Daily Archives: October 2, 2019

2019-10-02: News Headlines

Steve Trent (2019-10-02). Here's our best opportunity to save the oceans — and ourselves. nationofchange.org It's been said we should thank the ocean for every second breath of oxygen we take. In fact, we owe it far more than that. Ocean and climate are inseparable. The ocean absorbs up to 30 percent of the CO2 emissions humans produce and stores 50 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere. It has borne the brunt of the climate …

Makasi Motema (2019-10-02). 'Stop the wars, save the planet!'. workers.org Activists with the People's Mobilization to Stop the U.S. War Machine gathered at Herald Square Sept. 22 to denounce U.S. imperialism and its role in the current climate crisis. People's Mobilization is a coalition that includes Code Pink, the Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective, the International Action Center and many anti-war, . . . | Continue reading 'Stop the wars, save the planet!' at Workers.org

Staff (2019-10-02). California's New Climate Change Plan Uses World's Forests as Collateral. therealnews.com California has endorsed the Tropical Forest Standard, a global plan linking forest preservation to carbon offset credits. It is opposed by environmental justice groups and Indigenous people.

Deirdre Griswold (2019-10-02). Climate justice, system change and the working class. workers.org Deirdre Griswold The following is a slightly edited talk given by WW editor Deirdre Griswold at a Sept. 28 forum titled "The Climate Crisis, A Marxist View," organized by the Boston branch of Workers World Party. As you all know by now, a 16-year-old named Greta Thunberg recently crossed the . . . | Continue reading Climate justice, system change and the working class at Workers.org

The Canary (2019-10-02). Royal Shakespeare Company cuts ties with oil giant BP. thecanary.co The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is ending its partnership with BP after coming under pressure over its ties with the oil giant.The renowned theatre company's £5 ticket scheme, for 16 to 25-year olds, has been supported by BP since 2013.The announcement comes just days after school strikers threatened to boycott the British cultural institution over what it called "sickening" links to BP.BP said it was "disappointed and dismayed that the RSC has decided to end our partnership early".Gregory Doran, RSC artistic director, and Catherine Mallyon, executive director, said: "Amidst the climate emergency, which…

Ruth Milka (2019-10-02). Ireland to plant 440 million trees to combat climate change. nationofchange.org "The climate action plan commits to delivering an expansion of forestry planting and soil management to ensure that carbon abatement from land-use is delivered over the period 2021 to 2030 and in the years beyond."

United Nations (2019-10-02). WHO chief underscores need to address climate change following visit to Bahamas. un.org The top UN health official has called for the world to rally around The Bahamas as the country continues to emerge from the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian one month ago.

Tamara Toles O'Laughlin (2019-10-02). The Fight to Stop the Climate Crisis is Local. commondreams.org www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/global_climate_strike_local_350.jpg

Party for Socialism and Liberation (2019-10-02). Socialist Analysis & Discussion "Climate Solutions Beyond Capitalism" indybay.org 2969 Mission St., near 26th St.

Anaiah Thomas (2019-10-02). I Climate Strike Because This Is Zero Hour. commondreams.org "We need our government to take action," writes Thomas. "We need elected officials who care; we need every single decision-maker at all levels to treat the climate crisis like the emergency it is, just as we treated the crises of the past." (Photo: Shadia Payne Wood/Survival Media Agency) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/climate_strike_zero_hour.jpg

S (2019-10-02). Climate Stories: A New Exhibition at the Global Museum, SF State University. indybay.org Global Museum, San Francisco State University | 1600 Holloway Avenue, Fine Arts Building, Room 293, San Francisco, CA 94132…

Staff (2019-10-02). The Word Nobody Wanted to Say at the U.N. Climate Action Summit. truthdig.com Some experts fear countries are over-relying on unpopular "offsets" rather than eliminating the use of fossil fuels to address the climate crisis.

