Monthly Archives: June 2019

2019-06-07: News Headlines

susan_p (2019-06-07). Sudan: 'Move by the military was organised, planned and backed by the Saudis'. Green Left Weekly's Susan Price spoke to Osama Yousif, a member of the Sydney Sudanese community, who has recently returned from visiting Sudan, about the events leading up to the massacre of more than 100 protesters in Khartoum on June 3. | Only two weeks or so ago we saw images of celebration from the sit-in, when protesters thought that negotiations for a transitional military-civilian council had been successful. What happened to turn the situation to one of violent repression? | First, because of the nature of the [ruling] Military Council. Before they took power there was a security council appointed by the…

CGTN Africa (2019-06-07). WHO: Health workers targeted in Sudan. A Sudanese protester, injured when violence broke out over an agreement on a political transition reached by Sudan's ruling military council generals and protest groups, receives treatment at Moalem Medical City Hospital in Khartoum, Sudan May 14, 2019. REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah | The World Health Organsation (WHO) has condemned recent violence in Sudan, which has reportedly targeted people in need, health workers and medical facilities. | This comes in the wake of a brutal military crackdown on protesters in the capital of Khartoum earlier this week, with at least 108 people killed and more than 500 woun…

Jake Johnson, staff writer (2019-06-07). Warnings of More Deadly Attacks on Yemen as Trump Permits Raytheon to Manufacture 'High-Tech Bomb Parts' Inside Saudi Arabia. "If Saudi Arabia is able to develop an indigenous bomb-making capability, it will undermine U.S. leverage to prevent them from engaging in indiscriminate strikes of the kind it has carried out in Yemen." |

plenglish (2019-06-07). President Maduro Ratifies Commitment to Women's Rights. 07 de junio de 2019, 09: 57Caracas, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reaffirmed his commitment to women"s rights on World Day for Birth Rights and Respected Childbirth.

susan_p (2019-06-07). Venezuela: US sanctions leave millions without water. Yolimar Contreras lives in Altos de Lidice, a poor barrio on the hillsides of Caracas, with her husband and her young son, in a two-room cinderblock home. | She has lived here for seven years. They used to have running water. At least, fairly often. But not anymore. | Yolimar told RNN: "We haven't had water for three to four months, because we're high up on the hillside." | It has not stopped her from washing the floors, but now in order to get water, they have to carry it up — one 23-litre jug at a time. She is not alone. Water is out across major portions of the neighborhood. | "All week long you see peop…

Staff (2019-06-07). Venezuelan Families Build Solidarity Amid Crisis. Once a month, 181 families in Caracas, Venezuela, collectively buy tons of produce, directly from a cooperative in Lara state, five hours away. The project, known as Alpargata, shows how the economic crisis is also building solidarity. Mike Fox reports from Venezuela…

Staff (2019-06-07). Saudi King Calls on 'Despots' to Mecca for Emergency Meeting on Iran. Prof. As'ad AbuKhalil says Saudis attempts to create a united front against Iran has dismally failed. Summits categorically reject the `deal of the century' by Jared Kushner…

Roger Harris (2019-06-07). Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution in the Crosshairs of US Imperialism. With the likes of John Bolton and Elliot Abrams directing US foreign policy, the US government has abandoned all pretense of "plausible denial" for its illegal regime-change initiatives. The "humanitarian" bombs may not be falling but, make no mistake, the US is waging a full-bore war against the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Back in 1998, More

Stephen Lendman (2019-06-07). Illinois Legalizes Cannabis. The late economist Milton Friedman's notion of capitalism and freedom is polar opposite to my own views. | We're however likeminded on the issue of illicit drugs and so-called US war on them, largely waged on Blacks and Latinos. They …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-06-07). D-Day Normandy Invasion after 75 Years. The Falsification of History. Today is the 75th anniversary of the Normandy invasion. Once again the event is celebrated by demonization of National Socialist Germany and glorification of America's greatness in winning the war. | In actual fact the Normandy invasion was not a significant …

Nick Pemberton (2019-06-07). Mom and Pop(ulation). As wealth consolidates and faith in all things fades, the religious right only grows more fantastical, punitive and apocalyptic. Indeed, their new mascot is not the poor and persecuted Palestinian Jesus Christ but a billionaire celebrity from New York who would only believe in God if he saw him in the mirror. For many people More

