun," UN Secretary-General António Guterres declared in a widely-distributed opinion piece on Thursday, reaffirming his concern over the threats posed by a warming world, unless more urgent action is taken.

An Unstoppable Movement Takes Hold
António Guterres | thenation.com | 2019-10-03
An Unstoppable Movement Takes Hold…

Climate Change, Migration, and Militarization in Arizona's Borderlands
Ryan Devereaux | theintercept.com | 2019-10-03
Imagine a sensation akin to sticking your face in a furnace, except the furnace is everywhere and you are walking through it. The air is not just hot. It actually burns against your eyeballs. Every step you take is met with a hidden conspiracy of loose rocks, barbed plants, and poisonous animals. You can't touch anything. Your body's internal alarm system blinks red. If you stop moving for any significant amount of time, you die. Even if you keep moving, you might also die. In fact, the heat is already killing you. | This is not some future hellscape. It was the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, along the U.S.

Trump vs. California: In Blow to Climate, U.S. Revokes State's Stricter Auto Emissions Standards
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-10-03
California is in a legal battle with the Trump administration over tailpipe emissions, air quality and climate change. California recently joined nearly two dozen other states to file a lawsuit against the Trump administration after it revoked the state's air pollution standards for cars and light trucks, in its latest regulatory rollback of laws aimed at slowing the climate crisis. Auto emissions are California's single largest source of greenhouse gases. From Los Angeles, we're joined by Mary Nichols, the longtime chair of the California Air Resources Board. She has led the board in crafting California's intern…

WHO chief underscores need to address climate change following visit to Bahamas
United Nations | un.org | 2019-10-02
The top UN health official has called for the world to rally around The Bahamas as the country continues to emerge from the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian one month ago.

California's New Climate Change Plan Uses World's Forests as Collateral
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-10-02
California has endorsed the Tropical Forest Standard, a global plan linking forest preservation to carbon offset credits. It is opposed by environmental justice groups and Indigenous people.

New research warns severe climate-related droughts could threaten 60% of Global wheat crop by 2100
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-10-01
Even with ambitious global efforts to limit emissions, the study warns, "the increase in the frequency and extent of adverse weather extremes and related shocks on the production side would be unprecedented." | Source…

"How Dare You!" The Climate Crisis and the Public Demand for Real Action
Media Lens | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-10-01
Reality clashed with the BBC version of false consensus in a remarkable edition of HardTalk last month. Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, was starkly honest about humanity's extreme predicament in the face of climate breakdown and refused to buckle under host Stephen Sackur's incredulous questioning. Sackur's inability to grasp that we are already in …

Newark Water Crisis: Mayor Ras Baraka Responds to Critics & Promises City Is Working on Solution
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-10-01
Newark, New Jersey, city officials recently announced thousands of water filters handed out to residents have significantly reduced lead in drinking water to safe levels. Lead contamination has plagued the city for years, spiking even higher in 2019. Over the summer, the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit against Newark, accusing it of violating federal safe drinking water laws. The crisis came to a head last month following revelations that water filters distributed to residents may not have been effective. Meanwhile, New Jersey officials have signed off on a $120 million bond with Essex County to…

Vista high school students demand climate action
Juliana Musheyev | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-30
Students from Rancho Buena Vista High School organized a sit-in at Vista City Hall Sept. 27 to demand a stronger climate action plan.

Climate apartheid: Differential impacts in the age of imperialism
Russel Ruch | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-30
Climate change is producing a type of climate apartheid between rich and poor nations, and between the rich and working-class majority within all capitalist societies.

Headlines for September 30, 2019
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-30
Facing Threats from Trump, Anonymous Whistleblower to Testify on Capitol Hill, Trump Warns Impeachment Could Lead to Civil War, Calls Critics "Savages", Pompeo Subpoenaed over Ukraine; Trump Envoy for Ukraine Resigns, More Than 2 Million Take Part in Global Climate Strike, Nearly 70 Arrested at New Hampshire Coal Plant Protest, Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Effort to Indefinitely Detain Migrant Children, Low Turnout Reported on Election Day in Afghanistan, Egyptian Dissident Alaa Abd El-Fattah Arrested Amid Growing Crackdown, Houthis Claim to Have Killed 500 Saudi Soldiers in August Attack, El País: S…

Perth artist paints Earth's grief
barry_h | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-29
art Climate change Lynn TinleyIssue 1240 AustraliaSeptember 29, 2019Below are the opening remarks by long-established West Australian artist, Lynne Tinley at the opening night of Earth Grief, a retrospective exhibition of her art. The exhibition was displayed at the Sustainabl…

Liberals squirm as South Australia's parliament declares climate emergency
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-28
climate action Renfrey ClarkeIssue 1239 Australia South Australia AdelaideSeptember 28, 2019For the first time in Australia, a house of state parliament has voted to declare a climate emergency.

Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree visits drought stricken Murray Darling communities
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-27
climate emergency Rachel EvansIssue 1239 Australia Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree Festival Bus Tour water theftSeptember 27, 2019More than 200 people are set to tour…

Capitalism and climate change
susan_p | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-27
climate action Ammar Ali JanIssue 1239 Pakistan SS4C Global Climate StrikeSeptember 27, 2019The Global Climate Strike was an unprecedented event in its ambition to disrupt business as usual. | More th…

Headlines for September 27, 2019
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-27
Whistleblower Warned White House Tried to "Lock Down" Ukraine Call Details, Acting DNI Maguire Says Whistleblower "Acted in Good Faith", Trump Suggests Whistleblower Should Get Death Sentence for Treason, Global Youth-Led Strikes Demand Action on Climate Crisis, Study Finds Climate Crisis May Threaten 60% of World's Wheat Crop by 2100, States Challenge Trump's Rollback of Endangered Species Act, Senate Advances Confirmation of Ex-Monsanto Executive to Lead Wildlife Agency, EPA Chief Blames California's Homeless Population for Poor Water Quality, Protesters Defy Security Crackdown in Egypt, Demanding Ouster of Pre…

'We are a wave of change,' say New York climate strikers
susan_p | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-26
climate action Barry SheppardIssue 1239 United States student strike for climate SS4CSeptember 26, 2019I had no idea that September 20 would be so huge. Greta Thunberg said to a reporter as she…

School strikers take aim at Morrison, vow to continue
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-26
Climate Strike climate action Pip HinmanIssue 1239 AustraliaSeptember 26, 2019″The student strikes have been phenomenal — surreal at times," Sydney high school student Chloe Russell-Alexander told Green Left Weekly reflecting on the huge Climate Strike that saw…

Headlines for September 26, 2019
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-26
Transcript Shows Trump Pressured Ukrainian Leader to Probe Joe Biden and Son, President Trump on Ukraine Phone Call: "Impeachment for That?", Majority of House Lawmakers Back Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump, Iranian President Rules Out Talks with U.S. While Sanctions Remain, Saudi-Led Coalition Airstrikes Kill 16 Civilians in Yemen, Israel's President Asks Benjamin Netanyahu to Form New Government, 2 Million Wild Animals Perish as Fires Rage in Bolivia, Climate Crisis Drives Mont Blanc Glacier Toward Collapse, 7 Arrested as San Francisco Climate Protesters Block Wells Fargo Entrance, Doctors Glue Themselves to…

StrikeDC — Friday, September 27
patrick | strikedc.org | 2019-09-24
On Monday, 2,000 of us took to the streets of Washington, DC shutting down key intersections and disrupting business as usual to demand an immediate end to the age of fossil fuels, and a swift and just transition to renewable energy. A broad coalition of climate and social justice groups fanned out across downtown D.C. … | Continue reading "StrikeDC — Friday, September 27"

Indigenous people lead march of 250,000 in NYC climate strike
Liberation staff | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-23
"If we don't rise, the sea levels will!"

Voices from the Seattle Global Climate Strike
Andy Freeman | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-23
"We must work together to create systemic change…"

Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid
patrick | bdsmovement.net | 2019-09-18
Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid.: Action AlertTell multinational corporations to stop investing in fossil fuels and in Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people. | Economic BoycottSeptember 19, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) …

We've got a Plan to #ShutDownDC For Climate Justice
patrick | strikedc.org | 2019-09-12
"This is definitely a next-level direct action. The urgency of climate change warrants such an attempt to disrupt business as usual… to make it impossible for people with decision making-power to go about their daily lives as if we are not in a climate emergency." That's what the New York Times printed about our plans to #ShutDownDC … | Continue reading "We've got a Plan to #ShutDownDC For Climate Justice"