The Lake Merritt Institute (2019-10-02). Sea Level Rise: Fact and Fiction talk by Climate Expert John Englander. indybay.org The Forum, Laney College, 900 Fallon St., Oakland, CA 94607 | Campus map: laney.edu/about/campus-map/

David Korten (2019-10-02). 'No Winners on a Dead Earth': Why We Need a Climate Leader in 2020. commondreams.org Democratic presidential candidates participate in the third Democratic Presidential Debate in Houston, Texas on September 12. Each candidate has put forth a plan for addressing the climate crisis, but success will require the interplay of skilled and principled politicians and an active citizenry working together. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/image_7.jpeg

Climate Nexus (2019-10-02). Trump admin: There's no 'climate crisis,' so drill baby drill. nationofchange.org The Trump administration has asserted that "there is not a climate crisis" as justification for expanding drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. E&E first reported Monday that the Bureau of Land Management's Environmental Impact Statement for expanded drilling in Alaska, released last month, contains stark denier language tucked into the vast appendix, where BLM staff attorney …

Kenn Orphan (2019-10-01). One Warm Day in September: the Climate Strike and Its Meaning for Activism. counterpunch.org Last Friday was a beautiful fall day. The air was crisp and the sun was hot as I marched with friends and around 10,000 Nova Scotians who understand that we, as a species, are in deep trouble. Catastrophic climate change, which I have been writing about for years, stands to threaten our species, as well More

Eds. (2019-10-01). New research warns severe climate-related droughts could threaten 60% of Global wheat crop by 2100. mronline.org Even with ambitious global efforts to limit emissions, the study warns, "the increase in the frequency and extent of adverse weather extremes and related shocks on the production side would be unprecedented." | Source

The Canary (2019-10-01). Pine martens reintroduced to Forest of Dean. thecanary.co One of Britain's rarest animals has been reintroduced in the Forest of Dean.Eighteen pine martens have been released into the Gloucestershire countryside, in an attempt to help the population recover in England, in a project by Forestry England and the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.Hunting and destruction of woodland had pushed the creature to near extinction in England, with their only remaining stronghold being in the north-west Highlands of Scotland.Between August and September, 18 of the animals were moved from Scotland to Gloucestershire and fitted with tracking collars so that they can be closely monitored…

Media Lens (2019-10-01). "How Dare You!" The Climate Crisis and the Public Demand for Real Action. dissidentvoice.org Reality clashed with the BBC version of false consensus in a remarkable edition of HardTalk last month. Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, was starkly honest about humanity's extreme predicament in the face of climate breakdown and refused to buckle under host Stephen Sackur's incredulous questioning. Sackur's inability to grasp that we are already in …

Julia O'Malley (2019-10-01). The Strange, Uncertain Fate of One of the World's Most Valuable Salmon Habitats. thenation.com The Strange, Uncertain Fate of One of the World's Most Valuable Salmon Habitats…

Global Research News (2019-10-01). Selected Articles: Climate Change and the Green New Deal. globalresearch.ca In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on globalresearch.ca has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide. | We cover a …

Staff (2019-10-01). Newark Water Crisis: Mayor Ras Baraka Responds to Critics & Promises City Is Working on Solution. democracynow.org Newark, New Jersey, city officials recently announced thousands of water filters handed out to residents have significantly reduced lead in drinking water to safe levels. Lead contamination has plagued the city for years, spiking even higher in 2019. Over the summer, the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit against Newark, accusing it of violating federal safe drinking water laws. The crisis came to a head last month following revelations that water filters distributed to residents may not have been effective. Meanwhile, New Jersey officials have signed off on a $120 million bond with Essex County to…

Russel Ruch (2019-09-30). Climate apartheid: Differential impacts in the age of imperialism. liberationnews.org Climate change is producing a type of climate apartheid between rich and poor nations, and between the rich and working-class majority within all capitalist societies.

RT (2019-09-30). Democrats say they will ban fracking nationwide. An empty campaign promise or are they serious? rt.com Several contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination have promised a nationwide ban on fracking. How viable is that proposal and do they really want to do it — or is it just a campaign promise they can never fulfil? | Banning 'fracking' — the process of extracting oil and natural gas via hydraulic fracturing — is popular among environmentalists and activists who are increasingly concerned about climate change. Among the candidates who have backed a ban are the current frontrunner Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), as well as her colleagues Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and K…

RT (2019-09-30). War boys, V8s & dust: Mad Max-themed post-apocalyptic 'Wasteland Weekend' festival held in Mojave Desert (PHOTOS). rt.com Revelers donning the most extravagant costumes — and some without almost any — assorted Mad Max-style vehicles, and a whole post-apocalyptic settlement were on display at 'Wasteland Weekend' festival held in California. | The main theme of the festival, dubbed 'Wasteland Weekend', is the Mad Max franchise but the revelers apparently get inspiration from other dystopian titles as well, namely the Fallout post-apocalyptic game series. Despite the name, it's actually a five-day event, that kicks off annually on the last Wednesday of September. | | © AFP / Agustin Paullier | The permanent festiv…