Russell Mokhiber (2019-06-07). Boeing, Obama A Gold Watch and 346 Dead. Democrats want to make Donald Trump the issue in 2020. If they do, they will lose again, the way they lost in 2016. Instead, the 2020 election should be about corporate power in all of its manifestations, its hold on the culture, our country and both major political parties. Take the case of the two More

Dennis Etler (2019-06-07). Getting China Wrong, Again. The influential Council on Foreign Relations has released a remarkable special report by long-time diplomat Robert Blackwill entitled "Trump's Foreign Policies are Better Than They Seem." The report singles out Trump for praise because he identified China as a threat to the United States in economic, military, and cultural terms and criticized previous presidents for More

David Rosen (2019-06-07). Taking on the FCC: Unraveling a $500 Billion Rip-Off. On May 20th, a group known as the Irregulators submitted legal briefs to the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, seeking standing to appeal a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision that, in effect, has facilitated one of the largest accounting scandals in American history. The petitioners are accusing the FCC of allowing the nation's telecommunications companies More

Rob Urie (2019-06-07). Electoral Politics Versus Democracy. Party Politics for Party People American Party politics would be a complete farce if the consequences weren't so grave. Were either of the dominant Parties to achieve 100% consensus on any issue, it would represent the views of about 18%* of eligible voters. And while a diversity of views would represent social vitality in a More

Ron Jacobs (2019-06-07). Free the Seattle 7! A Persecution From the Past. The radical antiracist and antiwar movements of the 1960s were often the object of severe repression. Besides the attacks on protesters and the attempts to destroy their media outlets by the state and vigilantes who worked for the state, there were the prosecutions of the movement's luminaries and leaders. Some of those prosecutions are well-documented: More

Dan Bacher (2019-06-07). California's Biggest Secret? How Big Oil Dominates Public Discourse to Manipulate and Deceive. This article is based on an Earth Day week presentation that I made at the Events Center at Chabot College in Hayward on April 25 at the invitation of physics professor Nick Alexander. On Earth Day 2019, fifteen activists from the Extinction Rebellion carrying brightly colored signs and banners gathered at 12th and L Streets More

Diana Block (2019-06-07). Teaching Palestine in South Africa. Reaffirming Internationalism in the Twenty-first Century In March 2019 I traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa to attend a conference — Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice. The conference was co-sponsored by the AMED (Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies) program of San Francisco State University (SFSU), AMEC (Afro-Middle East Centre) in More

Brian Cloughley (2019-06-07). Britain in Crisis and Going Further Downhill. No, Britain's crisis isn't the result of Trump's recent and highly unpopular visit to that haywire country (with Newsweek reporting that "only 21 percent of U.K. residents had a positive opinion of Trump, compared to Obama, who had a staggering 72 percent favorable rating"). The crisis was avoidable and entirely self-made. It involves the feverish desire of many More

Isabel Marlens (2019-06-07). The Farms of the Future. Hou Xueying, a mother from Shanghai, was tired of food safety scares and of a city life disconnected from the land. So she moved her family to the country to learn about sustainable farming. Her parents disapproved; they had struggled to give her a comfortable life in the city — they could not understand why More

Jessicah Pierre (2019-06-07). Racism is a Public Health Crisis. Racism is often viewed as an action performed by individuals. But even if we got rid of all America's prejudiced individuals, racism would still exist in the systems they built. Systemic racism, writer Jenee Desmond-Harris explains, refers to how racial disparities operate "in major parts of U.S. society: the economy, politics, education, and more." Racism, More

Andrew Levine (2019-06-07). Democrats Get Ready. The 2020 election, now a "mere" seventeen months away, has been sucking up political oxygen for months. Remember that the next time anyone questions "American exceptionalism"! That our electoral seasons grind on for so long is only one of many reasons why our political culture, like our gun culture, is off the charts exceptional — More

Chris Wright (2019-06-07). The Jacobin Vision of Social Democracy Won't Save Us. The title of Bhaskar Sunkara's new book is both bold and smart, from a marketing perspective at least. It's eye-catching in its reference to The Communist Manifesto. I'm actually a little surprised that apparently no previous book has had that title, since it seems so obvious. The reason may be that other writers have been More

plenglish (2019-06-07). Bolivian Press Highlights Cuba's Response to U.S. Sanctions. 07 de junio de 2019, 08: 59La Paz, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) Cuba"s strong response to the new restrictions imposed by the U.S. government to tighten the unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade is highlighted this Friday by local media.