Kim Petersen (2019-09-30). Do Voters Not Bear Responsibility for Those Who They Choose to Govern? dissidentvoice.org Building on the momentum of millions of people taking part in worldwide strikes to demand action on fighting climate change, an environmental group, Stop Ecocide, has called upon the International Criminal Court (ICC) to recognize ecocide as a crime against humanity. Activist Jojo Mehta of Stop Ecocide defined ecocide as "large scale and systematic damage …

Staff (2019-09-30). Headlines for September 30, 2019. democracynow.org Facing Threats from Trump, Anonymous Whistleblower to Testify on Capitol Hill, Trump Warns Impeachment Could Lead to Civil War, Calls Critics "Savages", Pompeo Subpoenaed over Ukraine; Trump Envoy for Ukraine Resigns, More Than 2 Million Take Part in Global Climate Strike, Nearly 70 Arrested at New Hampshire Coal Plant Protest, Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Effort to Indefinitely Detain Migrant Children, Low Turnout Reported on Election Day in Afghanistan, Egyptian Dissident Alaa Abd El-Fattah Arrested Amid Growing Crackdown, Houthis Claim to Have Killed 500 Saudi Soldiers in August Attack, El País: S…

Juliana Musheyev (2019-09-30). Vista high school students demand climate action. liberationnews.org Students from Rancho Buena Vista High School organized a sit-in at Vista City Hall Sept. 27 to demand a stronger climate action plan.

barry_h (2019-09-29). Perth artist paints Earth's grief. greenleft.org.au art Climate change Lynn TinleyIssue 1240 AustraliaSeptember 29, 2019Below are the opening remarks by long-established West Australian artist, Lynne Tinley at the opening night of Earth Grief, a retrospective exhibition of her art. The exhibition was displayed at the Sustainabl…

Mark Petrakis (2019-09-28). What to Do About All Those Infernal Accusations of Cynicism and Negativity. dissidentvoice.org In addition to the unprecedented giveaway of the people's assets to multi billionaires that is outlined in the green new deal, when can I expect regime change for climate, bombing for climate, imperialist words for climate compulsory sterilization for climate, etc. — A 9.21.19 tweet from @cordeliers I hesitated today in posting this rather "ungloved" …

Fred_F (2019-09-28). Liberals squirm as South Australia's parliament declares climate emergency. greenleft.org.au climate action Renfrey ClarkeIssue 1239 Australia South Australia AdelaideSeptember 28, 2019For the first time in Australia, a house of parliament has voted to declare a climate emergency. | Sout…

Staff (2019-09-27). Headlines for September 27, 2019. democracynow.org Whistleblower Warned White House Tried to "Lock Down" Ukraine Call Details, Acting DNI Maguire Says Whistleblower "Acted in Good Faith", Trump Suggests Whistleblower Should Get Death Sentence for Treason, Global Youth-Led Strikes Demand Action on Climate Crisis, Study Finds Climate Crisis May Threaten 60% of World's Wheat Crop by 2100, States Challenge Trump's Rollback of Endangered Species Act, Senate Advances Confirmation of Ex-Monsanto Executive to Lead Wildlife Agency, EPA Chief Blames California's Homeless Population for Poor Water Quality, Protesters Defy Security Crackdown in Egypt, Demanding Ouster of Pre…

susan_p (2019-09-27). Capitalism and climate change. greenleft.org.au climate action Ammar Ali JanIssue 1239 Pakistan SS4C Global Climate StrikeSeptember 27, 2019The Global Climate Strike was an unprecedented event in its ambition to disrupt business as usual. | More th…

pip.hinman (2019-09-27). Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree visits drought stricken Murray Darling communities. greenleft.org.au climate emergency Rachel EvansIssue 1239 Australia Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree Festival Bus Tour water theftSeptember 27, 2019More than 200 people are set to tour…

Staff (2019-09-26). Corporate Media Ignores Connection Between Militarism and Climate Change. therealnews.com Joe Jamison of the U.S. Peace Council explains that the Pentagon is one of the world's worst polluters.

Staff (2019-09-26). Warming Oceans Are Rising at Alarming Rate, Says New UN Report. therealnews.com The IPCC report concludes that unfettered climate change will cause glaciers to melt, destroy oceanic ecosystems, accelerate sea level rise, and wreak havoc on the earth. Despite all this, our guests say there still is hope.

Staff (2019-09-26). Headlines for September 26, 2019. democracynow.org Transcript Shows Trump Pressured Ukrainian Leader to Probe Joe Biden and Son, President Trump on Ukraine Phone Call: "Impeachment for That?", Majority of House Lawmakers Back Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump, Iranian President Rules Out Talks with U.S. While Sanctions Remain, Saudi-Led Coalition Airstrikes Kill 16 Civilians in Yemen, Israel's President Asks Benjamin Netanyahu to Form New Government, 2 Million Wild Animals Perish as Fires Rage in Bolivia, Climate Crisis Drives Mont Blanc Glacier Toward Collapse, 7 Arrested as San Francisco Climate Protesters Block Wells Fargo Entrance, Doctors Glue Themselves to…

susan_p (2019-09-26). 'We are a wave of change,' say New York climate strikers. greenleft.org.au climate action Barry SheppardIssue 1239 United States student strike for climate SS4CSeptember 26, 2019I had no idea that September 20 would be so huge. Greta Thunberg said to a reporter as she…

Fred_F (2019-09-26). School strikers take aim at Morrison, vow to continue. greenleft.org.au Climate Strike climate action Pip HinmanIssue 1239 AustraliaSeptember 26, 2019″The student strikes have been phenomenal — surreal at times," Sydney high school student Chloe Russell-Alexander told Green Left Weekly reflecting on the huge Climate Strike that saw…

Staff (2019-09-25). Trump Lashes Out at Iran, China & Venezuela in Nationalist Address to U.N. General Assembly. democracynow.org On Tuesday, President Trump made his third address to the United Nations General Assembly amid simmering tensions in the Middle East over recent attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, which the United States blames on Iran. Tehran denies the allegations. Trump also lashed out at China and Venezuela. We speak with Vijay Prashad, director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and chief editor of LeftWord Books. His latest article for Salon is headlined "World leaders gather at the UN in the face of war, climate catastrophe & global worker exploitation."

patrick (2019-09-24). StrikeDC — Friday, September 27. strikedc.org On Monday, 2,000 of us took to the streets of Washington, DC shutting down key intersections and disrupting business as usual to demand an immediate end to the age of fossil fuels, and a swift and just transition to renewable energy. A broad coalition of climate and social justice groups fanned out across downtown D.C. … | Continue reading "StrikeDC — Friday, September 27"

Staff (2019-09-24). Meet Brazil's Indigenous Leader Attacked by Bolsonaro at U.N. over Efforts to Preserve the Amazon. democracynow.org A number of indigenous leaders from Brazil traveled to New York to protest Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's push to open the Amazon rainforest for agribusiness, logging and mining. Democracy Now!'s Nermeen Shaikh spoke to Chief Raoni Metuktire of the Kayapó tribe on Monday outside the U.N. Climate Action Summit about the situation in the Amazon, including the recent outbreak of devastating fires. After the interview, Chief Raoni attempted to enter the U.N. summit, but despite support from dozens of activists, he was barred from entering. He is a nominee for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

Fred_F (2019-09-24). Climate change is a crime being perpetrated against us. greenleft.org.au Climate change capitalist inequality Tamara PearsonIssue 1239 AustraliaSeptember 24, 2019A sophisticated greenwashing industry has emerged over the past few decades to not just mask the environmental destruction of corporations while blaming consumers, but…

Andy Freeman (2019-09-23). Voices from the Seattle Global Climate Strike. liberationnews.org "We must work together to create systemic change…"

Liberation staff (2019-09-23). Indigenous people lead march of 250,000 in NYC climate strike. liberationnews.org "If we don't rise, the sea levels will!"

patrick (2019-09-18). Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid. bdsmovement.net Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid.: Action AlertTell multinational corporations to stop investing in fossil fuels and in Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people. | Economic BoycottSeptember 19, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Moira Cassidy (2019-09-16). The evil twins: Climate change and ocean acidification. liberationnews.org "We have no choice but to fight the capitalist system that has brought our planet's ecosystem to the brink of collapse."

Marcus Nells (2019-09-16). U.S. war machine pushes the planet toward climate catastrophe. liberationnews.org Is a "green war machine" possible?