unitedEditor (2019-06-07). Will Turkish-American relations actually improve if Ankara gives up S-400? Discussions between the United States and Turkey over the purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system have been going on for more than a month. America continues to threaten Turkey with sanctions in the event that it does not immediately refuse to purchase the defense complexes. Will our relations with Washington improve, if Turkey declares …

plenglish (2019-06-07). Brazil's PT Condemns New US Measures against Cuba. 07 de junio de 2019, 09: 18Brasilia, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) The Workers" Party (PT) of Brazil on Friday condemned the new measures taken by the United States against Cuba, and described them as another show of arrogant interventionism and disregard for international law.

plenglish (2019-06-07). Experts from Brazil, Guatemala, Cuba to Research Neuroimmunology. 07 de junio de 2019, 05: 58Havana, June 7 (Prensa Latina) Specialists from Brazil, Guatemala and Cuba will meet here from June 11 to 14 to discuss new alternatives in the treatment of demyelinating diseases during the First Cuban School of Neuroimmunology, a press release reported here. .

Rebecca Gordon (2019-06-07). The War Crimes Trump Can't Pardon. The War Crimes Trump Can't Pardon…

South Front (2019-06-07). Video: Syrian, Russian Forces Pound Militants in Greater Idlib. ISIS cells have used an IED to blow up a Syrian Army vehicle on the road between Naamer and al-Khirbet in northern Daraa, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq said on June 4. According to the report, 3 soldiers were killed …

William A. Nitze (2019-06-07). The Trump Administration's Intended Withdrawal From the INF Treaty Threatens National Security. The Trump Administration's Intended Withdrawal From the INF Treaty Threatens National Security…

Staff (2019-06-07). China-Russia Partnership Threatens US Global Hegemony. The U.S. expected China to integrate into global capitalism as a subordinate power, but recent deals with Russia show China is moving towards equality in economic and military power…

Labor Video Project (2019-06-07). Stop Privatizations Of Veterans Hospitals! AFGE Members &. Vets Speak Out At Ft. Miley. As part of a national day of action on June , 2019 members of AFGE Local 1216, veterans and the Veterans for Peace rallied and spoke out about the privatization of the Veterans healthcare system.

Fight Back (2019-06-07). Day six of Arizona migrant aid trial sees RedForEd solidarity. Tucson, AZ – On June 6, nearly 150 people gathered outside the Federal Courthouse in downtown Tucson to demonstrate solidarity with humanitarian activist Scott Warren. Warren, an Arizona State University geography professor from the border town of Ajo, is facing 20 years in federal prison for providing humanitarian aid to crossing immigrants. | "It is clear that this is an attack by the Trump administration on not just migrants and undocumented immigrants but organizers and aid providers. It is gross political repression. And we are here to protest that attack," said immigrant rights organizer Jessica Rodriguez.

WSWS (2019-06-07). WikiLeaks warns US Justice Department preparing more charges against Assange. The threat of new charges against the persecuted journalist, already facing 170 years in prison, comes amid fresh fears about his health after his father reported a "short notice" medical appointment.

kathy_f (2019-06-07). Union panel discusses 'Right to Strike' campaign. About 60 people attended a forum organised by Right to Strike NSW on June 4 where a panel of union activists discussed the struggle for union rights after the re-election of the Scott Morrison Coalition government. | Assistant national secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) Warren Smith noted the election result meant "the Liberal government will have renewed confidence to attack working-class rights and organisation, with a likely further erosion of industrial protections for workers. | "The assault on the right to exercise class solidarity will increase. Individual contracts and agreements will beco…

Francis T. Parker (2019-06-07). Queens, N.Y. Pride. During Queens Pride, Workers World Party members joined in the #TGNCSilentWalk commemorating the lives of Dana Martin, Ashanti Carmon, Claire Legato, Jazzaline Ware, Muhlaysia Booker and Tamika Washington, all trans women of color murdered in the U.S. in 2019. The contingent also honored Johana Medina Leon, trans asylum seeker from . . . | Continue reading Queens, N.Y. Pride at

Andrew Korybko (2019-06-07). Chinese Students Might be the "Trade War's" First Civilian Causalities. The escalating "trade war" between the US and China is reportedly causing some in Washington to consider imposing legal restrictions on Chinese students in the interests of national security, which shows that all the trade talk was really just a …

Jake Johnson, staff writer (2019-06-07). For 'Challenging Us All to Confront the Realities of the Climate Crisis,' Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future Movement Win Amnesty's Top Human Rights Award. "This is not my award, this is everyone's award. It is amazing to see the recognition we are getting and know that we are fighting for something that is having an impact," said Thunberg |

WSWS (2019-06-07). IMF warns of growing trade war. Trump's threat to use tariffs against Mexico over immigration has sent a shock wave through the international trading system because it makes clear the US is prepared to use economic and trade warfare measures to pursue all of its policy objectives.