Rick Reinhard (2019-09-16). Greta Goes to Washington. progressive.org Hundreds of young people and their supporters rallied near the White House in a Friday Student Climate Strike protest. What has been a small weekly gathering grew exponentially in size last week as Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg joined them.

patrick (2019-09-12). We've got a Plan to #ShutDownDC For Climate Justice. strikedc.org "This is definitely a next-level direct action. The urgency of climate change warrants such an attempt to disrupt business as usual… to make it impossible for people with decision making-power to go about their daily lives as if we are not in a climate emergency." That's what the New York Times printed about our plans to #ShutDownDC … | Continue reading "We've got a Plan to #ShutDownDC For Climate Justice"

2019-10-02: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

'Stop the wars, save the planet!'
Makasi Motema | workers.org | 2019-10-02
Activists with the People's Mobilization to Stop the U.S. War Machine gathered at Herald Square Sept. 22 to denounce U.S. imperialism and its role in the current climate crisis. People's Mobilization is a coalition that includes Code Pink, the Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective, the International Action Center and many anti-war, . . . | Continue reading 'Stop the wars, save the planet!' at Workers.org

Socialist Analysis & Discussion "Climate Solutions Beyond Capitalism"
Party for Socialism and Liberation | indybay.org | 2019-10-02
2969 Mission St., near 26th St.

Here's our best opportunity to save the oceans — and ourselves
Steve Trent | nationofchange.org | 2019-10-02
It's been said we should thank the ocean for every second breath of oxygen we take. In fact, we owe it far more than that. Ocean and climate are inseparable. The ocean absorbs up to 30 percent of the CO2 emissions humans produce and stores 50 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere. It has borne the brunt of the climate …

Climate justice, system change and the working class
Deirdre Griswold | workers.org | 2019-10-02
Deirdre Griswold The following is a slightly edited talk given by WW editor Deirdre Griswold at a Sept. 28 forum titled "The Climate Crisis, A Marxist View," organized by the Boston branch of Workers World Party. As you all know by now, a 16-year-old named Greta Thunberg recently crossed the . . . | Continue reading Climate justice, system change and the working class at Workers.org

'No Winners on a Dead Earth': Why We Need a Climate Leader in 2020
David Korten | commondreams.org | 2019-10-02
Democratic presidential candidates participate in the third Democratic Presidential Debate in Houston, Texas on September 12. Each candidate has put forth a plan for addressing the climate crisis, but success will require the interplay of skilled and principled politicians and an active citizenry working together. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/image_7.jpeg

I Climate Strike Because This Is Zero Hour
Anaiah Thomas | commondreams.org | 2019-10-02
"We need our government to take action," writes Thomas. "We need elected officials who care; we need every single decision-maker at all levels to treat the climate crisis like the emergency it is, just as we treated the crises of the past." (Photo: Shadia Payne Wood/Survival Media Agency) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/climate_strike_zero_hour.jpg

Climate Stories: A New Exhibition at the Global Museum, SF State University
S | indybay.org | 2019-10-02
Global Museum, San Francisco State University | 1600 Holloway Avenue, Fine Arts Building, Room 293, San Francisco, CA 94132…

The Word Nobody Wanted to Say at the U.N. Climate Action Summit
Staff | truthdig.com | 2019-10-02
Some experts fear countries are over-relying on unpopular "offsets" rather than eliminating the use of fossil fuels to address the climate crisis.

WHO chief underscores need to address climate change following visit to Bahamas
United Nations | un.org | 2019-10-02
The top UN health official has called for the world to rally around The Bahamas as the country continues to emerge from the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian one month ago.

Ireland to plant 440 million trees to combat climate change
Ruth Milka | nationofchange.org | 2019-10-02
"The climate action plan commits to delivering an expansion of forestry planting and soil management to ensure that carbon abatement from land-use is delivered over the period 2021 to 2030 and in the years beyond."

Sea Level Rise: Fact and Fiction talk by Climate Expert John Englander
The Lake Merritt Institute | indybay.org | 2019-10-02
The Forum, Laney College, 900 Fallon St., Oakland, CA 94607 | Campus map: laney.edu/about/campus-map/

The Fight to Stop the Climate Crisis is Local
Tamara Toles O'Laughlin | commondreams.org | 2019-10-02

Trump admin: There's no 'climate crisis,' so drill baby drill
Climate Nexus | nationofchange.org | 2019-10-02
The Trump administration has asserted that "there is not a climate crisis" as justification for expanding drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. E&E first reported Monday that the Bureau of Land Management's Environmental Impact Statement for expanded drilling in Alaska, released last month, contains stark denier language tucked into the vast appendix, where BLM staff attorney …

California's New Climate Change Plan Uses World's Forests as Collateral
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-10-02
California has endorsed the Tropical Forest Standard, a global plan linking forest preservation to carbon offset credits. It is opposed by environmental justice groups and Indigenous people.