Jordan Riefe (2019-06-07). Searching for San Francisco's Lost Heart. It comes as little surprise that " The Last Black Man in San Francisco" took special jury and directing awards at January's Sundance Film Festival. The new movie, opening Friday in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, is a love letter to the city by the bay by lifelong resident Joe Talbot, and a stunning debut by the first-time director. Based on first-time actor Jimmie Fails' true story, this nuanced and poetic look at gentrification is told through the eyes of two people who dwell on the margins of the cit…

WSWS (2019-06-07). Rocketman (Elton John) and Pavarotti, about the operatic tenor: Two lives in music. Rocketman is a generally entertaining, fantastical tribute to the music of Elton John, one of the world's most popular musical artists. Ron Howard has made a documentary about legendary Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti.

WSWS (2019-06-07). The 75th anniversary of D-Day and the rising threat of imperialist war. Behind the speeches delivered Thursday—as with D-Day itself—lay the calculations of politicians seeking to further the imperialist interests of their respective countries.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2019-06-07). The State of the US Economy. Poverty and America's "Mega-Rich". Rigged Markets and the Collapse of the "Real Economy" The story line is going out that the economic boom is weakening and the Federal Reserve has to get the printing press running again. The Fed uses the money to purchase bonds, which drives up the prices of bonds and …

John W. Whitehead (2019-06-07). You're Under Arrest: How the US Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power. "History shows that governments sometimes seek to regulate our lives finely, acutely, thoroughly, and exhaustively. In our own time and place, criminal laws have grown so exuberantly and come to cover so much previously innocent conduct that almost anyone can …

BroadbandSearch (2019-06-07). What Does Facebook Know About Me (It's Scary). Whether it's eerily-specific ads popping up in our news feeds, or stories about our data leaking into the wrong hands, there's plenty of evidence that Facebook knows quite a bit about us. | But exactly what information does Facebook have? It's …

Rima Najjar (2019-06-07). Washington's "Malicious Intent": Trump and Son-in-Law Kushner's "Deliberate" Ignorance of Palestinian History. When the President of Israel and the Jewish son-in-law of the President of the United States make surprisingly thoughtless statements about Palestine, they show us just how deliberately ignorant of history they are‚Ää—‚Ääand how uncaring they are for …

Global Research News (2019-06-07). Most Popular Articles This Week.

WSWS (2019-06-07). Ten years since the Tiananmen Square massacre. The article confirms the essential analysis of the ICFI in 1989 that the terror unleashed by the Stalinist bureaucracy was above all directed against the working class that had risen in revolt against its policies of capitalist restoration.

CGTN Africa (2019-06-07). Activists urge banks not to finance Uganda oil pipeline. A group of 30 international and local campaign groups have petitioned two banks to abandon plans to raise funds to build an oil pipeline to export Ugandan oil, saying the project would damage local livelihoods, water resources and wildlife. | The 1,445 km (900 mile) pipeline, which will run from fields in the west of Uganda to Tanzania's Indian Ocean port of Tanga, is vital to developing the East African nation's oil reserves. | South Africa's Standard Bank Group and Japan's Sumito Mitsui Banking Corporation are helping to raise the debt needed to finance the $3.5 billion pipeline. | "We consider this project…

kathy_f (2019-06-07). 'Rich list' just got even more wealthy while inequality grows. The 2019 Rich List, published by the Australian Financial Review in late May, revealed that the wealth of the 200 wealthiest people in Australia has increased by more than 20% over the past year. Their combined wealth totalled a massive $342 billion. | That compares to a total wealth for the top 200 in 1984, when the Rich List was first published, of $6.4 billion. That's a 53-fold increase in 35 years and still a 17-fold rise if inflation is taken into account. | In 1989, the richest 200…

2019-06-07: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

WHO: Health workers targeted in Sudan
CGTN Africa | | 2019-06-07
A Sudanese protester, injured when violence broke out over an agreement on a political transition reached by Sudan's ruling military council generals and protest groups, receives treatment at Moalem Medical City Hospital in Khartoum, Sudan May 14, 2019. REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah | The World Health Organsation (WHO) has condemned recent violence in Sudan, which has reportedly targeted people in need, health workers and medical facilities. | This comes in the wake of a brutal military crackdown on protesters in the capital of Khartoum earlier this week, with at least 108 people killed and more than 500 woun…