Royal Shakespeare Company cuts ties with oil giant BP
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-10-02
The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is ending its partnership with BP after coming under pressure over its ties with the oil giant.The renowned theatre company's £5 ticket scheme, for 16 to 25-year olds, has been supported by BP since 2013.The announcement comes just days after school strikers threatened to boycott the British cultural institution over what it called "sickening" links to BP.BP said it was "disappointed and dismayed that the RSC has decided to end our partnership early".Gregory Doran, RSC artistic director, and Catherine Mallyon, executive director, said: "Amidst the climate emergency, which…

New research warns severe climate-related droughts could threaten 60% of Global wheat crop by 2100
Eds. | mronline.org | 2019-10-01
Even with ambitious global efforts to limit emissions, the study warns, "the increase in the frequency and extent of adverse weather extremes and related shocks on the production side would be unprecedented." | Source…

One Warm Day in September: the Climate Strike and Its Meaning for Activism
Kenn Orphan | counterpunch.org | 2019-10-01
Last Friday was a beautiful fall day. The air was crisp and the sun was hot as I marched with friends and around 10,000 Nova Scotians who understand that we, as a species, are in deep trouble. Catastrophic climate change, which I have been writing about for years, stands to threaten our species, as well…

"How Dare You!" The Climate Crisis and the Public Demand for Real Action
Media Lens | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-10-01
Reality clashed with the BBC version of false consensus in a remarkable edition of HardTalk last month. Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, was starkly honest about humanity's extreme predicament in the face of climate breakdown and refused to buckle under host Stephen Sackur's incredulous questioning. Sackur's inability to grasp that we are already in …

The Strange, Uncertain Fate of One of the World's Most Valuable Salmon Habitats
Julia O'Malley | thenation.com | 2019-10-01
The Strange, Uncertain Fate of One of the World's Most Valuable Salmon Habitats…

Pine martens reintroduced to Forest of Dean
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-10-01
One of Britain's rarest animals has been reintroduced in the Forest of Dean.Eighteen pine martens have been released into the Gloucestershire countryside, in an attempt to help the population recover in England, in a project by Forestry England and the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.Hunting and destruction of woodland had pushed the creature to near extinction in England, with their only remaining stronghold being in the north-west Highlands of Scotland.Between August and September, 18 of the animals were moved from Scotland to Gloucestershire and fitted with tracking collars so that they can be closely monitored…

Selected Articles: Climate Change and the Green New Deal
Global Research News | globalresearch.ca | 2019-10-01
In spite of online censorship efforts directed against the independent media, we are happy to say that readership on globalresearch.ca has recently increased. We wish to thank all of you who share our articles far and wide. | We cover a …

Newark Water Crisis: Mayor Ras Baraka Responds to Critics & Promises City Is Working on Solution
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-10-01
Newark, New Jersey, city officials recently announced thousands of water filters handed out to residents have significantly reduced lead in drinking water to safe levels. Lead contamination has plagued the city for years, spiking even higher in 2019. Over the summer, the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit against Newark, accusing it of violating federal safe drinking water laws. The crisis came to a head last month following revelations that water filters distributed to residents may not have been effective. Meanwhile, New Jersey officials have signed off on a $120 million bond with Essex County to…

Do Voters Not Bear Responsibility for Those Who They Choose to Govern?
Kim Petersen | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-09-30
Building on the momentum of millions of people taking part in worldwide strikes to demand action on fighting climate change, an environmental group, Stop Ecocide, has called upon the International Criminal Court (ICC) to recognize ecocide as a crime against humanity. Activist Jojo Mehta of Stop Ecocide defined ecocide as "large scale and systematic damage …

Democrats say they will ban fracking nationwide. An empty campaign promise or are they serious?
rt.com | 2019-09-30
Several contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination have promised a nationwide ban on fracking. How viable is that proposal and do they really want to do it — or is it just a campaign promise they can never fulfil? | Banning 'fracking' — the process of extracting oil and natural gas via hydraulic fracturing — is popular among environmentalists and activists who are increasingly concerned about climate change. Among the candidates who have backed a ban are the current frontrunner Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), as well as her colleagues Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and K…

Vista high school students demand climate action
Juliana Musheyev | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-30
Students from Rancho Buena Vista High School organized a sit-in at Vista City Hall Sept. 27 to demand a stronger climate action plan.

Climate apartheid: Differential impacts in the age of imperialism
Russel Ruch | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-30
Climate change is producing a type of climate apartheid between rich and poor nations, and between the rich and working-class majority within all capitalist societies.