Ethiopian PM in Sudan to help mediate political crisis
CGTN Africa | | 2019-06-07
Ethiopia's prime minister arrived in Khartoum on Friday in a bid to mediate in the political crisis that has followed the overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir in April. | A diplomatic source says Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed planned to meet members of both the ruling Transitional Military Council headed by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the opposition. Abiy's exact schedule for Friday was not known. | The Ethiopian effort follows the worst bloodshed in Sudan since Bashir was ousted by the military after four months of protests against his repressive three-decade rule. | The opposition says 108 peopl…

Sudan: 'Move by the military was organised, planned and backed by the Saudis'
susan_p | | 2019-06-07
Green Left Weekly's Susan Price spoke to Osama Yousif, a member of the Sydney Sudanese community, who has recently returned from visiting Sudan, about the events leading up to the massacre of more than 100 protesters in Khartoum on June 3. | Only two weeks or so ago we saw images of celebration from the sit-in, when protesters thought that negotiations for a transitional military-civilian council had been successful. What happened to turn the situation to one of violent repression? | First, because of the nature of the [ruling] Military Council. Before they took power there was a security council appointed by the…

Warnings of More Deadly Attacks on Yemen as Trump Permits Raytheon to Manufacture 'High-Tech Bomb Parts' Inside Saudi Arabia
Jake Johnson, staff writer | | 2019-06-07
"If Saudi Arabia is able to develop an indigenous bomb-making capability, it will undermine U.S. leverage to prevent them from engaging in indiscriminate strikes of the kind it has carried out in Yemen." |

President Maduro Ratifies Commitment to Women's Rights | 2019-06-07
07 de junio de 2019, 09: 57Caracas, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reaffirmed his commitment to women"s rights on World Day for Birth Rights and Respected Childbirth.

Venezuelan Families Build Solidarity Amid Crisis
Staff | | 2019-06-07
Once a month, 181 families in Caracas, Venezuela, collectively buy tons of produce, directly from a cooperative in Lara state, five hours away. The project, known as Alpargata, shows how the economic crisis is also building solidarity. Mike Fox reports from Venezuela…

Venezuela: US sanctions leave millions without water
susan_p | | 2019-06-07
Yolimar Contreras lives in Altos de Lidice, a poor barrio on the hillsides of Caracas, with her husband and her young son, in a two-room cinderblock home. | She has lived here for seven years. They used to have running water. At least, fairly often. But not anymore. | Yolimar told RNN: "We haven't had water for three to four months, because we're high up on the hillside." | It has not stopped her from washing the floors, but now in order to get water, they have to carry it up — one 23-litre jug at a time. She is not alone. Water is out across major portions of the neighborhood. | "All week long you see peop…

Saudi King Calls on 'Despots' to Mecca for Emergency Meeting on Iran
Staff | | 2019-06-07
Prof. As'ad AbuKhalil says Saudis attempts to create a united front against Iran has dismally failed. Summits categorically reject the `deal of the century' by Jared Kushner…

Travel to Cuba Falls Victim to John Bolton's Wrath
Medea Benjamin | | 2019-06-07
John Bolton hates the governments of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, calling them the "troika of tyranny" and the "three stooges of socialism," and is determined to use his time as National Security Advisor to eliminate the vestiges of socialism in our hemisphere. He has openly stated that the 1823 Monroe Doctrine is "alive and well,"

Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution in the Crosshairs of US Imperialism
Roger Harris | | 2019-06-07
With the likes of John Bolton and Elliot Abrams directing US foreign policy, the US government has abandoned all pretense of "plausible denial" for its illegal regime-change initiatives. The "humanitarian" bombs may not be falling but, make no mistake, the US is waging a full-bore war against the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Back in 1998,…

Nigeria's oldest prisoner released after 19 years
CGTN Africa | | 2019-06-07
Nigeria's oldest prisoner, Pa Celestine Egbonuche, 101, who was imprisoned at the Enugu Maximum Prison for over 19 years has finally been released. | The younger Egbonuche is alive and still in prison on death row. | Pa Celestine was released on Thursday to his only surviving daughter, Miss Chisom Celestine through a non-governmental organisation, Global Society for Anti-corruption (GSAC) who had been pushing for his release from the Enugu Prison. | "I am so grateful to God who made this day a reality, who made it possible for my father to come out of prison after spending over 19 years in the prison," Celesti…