War boys, V8s & dust: Mad Max-themed post-apocalyptic 'Wasteland Weekend' festival held in Mojave Desert (PHOTOS)
rt.com | 2019-09-30
Revelers donning the most extravagant costumes — and some without almost any — assorted Mad Max-style vehicles, and a whole post-apocalyptic settlement were on display at 'Wasteland Weekend' festival held in California. | The main theme of the festival, dubbed 'Wasteland Weekend', is the Mad Max franchise but the revelers apparently get inspiration from other dystopian titles as well, namely the Fallout post-apocalyptic game series. Despite the name, it's actually a five-day event, that kicks off annually on the last Wednesday of September. | | © AFP / Agustin Paullier | The permanent festiv…

Headlines for September 30, 2019
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-30
Facing Threats from Trump, Anonymous Whistleblower to Testify on Capitol Hill, Trump Warns Impeachment Could Lead to Civil War, Calls Critics "Savages", Pompeo Subpoenaed over Ukraine; Trump Envoy for Ukraine Resigns, More Than 2 Million Take Part in Global Climate Strike, Nearly 70 Arrested at New Hampshire Coal Plant Protest, Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Effort to Indefinitely Detain Migrant Children, Low Turnout Reported on Election Day in Afghanistan, Egyptian Dissident Alaa Abd El-Fattah Arrested Amid Growing Crackdown, Houthis Claim to Have Killed 500 Saudi Soldiers in August Attack, El País: S…

Perth artist paints Earth's grief
barry_h | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-29
art Climate change Lynn TinleyIssue 1240 AustraliaSeptember 29, 2019Below are the opening remarks by long-established West Australian artist, Lynne Tinley at the opening night of Earth Grief, a retrospective exhibition of her art. The exhibition was displayed at the Sustainabl…

What to Do About All Those Infernal Accusations of Cynicism and Negativity
Mark Petrakis | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-09-28
In addition to the unprecedented giveaway of the people's assets to multi billionaires that is outlined in the green new deal, when can I expect regime change for climate, bombing for climate, imperialist words for climate compulsory sterilization for climate, etc. — A 9.21.19 tweet from @cordeliers I hesitated today in posting this rather "ungloved" …

Liberals squirm as South Australia's parliament declares climate emergency
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-28
climate action Renfrey ClarkeIssue 1239 Australia South Australia AdelaideSeptember 28, 2019For the first time in Australia, a house of parliament has voted to declare a climate emergency. | Sout…

Message to the Climate Strike Marchers in Detroit
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-09-27
Merge the strikes! Merge the tiers! | We are all for the Green New Deal! | Make Detroit the Arsenal for a Green Economy! | Frank Hammer | This is a historic day, especially for those of us here in Detroit. We are at the center of not one but two strikes: | The nation-wide strike by 46,000 UAW members to determine fate of GM, Ford and Chrysler autoworkers which will have ripple effects for the entire working class and gm communities, right here in Detroit and Warren, in the US and globally. The other strike, today's youth-led global climate strike, is a huge step in our fight to shape the fate of our planet, the…

Headlines for September 27, 2019
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-27
Whistleblower Warned White House Tried to "Lock Down" Ukraine Call Details, Acting DNI Maguire Says Whistleblower "Acted in Good Faith", Trump Suggests Whistleblower Should Get Death Sentence for Treason, Global Youth-Led Strikes Demand Action on Climate Crisis, Study Finds Climate Crisis May Threaten 60% of World's Wheat Crop by 2100, States Challenge Trump's Rollback of Endangered Species Act, Senate Advances Confirmation of Ex-Monsanto Executive to Lead Wildlife Agency, EPA Chief Blames California's Homeless Population for Poor Water Quality, Protesters Defy Security Crackdown in Egypt, Demanding Ouster of Pre…

Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree visits drought stricken Murray Darling communities
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-27
climate emergency Rachel EvansIssue 1239 Australia Yaama Ngunna Baaka Corroboree Festival Bus Tour water theftSeptember 27, 2019More than 200 people are set to tour…

Capitalism and climate change
susan_p | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-27
climate action Ammar Ali JanIssue 1239 Pakistan SS4C Global Climate StrikeSeptember 27, 2019The Global Climate Strike was an unprecedented event in its ambition to disrupt business as usual. | More th…

Corporate Media Ignores Connection Between Militarism and Climate Change
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-09-26
Joe Jamison of the U.S. Peace Council explains that the Pentagon is one of the world's worst polluters.