Illinois Legalizes Cannabis
Stephen Lendman | | 2019-06-07
The late economist Milton Friedman's notion of capitalism and freedom is polar opposite to my own views. | We're however likeminded on the issue of illicit drugs and so-called US war on them, largely waged on Blacks and Latinos. They …

D-Day Normandy Invasion after 75 Years. The Falsification of History
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | | 2019-06-07
Today is the 75th anniversary of the Normandy invasion. Once again the event is celebrated by demonization of National Socialist Germany and glorification of America's greatness in winning the war. | In actual fact the Normandy invasion was not a significant …

The Accelerating Ecological Genocide
Thomas Klikauer | | 2019-06-07
In May 2019, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released its latest assessment of the accelerating extinction rates of our global biodiversity. The report was compiled by 145 expert authors from 50 countries over the past three years. It has inputs from another 310 contributing authors and is based…

The Jacobin Vision of Social Democracy Won't Save Us
Chris Wright | | 2019-06-07
The title of Bhaskar Sunkara's new book is both bold and smart, from a marketing perspective at least. It's eye-catching in its reference to The Communist Manifesto. I'm actually a little surprised that apparently no previous book has had that title, since it seems so obvious. The reason may be that other writers have been…

The Misadventures of 'Tariff Man'
John Feffer | | 2019-06-07
Trump has two tools at his disposal as president. The first is his mouth: the insults and threats that he issues verbally or by Twitter.The second is the tariff. Trump has imposed trade restrictions left and right, on allies and adversaries, for economic and political reasons, as part of a long-term offensive and out of short-term pique.

Warring Against Sources: The Australian National Security State, Journalism and the Public Interest
Binoy Kampmark | | 2019-06-07
"What's gone on this morning sends clear and dangerous signals to journalists and newsrooms across Australia. This will chill public interest reporting." — News Corp Australia spokesperson, The West Australian, June 4, 2019 These are dark times for journalists and publishers. It did not seem coincidental that Annika Smethurst, a News Corp journalist and political…

Taking on the FCC: Unraveling a $500 Billion Rip-Off
David Rosen | | 2019-06-07
On May 20th, a group known as the Irregulators submitted legal briefs to the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, seeking standing to appeal a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision that, in effect, has facilitated one of the largest accounting scandals in American history. The petitioners are accusing the FCC of allowing the nation's telecommunications companies…

California's Biggest Secret? How Big Oil Dominates Public Discourse to Manipulate and Deceive
Dan Bacher | | 2019-06-07
This article is based on an Earth Day week presentation that I made at the Events Center at Chabot College in Hayward on April 25 at the invitation of physics professor Nick Alexander. On Earth Day 2019, fifteen activists from the Extinction Rebellion carrying brightly colored signs and banners gathered at 12th and L Streets…

Boeing, Obama A Gold Watch and 346 Dead
Russell Mokhiber | | 2019-06-07
Democrats want to make Donald Trump the issue in 2020. If they do, they will lose again, the way they lost in 2016. Instead, the 2020 election should be about corporate power in all of its manifestations, its hold on the culture, our country and both major political parties. Take the case of the two…

Facing the Facts: Israel Cannot Escape ICC Jurisdiction
Ramzy Baroud | | 2019-06-07
The Chief Military Advocate General of the Israeli army, Sharon Afek, and the US Department of Defense General Counsel, Paul Ney, shared a platform at the 'International Conference on the Law of Armed Conflict', which took place in Herzliya, Israel between May 28-30. Their panel witnessed some of the most misconstrued interpretations of international law…

Britain in Crisis and Going Further Downhill
Brian Cloughley | | 2019-06-07
No, Britain's crisis isn't the result of Trump's recent and highly unpopular visit to that haywire country (with Newsweek reporting that "only 21 percent of U.K. residents had a positive opinion of Trump, compared to Obama, who had a staggering 72 percent favorable rating"). The crisis was avoidable and entirely self-made. It involves the feverish desire of many…

Teaching Palestine in South Africa
Diana Block | | 2019-06-07
Reaffirming Internationalism in the Twenty-first Century In March 2019 I traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa to attend a conference — Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice. The conference was co-sponsored by the AMED (Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies) program of San Francisco State University (SFSU), AMEC (Afro-Middle East Centre) in…

Getting China Wrong, Again
Dennis Etler | | 2019-06-07
The influential Council on Foreign Relations has released a remarkable special report by long-time diplomat Robert Blackwill entitled "Trump's Foreign Policies are Better Than They Seem." The report singles out Trump for praise because he identified China as a threat to the United States in economic, military, and cultural terms and criticized previous presidents for…

The Farms of the Future
Isabel Marlens | | 2019-06-07
Hou Xueying, a mother from Shanghai, was tired of food safety scares and of a city life disconnected from the land. So she moved her family to the country to learn about sustainable farming. Her parents disapproved; they had struggled to give her a comfortable life in the city — they could not understand why…

Celebrating Pride, Mindfully
Jill Richardson | | 2019-06-07
Happy Pride month! It's June so it's time to bust out the rainbows and… actually, I have a lot of conflicted feelings about it. Supposedly, Pride is when we all come together to celebrate queerness in all forms. Yet, we non-straights are not all the same, and many of us hold various overlapping identities (like…

Democrats Get Ready
Andrew Levine | | 2019-06-07
The 2020 election, now a "mere" seventeen months away, has been sucking up political oxygen for months. Remember that the next time anyone questions "American exceptionalism"! That our electoral seasons grind on for so long is only one of many reasons why our political culture, like our gun culture, is off the charts exceptional –…

Free the Seattle 7! A Persecution From the Past
Ron Jacobs | | 2019-06-07
The radical antiracist and antiwar movements of the 1960s were often the object of severe repression. Besides the attacks on protesters and the attempts to destroy their media outlets by the state and vigilantes who worked for the state, there were the prosecutions of the movement's luminaries and leaders. Some of those prosecutions are well-documented:…

Mom and Pop(ulation)
Nick Pemberton | | 2019-06-07
As wealth consolidates and faith in all things fades, the religious right only grows more fantastical, punitive and apocalyptic. Indeed, their new mascot is not the poor and persecuted Palestinian Jesus Christ but a billionaire celebrity from New York who would only believe in God if he saw him in the mirror. For many people…

Making Capitalism History
Faramarz Farbod | | 2019-06-07
To perish or to radically transform the way we relate to one another and to nature, that is the question humanity has never had to face until now. The evidence backing the above assertion is strong and accumulating. Nevertheless, there remains a stubborn problem of awareness as many who understand the perils facing humanity fail…

Angst and Madness at the End of Empire
Kenn Orphan | | 2019-06-07
"Recent research suggests that human societies will experience disruptions to their basic functioning within less than ten years due to climate stress. Such disruptions include increased levels of malnutrition, starvation, disease, civil conflict and war — and will not avoid affluent nations." — Jem Bendell, professor of sustainability leadership, University of Cumbria, UK…

Racism is a Public Health Crisis
Jessicah Pierre | | 2019-06-07
Racism is often viewed as an action performed by individuals. But even if we got rid of all America's prejudiced individuals, racism would still exist in the systems they built. Systemic racism, writer Jenee Desmond-Harris explains, refers to how racial disparities operate "in major parts of U.S. society: the economy, politics, education, and more." Racism,…

Electoral Politics Versus Democracy
Rob Urie | | 2019-06-07
Party Politics for Party People American Party politics would be a complete farce if the consequences weren't so grave. Were either of the dominant Parties to achieve 100% consensus on any issue, it would represent the views of about 18%* of eligible voters. And while a diversity of views would represent social vitality in a…

Will Turkish-American relations actually improve if Ankara gives up S-400?
unitedEditor | | 2019-06-07
Discussions between the United States and Turkey over the purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system have been going on for more than a month. America continues to threaten Turkey with sanctions in the event that it does not immediately refuse to purchase the defense complexes. Will our relations with Washington improve, if Turkey declares …

Bolivian Press Highlights Cuba's Response to U.S. Sanctions | 2019-06-07
07 de junio de 2019, 08: 59La Paz, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) Cuba"s strong response to the new restrictions imposed by the U.S. government to tighten the unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade is highlighted this Friday by local media.

Brazil's PT Condemns New US Measures against Cuba | 2019-06-07
07 de junio de 2019, 09: 18Brasilia, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) The Workers" Party (PT) of Brazil on Friday condemned the new measures taken by the United States against Cuba, and described them as another show of arrogant interventionism and disregard for international law.

Experts from Brazil, Guatemala, Cuba to Research Neuroimmunology | 2019-06-07
07 de junio de 2019, 05: 58Havana, June 7 (Prensa Latina) Specialists from Brazil, Guatemala and Cuba will meet here from June 11 to 14 to discuss new alternatives in the treatment of demyelinating diseases during the First Cuban School of Neuroimmunology, a press release reported here. .