Warming Oceans Are Rising at Alarming Rate, Says New UN Report
Staff | therealnews.com | 2019-09-26
The IPCC report concludes that unfettered climate change will cause glaciers to melt, destroy oceanic ecosystems, accelerate sea level rise, and wreak havoc on the earth. Despite all this, our guests say there still is hope.

Headlines for September 26, 2019
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-26
Transcript Shows Trump Pressured Ukrainian Leader to Probe Joe Biden and Son, President Trump on Ukraine Phone Call: "Impeachment for That?", Majority of House Lawmakers Back Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump, Iranian President Rules Out Talks with U.S. While Sanctions Remain, Saudi-Led Coalition Airstrikes Kill 16 Civilians in Yemen, Israel's President Asks Benjamin Netanyahu to Form New Government, 2 Million Wild Animals Perish as Fires Rage in Bolivia, Climate Crisis Drives Mont Blanc Glacier Toward Collapse, 7 Arrested as San Francisco Climate Protesters Block Wells Fargo Entrance, Doctors Glue Themselves to…

School strikers take aim at Morrison, vow to continue
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-26
Climate Strike climate action Pip HinmanIssue 1239 AustraliaSeptember 26, 2019″The student strikes have been phenomenal — surreal at times," Sydney high school student Chloe Russell-Alexander told Green Left Weekly reflecting on the huge Climate Strike that saw…

'We are a wave of change,' say New York climate strikers
susan_p | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-26
climate action Barry SheppardIssue 1239 United States student strike for climate SS4CSeptember 26, 2019I had no idea that September 20 would be so huge. Greta Thunberg said to a reporter as she…

Trump Lashes Out at Iran, China & Venezuela in Nationalist Address to U.N. General Assembly
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-25
On Tuesday, President Trump made his third address to the United Nations General Assembly amid simmering tensions in the Middle East over recent attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, which the United States blames on Iran. Tehran denies the allegations. Trump also lashed out at China and Venezuela. We speak with Vijay Prashad, director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and chief editor of LeftWord Books. His latest article for Salon is headlined "World leaders gather at the UN in the face of war, climate catastrophe & global worker exploitation."

StrikeDC — Friday, September 27
patrick | strikedc.org | 2019-09-24
On Monday, 2,000 of us took to the streets of Washington, DC shutting down key intersections and disrupting business as usual to demand an immediate end to the age of fossil fuels, and a swift and just transition to renewable energy. A broad coalition of climate and social justice groups fanned out across downtown D.C. … | Continue reading "StrikeDC — Friday, September 27"

Meet Brazil's Indigenous Leader Attacked by Bolsonaro at U.N. over Efforts to Preserve the Amazon
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-09-24
A number of indigenous leaders from Brazil traveled to New York to protest Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's push to open the Amazon rainforest for agribusiness, logging and mining. Democracy Now!'s Nermeen Shaikh spoke to Chief Raoni Metuktire of the Kayapó tribe on Monday outside the U.N. Climate Action Summit about the situation in the Amazon, including the recent outbreak of devastating fires. After the interview, Chief Raoni attempted to enter the U.N. summit, but despite support from dozens of activists, he was barred from entering. He is a nominee for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

Climate change is a crime being perpetrated against us
Fred_F | greenleft.org.au | 2019-09-24
Climate change capitalist inequality Tamara PearsonIssue 1239 AustraliaSeptember 24, 2019A sophisticated greenwashing industry has emerged over the past few decades to not just mask the environmental destruction of corporations while blaming consumers, but…

Voices from the Seattle Global Climate Strike
Andy Freeman | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-23
"We must work together to create systemic change…"

Indigenous people lead march of 250,000 in NYC climate strike
Liberation staff | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-23
"If we don't rise, the sea levels will!"

Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid
patrick | bdsmovement.net | 2019-09-18
Join the Global Climate Strike. Oppose Israel's climate apartheid.: Action AlertTell multinational corporations to stop investing in fossil fuels and in Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people. | Economic BoycottSeptember 19, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) …

Greta Goes to Washington
Rick Reinhard | progressive.org | 2019-09-16
Hundreds of young people and their supporters rallied near the White House in a Friday Student Climate Strike protest. What has been a small weekly gathering grew exponentially in size last week as Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg joined them.

The evil twins: Climate change and ocean acidification
Moira Cassidy | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-16
"We have no choice but to fight the capitalist system that has brought our planet's ecosystem to the brink of collapse."

U.S. war machine pushes the planet toward climate catastrophe
Marcus Nells | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-16
Is a "green war machine" possible?