The War Crimes Trump Can't Pardon
Rebecca Gordon | | 2019-06-07
The War Crimes Trump Can't Pardon…

China-Russia Partnership Threatens US Global Hegemony
Staff | | 2019-06-07
The U.S. expected China to integrate into global capitalism as a subordinate power, but recent deals with Russia show China is moving towards equality in economic and military power…

Video: Syrian, Russian Forces Pound Militants in Greater Idlib
South Front | | 2019-06-07
ISIS cells have used an IED to blow up a Syrian Army vehicle on the road between Naamer and al-Khirbet in northern Daraa, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq said on June 4. According to the report, 3 soldiers were killed …

The Trump Administration's Intended Withdrawal From the INF Treaty Threatens National Security
William A. Nitze | | 2019-06-07
The Trump Administration's Intended Withdrawal From the INF Treaty Threatens National Security…

Australian police powers risking the criminalisation of public interest journalism
GetUp! | | 2019-06-07
This is unprecedented. | As I write, the Australian Federal Police are crawling through the headquarters of our national broadcaster. Accessing private emails. Scouring hard-drives. Rounding up handwritten notes. They have the power to collect, decrypt, alter and delete whatever they want.1 | Why? Because the ABC dared to report on allegations that Australian soldiers unlawfully killed children in Afghanistan.2…

Stop Privatizations Of Veterans Hospitals! AFGE Members &. Vets Speak Out At Ft. Miley
Labor Video Project | | 2019-06-07
As part of a national day of action on June , 2019 members of AFGE Local 1216, veterans and the Veterans for Peace rallied and spoke out about the privatization of the Veterans healthcare system.

#WearOrange: National Events Weekend Against Gun Violence 2019, Everytown for Gun Safety | | 2019-06-07
Various peaceful events around the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and nationwide…

Queens, N.Y. Pride
Francis T. Parker | | 2019-06-07
During Queens Pride, Workers World Party members joined in the #TGNCSilentWalk commemorating the lives of Dana Martin, Ashanti Carmon, Claire Legato, Jazzaline Ware, Muhlaysia Booker and Tamika Washington, all trans women of color murdered in the U.S. in 2019. The contingent also honored Johana Medina Leon, trans asylum seeker from . . . | Continue reading Queens, N.Y. Pride at

Day six of Arizona migrant aid trial sees RedForEd solidarity
Fight Back | | 2019-06-07
Tucson, AZ – On June 6, nearly 150 people gathered outside the Federal Courthouse in downtown Tucson to demonstrate solidarity with humanitarian activist Scott Warren. Warren, an Arizona State University geography professor from the border town of Ajo, is facing 20 years in federal prison for providing humanitarian aid to crossing immigrants. | "It is clear that this is an attack by the Trump administration on not just migrants and undocumented immigrants but organizers and aid providers. It is gross political repression. And we are here to protest that attack," said immigrant rights organizer Jessica Rodriguez.

Don't Call Latest Abortion Bans 'Heartbeat Bills,' Doctors Say
Julia Conley | | 2019-06-07
Doctors warn of medically inaccurate right-wing talking points. | Via Common Dreams under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. | Photo of No Bans Demonstration in Palo Alto by Stephanie Stilwell, Stilwell Photography.

The 75th anniversary of D-Day and the rising threat of imperialist war | 2019-06-07
Behind the speeches delivered Thursday–as with D-Day itself–lay the calculations of politicians seeking to further the imperialist interests of their respective countries.

CAF president freed without charge
CGTN Africa | | 2019-06-07
President of the Confederation of African Football, CAF; Ahmad Ahmad, was released by French anti-corruption officials on Thursday evening without charge, according to reports. | CAF president Ahmad Ahmad | A section of the reports said that his passport had been handed to him, meaning he was free to travel. Ahmad was in France to attend the 69th FIFA Congress which ended on Wednesday. | He was being questioned in connection into the alleged misappropriation of $830,000. | In April, former CAF Secretary-General Amr Fahmy accused Ahmad Ahmad of alleged bribery and misappropriation of funds after awarding a contrac…

WikiLeaks warns US Justice Department preparing more charges against Assange | 2019-06-07
The threat of new charges against the persecuted journalist, already facing 170 years in prison, comes amid fresh fears about his health after his father reported a "short notice" medical appointment.